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Even with StarLink orbitting the Earth, I'm still having trouble reaching a seed node up there on Mars. Feels like y'all took off for Mars and forgot to leave the server running? I'm still hopeful someone somewhere might have a node running. If so, let me know you have a pulse. Thx. We all missed the boat with Elon... If only...
Any updates?
I can post a few updates over the next couple days. First thing to know is, TYC, TychCoin, is trading over on - When the site asks you if its your real IP address, just say NO... because they know most folks are coming through via VPN anyway. TYC, TychCoin is trading nicely. Awesome spreads!! What matters to me isn't always the tech... but the % return. Maybe I'm a crytpo whore that way... but with regular 50-80% returns, this coin has serious kitty doubling power. I've even seen it up 100+% in a single day. Really sweet! I know the market is small right now, so the amounts are a bit small, but that will grow as investors/traders wake up to the opportunities there and put their own money/TYC to work there. Come on over and check it out. You'll be glad you did. Surfs up dudes! Ride the waves. Look, I don't want to get anyone all frothed up here too much because I still can't believe my eyes. But for those who bought and/or want to buy TYC the TychCoin, ERC20 custom token created by the same great folks who have brought you Tyche Cash here... well... let's just say that I was witness to a single day +1250% swing in Tych Coin on Crex24 this previous week! OMG! I mean how much more spread do you need to make money?? That's just insane. Look the market is small... but it's growing... the small volume is picking up. It's really exciting... and I can tell you... it's not too late to buy in inexpensively. I know some folks are picking up the TYC for just a penny or two... and seeing it go up 100, 200, 300%... and with a enough folks joining in... I'm sure we will see far better increases than even that! Come and get some so we can take it to $0.10! Even if you only have $20 to play with... this is a great one to get started in! It doesn't take large sums of money to build a nice kitty of TYC! Come check out the fun on
Hello Bill and DCY Community.
I'm a long time user/miner of DCY. But been away a few years. I've got an older wallet package that still uses the .wallet file. I know the new wallet is looking for a ".keys" file.
What is the process for converting my old wallet to the new wallet that uses keys? Or is there a better process for me to somehow extract my "seed" from the old .wallet files? Whatever you guys recommend for starting again using my existing wallet from 2018 would be greatly appreciated. I have more than "just a few" coin in here that would like to access again.
Thanks in advance. Get my wallet going, then I can look at mining DCY again. Smiley
*Reposting in Italian, their native language apparently*Ciao Bill e DCY Community. Sono un utente / minatore di lunga data di DCY. Ma sono stato via alcuni anni. Ho un vecchio pacchetto wallet che utilizza ancora il file .wallet. So che il nuovo portafoglio sta cercando un file ".keys". Qual è il processo per convertire il mio vecchio portafoglio nel nuovo portafoglio che utilizza le chiavi? O c'è un processo migliore per me per estrarre in qualche modo il mio "seme" dai vecchi file .wallet? Qualunque cosa mi consigliate per ricominciare a utilizzare il mio portafoglio esistente del 2018 sarebbe molto apprezzata. Ho più di "poche" monete qui a cui vorrei accedere di nuovo. Grazie in anticipo. Prendi il mio portafoglio, quindi posso guardare di nuovo il mining di DCY. Faccina [/citazione] Il mio messaggio alla comunità Crypto nel suo insieme: ATTENZIONE ED EVITARE DCY A TUTTI I COSTI !! IL TUO INVESTIMENTO IN DCY NON È SICURO. VENDILO ORA! E SEMPRE A PIEDI! Avevo accumulato e persino acquistato oltre 3 milioni di monete della dinastia. Ho costruito e gestito un data center di crittografia commerciale che, a volte, era dedicato all'estrazione di DCY prima del 2019. Sappiamo tutti che la maggior parte delle altcoin e delle crap coin come DCY si spengono completamente. La blockchain di DCY si è interrotta completamente alla fine del 2018. Ecco perché questo thread è stato riavviato alla fine del 2019. Ho posto la domanda qui mesi fa come avrei potuto ricevere aiuto per sostituire o recuperare la mia moneta da 3 milioni di dinastia, dal momento che il mio portafoglio Dynasty Coin non lo farà unisciti alla rete perché gli sviluppatori qui hanno intenzionalmente alimentato la blockchain DCY. Quella mossa proprio lì ha tagliato fuori tutti noi che tenevamo DCY prima di novembre 2019. Come puoi vedere dai post sopra ... non sono il solo ad essere stato escluso dal mio DCY che è memorizzato sulla blockchain originale. Gli sviluppatori DCY hanno hardforked questa moneta senza alcun preavviso, e lo faranno di nuovo, lasciandoti con $ 0.000 e 0.000 EU da mostrare per questo. L'hanno fatto almeno una volta e lo faranno di nuovo !! Hanno la loro parte di seguaci davvero arrabbiati ... persone che vogliono vedere questa gente morta. Come lo sappiamo? Perché non puoi nemmeno partecipare a una discussione onesta sul loro DCY Discord Channel a meno che tu non vada e pubblichi un mucchio di soffici post sui social media che mostrano loro un po 'di amore o non ti lasceranno nemmeno partecipare. Non sarai nemmeno in grado di parlare con gli sviluppatori su come recuperare i tuoi fondi. Se questo suona come il tipo di club elitario, centralizzato, solo italiano, a cui vuoi unirti ... allora vai avanti e spreca i tuoi soldi. Saresti solo un'altra pecora. Ma anche tu sarai bruciato da queste persone dopo anni di dedizione al progetto. DCY non se ne frega due di te! Non posso, e non voglio promuovere questo gruppo di ladri sbadati finché non si dimostreranno degni dell'attenzione di chiunque, tanto meno dei nostri dollari ed euro guadagnati duramente, rendendomi integro per la mia perdita di 3 milioni di DCY !! Mettiti alla prova DCY! Ripara quello che hai rotto! Molti di noi qui stanno aspettando. Io non sono solo! A proposito ... rinomati progetti di crittografia come Cardano (ADA) hard fork tutto il tempo e non tagliano i loro utenti dai loro fondi e dalla blockchain. Sì, mi hai sentito bene ... quelli sono hardforks ... non softforks. DCY = non è rispettabile ed è solo un altro sh * tcoin. Prendi nota sopra che cercano di controllare le tue critiche qui nei post precedenti con vuote promesse di un "possibile airdrop". Che schifo di merda. I soldi parlano, i perdenti camminano. Mostrami la crittografia ... o muori come il resto degli shhtcoin. Accolgo con favore una sana discussione pubblica qui su come gli sviluppatori DCY intendono rendere me e tutti gli altri qui di nuovo interi ?? E non do 2 shhts su come hai fatto qualche notifica localizzata a Milano Italia ... o hai fatto qualche scambio di monete dietro le quinte che non è più disponibile. Tutti qui vogliono sapere come risolverai questo problema adesso Non quello che hai fatto 2 anni fa, quando Visa e MasterCard non ti permettevano nemmeno di mettere euro su uno scambio di criptovalute ... mentre andavi tutti e ci fregavi il resto di noi silenziosamente nell'oscurità. Accolgo con favore una discussione produttiva e amichevole su come DCY intende risolvere questo pasticcio ?? Altrimenti puoi pianificare di avere una base permanente di inserzionisti negativi qui che avvertiranno sempre tutti gli altri di stare lontano dal DCY poiché ti sei dimostrato inaffidabile per i nostri interessi, gli interessi del pubblico, che ti ha sostenuto in tutti questi anni. Puoi provare a mettere a tacere la mia voce qui ... ma apparirò ovunque ... e mi assicurerò che il resto del mondo ascolti quello che hai fatto negli anni a venire. È un fatto triste e triste che la leadership di un progetto blockchain debba selezionare i loro candidati alla discordia per hodlers DCY scontenti. Non ho mai detto una parolaccia su DCY in tutti questi anni. Vediamo se elimini il mio post qui per cercare di zittirmi per aver detto al mondo la verità su DCY ?? Mi piacerebbe sapere come risolverai questo problema? Dimmi DCY e DCY-Bill ... come posso ottenere i miei attuali 3 milioni di crediti DCY sull'attuale blockchain? Stiamo ascoltando. Vediamo se ve ne frega anche solo di uno shhht
Hello Bill and DCY Community.
I'm a long time user/miner of DCY. But been away a few years. I've got an older wallet package that still uses the .wallet file. I know the new wallet is looking for a ".keys" file.
What is the process for converting my old wallet to the new wallet that uses keys? Or is there a better process for me to somehow extract my "seed" from the old .wallet files? Whatever you guys recommend for starting again using my existing wallet from 2018 would be greatly appreciated. I have more than "just a few" coin in here that would like to access again.
Thanks in advance. Get my wallet going, then I can look at mining DCY again. Smiley
My message to the Crypto community as a whole: BEWARE AND AVOID DCY AT ALL COSTS!! YOUR INVESTMENT IN DCY IS NOT SAFE. SELL IT NOW! AND FOREVER WALK AWAY! I had accumulated and even purchased over 3 Million dynasty coin. I built and operated a commercial crypto data center that, at times, was dedicated to mining DCY prior to 2019. We all know that most altcoins and crap coins like DCY shutdown completely. DCY's blockchain completely stopped at end of 2018. That's why this thread was started over again in late 2019. I asked the question here months ago how I could receive help getting my 3 Million dynasty coin replaced or recovered, since my Dynasty Coin wallet will not join the network because the developers here purposely hardforked the DCY blockchain. That move right there cut off all of us who were holding DCY prior to Nov. 2019. As you can see from the posts above... I am not alone in having been cutoff from my DCY that is stored on the original blockchain. DCY devs have hardforked this coin with no notice what so ever, and they will do it again, leaving you with $0.000 and 0.000 EUs to show for it. They've done it at least once now and they will do it again!! They have their share of really angry followers.. people who want to see these folks dead. How do we know? Because you can't even join an honest discussion on their DCY Discord Channel unless you go and post a bunch of fluffy social media post showing them some love or they won't even let you join. You won't even be able to talk with the devs about how to recover your funds. If that sounds like the kind of elitist, centralized, Italians only club, that you want to join... then go ahead and waste your money. You'd be just another sheep. But you too will be burned by these folks after years of dedication to the project. DCY doesn't give two shhts about you! I can not, and will not promote this group of careless thieves until they prove themselves to me, worthy of anyone's attention, much less our hard earned dollars and euros, by making me whole for my 3 Million DCY loss!! Prove yourselves DCY! Fix what YOU broke! Many of us here are waiting. I am not alone! By the way... reputable crypto projects like Cardano (ADA) hard fork all the time and don't cut off their users from their funds and the blockchain. Yes, you heard me right... those are hardforks... not softforks. DCY = isn't reputable and it's just another sh*tcoin. Take note above they try to control your criticism here in the previous posts with empty promises of a "possible airdrop." What a crock of crap. Money talks, losers walk. Show me the crypto... or die out like the rest of the shhtcoins. I welcome a healthy public discussion here of how DCY devs intend to make me and everyone else here whole again?? And I don't give 2 shhts about how you did some localized notification in Milan Italy... or did some backroom coin exchange that is no longer available. Everyone here wants to know how you are going to fix this now??? Not what you did 2 years ago when Visa and MasterCard wouldn't even allow you to put euros on a crypto exchange... while you all went and screwed the rest of us over quietly in the dark. I welcome a productive and friendly discussion how DCY plans to fix this mess?? Otherwise you can plan on having a permanent base of negative advertisers here who will always be warning everyone else to stay away from DCY as you have proven yourselves untrustworthy to our interests, the public's interests, who supported you all these years. You can try to silence my voice here... but I will pop up everywhere else... and will make sure the rest of the world hears what you have done for years to come. It's a sad sad fact that a blockchain project's leadership has to screen their discord applicants for disgruntled DCY hodlers. I've never said a bad word about DCY all these years. Let's see if you delete my post here to try to silence me for telling the world the truth about DCY?? I'd like to know how you are going to fix this? Tell me DCY and DCY-Bill... how can I get my current 3 Million DCY credits on the current blockchain? We are listening. Let's see if you guys even give a shhht about us?? I'll be checking back here regularly. This situation is fixable. But not if you ignore me and the others here who are asking for help recovering their DCY as well. Our addresses are available in the wallet logs... they are recoverable without having to join the old blockchain. We can prove what we are owed by the project. How about it DCY devs? Why don't you fix this so we are happy with the project not always pissed off at it because of what you did. Do you want to fix this?
Any updates?
I can post a few updates over the next couple days. First thing to know is, TYC, TychCoin, is trading over on - When the site asks you if its your real IP address, just say NO... because they know most folks are coming through via VPN anyway. TYC, TychCoin is trading nicely. Awesome spreads!! What matters to me isn't always the tech... but the % return. Maybe I'm a crytpo whore that way... but with regular 50-80% returns, this coin has serious kitty doubling power. I've even seen it up 100+% in a single day. Really sweet! I know the market is small right now, so the amounts are a bit small, but that will grow as investors/traders wake up to the opportunities there and put their own money/TYC to work there. Come on over and check it out. You'll be glad you did. Surfs up dudes! Ride the waves.
Hello Bill and DCY Community.
I'm a long time user/miner of DCY. But been away a few years. I've got an older wallet package that still uses the .wallet file. I know the new wallet is looking for a ".keys" file.
What is the process for converting my old wallet to the new wallet that uses keys? Or is there a better process for me to somehow extract my "seed" from the old .wallet files? Whatever you guys recommend for starting again using my existing wallet from 2018 would be greatly appreciated. I have more than "just a few" coin in here that would like to access again.
Thanks in advance. Get my wallet going, then I can look at mining DCY again. Smiley
Congrats! Unfortunately, my coins got stucked at Altex exchange for weeks. Are there possible ways to withdraw my coins out of Altex? Highly appreciate your guides to do it (if available). Have you tried withdrawl recently? AltEx has opened the withdrawal function a few times this past month. Open a support ticket with them and tweet to them if you are still having issues. Seems like they are winding down.
Could you answer me this? Cryptopia says they are waiting on the DCY developers to provide a new wallet to them. What is the status of that? When can we expect this to happen? Right now DCY is a dead coin, unable to trade on any reputable exchanges. Any delays right now are killing the confidence and price of the coin. Are you upset with ASIC miners or something? What has happened that you want to goto V7? Have you not been paying attention to the rest of the coins that went to V7 and other variants... only to find themselves surrounded by crickets... nobody willing to mine at a financial loss... and then having to come back to the original CN algo? Why switch? You'll just end up switching back again...
I won't mine a coin that isn't on an exchange that's liquid. I'm won't float big electric bills for anyone. You owe me nothing... so why should I spend any of my fiat currency on your project if I can't have my coin in a liquid form?
You have killed your coin for the moment. You need to know that. I think your best path forward is to make Cryptopia happy, get them what they need... restore liquidity on the exchanges and in turn, the rest of us... and then stay on CN algo. Limiting the hashing equipment that can mine your chain... well, that's just not a smart idea. I told the folks at Electroneum the same thing months ago... guess what they did?
Clearly this coin has a problem with it's difficulty algorithm. It is F*ed up. Has been for months. Why don't the developers fix it? Is there still an active developer on this coin or is this coin just a dead coin and possibly even a scam? Are you a real developer? Or did you just copy the Monero code and expect you wouldn't need to make changes to the code along the way. Your inaction on this coin's technical issue suggests you aren't a software developer at all. What is the truth here? Tyche Cash has a far better development team than anything I've seen here on X12. Tyche Cash has conquered these issues already, as have many other coins with jumping diff algorithms. X12 appears to be just dead. Is that your intention for this coin?
You owe your community an in depth explanation of what's going on here. I'd like to hear it.
Any innovations in this project? Or is this a Copy & Paste of monero?
We're currently working on the launch using karbowanec (CryptoNight original) as a base. Our efforts are focused on the community, services, and software, so if there is an innovation that we feel would serve the purpose of the coin we would implement it surely. We'll be announcing our launch soon! Cheers. Thanks for answering my question. It seems that you are just copying the code and hoping for some outcome.... I think it will be difficult since there's so many projects now with really good ideas and people actually writing code every day to implement those ideas.... Do you have anybody on your team that can write code? Thanks we're in the process of switching to CryptoNight Light to improve network stability, increase performance, and make every bit of electricity count. Yes we do! Cheers. Don't bother switching. You are heading the wrong direction. You need to build a miner community. Instead, you seem to be heading down a path of further isolating yourself by further limiting (greatly) the mining equipment necessary to be able to run your blockchain. If you want smooth operation and to be a going concern moving forward, you need hashpower. Kudos for trying to do it in a sustainable way. But you are flirting with a dead blockchain project if you go the way of just CN-Light. You need Bitmain X3s to be able to run on your chain if you want to be around for a significant period of time... Baikals will still be able to run too... you need time for you to find your identity and what differentiates you from other CN projects out there to make your coin worth mining. You don't need your own blockchain to do the sustainability experiments you are doing... but you do need a blockchain if you want to donate to future eco-projects, or create eco-friendly tech, or support green projects as the mission of your crypto. Crypto can represent a mission, a set of projects that folks can get behind... each Crypto doesn't have to have it's own unique tech... but you limit people's ability to support your mission if you eliminate their gear from being able to run on your chain... stay inclusive. Figure out your purpose... Figure out what BUZ will contribute to the world... and in a way that folks will support your goal... have a look at Newton (NCP) Coin if you want some ideas. At the end of the day.... if you don't get on an exchange for find a way to do P2P exchanges of coin on a DEX... you have no economy and your Crypto will be worthless. Answer this question... why should I spend my money on an electric bill to generate crypto on your blockchain? And I don't have a stream in my backyard... So, if I can't sell it or trade it for something soon... you have no community and no one will support you. Solve those issues... and you will have the next 20 years to work on green tech with the crypto proceeds.
proof of DCY Blockchain Have BUG! or maybe leak in support and Dead Admin! 1- i have fully synced with blockchain and used last wallet Release! 2-have over 103 payment with hash txid from the pool but none even one of them received!!! 3- As you see transaction history is empty Not useful respond from Pool owner- not respond from coin dead developers and my coins seems are lost!! who will responsible ? i think i waste my time to mine this SHIT coin. Did you ever get your DCY? If not, it's a problem with your local wallet / blockchain data. I was on the same pool at the same time and I had to follow Flong's instructions exactly to get my old wallet to update and sync properly... it got all of my payments those days, from the exact same time frame you are reporting on... I can tell you, the pool doesn't seem to have been on a bad fork. I got paid just fine. The pool paid... which means they are on the blockchain waiting for you... you (the SW) just have to grab them properly. Let us know if you still need help getting your payments?
I have the same problem, too. It has stuck at the same block. At the bottom of the wallet it says "warning: last block received 180+ hours and x minutes ago". It stuck at 29th of june 2018.
Hi, You can use the following steps including to get your wallet synced back up. Also, if you run into further issues you can join the Discord for more additional support. Download the latest wallet: can also download the latest blockchain files for a faster sync and especially if you run into issues syncing (highly recommended):!TWQQQKbS!-C4FqLLjHnzBxeoIXPFZ89E_u1nN9dqhXmC_IiwwqIgOR here: the old wallet, go to File -> Backup wallet and save this file to be imported later with the updated wallet. Make sure you close your wallet. In your explorer, navigate to C:\Users\>INSERT USER<\AppData\Roaming\dinastycoin For another layer of safety copy the following files to a safe location: dinastycoin.wallet dinastycoinwallet.cfg dinastycoinwallet.lock Now delete all the files in the dinastycoin blockchain directory. Copy the latest Blockchain files to C:\Users\>INSERT USER<\AppData\Roaming\dinastycoin Start the new wallet. Allow the blockchain to fully sync. Now goto File -> Open wallet and choose the wallet backup saved earlier Allow wallet to continue to sync and you should see your wallet address as well as your prior balance Bravo Flong!! This worked great. Much Appreciated. If I had merit... I'd give you some.
+1 No problems syncing here.... getting all payout just fine too. Have been for a couple months now. Check your SW versions... make sure you are on latest. Wipe roaming folder and start from scratch if needed. Good Luck. All else is working fine from my seat.
+1 How do I swap my coins? What is happening with RD? What is this rebranding process? Do we know what it is going to? Are we still mining RD?
Total Supply please?
They are a little busy prepping for launch so I'll speak up here. I'm sure they will update the ANN page with more Official info and certainly correct me if I am mistaken... though I am going off of Core Team quotes ATM. Until then, we understand it to be 15.4 B over 5 years. Down from 150 B. It's 90% less total supply than Sia. Nice Airdrop this weekend for SC hodlers. Folks should read up right away! This team moves fast and plans to polish things, like the site, later. Solid tech is in place and with many improvements and differentiating features to come. That's what really counts right now. I don't speak for the team, but I've been studying them, the project and the launch for several weeks now. It's a solid project. Really High end mining gear didn't exist back during SC's original launch. Now's your chance to use it near the genesis block of Space Cash. As a miner, it's like going back in time to the beginning on Sia. If you are an Obelisk Owner, this is your opportunity to ROI. Though, all brands of Blake2B mining gear is more than welcome and will be present. If you can mine Sia Coin, you can mine Space Cash. --Clean your Ore Carts and get your gear ready!
Several of us have already cleared out our Data Centers and converted them over and redeployed hardware at full capacity to support the launch. Begin the final countdown...
I should have said, it was showing the current, correct block height on my second resync attempt... but it was 300 blocks behind or so at the 76000 level. I am re-down loading the latest Wallet and will try to sync from 0 again and will try your suggestions. Thanks for the quick response. BTW - Is this the best place to ask for help on such matters or is there another channel / discord chat you prefer I use? If so, please just let me know.
Thanks again for your quick response.
ANN: GitHub source and binaries updated . Download latest binary from Release . Those who have synced beyond 75900 need to re-sync . Exchanges are requested to update their daemon and re-sync. I've resynced my wallet... but it is now getting stuck at 76000 with the following kind of errors seen in the wallet log: 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.806495 INFO [Blockchain] ----- BLOCK ADDED AS ALTERNATIVE ON HEIGHT 76078 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.806495 INFO [Blockchain] id: <198b68b375cf4693ef04240a74be424d5412e1b74e476d110aa486509e6753c0> 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.806495 INFO [Blockchain] PoW: <0afffa742beb5f7cf75bc2180e63d4263884fa9dc118213838f904d309000000> 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.806495 INFO [Blockchain] difficulty: 51867271 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.814508 INFO [outputs_visitor] One of outputs for one of inputs have wrong tx.unlockTime = 76044 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.814508 INFO [Blockchain] Failed to handle_output for output no = 0, with absolute offset 50346 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.814508 INFO [Blockchain] Failed to get output keys for tx with amount = 300.00000000 and count indexes 1 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.814508 INFO [Blockchain] Failed to check ring signature for tx <9a987b828881070cba56841cddfb2f4730f920b4c6d0eacd9a2e0ada1415e9ec> 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.814508 ERROR [core] Transaction verification impossible: <9a987b828881070cba56841cddfb2f4730f920b4c6d0eacd9a2e0ada1415e9ec> 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.817490 INFO [outputs_visitor] One of outputs for one of inputs have wrong tx.unlockTime = 76037 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.817490 INFO [Blockchain] Failed to handle_output for output no = 0, with absolute offset 35099 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.817490 INFO [Blockchain] Failed to get output keys for tx with amount = 8000.00000000 and count indexes 1 2018-Jun-25 04:33:02.817490 INFO [Blockchain] Failed to check ring signature for tx <0aefa1810e4a34e0a9d80e647fb7da3c3f618b3ea98e0a2c6082363aab1d29ec> I can send full log if you like? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thx.
There was a bad timestamp attack and possible double spend (infamous 51% attack) on the blockchain a couple weeks ago. The Dev has been addressing it with Blockchain updates.... block height 76000 is significant because of some of these changes as well as a difficulty algorithm change that comes at that height. There may be more, but I'll defer to the Dev and the Pools Operators who may know more than me on these issues. Bottom line, the blockchain had numerous forks in it as we got closer to the 76000 height, which is why the pools kept getting stuck and the blockchain was having to backup a few times. Once again, for the second time today, we seem to be cruising right along and the blockchain is getting better. We are awaiting an updated wallet from the Dev as v1.2 seems to be getting stuck prior to height 76000 for BC synchronization. Payouts are on the chain, but my wallet can't read them at the moment. Awaiting advice and/or updated binaries.
Current block Number 75555 , so 445 blocks more - approx 225 minutes to go , update and connect ur miners for first few blocks at least efforts
Seems stalled at 75709.... Last block 8 hours ago. Indeed you are right. If the new block hasn't been found by now... a day later... when there is enough hashpower and low enough diff to find a block every 28 seconds... doesn't it suggest something else is wrong that is preventing us from finding that new block?