right ... so ... now i've been robbed by mintpal cryptsy and bitfinex to the tune of 33btc , 30 of which just happened on bitfinex and i am officially wiped out now my life is fucking ruined i feel like i wanna die right now im literally sobbing oh god this cant be happening
hoping / looking like this fucking retarded dump is over for now having done 50 lower in the last like 2 hours and 100 down in the last like day yet again the market gets fucked by what always happens with bitcoin - going along great market totally bullish good things happening and looking like further gains coming , and then whammo the inevitable "unexpected untimely and unpredictable" bullshit event or overblown news "occurs" more likely is made to happen to coincide with an up market and is used as an excuse to slam the market either caused by or accompanied always by likely fabricated intentional "technical issues" on the exchanges , only recovering once the market is so totally panic oversold that it whiplashes back up violently looks like for now 655 may have been the local bottom guess it had to bounce off of something at some point sure made a lot of sense to panic shed a billion+ $ in value in a day because the internet is acting up at bitfinex When an exchange is having ''problems'', usually shit will be hitting the fan however when i look at the all-time log chart this is a expected healthy correction.
Normal behavior they say but it's always comming with some shit going on makes me wonder if this phenomenon tech called Bitcoin is directed from a few powerfull people.
Perhaps they guys at the CIA HQ are having a good laugh.
yes it absolutely is as ridiculously staged as a Shakespearean play
Yes you should, That's what I always do when I'm stuck with a coin it works 95% of the time if its not a hardfork problem or a very specific one. Once you cleaned the roaming folder you only need to launch the QT(exe) again no need to delet/reinstall. You can let the wallet.dat in the folder too(in fact you must otherwise it will create a new wallet.dat with a new address).Don't forget to make a copy of it anyway ! I dont know if there is a bootstrap for ftl but flutter speed make the blockchain up to date fast enough. Too bad I had no orders sub 60  thanks much for the assist - this method of deleting everything but the wallet.dat and then restarting worked for me (will remember this if I need to do similar on other coins) - had to synchronize from the very first block , and was interrupted with a brief power outage from lightning and had to do it a 2nd time from the start (doh!  *shakes fist at sky*) , but nonetheless , it did eventually work perfect and my old flutter balance is now available in my synchronized wallet , now staking nice rewards as well and having picked up a bunch of rewards from back in time  yay!
ok ... so ... still trying to get this thing to work and still having some difficulty on synchronizing this ... i am upgraded to the newest client version , and it does launch and shows my old balance from the previous wallet.dat ... but i don't know what exactly i'm supposed to delete from the fluttercoin roaming folder ... tried deleting the old peers.dat and the blk0001.dat , and it caused an error where it couldn't load the blk and the wallet refused to launch , so i replaced that and left the old peers.dat deleted , so it seems now that i am at least able to connect to the correct existing peers and looks like i'm able to receive new chain data and is showing me at 104437 of 415094 , and being behind by 310,657 blocks ... so ... yeah ... i guess , it's like not able to get the old part of the chain but i am able to receive the newly generated part of the chain ? ... anyway ... appreciate the help advice on getting this to work ... should i just pull the old wallet.dat , delete everything in the fluttercoin roaming folder , re-install from scratch , and then copy over the old wallet.dat ?
*i think* i may have accidentally broken or forked or am now the correct fluttercoin chain or something ... or at least with my own fluttercoin wallet ... found an old wallet with mmmm many thousands in it , from about 1 year ago aka way way back when it launched ... my network weight is reading as 1000X+ network weight and getting mining/staking rewards per 0-1 seconds ... so ... uhhh ... yeah ... will update when/if i can synchronize 300,000+ blocks ...  ! ! ! ... but for now , it seems stuck , at block 104432 of 414165 ... so ... could someone please advise what I should/need to do here to achieve correct synchronization ? ? ?
Quick skimming reveals the license is a tiny $5000 to obtain , and essentially carries over standard anti-money laundering practices to the virtual currency businesses that would need to obtain this license to continue to operate , or be founded , within 45 days. It does require that licensees maintain adequate balances of all fiat and virtual currencies to match their customer's deposits as well as prohibiting virtual currency businesses from engaging in any trade with their customer's deposits (this is very good for customers and indeed bitcoin itself - these businesses having to maintain adequate balances and are not allowed to engage in insider style trading using customer deposits). It's hardly onerous and nothing unexpected - this is good news  I gather that essentially it acts as a legally enforceable mechanism to have exchanges that fall under this license operate ethically and transparently. I'll also refrain from posting the full text , it being 44 pages long - it's easy to click on the link and to read it without the need to clog this thread with pages of text.
welllllll ... ya buncha goofballs ... thanks for fuckin up the crave price dickweed thief / rubes who gave their coins to him ... doesn't everybody know by now not to trade coins for promises ? ... or is that still not a concept people have learned in the crypto world despite the *literally* hundreds of similar previous thefts on other coins ? ... it's been said like a million times by now ... if you don't have your coins you don't have your coins ... period ... it worked out ... ok ... for me ... sold out a node's worth at .0019 and bought it back at .0011 , kept 3 nodes running , back to 4 now ... still at a loss because of this fuckup ... but keeping the faith and keeping my nodes kicking ... if this doesn't kill it then crave is invincible ...
everythings soft and tastes like purple
Now go find your soul mate!
aaaand homers search for a soul mate yeilds a lighthouse keeping robot !
Good news everybody ! My doc put me on valium prozac and torodol ! Plus I'm still drinking ! So I looooove all of you ! Also I no longer care about money or material possessions ! I'm gonna buy a sailboat and find some palm trees some place to string up my hammock ! (i have some really nice incredibly soft hand made hammocks from belize) I'll hang onto my bitcoin and live on my beach until I'm rich or a beach bum hippie ! Yay bitcoin and yay fiat and all of the people of earth hold hands and sing together ! LA lal la la lal lalallalal la !
 also i picked up 5 extra coin at sub 220 so yay i *think* that may be bottom i dunno what my cost average is but its goooooood ... if we go above 300 i get to be a perma bull ... love that simpsons episode ... zoked out bruns was awesome ... gotta say my favorite is when homer eats the guatamalan insanity peppers of quatzatangatononga at the chili festival though ! life is beautiful and short and you all are crazy to care about money so much !
Good news everybody ! My doc put me on valium prozac and torodol ! Plus I'm still drinking ! So I looooove all of you ! Also I no longer care about money or material possessions ! I'm gonna buy a sailboat and find some palm trees some place to string up my hammock ! (i have some really nice incredibly soft hand made hammocks from belize) I'll hang onto my bitcoin and live on my beach until I'm rich or a beach bum hippie ! Yay bitcoin and yay fiat and all of the people of earth hold hands and sing together ! LA lal la la lal lalallalal la !
*sigh* ... fixed it ... *you're welcome*  It's a currently valued at less than $3B cap "currency" with worldwide combined books containing legitimate fiat funds of probably less than $50M total so let's call it 50:1 at best for a value to actual money ratio aka bad , so even the big holders only 1/50 gets to cash out when *the* collapse occurs ... There's 1000 people with combined millions of coins aka the top of the pyramid architects/early miners/pyramid participants and they got all those coins basically for free just by running a piece of software on their laptops so now they can dump indefinitely and make guaranteed $$$ from shorting in the process , as well as continually re-buying lower and continuing to dump if desired ... Also there's 3600 coins produced daily mostly by industrial miners which by itself is too much for the market to handle if they were all being sold continuously ... Also there's give or take 1,000,000 stolen bitcoins floating around the internet out of the 14,000,000 supply , which may or may not have been already dumped and those are also kind of "free" in that they were stolen ... Add to that the likelihood of the entire price history of bitcoin having been dictated by the fraudulent exchange mtgox , which was the only bitcoin exchange for years and years from the beginning and cooked it's books to the tune of billions of dollars and the chart history from pennies to 1200 to now cannot be trusted whatsoever until after they collapsed , and since they collapsed it's been nothing but down , indicating complete lack of genuine adequate support at *any* price since the ATH ... Toss in lack of transparency or regulation of any kind for the existing exchanges so it's fairly likely at least a few are actively insider trading/rigging the market/pulling a mtgox ... Fuck ... take your pick as to why it's going down ... It goes up only if major $ comes in and buys millions worth in a matter of hours to force the price up / when exchanges use false money or existing customer funds to force the price up through illegal insider trading ...
whats happening to btc why it is crashing hardly, anyone have idea for this i haven't seen any bad news why it is dropping -6%  (it's a currently valued at less than $3B cap "currency" with worldwide combined books containing legitimate fiat funds of probably less than $50M total so let's call it 50:1 at best for a value to actual money ratio aka bad , so even the big holders only 1/50 gets to cash out when *the* collapse occurs ... there's 1000 people with combined millions of coins aka the top of the pyramid architects/early miners/pyramid participants and they got all those coins basically for free just by running a piece of software on their laptops so now they can dump indefinitely and make guaranteed $$$ from shorting in the process , as well as continually re-buying lower and continuing to dump if desired ... also there's 3600 coins produced daily mostly by industrial miners which by itself is too much for the market to handle if they were all being sold continuously ... also there's give or take 1,000,000 stolen bitcoins floating around the internet out of the 14,000,000 supply , which may or may not have been already dumped and those are also kind of "free" in that they were stolen ... add to that the likelihood of the entire price history of bitcoin having been dictated by the fraudulent exchange mtgox , which was the only bitcoin exchange for years and years from the beginning and cooked it's books to the tune of billions of dollars and the chart history from pennies to 1200 to now cannot be trusted whatsoever until after they collapsed , and since they collapsed it's been nothing but down , indicating complete lack of genuine adequate support at *any* price since the ATH ... toss in lack of transparency or regulation of any kind for the existing exchanges so it's fairly likely at least a few are actively insider trading/rigging the market/pulling a mtgox ... fuck ... take your pick as to why it's going down ... it goes up only if major $ comes in and buys millions worth in a matter of hours to force the price up / when exchanges use false money or existing customer funds to force the price up through illegal insider trading)
If most coins on exchanges aren't 'real'. How does one ever find a bottom?
(when all of the existing exchanges click off one by one just like mtgox did , each one having already/all along taken all real customer deposited fiat off the exchange and socked it away in swiss/caman banks then of course claim to be hacked and then proceeding to dump their previous customer's real stolen bitcoins into the next doomed fraudulent exchange so they can get that money from those actual stolen bitcoins as well as the stolen fiat and price goes to $0 as the last standing exchange implodes ... during which time the network will freeze at some point due to overscaled industrial mining operations shutting down en mass faster than difficulty can adjust down ... that's how we'll know the bottom is in)
I have a strong feeling many of the people posting here should rightly be institutionalized or heavily medicated , or will need to be eventually , as a direct result of involvement in BTC. On a related note , I had a bitcoin nightmare last night , so I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind. It was a dream of looking at bitcoinwisdom , and there were a couple of notable differences , new exchanges that don't exist currently - WALL STREET and PANAMA - price was in the thousands but then it all went to hell - the books were cleared down to 0 as the markets all flash crashed and cascaded and it happened in minutes it couldn't be stopped Satoshi was cashing out and all the trollboxes were nothing but expletives then the screen turned red and the alarms wouldn't turn off then I woke up in a panic ... yeah ...  am concerned the matrix is broken / i may be a prophet
with bitcoins you get to stare at some numbers on your computer screen as you lose your money ...
the cool thing about dollars is if you light them on fire and burn them , you get heat as you lose your money ...
they can also be used for paper machet , toilet paper , or as something to write on ...
and if you're the creative type you can make origami or a paper airplane ...
plus you can roll them into a straw for doing coke off of hookers ...
there's literally hundreds of uses for them !
also ... yknow ... they're accepted as legal tender everywhere in the u.s. and most other countries , can be sent anywhere on earth with relative ease and minimal expense , don't fluctuate wildly in value , can't be hacked out of your federally insured bank account or out of your safe welded into the floor of your garage , and haven't lost 82% of their value in a little over a year ...
fuck this fucking pyramid ...
(fantastic cameo on silicon valley by the W twins - "do you know how much bitcoin they're worth ?!")
silicon valley favorite show
*RIP Christopher Evan Welch