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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: ETH Is going to hit 200 USD? on: August 15, 2018, 06:43:52 PM
What's happening with Ethereum? The most promising coins becoming garbage! Yes, we know the bearish market has come again, but ETH in 330 USD?! It is unbelievable. People told that In August, the crypto bull market will start and now we are seeing the bearish market ever in 2018! I can't believe ETH is now 330 USD. What about you guys?
I don't think that we will touch so deep but we are so close to that and it makes me think that cryptocurrency is about to die soon. Unhappy anyway that I was a part of all that, I have earned something as well.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: GET OUT WHEN YOU CAN!!OR STAY AND CRY! on: August 15, 2018, 06:41:44 PM
sadly it is over friends!!!but of course too hard to believe!
It sounds silly but I think this is true that if you cannot stand all those market conditions you should not stay here anymore just sell everything and go off until the prices will recover as many guys are already have done.
3  Economy / Speculation / Re: BTC is back ? is that good time to invest ? on: August 15, 2018, 06:39:57 PM
BTC is back ? is that good time to invest  ? or still wait for few days ?
Everytime is good to stop and think really is it the things real or it's just my opinion on those because we all think that in April it will go up but eventually we are here, ETH = $250, this is scary.
4  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Be calm when the market falls on: August 13, 2018, 05:42:26 PM
One strategy that works best in times of fall in the market is to remain calm, and not allow yourself to be blown by panic. Just hold the tokens with large caps and even if possible, buy more tokens and hold. For some coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is always certain that whenever there is a fall, there is definitely going to be a rise.

What will you do when the market falls?

It can be logical in obvious that really prices are going to go out but you should consider that not all the coins prices are going to go up eventually because some of those will just fade away completely.
5  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Bitcoin now below 8000 time to buy now on: August 13, 2018, 05:41:31 PM
Bitcoin is very low today even 7700 you think is good time to buy now or will more lower and crash to 3000 buck...very difficult to predict...what do you think... Who t f is selling on this price.....?....
As far as you can see right now that was not the best time to buy because if you would by there you would be suffering right until today, and only God knows how many time we will be struggling from now.
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Newbie trader on: August 13, 2018, 05:41:14 PM
what needed to start trading guys , and can you please give some trick tips , advice
My advice for you would be to start trading for small amounts, like $100 so you would be having an opportunity to get familiar with the things that are going on on the xchange and how it works.
7  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Which is profitable coin? on: August 08, 2018, 08:48:10 PM
Expert traders, can you say Which is profitable coin? I like easy and short time trade. Now which coin is better and which exchanger also better for short time trade? I like small profit and it is short time. Say your option please.
It is difficult to say at once, because some projects quickly gain momentum and fall, while others slowly grow up and reach the summit. I think that for everyone there are their promising coins and it depends only on your ability to invest. It's no secret that the bitcoin is the most promising, but do you have enough resources to invest in it?
8  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: The hard Truth on: August 08, 2018, 08:47:46 PM
It feels like 2018 is one of the hardest year for all the people who are involved in cryptocurrency, because all them people who I know personally are involved in every aspect, are constantly losing their money.
9  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Newbie trader on: August 08, 2018, 08:47:28 PM
what needed to start trading guys , and can you please give some trick tips , advice
I would hardly suggest you not to go into the trading action until you will be very confident in the things that you are about to do and perform, without any education and knowledge is a high chance to  be left with nothing.
10  Economy / Economics / Re: How did Crypto help you out? on: August 07, 2018, 06:11:15 PM
This question is especially for those who have been into crypto for a long time. How did cryptocurrency help you, most specifically financially? Did you earn more? Gain more investment? I do have a friend who wants to get into crypto but he does not have a lot of savings in his bank account or any major investment. I told him to save more before getting into crypto because they still have mortgage and car loan to pay. Do you think crypto will help him out to?
The cryptocurrency world is really hard right now, I can say that it is not helping me I'm just working totally out of my enthusiasm, I don't get nothing from bounties nor from AirDrops I participated in. It is hard to continue to believe.
11  Economy / Economics / Re: Starting With Nothing in Bitcoin on: August 07, 2018, 06:04:58 PM
It is a hard and stony way, but it is possible and it is one of the things that I love about bitcoin the most that you can be nobody From Nowhere and still you can be successful here, or it will be a great fall for you!
12  Economy / Economics / Re: Why spend time in bitcoins? on: August 07, 2018, 06:04:13 PM
We all experience being financially challenged and we cannot deny that money makes us revolve around it. When we find ways to alleviate our financial suffering, we stand our ground and spend so much effort just to see the result and of course, benefit from it. Do you think that spending time and effort to gain bitcoins is a rational idea? Do you think that you could've been wasting your time? Let me know about your thoughts.
Obviously the question will be as for me personally the same if you would ask me why do you spend time on your job, if I would not gain any earnings from being involved in Bitcoin probably I would not spend time here.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Best way to promote an ICO on: August 06, 2018, 09:07:56 AM
In your opinion which is the best way to promote an ICO at initial level to create buzz?  Do you think Ann threads are enough for that and how much is the role of bounty campaigns in that?
There is some mysterious thing which called hype, and also there are some principles on how to create head around your project, if you will succeed, the success of the project is almost guaranteed.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: STO or ICO? on: August 06, 2018, 09:07:14 AM
Guys, what's the difference between STO and ICO? STO - security token offering. Some say that STO has other legal consequences, in contrast to ICO. Security token becomes like a stock share, unlike a token issued on ICO. Is it right? What do you know or think about it? Personally, my opinion is that STO does not differ from the ICO.
My opinion most of the guys are in unfamiliar with sto right now, so there is some amount of time needed in order to get involved and really familiar with those differences between ICO and STO
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Altcoin future on: August 03, 2018, 06:28:09 AM
6 month holding life running with altcoin. I don't get any profit from altcoin. my question is really have any future for altcoin? I just tired with altcoin.please drop your suggestion.
Cryptocurrencies created and operating for the tough guys who would be able to stand among really hard obstacles all around them, sometimes you will need to have hope even if everything is crashing in your portfolio is 100 times less than it was. It will be rewarded.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Favourite coin so far on: August 03, 2018, 06:26:10 AM
Just want to open it up and ask people what there favourite cryptos are so far,

Personally I have been surprised by Bankera, I bought into the pre ICO and every week they have been paying the ETH

commissions into my wallet, also looking forward to Electroneum and BQX......
My favorite coin so far on this unstable market, probably would be ADA. I feel I'm going to catch the prettiest price to buy it, but I already have dance some researchers about that coin, and I found it really good and perspective to invest in.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: ADA OR EOS on: August 03, 2018, 06:24:29 AM
Wow... Thats a question! If I would have on money to put in those two and I will be forced to make a choice, it would be really hard for me to choose between. So my suggestion is very simple, divide your investment capital into both of that coins.
18  Economy / Speculation / Re: Chinese Investor bought 10,000 bitcoin during the dip! on: August 02, 2018, 08:34:55 AM
There was one Chinese investor who is now trending after he bought 10k bitcoin during the Q1 bear or during the bearish movement at the first quarter of the year. According to the article he was Cai Wensheng the founder of a selfie-app called Meitu which is very popular in China. This man is a good sign that bitcoin really is becoming more attractive to big enterpreneurs across the globe.
In general, they are very smart people. Therefore, it is not surprising that they took advantage of the opportunity to make money because in the future the price will go up and they will get good money.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Kick against btc now and regret in future. on: August 02, 2018, 08:34:17 AM
I agree because creating the future is happening today. Many governments believe that the cryptocurrency badly influences the development of the economy. But they are not right, because people make money in this way, and then spend them within the country.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Does crypto bring more risk than benefit? on: August 02, 2018, 08:33:53 AM
I think the risks and benefits are directly proportional. So you think the risk is big because you don't have the right investment and you don't get high profits in the high-risk investment industry, so you think the risk is big.
I got more profit in encryption, I think its risk is not big.

I agree with you because it depends on your knowledge about cryptocurrency. You need to spend the time to get them. But after that, you can earn a very good count of money. It's really up to everyone what to choose.
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