What's with 7 months and 2 years? Do you love those numbers?  Okay, I voted for the third option but I don't think it will happen in just 7 months. There's a possibility it could happen in a longer span of time as we are hit hard by the correction. What I do expect to happen is a slow movement upward to $40k until the end of the year and then going $50k at the starting quarter of next year. After all that, it's still going to be dumped again but be aware because it's not a correction anymore. The btc history shows big propability that bull ends within 2021, as well as many people think. As for next year, so big uncertain. I think 70% of us have no patient wait until middle 2020.
Interesting to see that options are heavy with the bear movements. There are 8 options that shows it going under for a while, and that is understandable, there could be any amount of options that says that it will go down, however there are only 3 options that have a good outcome in the end, that would be something insane and that is what I am trying to understand, why would you have 3 options for good only but have so much bad options?
Just say "will it go up in the next 7 months, or will it go down" and that two options is good enough if you ask me, if you are going to give a detailed option then just do it equal, have like 11 options? Make it 6-5 on the sides so that we could think it is fair. I voted for bull bull bull because I believe that is what we are going to get, there is no way that bitcoin could drop and stay there and never going up, I believe it will recover.
8 options for bear, because I want show a bottom price of btc if bear is coming. 3 for bull, beacause if bull continue, the only thing we need is to relax and wait, there is no need to know the ATH price, since we just only need to hold.
Hi, all. Please vote. For you, for me, for all.
Steem attestation bot launched https://medium.com/byteball/introducing-a-bridge-between-byteball-and-steem-and-an-airdrop-548d7958b9e9After attesting your Steem username, you can send/receive money to steem/username instead of a less user-friendly crypto address and receive privileges for high Steem reputation: - The real name attestation bot offers a 30% discount to users with Steem reputation over 50; - The “Buy Bytes with Visa or Mastercard” bot offers a 3% bonus of the purchased amount to users with Steem reputation over 50; - The ICO bot includes an option to offer various levels of discounts depending on Steem reputation. It is up to individual ICOs to enable this option. There is also an airdrop for Steem users, amounts depend on reputation. Referrers receive the same rewards as newly attested users they refer. Part of the reward is locked on a smart contract that vests in 1 year.  To use all that, you need to upgrade to wallet version 2.4.0 released today https://github.com/byteball/byteball/releases. Other updates in this version: * Spending unconfirmed funds * Receiving textcoins before confirmation * Restored the ability to send private assets between own wallets without going through textcoin files * Fixed several bugs that could crash full wallets * Fixed a bug in full wallets that could lead to loss of funds when trying to send a private textcoin and declining the save dialog * Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented password-locked light wallets from starting * Fixed weird display of one of initial screens in iPhone X * Estonian translation, other translations improved iOS version will be updated with some delay as it needs to be reviewed by Apple. I am glad to hear that, it's a great progress. I am buying byteball now.
So go from a premine of nominally 1% to 22+% and commit to giving up control of 50% of network control (except probably at least one or two controlled by foundation which is de facto same people running network now). Wow. Such decentralization!
22%? The breakdown is now as follows: 67,2% Distributed, of which reserved (in % of total supply) 1% Tony (BZUAVP5O4ND6N3PVEUZJOATXFPIKHPDC) 1% First 100M users (TUOMEGAZPYLZQBJKLEM2BGKYR2Q5SEYS) 32,8% Undistributed (MZ4GUQC7WUKZKKLGAS3H3FSDKLHI7HFO), of which reserved (in % of total supply): 20,5% Several distribution methods (cashback, attestation rewards, textcoins, etc.) 11% Foundation funding (spent over 36 months, but hopefully lasts much longer than that) 1,3% Long term motivation plan (we don't want these foundation members to give up) Decentralization of 11 out of 12 witnesses was always the plan, but it's not as easy as it seems. Neither is mass adoption. To achieve our ambitious goals we need a foundation with enough funding to make it happen. In the article we try to explain our reasoning behind this decision. If you have any questions or other remarks please share them. good, I am glad to see what will happen to byteball.
Anyone know how to use bytes to bet for World Cup Matches? Thanks for your hints.
1, open the byteball 2, in the bot store, select and add the "Betting Bot" 3, open "Betting bot" conversation, type "help" and click send button. (if you want, you can select/click preference to choose your language) 4, you can select to only show football games by click the listed icons 5, then it will show all the games and their odds, like "1.5 - 3.13 - 6.66" , each of these three float numbers can be clicked, they means "win", "draw" and "lose". 6, then when you click one of the "win", "draw" and "lose", you can now follow the instructions.
please go on this coin, i started mining from the beginning.
You know what? If today was a bull market, Byteball is already shooting upwards to ATH with the continuous updates and developments. It just goes to show you that price does not reflect a value of a coin network. It could be cheap but the value is skyrocketing.
Value will be skyrocketing, when at least 2 problem will be solved: 1) Decentralization Currently, to kill byteball network its enough to disable very small quantity of witnesses. 2) Distribution Developer still holding about 40% of the coins. At least for now still is not much value in this project because the most important thing is decentralization and safety of the network and byteball lack of both . i only wish the best to Byteball and thats why i wrote this post. I hope Tonych will shift accent of developing and targets to solve this 2 problems. you are right, I agree with you. but what is Tonych think about?
anyone know how to do football gambling in byteball ?? thanks
Is this coin dead?
almost, 5 days ago.
I like Tonych and Byteball, I have bought some, please don't stop making this coin better and better and better, come on.
hi every one, is there any one told me how to set WCG (world community grid) only use gpu? I have 3 1080ti gpu on one computor.
World Community Grid does not support GPU computing, only CPU. If you are interested in similar projects as WCG for your GPUs, there are a few projects that does support them: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php However, if you end goal is to only collect Byteball rewards, you have to use CPU only. thank you, I just want to collect Byteball, I will mine use CPU.
hi every one, is there any one told me how to set WCG (world community grid) only use gpu? I have 3 1080ti gpu on one computor.
I see many people have taken part in, I will do the same with them too.
I'd like to sell some jimcoin, but there is no exchange.
I mined this coin from the starting, please do not die
the source code is open https://github.com/Rob-Otman/roadmap is clear I don't know it is good or not to exchange list since ASIC is coming. They will take over everything if Jimcoin is listed on some exchange. we need exchange
yes, please we want to see the source code, and roadmap and exchange. because we are jims. roadmap is clear? where is it? I can see nothing about roadmap on jimcoin's website.
we need exchange
yes, please we want to see the source code, and roadmap and exchange. because we are jims.
i want to take part in the campaign, but i am jr member. so sad
Sorry CryptKeeper, but if the sig campaign manager is doing damage to BB with his mistakes and terrible communication skills, and therefore needs to be replaced, or at least told he needs to lift his game a lot, then here is the place to complain. I questioned his ruling and he gave me negative trust, what's the point of complaining to that same person again? I'm not the only one affected by this guy, and the negative trust rating stays with me forever, and BB is paying this guy ... From the change of distribution models to the bounty campaign, Tony, CryptKeeper and yahoo*****, they all sucks the feelings of the users and investors of Byteball. The fact is they did whatever they just want to do, never care about other's feeling. We don't care about the bounty campaign that we can't be in. There are tens/hundreds of bounty campaigns we can choose. So what does it matter to miss one? We care about the way we are treated. We are rejected by "the shit profile--- yahoo said". But he/or they CANNOT explain why those accounts are NOT shit and accepted. Even the truth is at least some of them are far worse than those rejected. I deeply doubt most of the accepted accounts are the alt accounts of yahoo or his relative. Sound "shit --- as said by yahoo". It is my last post on this thread. I have enough time to see on CMC how the played Byteball (previously with huge potential) walks to the end. Good luck. I bought 10 G byteball, got zero airdrop. I love byteball tech but dont like these decisions.