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1  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [SELLING] LEGENDARY ACCOUNT: 1.5 btc - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: October 16, 2014, 10:05:39 PM
Bump - price updated!
2  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [SELLING] LEGENDARY ACCOUNT - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: October 14, 2014, 07:01:54 PM
Bump! Some member accounts available!
3  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [SELLING] LEGENDARY ACCOUNT - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: October 09, 2014, 01:48:31 PM

Legendary account!

I don't have this account on stock but I will act as a agent!
The user also didn't want to expose account stats.

This sounds a lot like gumble99 he was an account broker and ended up stealing an account from someone who agreed to not use escrow

All of my deals were done only through an escrow. Like I said befor: escrow is a must! No one has to risk anything.
4  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [SELLING] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: October 08, 2014, 06:29:24 PM

Can you change the username for the accounts?

No, I think only Theymos could do this...
I think that only VIP members can do this.

I didn't know that, but I am sure that theymos is also able to change username.

By the way:
I've added a legendary account!
5  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [SELLING] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: October 02, 2014, 11:58:33 AM

Can you change the username for the accounts?

No, I think only Theymos could do this...
6  Economy / Services / Re: ☆★☆1% Fee Standard Escrow Service & 5% fee for IPO/ICO escrow by Maidak ☆★☆ on: September 23, 2014, 03:35:03 PM
Smooth escrow service and without complication!
7  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Selling my account business on: September 11, 2014, 01:48:57 PM
I am selling my whole business with all accounts I have in possession. Check out this thread:

Also, you get my account (Karmicads) and you will be able to continue my business.

All in all you will get 1 x Sr. Member and 5 x Full Members + my account (Karmicads).

My price: 1.1 BTC
8  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: September 07, 2014, 03:30:25 PM

Added new accounts and updated the price
9  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: September 04, 2014, 11:28:15 PM
any chance to lower the price for a sr member

-No, I already reduced the price by 0.1 BTC yesterday...

if there is no stock anymore? I need at least a full member or sr.member but low price hihi

-Please pm me and we can discuss prices.

whether there has been no selling member account at a low price 0.01 or 0.02 BTC ?

-I don't sell member accounts yet
10  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: September 03, 2014, 05:19:09 AM
added a full member account and reduced price
11  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: September 01, 2014, 04:23:03 PM
add me, I'll sell mine too!

You shouldn't post with your account if you want to sell it...

Thats it! Alwasy PM me...

I am in negotiation with some members, soon I will add new accounts!
12  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: August 31, 2014, 02:47:21 PM
add me, I'll sell mine too!

Sorry but I have enough Full members for now
13  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: August 31, 2014, 07:53:14 AM

added more accounts! For now I am only buying legendary, hero or Sr. accounts!
14  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: August 27, 2014, 07:41:00 PM
This is more or less a scam. The OP is asking for usernames prior to making an offer. The OP either is more then likely going to negative trust any account you try to sell him.

Deal with extreme caution.

EDIT: If you give the OP the exact amount of posts and activity then he can figure out which account you are selling.

Yes, of course I am asking for usernames... I am only buying accounts from users which pm'ed me directly. ALL BULK SELLERS DON'T HAVE PROOF!

ACCTseller, please remove the negative trust!

BTW: I got Pm's from 12 different members. Everyone wants to sell their account, but only two delivered proof of ownership...
15  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: August 27, 2014, 03:48:50 AM
This is stupid, how can you show proof? And why does it matter anyways?

"You need to prove that you are the true
owner of this account by signing a message from an old associated btc address or an reputable user
that verifies your ownership via pm. "

It matters, because a lot of people bought hacked accounts...


yes, I bought this account Smiley

-BTW: I don't have internet for the next 48 hours. I will answer all questions/pm when I am at home.
16  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: [BUY/SELL] Bitcointalk Accounts - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: August 26, 2014, 06:01:38 PM
PM sent, although I highly doubt anyone here sells hacked accounts anymore.

Check out this thread:

Quickseller and co. are buying acccounts without proof of ownership... after that, they sell them...

I only deal with legit accounts, but It is really hard to find such.
17  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [SELLING] LEGENDARY ACCOUNT: 1.5 btc - verified accounts ✔, not hacked ✔ on: August 26, 2014, 03:48:07 PM
I am selling bitcointalk accounts!


Legendary account!

I don't have this account on stock but I will act as a agent! The user also didn't want to expose account stats.

Price: 1.5 BTC. Legendary accounts are very very rare!

Also selling some member accounts - Price: 0.05 BTC each.

Escrow is a must!


I have sold over 11 accounts the past few weeks -  my accounts are high quality!
18  Economy / Economics / Re: There is a need for a Bitcoin Bank on: November 07, 2013, 02:01:51 PM
I think you are confusing dissent with censorship. I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to my death, for your right to say it.

You're missing the point, that being: free speech has proven itself ineffective in stopping enterprising youngsters from parting bitcoiners from the coins they love.  Fact.
Censorship is not the issue here, so please don't fight to the death for my right to say shit that falls on deaf ears.

Oh! Right then. LOL Anything else I can fight to the death for then? Just feeling a wee tad gladiatorial tonight. Grin
19  Economy / Economics / Re: There is a need for a Bitcoin Bank on: November 07, 2013, 12:48:39 PM
I think you are confusing dissent with censorship. I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to my death, for your right to say it.
20  Economy / Economics / Re: The Problem With Altcoins on: November 07, 2013, 10:23:13 AM
bitcoin will always be my main girl. sometimes i'll mess around with litecoin because she's younger and faster, but bitcoin will always be my first love.

I thought litecoin was a he. Have you and (s)he gotten to third base yet?
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