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Thanks for all the interest everyone but the RIG SOLD!
My PSU does 1200W what should be more than enough: 6*170W = 1020W + 30W (CPU) = 1050W makes 150W for fans, mainbaord and backup. Downclocking my GPUs to 500/300 before mining, to reduce power consumtion, doesn't work neither.
Any ideas? Why does the one pcie 1x port work, but not the other one?
Your forgetting that your 1200W PSU if its 80 Plus certified is only good for 80% of 1200 watts. Bronze, silver, and other ratings give a little more. Say you have a gold certified at 86% thats only 1032 Watts I ran 2 5850's and 1 5870 and had a PSU fail to work at 850 watts, needed 1000 watt PSU. You just dont have enough in your PSU in my opinion. You got it backwards. 1200W means it can deliver 1200W to your components, and will draw even more from the wall because of inefficiency. In addition, most branded PSUs will happily deliver 100W-200W more than what they are rated for as well before over current protection kicks in. What you lose is some efficiency (80+ Gold PSUs for example may drop to like 80% efficiency when overloaded). Your absolutely correct, just read a bunch more. What I said is how someone explained it to me and it made sense for my situation. I was running 2 5850's and 1 5870 on a 750 watt psu that kept failing, then an 850 which blew up, and finally ran smooth on a 1000 watt PSU.
My PSU does 1200W what should be more than enough: 6*170W = 1020W + 30W (CPU) = 1050W makes 150W for fans, mainbaord and backup. Downclocking my GPUs to 500/300 before mining, to reduce power consumtion, doesn't work neither.
Any ideas? Why does the one pcie 1x port work, but not the other one?
Your forgetting that your 1200W PSU if its 80 Plus certified is only good for 80% of 1200 watts. Bronze, silver, and other ratings give a little more. Say you have a gold certified at 86% thats only 1032 Watts I ran 2 5850's and 1 5870 and had a PSU fail to work at 850 watts, needed 1000 watt PSU. You just dont have enough in your PSU in my opinion.
Thanks guys, again I was a noob and thought I'd make it all back in a couple months. I realize it can be profitable and the fact that electricity is free for me even more so. As far as a good investment goes I can make more money in other ventures.
As far as the eye candy goes its built into the fan haha.
Also I had almost all my BTC stolen from me by a hacker, so that soured it a bit for me. Somehow my account was hacked at Deepbit and Slush's pool and my hash address was changed to someone elses. So for a while all my BTC were being sent to whoever hacked into my account. I got it all corrected though, after the big difficulty factor jumps.
Yes I am paypal verified!
Want to sell the whole thing.
I built a miner and it took a while to get up and running. Finally I got it going strong at 1100 MHash/sec. I run it non-stop and have no problems. It could be pushed further with more tweaking on your end. Temperatures hover around 55 on 1 5850, 60 on the other, and 65 on the 5870. Specs: WD 250GB Sata 6 GB/s 7200 RPM G.Skill Ripjaws 8GB PC3-10666 AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 2x XFX HD5850's - 355 MHash/sec eachSapphire HD5870 2GB - 400 MHash/secAzza Helios 910 Case MSI 890 FXA-GD70 COOLMAX| ZP-1000B 1000W PSU I am paypal verified and will only accept payment via paypal, no BTC. I have earned quite a few BTC using this rig but its not as profitable as I'd hoped for, and yes I was a noob thinking old money factors would last longer than 10 days. Looking for $1100 via paypal. THE RIG HAS SOLD.
Oh and temperatures hover at 60 on 1 5850, 55 on the other 5850, and 65 on the 5870.
I built a miner and it took a while to get up and running. Finally I got it going strong at 1100 MHash/sec. I run it non-stop and have no problems. It could be pushed further with more tweaking on your end. Specs: WD 250GB Sata 6 GB/s 7200 RPM G.Skill Ripjaws 8GB PC3-10666 AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 2x XFX HD5850's - 355 MHash/sec eachSapphire HD5870 2GB - 400 MHash/secAzza Helios 910 Case MSI 890 FXA-GD70 COOLMAX| ZP-1000B 1000W PSU I am paypal verified and will only accept payment via paypal, no BTC. I have earned quite a few BTC using this rig but its not as profitable as I'd hoped for, and yes I was a noob thinking old money factors would last longer than 10 days. Looking for $1100 via paypal.
Hi I have 9 posts and have spent countless hour reading over the forum, not sure why I'm still a newbie! I have some stuff I'd like to post in the market place can you please remove the restriction??
Yes I have one rig thats all.
1200 watt is not necessary. I've been running over a week full power and overclocked on my 1000 watt. My continuous draw should not be more than 700 watts
Well the 850 watt PSU exploded. The 750 PSU powered 2 of them fine.
I purchased a 1000 watt PSU and it has been running all 3 gpus overclocked for a week solid! Though thanks to this ridiculous difficulty factor increase this rig I built is not even close to being profitable.
It was worth a shot...
Yes I have the most current drivers.
You may be right, but from what I understand they only have to be the same 58xx or 57xx or however you want to call it. And if your MB has the lucid chip you can run whatever in crossfire
I thought I was pretty technical with everything. Now I feel a fool! PSAZ-850B14 Dynamo 850W I got this on amazon for just a few dollars more than the cool master. I upgraded 750 to 850 thinking I was using at the most 600, but as said I am using 650 watts now. I JUST thought to look into what these 80 plus certifications mean... so my 850 psu really runs at just under 700 watts. I think the labeling is ridiculous, but who am I to say. As far as the x4 goes it was only $20 more than a cheaper anthlon so I thought why the hell not. I am going to underclock the cpu and see if that helps at all. So I am guessing I just probalby just step up to a 1000 watt psu, Although for the price of one I could just but a cheap used PC and run one of the video cards in that. I spent about $1300 building this system, and from doing more research after the fact I found I could have built 3 separate systems and had a 50% increase in Hashing power for cheaper!
To all:
I've been working on my new rig for over a week, literally. Stats as follows:
Phenom X4 955 black edition Asus Crosshair Formula IV 2 x 4 GB G skill DDR3 1600 2 x XFX 5850 1GB 1 x Sapphire 5870 2GB 250GB seagate 7200 RPM sata 6 GB/s Dynamax 850 watt PSU NZXT zero cool (I'm changing to an Azza case tonight)
For two weeks I had a coolmaster 750 watt power supply and only ran the 5850's. I easily overclocked to 895 core and 300 memory getting 335-340 Mhash consistantly with temps around 65 C.
This past week I added the 5870 and immediately had issues. From every review of tripple crossfire on 5870's the most I saw in power use was 600 watts, so I thought 750 would be fine. Yet even still my PC would shut off within minutes of trying to mine on all 3 without overclocking.
So I upgraded to the 850 watt PSU. I can mine on all 3 for at 870 core on all 3 cards. Temps are 55 on the 5870, then 85 and 65 on the 5850's. The Azza case will give MUCH better airflow so hopefully temps will get under control.
When I clock the 5870 to 900 core and 350 mem, along with just one of the 5850's mining at 880 core 350 mem the computer shuts off like the PSU is insufficient. If I clock the mem down to 300 I can't even start mining as the computer freezes.
ANY HELP? I use afterburner and trixx FYI.
i am looking to purchase some bitcoins, will pay via paypal.
Be weary of paypal, they do chargebacks!
How many of you are having your mined bitcoins stolen?
I've changed my passwords on everything.. email and deepbit account and even have email confirmation for changing the receiving address yet as soon as I change it to my own address i'll get another confirm email changing it to something else that I did not input.
What is the deal here?
I've already noticed that slush pays out far more than deepbit over the same amount of time. I've only been mining on slush for a few hours and I already have 1 BTC. Compared to the ridiculous 2.5 BTC/24 hr on deepbit -__-
How do I manually pay out the BTC to my address? Is there a "send payment" link...somewhere? Or does it just have to reach the threshold?
Yea buddy, did you really get 1 whole BTC in a few hours on your setup?