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1  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: - SELLING BTC on: January 18, 2018, 08:27:12 AM
To warningsigns

We are using the escrow service from our Danish bank and our lawyer. But let me know if you or other want an other Escrow service,
for bigger orders we will of course go an extra mile.
And i am sorry to see that you are comparing my thread with that one you link to as we are trying to be very transparent.

To shegazy82

To start with we only accept VISA and MasterCard from EU and Dubai with 3D secure.
When we have tested the water, we will open up for other part of the world.

KYC and AML is right now according to Danish Law and regulation.
All orders over 1.000euro need KYC & AML and to start with will
we do that manuel to be as sure as possible to do it right.
2  Economy / Currency exchange / - SELLING BTC on: January 18, 2018, 07:31:49 AM
Hi All,

We have now open up for selling BTC and are accepting VISA and MasterCard.
Located in Denmark with in investor from Dubai, so every offen there.

As we are new in the business, so we cant show you a long customer list, but we do show face on skype, mail, phone....
So we do not hide, scam or what ever happen out here.

Got a bigger investor behind us, so +100k deals on bank transfer/escrow is possible.

Please welcome us and visit our website

Best Regards
Team KermaCoins

3  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: looking to buy btc in UAE on: January 18, 2018, 07:14:40 AM

We do proper and straight business. So if you are looking for dirty deals then we cant help you.

You are more than welcome to use your VISA or MasterCard on our website
For bigger deals +100k usd for we accept bank account transfer and I am in Dubai every second week,
so we can do an actually face to face meeting. We have done "sit-down" transactions in Dubai before. sells BTC to Europe and Dubai.
We provide accept VISA and MasterCard, on +100k deals do we special service and fees.

Our skype: kermacoins
Our website:

Best Regards
Jens Christensen
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