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1  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [INFO NEWBIE] 3 Potensi Penghasilan Tanpa Modal di Dunia Cryptocurrency on: April 18, 2020, 03:56:21 PM
Saya tanya sekarang... untuk di Indonesia saja coba lihat data berapa orang indonesia yang berkecimpung di forum ini bandingkan dengan PBI sudah jelas bahwasanya Airdrop lebih banyak peminatnya karena di PBI signifikan selalu membahas dan share mengenai airdrop.
Jangan bandingkan Forum ini dengan Grup Facebook Gan, Beda kelas.. Bitcointalk  Jelas Jauh Lebih baik masalah Cryptocurrency, Proyek Bounty dan Juga Airdrop Dan lain-lain jika di bandingkan dengan Grup Facebook. Kebanyakan Airdrop yang di Iklankan di PBI juga banyak yang Ngambil dari Forum ini.
2  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [INFO NEWBIE] 3 Potensi Penghasilan Tanpa Modal di Dunia Cryptocurrency on: April 16, 2020, 10:09:29 PM
Dari ketiga cara tersebut , Menjadi Pemburu Airdrop , Pemburu Bounty , Dan Manager komunitas, saya menilai yang paling banyak di buru oleh orang adalah Bounty.
Mengikuti Airdrop itu memang tergolong mudah, tidak memerlukan tugas yang terlalu banyak namun Nilai yang kita dapatkan tergolong sangat kecil, dan yang paling sering terjadi adalah kita itu lupa sudah bergabung dengan suatu airdrop dan lupa tidak mengecek berita di grup Telegram mereka, Akhirnya kita ketinggalan berita.
Sedangkan Bounty walaupun pekerjaan nya sedikit lebih sulit, namun sudah terbukti bahwa Bounty telah memberikan kekayaan bagi mereka yang sudah kenal Bounty di tahun-tahun sebelum tahun 2017.
3  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [TANYA] Akun Copper member menjadi member biasa dan selanjutnya. on: March 14, 2020, 04:56:14 AM
Title copper member itu optional, bisa di pasang dan di lepas, copper member itu setara dengan rank member dari segi fungsi (upload gambar, link, jumlah character pada signature). Jika sampean naik rank ke member, title copper member tetap sampean bisa gunakan
Artinya jika nanti saya bisa mendapatkan merit untuk bisa naik rank member dan selanjutnya, saya bisa berpartisipasi dalam kampanye signature yang sesuai dengan rank yang saya dapatkan. Misal sampai full member ke atas dan tidak hanya berhenti di Copper member yang hanya setara dengan akun member ya Gan ?!
4  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / [TANYA] Akun Copper member menjadi member biasa dan selanjutnya. on: March 14, 2020, 04:27:34 AM
Ma'af Gan saya kurang update tentang informasi kenaikan rank di Forum ini. Dulu saat belum ada peraturan merit akun saya yang awalnya Junior member bisa ikut Sigcam, dan ketika aturan merit berlaku akun saya menjadi Newbie.  Karena waktu itu saya terdaftar di salah satu kampanye signature akhirnya saya rela membayar BTC agar akun saya tidak di coret dari Daftar kampanye.
Yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah apakah nanti ketika saya mendapatkan merit yang memenuhi syarat untuk naik rank member, akun saya menjadi member biasa atau tetap copper member ? Terima kasih infonya.
5  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: (Diskusi) Bitcoin / mata uang virtual erat kemungkinan dengan tindakan illegal on: July 24, 2019, 11:31:53 PM
Kalau menurut saya sendiri, Bitcoin ini adalah terobosan baru dalam hal transaksi keuangan. Dan ini memberikan kemudahan kepada setiap orang yang menggunakannya, bahkan Bitcoin ini bisa dijadikan investasi karena nilainya yang bisa naik sangat tinggi.  Saya pribadi tidak pernah berfikir negatif terhadap hadirnya Bitcoin ini, walaupun banyak sekali orang yang mengatakan kalau bitcoin ini Haram lah, perjudian lah atau apa itu. Kalaupun ada yang menggunakan Bitcoin untuk bisnis Ilegal itu adalah kelakuan dari Oknum, bukan karena Bitcoin nya.
6  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: HATI HATI ... !!! NEWBIE rawan jadi korban PENIPUAN on: July 18, 2019, 09:22:19 PM
Di situlah pentingnya kita harus sering berkomunikasi dengan teman-teman atau orang sesama pemain Cryptocurrency, selain untuk menyambung tali silaturahmi kita juga bisa menambah wawasan & ilmu tentang Crypto dari teman kita tersebut.
Saat ini yang lagi ngetrend penipuan di dunia Cryptocurrency adalah, ada seseorang yang meminta kita untuk menolong kita dengan Imbalan kita akan di Beri Imbalan BTC yang nilainya lumayan banyak jika kita mau menolongnya. Biasanya kita akan di hubungi Lewat Telegram. Karena saya sendiri pernah mengalaminya , seseorang bilang di negara mereka Cryptocurrency di larang, sedangkan dia punya saldo di suatu Exchange lalu kita di suruh mencairnya. Tapi alih-alih untuk melakukan penarikan dari Exchange tersebut kita di suruh Deposit terlebih dahulu. Di situlah saya mulai sadar bahwa saya sedang di kerjain, akhirnya saya tidak jadi Deposit dan dia berhasil menipu saya. Saat itu imbalannya lumayan besar ,Dia menjanjikan akan memberi Imbalan 0,05 BTC.
7  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Jangan khawatir sm 2fa indodax yang hilang atau tidak bisa dibuka on: July 18, 2019, 09:12:43 PM
Yang saya ketahui banyak yang takut 2fa indodax hilang. Ada yang bilang kl hp ilang gk pp tapi yang di khawatirin 2fa nya bukan hpnya Grin .
Mukin karena sy juga belum pernah kehilangan 2fa dan tidak terlalu memperhatikan tntg 2fa yang ilang, jadi ketika kemarin hp saya ilang, saya panik juga... Trs saya ngontak bagian indodax klo 2fa saya hilang. Lalu pihak indodax bilang suruh ketik dibagian "authenticator hilang?". Kurg lebih gitu. Trs kita tinggal reset lewat email... Trnyata mudah.
Anda benar Gan, kita memang bisa mereset kode authenticator dari Google tersebut dengan cara klik di bagian "Authenticator hilang" lalu kita masuk email. Namun bagi orang yang tidak paham sudah pasti mereka panik, apalagi saldo di akun Indodax mereka besar dan mereka tidak paham cara ini.
8  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Infografis] 5 Hal Yang Dapat Dipelajari Dari Kondisi Market 2018 on: July 18, 2019, 09:07:09 PM
Saat pertama kali saya belajar trading dan membuat akun Exchange di INDODAX Saya membaca tulisan yang kurang lebih isinya begini.  PERHATIAN  Perdagangan aset digital merupakan aktivitas beresiko tinggi. Harga aset digital sangat fluktuatif, di mana harga dapat berubah secara signifikan dari waktu ke waktu. Harap menggunakan pertimbangan ekstra dalam membuat keputusan untuk membeli atau menjual aset digital. Jadi, ketika terjadi hal seperti kemarin di tahun 2018 saya tidak terlalu khawatir karena saya yakin harga pasti akan naik, walaupun sebenarnya saya juga mengalami penurunan nilai aset yang lumayan besar.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Lets be careful on what we are investing on: June 21, 2019, 04:58:29 PM
Read this several minutes ago. We must be vigilant on what we are investing and must do some research or study first if the project that we wanted to join is legit or not. So sad that there are some ICOs who are just making money for their own sake. Because of this issues, people becomes scared of cryptocurrencies and thinks that other cryptos that are legit are scams too.
We really have to be careful if we want to invest, because this is customary to do with money.  So that we do not lose, we must do careful research, so that we do not misjudge.  Investing in Cryptocurrency does have a very high risk, but we can minimize it if we are good at doing research.
10  Economy / Economics / Re: Another good news for cryptocurrency in the Philippines on: June 19, 2019, 01:57:10 PM
I have long heard that the Philippines is a country that is friendly to cryptocurrency, therefore many companies or stores accept Bitcoin as a means of payment.  And rightly the comments above, if this country does not accept Cryptocurrency as a legitimate payment instrument, then accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment for property will cause a big problem for a store or company in the future.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: KYC is simply just to cheat bounty hunters. on: June 15, 2019, 04:12:54 AM
For me KYC for BOUNTY hunters is not a problem, because it can reduce cheating by some people who like to cheat in hunting Bounties.  Because of the fact that I have found, many people participated in one Bounty campaign.  So he got more prizes from other participants, and with the existence of this KYC these people became very angry and did not agree with this regulation.  KYC does need now, despite the failure of the Cryptocurrency project, it is a risk that must be borne by each person.  Because indeed, Cryptocurrency has a very high risk.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: It's hard to get profit in crypto trading. on: June 13, 2019, 10:17:33 PM
Trading will be easy to get profit when the market conditions are crowded and the price chart is rising, but if it is in reverse conditions it will be difficult to make a profit.  I think that is normal in Cryptocurrency trading.  So we have to stay calm, patient and keep up the spirit.  We wait until the price rises again, then we sell the tokens or coins that we hold, to get more profits.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin will be legally accepted in every country in the next 10 years? on: June 13, 2019, 10:14:10 PM
Whatever can happen within the next 10 years, now what we have to do is we must continue to do the best for Bitcoin and continue to support it in everything.  We can also help spread Bitcoin by introducing to our friends who are not familiar with Bitcoin.  Bitcoin struggle is not easy to be accepted by all levels of society, and government.  But that is not not going to happen, we Bitcoiners must remain optimistic.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Which coin or coins you never gained money with? on: June 12, 2019, 02:41:28 AM
I have no longer remembered which coins made me lose money and I did not get 1 cent from the purchase of coins, because I bought new coins at very cheap prices, hoping that the value would rise but in fact the coins did not sell, and finally the coins  lost on the market.  one of the coins as remembered as power is Vlx, Appu, Ajx, Gpaid, Hint and others.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Indulging with cryptocurrencies could send you to jail in India on: June 09, 2019, 03:44:07 AM
I just heard this news, and I think it's too much.  Maybe the government just gives a ban to its people without having to give a prison sentence.  Maybe the Indian government considers the presence of Bitcoin a threat to them, so they act like that.  Whereas in other developed countries, it actually accepts and legalizes Bitcoin in their country, maybe the Indian government needs to see this.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is IEO better than ICO? on: June 08, 2019, 01:35:17 PM
If I think ICO and IEO are the same, they have the same goals, just different ways.  If ICO they raise funds on the Cryptocurrency project website, but if the IEO collects funds in the Exchange.  But because this IEO is new, so many people are looking for it, especially since in recent years many ICOs have failed, making many people think that ICO is a bad thing, and IEO is a new thing that will make changes.
17  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin believers/investors are foolish or low IQ people ? on: June 08, 2019, 01:29:43 PM
That's a big mistake. In fact, people who invest in Bitcoin are people who have high IQs and have smart thoughts.  They are aware that this is a great opportunity for profit, where many people who think Bitcoin is a bubble or a fraud, but they put aside the opinions of these people and continue to collect Bitcoin to gain big profits and become billionaires.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptocurrency market conditions. on: June 08, 2019, 01:23:26 PM
This is usually the world's training training of cryptocurrency coins. Because the value of crypto currency has fluctuating properties, whose value can go up at any time without we can guess and without clear reason, which is certain, as a crypto merchant, we must always be ready with this condition, and to avoid the great loss we should be cleverly to resist something like this. Because in fact, with this condition we can get great profits. By buying coins at the price down and sell it at the price rising.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Adoption In Your Country on: June 08, 2019, 01:18:47 PM
Our country is still neutral against Bitcoin, there are no restrictions but also not legalized.  But seeing the speech of our President who mentioned Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency several times, it seems like Bitcoin here has a bright future.  Just waiting for the right time to wait for the government's decision to legalize it, moreover here many people also enter in the world of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: would you invest in IEO instead of ICO projects? on: June 07, 2019, 03:18:06 PM
Actually I have suffered a lot of losses due to investment in ICO, but I still believe there will be a successful ICO that will make investors benefit.  Currently the IEO is indeed a trend, and many ICOs have been abandoned.  But I am still looking for a good ICO project, because I believe that when people turn to the IEO, then there will be an ICO project that will come to surprise their success and bring their investors into millionaires.
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