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Less than 2 weeks left before IEO start, it will become a huge milestone for the project.
How many team members are there in Karvuon project? Linkedin shows only 7 of them.
The official site shows 12 team members and only 2 advisors. How long time time ago have you started the development of Karvuon project? What have been done already? I don't know, but they haven't even made the smart contract yet. And promise pre-sale soon. As for me, I'm also worried why do they never answer questions in this thread. That's strange.
You have created 1 million tokens.
For $ 47, you can buy only the first 300,000 tokens?
Why did you choose the Waves blockchain?
What is special about this blockchain? Why not Ethereum, Stellar or the Throne?
Apparently, the developers considered the Waves blockchain the best for the goals that are provided for in their project. In fact, this is a convenient blockchain for many technological projects. There are no scaling issues in this blockchain
Did you hear about Elon Musk's words "All you need is a 100 by 100 mile patch in a deserted corner of Arizona, Texas or Utah (or anywhere) to more than power the entire USA. "?
After fall of the market will be a growth of the market. It is good that digital wallet is developing when market falls.
I think that 80% discount is a very big advantages during the seed phrase. Do you have an minimum of investment during seed phrase?
Hi karsheringprof We want to reward those that are with us from the beginning, and seed investors are exactly those people. Minimum investment is 200 HERO. Also, keep in mind that bonus tokens will be locked, so those that join in later sale phases won't be in any disadvantage. I need information about the locking token period, do you have an article about it or can you explain it? As I understand the first investors will not be able to sell the bonus tokens for some locked period but they will be able to sell all other tokens. It is done that first investors would not sell the bonus tokens for a smaller price.
Many experts think that till the end of this year cryptocurrency market will start to recovery and growth.
Not many days left till the end of the year, but cryptocurrency market continue to fall. May be experts made a mistake. Before new years usually people prefer to sell crypto, because people need money for presents and celebration of New Year.
If the project does not pass moderation for listing, will you return the money paid for listing?
Cryptocurrency startups conducts IEO to collect money for the realization their idea and very often they do not have money to pay the exchange for conduction IEO.
1 trading pair - 0.1 BTC 3 trading pairs - 0.7 BTC
Why if I order more services, then it turns out several times more expensive?
When cryptocurrency project conducts IEO on different exchanges it mean that after the end of IEO listing will be on different exchanges.
The main reason why cryptocurrency projects conduct IEO on different exchanges is to collect more money for realization of planned ideas. When projects conducts IEO on different exchanges more investors will know about the project and its ideas. That is why it is important to conduct IEO on big exchanges.
When will the Eureka exchange appear on coinmarketcap? I would like to track the daily trading volume of the exchange
This is a very good question. The popularity of Eureka exchange will increase significantly after listing on coinmarketcap I also wait for the Eureka exchange to appear on the coinmarketcap and coingecko list. This will allow you to track the daily trading volume on the exchanges. I think at the beginning of 2020, the exchange will appear in the listing on coinmarketcap and coingecko This will increase the traders' interest in this exchange. In my opinion, the daily trading volume can grow several times A very important factor is the popularization of the Eureka exchange among the crypto community. Traders always choose exchanges with a large daily trading volume If the Eureka exchange works well, the number of traders will increase every day.
That is why now it is very popular to conduct different stages of IEO on different exchanges. In such case the chance to collect the necessary sum of money increase.
When cryptocurrency market falls it is really very difficult to collect the necessary some of money. That is why projects conducts IEO on different exchanges. Before the New Year traders and investors prefer to sell tokens and crypto and withdraw the money. That is why the price of cryptocurrency market falls.
The price of the coin began to rise sharply. Large investors came to the market?
Wow! Price rose again by 19% $ 0.007102 USD (19.32%) Apparently, new traders consider Eureka Coin a very promising coin.