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1  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: March 15, 2018, 12:36:07 AM
If the Earth is flat, then explain seasons. How is it winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere at the same time?
2  Economy / Economics / Re: Five reasons 2018 could be the best year yet for cryptocurrencies. on: February 25, 2018, 07:47:32 PM
I have read articles about many businesses that have stopped accepting Bitcoin because of how volitile the price is on a minute-by-minute basis. It makes sense to me too. There is always a risk that by the time a transaction for a product has been made and the Bitcoin subsequently traded for dollars that the value has gone down and the merchant ends up losing money.

Merchants aren't losing anything due to the volatility, which is why I don't understand why they even use it as an excuse. In let's say, +95% of the cases, merchants make use of third party payment processors such as BitPay. BitPay takes care of everything when it comes to people using Bitcoin to pay for stuff. Merchants themselves don't even deal with Bitcoin at all -- they just get the fiat value of the Bitcoin transaction (minus the BitPay fee) on their bank account. Merchants however do have the option with BitPay to keep a certain part of every transaction in Bitcoin, but thus far I haven't seen any merchant do so and publicly talk about it.

That's a good point. Thanks for the info!
3  Economy / Economics / Re: Five reasons 2018 could be the best year yet for cryptocurrencies. on: February 25, 2018, 06:37:59 PM
Investing without any prior research and understanding of the market in question is always risky. Investing without risk doesn't exist.


In most cases wealthy retired individuals follow that route in order to gain some form of annual interest over their capital. I personally have nothing against it if others are doing it, but I will never allow anyone to invest the money I worked my entire life for. The easiest way to make money is never a way to actually become wealthy.

I do agree with you. However, those companies are in it to make money as well. They make money when we invest our money with them. It is in their best interest to ensure they invest our money wisely. Still, you do have a point that there is always a risk.

We're getting there already. I am not exactly sure which firm it was, but I have seen coverage on TV where that firm has explained to invest in crypto on behalf of those who find it too risky to get involved in themselves. I think it's just a matter of time before this will expand further, where at some point even banks might get involved in this. Financial institutions are holding back due to the lack of actual regulations.

That is interesting. Now that you mention it, I think I may have also read somewhere that cryptos will be or are already being traded on some commodities markets. I will have to look further into that.
4  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: February 25, 2018, 06:31:16 PM
the Bible confirms this

The Bible doesn't do anything. 

You take what you want from the vague and outdated scriptures. 

A thousand people will look at the bible, and not one will agree on what it meant.

Very true, Vod. As a Christian, I will be the first to admit that the Bible is very much open to interpretation. And let's face facts, the Bible was written by Bronze Age men who had little to no understanding of science and math. And they certainly didn't have telescopes. So they interpreted what they saw the best way they could.

But come on, Flat Earthers. It's 2018! Shouldn't it be more than obvious by now that when the Bible states "the firmament" that they were talking about the sky, not some silly dome. And the "separation of the waters above the firmament from the waters below the firmament" still doesn't mean there is a dome. The waters above the firmament are obviously the rain clouds and the waters below the firmament are the rivers, lakes, and seas.

There is no grand conspiracy to keep people ignorant of the "truth". NASA is real. Space is real. The Earth isn't flat. And it sure as hell isn't only 6,000 years old. Maybe instead of misinterpreting the Bible and posting YouTube videos and calling it "evidence" that the Earth is flat, you all should spend more time reading books written in the last 100 years, or, even better, go visit a Natural History museum. If you want spiritual guidance, read the Bible. If you want scientific fact, look elsewhere.
5  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: February 25, 2018, 04:39:03 PM
I think NASA has massive data centres on the ice wall.  I've heard rumors that they tap into the dome's trillions of volts and they run their secret farms with Black Arrow Prospero Miners.  They use to have the X1 and X3 but have since moved on to their X32.  The X32 is available for insiders to buy for about 6K and is guaranteed to mine more than 30 BTC in it's life time!  The insiders also get to plug their miners in at home into a "dome receptacle" giving them free power (they have always enjoyed free power at home now they can mine with it!).

NASA needs to control the worlds electrical supply by being the only ones that can tap into the domes trillions of volts and distribute it throughout the world. Thats why no one except the insiders can know about the dome and everyone else is taught the GE theory.

NASA and all space launches are just high altitude planes used to deploy new connections to the dome.  You have to make the connection high up on the dome because that is where the trillions of volts are stable enough for us to connect to!

Now they have ALL the angles covered and have had for centuries, until Nikon...  How the fuck did we forget to buy up Nikon to stop the release of the only fucking thing that can foil our evil plot...!!! 

Evil plots to control the universe always leave one little angle open that can bring down the house of cards.  Thankfully Notbatman has finally figured out NASAs Thermal Exhaust Port!  Wink

I know! Who would have thought that a Nikon P900 camera would do more to prove the lies of NASA than a 14" telescope ever could?
*Note* The author of the above linked article is a NASA shill and all of his photos are CGI photoshopped lies. He shouldn't be trusted. He's probably a lizard person, or at the very least, a Jew.  Tongue
6  Economy / Economics / Re: Five reasons 2018 could be the best year yet for cryptocurrencies. on: February 25, 2018, 04:31:10 PM
I don't feel the same. This isn't a playing ground. It's probably one of the most brutal markets out there. If you don't understand how this market works, and don't have a clue about what Bitcoin is or does, you are bound to lose big time. It's called gambling if you blindly put your money into something hoping that it will result in profits.

I get what you're saying, but in my opinion, it is just as risky to invest in the stock market if you don't know what you're doing. The main difference is that there are plenty of investment firms out there, such as TD Ameritrade and Fidelity, where people get paid to invest your money on your behalf. Bitcoin doesn't have that yet. I do agree with you that people who know nothing about Bitcoin and have pipe dreams of investing a few thousand dollars and becoming millionaires over night should not be taking this risk.
7  Economy / Economics / Re: Five reasons 2018 could be the best year yet for cryptocurrencies. on: February 25, 2018, 03:04:27 PM
2018 might be a good year for some of the major altcoins, but I have my doubts about the performance of Bitcoin. Two of the major things Bitcoin needs to address is transaction speeds and fees. I have read articles about many businesses that have stopped accepting Bitcoin because of how volitile the price is on a minute-by-minute basis. It makes sense to me too. There is always a risk that by the time a transaction for a product has been made and the Bitcoin subsequently traded for dollars that the value has gone down and the merchant ends up losing money. I think now more than ever what Bitcoin needs is stability in its "value". I feel bad for the poor bastards who invested their life savings in Bitcoin when it surged to $20k just to have it shed over half its value in a matter of days. That may not be much to cry about for the Winklevoss twins, but for the common hard working man or woman, that must have really hurt.
8  Economy / Economics / Re: Can we totally eliminate all the banks in this world? on: February 25, 2018, 02:51:32 PM
Funny how you say that, even if bitcoin is massively accepted, banks will never be useless.  Banks offers several services not only keeping your money and trading it without your consent.  They are also being used as vault for important documents and items, also offers investment program for your money and several insurance stuff.  So I guess Bank will be useful and will always be with use.  Thus we cannot totally eliminate banking in this world.

I'm sure if people would actually read the fine print of the documents they sign when setting up bank accounts they will realize that they are giving the banks consent to trade their money. Besides, the banks do reward us, if albeit with much less money than they make off of our dollars, in the form of the interest they pay us to keep our money there.
9  Economy / Economics / Re: Can we totally eliminate all the banks in this world? on: February 25, 2018, 02:47:21 PM
We can never beat banks, they are operating based on the law and protected by the government if you follow the law.
They are different but bank are more trustworthy since depositors has more confidence because they are guaranteed with insurance.

^^^This. Big banks will never be beaten mainly because of this reason. Bitcoin has been around less than a decade. Banks have been around for centuries. People tend to trust banks because they are insured. And because they want to keep your business, and keep your money flowing through their doors, they will work hard to maintain that trust.

I can relate a recent personal experience to also justify my statement and agreement with goldcoinminer's statement. My family and I went on a weekend trip to Washington DC a couple of months ago. While there, we used our debit cards at the hotel, restaurants, and several of those mobile canteens and souvenir trucks. Just two days ago we noticed a charge on our account for $30 at a Quizno's in DC. We never ate at a Quizno's while we were there, and we live 5 hours away from DC, so obviously we didn't make that charge. My wife went to our bank to dispute the charge. They told us that once the charge cleared our account they will refund it and start an investigation to see if they could find out who used our account. They also cancelled her card and issued her a new one right there on the spot.

Now, don't get me wrong. I think Bitcoin and altcoins offer a viable alternative to fiat currency and banks, if one is willing to accept the risks associated with it. But do you think I would have been able to dispute any charges or get my money back had someone hacked my account and stolen my coins? Or that I would have any real way of tracking down who stole them in the first place? All it took was one trip to my bank to resolve my issue. Who would I have called to get help had it been Bitcoin? Since the government or banks don't regulate Bitcoin, it has no interest in providing resources to help an individual in that situation.

Sorry, I think Bitcoin and altcoins are fun to play around with and try to make money, or lose it just the same. But I will never place enough trust in it to do away with my checking and savings accounts.
10  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: February 20, 2018, 01:11:17 AM

The Sun, Moon, stars, planets and rainbows are all reflected projections off of the domes mirrored surface.

Wait, so if the sun and moon are reflected projections off the dome, then where are they actually located? If they are rotating inside the dome at an altitude of 5,000 miles and they are also reflecting off the "mirrored surface" of the dome, then wouldn't we always see two suns and two moons? Kinda like if you hold a flashlight in front of a mirror, you have the actual flashlight and the reflection of the flashlight both visible at the same time.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [TOR] Torcoin - X11 PoW - Tor Integrated Crypto - on: February 17, 2018, 01:45:58 AM

You'll have better luck finding the Loch Ness monster. This coin was a scam from day 1.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ ZEIT ★ [COMMUNITY & KNIGHTS] [ULTRA LOW INFLATION] on: February 16, 2018, 01:09:34 AM
I don`t think thats cool at all, 5 years to reach 0,000269? really?

How about 5 years, survived several attempts at pump and dump and price manipulation, and still manages to trade with $thousands every single day on several exchanges when hundreds of other coins released the same time as and even after Zeit have died and fallen into oblivion. Yeah, that is cool. If you don't want to invest, then that's fine. There are plenty of actual shit coins you can waste your money on instead.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ ZEIT ★ [COMMUNITY & KNIGHTS] [ULTRA LOW INFLATION] on: February 12, 2018, 10:58:14 PM
That's pretty cool. All those weak hand dumpers are missing out.
14  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: February 05, 2018, 10:00:21 PM
Still waiting for verifiable photos of the ice wall and the dome.
15  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: February 02, 2018, 08:40:18 PM
Notice how they call me a troll for wanting authenticated photographic negatives instead of just trusting digital images from NASA.

And yet, you also have not provided one single authenticated photographic negative of the ice wall or the dome.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ ZEIT ★ [COMMUNITY & KNIGHTS] [ULTRA LOW INFLATION] on: January 28, 2018, 09:15:33 PM
Update: Alcurex Zeit/BTC pair has been added to!
17  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: January 27, 2018, 11:11:06 PM
Random aside: My mind was wandering on matters involving texture mapping to triangle meshes, and it occured to me that the "Flat Earth" map is merely a texture map for a spherical surface.

I always get a good laugh when they post that as "proof". They like to think the UN symbol and that earth pattern on the floor of some international airport is "proof" too. Well, I'm sure that just as soon as the UN decides to use 3D flags and symbols, and that airport decides to put a giant globe in the middle of the floor that the FE's will just say it is a conspiracy.

Here's to the soon-to-be 500th page of this ridiculous thread!
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ ZEIT ★ [COMMUNITY & KNIGHTS] [ULTRA LOW INFLATION] on: January 27, 2018, 03:56:56 PM
Is it not possible that Coinexchange too can use the snapshot just like us ?

Not sure, but that was what I recommended to them.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ ZEIT ★ [COMMUNITY & KNIGHTS] [ULTRA LOW INFLATION] on: January 27, 2018, 03:19:41 PM

He wants to design a T-Shirt and one other very small thing.
He wants everyone to acknowledge him as the Leader of the zeitcoin movement, and they are his subordinates.  
and he also has a drinking problem.

Read and decide for yourself.

It is a community coin, no single individual is in charge of everything like Charlie Lee in LTC.
Currently these are the people volunteering their time and resources.
Rent_A_Ray : Maintains the Source code at github
Plus other too many numerous things to post
(He hosted the website for years and has turned it over to Ebolansk)

Ebolansk : Is designing and taking over the web site

Kiko:  I do Tech Support, Monitor the exchanges, Make sure the BlockExplorer is paid up

ZEIT Knights : Each hold 100 million coins to help the price stabilize over time.

I also remember you ~2 years ago making a similar post in the official ZEIT Forums and then disappearing until now.

1). Create a new zeitcoin website.
    EBO said he would do this, and I have no reason to doubt him.

2). Produce a new promotional video.
     Lay out its taking points here , and we can correct any technical errors before you release it.

3). Produce an actual physical Zeitcoin note design (£3,000 by the way, if you wondered, with it's own hologram)
     By doing this , you Bring the Governments down on the whole community ,
      which right now they can not touch us and I prefer to keep it that way.
      This can not be supported by the community.

4). Get the notes printed by the same company that printed the Bristol Pound in England (check it out, you'll see how REAL I'm being)
     Same Answer: Bad Idea unless you just want jail time, Look up the guy that produced the Liberty Dollar in the US.

5). Design a t-shirt.
     For Pete Sake, Feel Free and do it at your Desire.

6). Connect Zeitcoin with my project (check that out too)
    My Personal View is No , that ZEIT should stand alone.
     However you can make your case here and have the community vote on it

7). Produce the worlds first Utopian society free of the shackles of people like George Soros (the gap between 6 and 7 is pretty big)
     That is going to be the hard part. But we can both agree it needs to happen.   Smiley


My apologies, I really shouldn't write posts drunk!

I'm basically saying I'd like to help breath some life and originality into this coin. I've got 807 million of them still and I'd like to use some of them to fund projects to save children's lives. I can't do that whilst they are fairly worthless.

As I own a software development company in safety I thought I'd be able to use some of my resources to get Zeit moving.

I gave up on crypto many years ago. I don't remember you from back then but I remember Rent_a_ray.

I very much appreciate you replying to my message. I actually believed the admins had disappeared and thought to provoke someone into responding after having no response through my contact on the Facebook group or this forum, previously.

When I mention owning the coin, I mean who is responsible for maintaining the administration around it. If it is not organised then this would explain why nothing much is happening. From your explanation is sounds like there is some organisation but it's most likely needing more resources and leadership.

I'd like to help out.


p.s. no more provocative drunken messages from me lol! (although I'm happy I got a response!)



Fair enough. And maybe he will make a post while not drunk  Cool and better explain his position. What I read is that he is recommending more leadership, not him as sole leader. Obviously, this is a community coin and there is no single leader, so that would never happen regardless. If he wants to design a t-shirt and sell them, I'm all for it. Hell, I'll even buy one and wear it. It would be a good conversation starter and good advertisement. But enough on that. I think Dale can speak for himself. I was just interested to know if he had any new ideas.

Moving on. From my correspondence with CoinExchange tech support, they are still in the process of syncing the blockchain and asked if there was any way we could have it downloadable via wget on the github. I know this is Ray's realm, so I told them I would at least ask the question.
Also, a little over a week ago I submitted a ticket to Coinmarketcap to add Alcurex. Nothing as of yet, and no response from them (not sure if the even do responses, though). But in the meantime, if anyone else is willing to devote the 3 or 4 minutes it takes to submit the request as well, it would be appreciated.
Also, it looks as if none of the three links for give-a-ways and faucets are working. Should those links just be removed?
Lastly, I see on the OP that the icon still says "Join the Knights March 2016". Can that be updated to reflect the upcoming enrollment in this year?
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ ZEIT ★ [COMMUNITY & KNIGHTS] [ULTRA LOW INFLATION] on: January 27, 2018, 02:38:36 PM
Well I'll play the devil's advocate here and say that I would love to hear what Dale has in mind. Truth be told, we (Zeit) had a great few weeks recently with things seeming to finally come together and our future was looking really good. We surpassed the $20m marketcap and was consistently have 24 hour volumes in the tens of thousands of USD. We were attracting new investors, and even got a Zeit/USD pairing on SouthXchange. All was going well... until yet again, the weak hands and wannabe price manipulators got their claws into it, and once again tried to turn Zeit into a pump and dump just to turn the tiniest of profits.
Now here we are, back at 1 sat with a marketcap barely above $5m. Zeit is better than this. Zeit deserves better than this. We have tread water through pumps and dumps too many times now and still do not get the recognition we deserve. So hey, regardless of the fact that he has not been a regular poster here on BTC, if Dale has some ideas, maybe we should hear him out. Just my two cents.
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