I heard that you will be competition to Linkedin too. How do you plan to accomplish that? Is that going to be the Job portal or professional network feature in the app?
Hi BehindTheWheel Yes, we believe that we can replace LinkedIn. LinkedIn does not have verifiable profiles. User can mention any position in his/her profile and recruiter can't validate whether it is correct or not. Our platform provides that trust. User can get their data and experience certificate verified from their previous employer and once verified it will reflect on his/her profile.Recruiter does not have to worry about authenticity of positions mentioned as they are already verified. Do you plan to partner with HR companies, that could use your platform? Hi SRBYN We certainly plan to do that! We already have many partners that will use our platform, and you can expect more of them in the future! Its great to hear that, as HR companies could benefit from yuur professional platform, where everything will be verified and in the same time those kind of companies would bring you alot of new users.
I heard that you will be competition to Linkedin too. How do you plan to accomplish that? Is that going to be the Job portal or professional network feature in the app?
Hi BehindTheWheel Yes, we believe that we can replace LinkedIn. LinkedIn does not have verifiable profiles. User can mention any position in his/her profile and recruiter can't validate whether it is correct or not. Our platform provides that trust. User can get their data and experience certificate verified from their previous employer and once verified it will reflect on his/her profile.Recruiter does not have to worry about authenticity of positions mentioned as they are already verified. Do you plan to partner with HR companies, that could use your platform?
How long will the public sale last? Will distribution of airdrop and bounty tokens be after the sale ends?
Hi BobtheUnion Public sale will last until February 10th 2019 and all tokens will be distributed after that. Tokens will be sent to our own wallet,or in the app? Hi Toshiro Mifune Yes you are right, tokens will be sent to your own wallet. Are any tokens locked,outisde of the team tokens?
I just went through KYC,and now i have to decide how much to invest.Anyone with some advice?
Remember the golden rule of investing-dont invest what you are not ready to loose! With that being said,Lynked.World is a good opportunity with 35% discount and this early bird offer. Thanks for opinion,yes im aware that this is a good offer, i was just trying to see what other people think.Anyway,i invested few ETH for now,and i might invest more a bit later.
I just went through KYC,and now i have to decide how much to invest.Anyone with some advice?
Regarding the raised funds ,will the features on the app depend on the amount raised,or it will simply make it faster to implement if more money is raised?
This project has great potential in the future. I congratulate the team for the idea and because it wants to implement something new on the crypto market. I'm glad that things are changing in the cryptographic world, today it's important to have a work application before the sale starts.
Thats the only way for crypto to come into mainstream-real aplicability in everyday life,so thats why lynked.world has good chances to succeed. From what i heared, some organiszations are already using lynked.world platform,and some are in the process of implementation,like some municipalities in India.
Will there be options to stake LYNK tokens, cos as far as I understand there won't be any mining possible right?
I would like to know that too, can someone from the team please tell us about it.If there is staking will it be one with the app? Is Lynked.World app still in beta? I downloaded it, but I don't see much that I can do, maybe I could use some kind of a tutorial... Hi MosusnoGovedo Lynked.World applications are fully released, both iOS and Android version. For now you can share your referral link that you will find inside of the app. Features will get available as we are coming closer to the end of the Sale. Which features will be available first? On the roadmap job portal is mentioned to go Live during Q4 2018 so that might be one of the first features. It would be great to onboard some big HR company,that would be great partnership, where everyone would benefit.
Ι see on your roadmap that Job portal should go live during Q4.Will this feature be free,or we will have to pay to use it?
We are thrilled to announce that Lynked.World has successfully crossed the Soft Cap mark before the start of public ICO. We would like to thank you to all of our private sale contributors for showing confidence in our Project. You can find ICO tracker on our Token Sale Website
 Congratulations on the soft cap,i know it aint easy to achieve that at the moment.Next stop hard cap  To be honest i dont think that reaching hard cap should be ultimate goal.Most important one is reached,and whatever happens after that is extra.Of course hard cap is not a bad thing 
We are thrilled to announce that Lynked.World has successfully crossed the Soft Cap mark before the start of public ICO. We would like to thank you to all of our private sale contributors for showing confidence in our Project. You can find ICO tracker on our Token Sale Website
 Its a success to reach even soft cap in this bear market,and your soft cap wasnt small at all!About public sale,does it starts immediately after end of private sale?
Can you tell me where is Agate team actually based? Europe?
Agate is registered in Australia i think.Someone correct me if im wrong.
Lynked.World partners with Palash Healthcare and Seed Infotech Limited!Read all about it in the Medium Article! The MOU signing event was graced by Mr. Debasish Biswas, Global Strategy Advisor, Lynked World along with Mr. Narendra Barhate, Founder MD & CEO, SEED Infotech Ltd; Mr, Prasad Kulkarni, Founder Director PALASH Healthcare Solutions Pvt Ltd; and Mr. Nilesh Ingale, Founder Director, PALASH-IVF Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Congratulations on another partnership!I really hope that you come to Europe soon as well!
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Most likely that is the case, but let's better wait for someone from the team to confirm this officially. What do you think, what kind of withdrawal fee can we expect to have? I presume we won't high fees when exchanging the currencies, most likely it will be very low as it will all be in AGT. And what about fees when we want to withdraw crypto to fiat? Anyone has idea how much those could be? I really hope that withdrawing money from crypto to fiat won't be more then 10%. 5% would be excellent, but that might be hard to get. I agree,it will have to be less than 10% to be competitive with others. I'm sure that fees will be competitive and lower than 10%, Agate has many sources of income so they won't need to have high fees.Volume is the key. I agree,thats why im excited about Agate,im looking forward to their debit card,i hope for lower fees
I just downloaded your app and I I'm very happy about it, it looks really nice and modern which is rare for crypto project in ICO phase to on that level! I wonder how many app downloads you have so far?
The last time I checked it was over 50k downloads, but that was a while ago so now the number is surely even bigger! Do you know for how long are apps out?
Great news!So that means you can exchnage fiat into crypto and vice versa?
I just downloaded your app and I'm wondering what can we do with your app?
Hi Dzefa For now you can get yourself familiar with the app, explore the features, you can share your referral link to others and earn LBD, and once we end the sale phase most of those features will be available, and even some new like ERC-20 wallet. When can we expect ERC-20 wallet functionality?
Since you already have apps out,for how long is Lynked.World in development?I guess its for atleast 1 year,maybe even more.
when will the public sale begin? when is blockchain agate ready and launched? my android is not compatible with your mobile application, so what version of android should I use?
You probably have older phone,maybe with android 4.0 or 5.0. So it will be either new phone or custom rom. okay, it looks like have to over Android version 5.0 to install it and I will try it immediately to another smartphone. They havent mentioned a fixed date for the public sale but as the website displays, they have already reached soft cap in the pre sale, so I guess they dont have any issues regarding creating the project. indeed the soft stamp has been achieved and we don't have to worry because they have got enough funds to build the project. This is also very important for future investors in public sale,because they will know that there wont be any delays onec public sale starts!
Is 200,00,000 maximum amount of LYNK tokens that will be available as circulating supply?
Hi CrnaSupa No,200,000,000 LYNK will be total supply after end of the sale. New LYNK tokens after the initial issue of 200,000,000 can only be generated from the reserves based on redemption of Lynk Boost Dollars into LYNK. Once the total number of LYNK tokens issued reaches 500,000,000 the company will initiate buyback programs to purchase LYNK tokens from open market to be able to continue the “Community Rewards System”. Whose toikens will be locked,from that initial supply?