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Am luat mai demult niște BTC. S-au apreciat, și mă bate gândul de a cumpăra un apartament.
Problema e următoarea: ATM-ul de la care am luat nu a oferit vreo chitanță/dovadă. Erau sume mici, și nu m-am gândit la asta.
Am întrebări:
1.Pentru a satisface ANAF, dacă nu am dovada prețului achiziției, pot să îl declar ca 0 și plătesc taxe pe tot și gata?
2. Pentru a satisface KYC/AML, aș putea argumenta notarului sau băncii că de vreme ce am investit sub €10k, vânzarea nu e o tranzacție suspectă? Pot dovedi că doar am ținut BTC, nu am tranzacționat, cu istoricul tranzacțiilor pe blockchain.
3. Îmi puteți recomanda vreun notar sau avocat mai familiar cu BTC, prin Timișoara?
I see that he hasn't snooped into Chrome at least
It would be trivial to mount a drive without touching the files on it (such as Chrome history). Any Linux live USB offers read-only mount support. Yeah, I'll move everything to new wallets just in case, you can never be safe enough. On top of that, if we suppose that he has snooped through my files, he could potentially try to compromise the wallets at a much later date. That way, no accusation can actually be directed to him.
Absolutely. If I were you, I would definitely pay the transaction fee to move the coins to a new wallet.
it's easy to find a transaction with more than 10 BTC and claim the wallet as yours..
The signed message at the top of the first post verifies: OP really did own the bitcoins in 1EENuimoixhyn6k67UgeYo2mFFhRfEYots . You can check for yourself with Electrum: Tools -> Sign/Verify message. However, it could be a lie if OP owned the address they went to as well, and there's no way they can prove they don't.
Indeed. I am incredibly glad I didn't leave anything there.
Mt. Gox, Tradehill and Bitcoin 7 should all be "up". There should be no single point of failure in our network. If we have no way of converting USD to BTC and back, Bitcoin is practically sealed off from most of the world.
The more exchanges there are, the better it is. There can also be competition between them, leading to better prices.
You know, there's always the other exchanges.
The difference between Bitcoins and Jesus?
Bitcoins are real.
Bitcoin serves whatever god wants to exchange it. It makes no difference whether you're Yahweh or Allah or Buddha or Jesus or Zeus. If you've got something to trade, Bitcoin can help you.
Looks like a lot of taxpayer money will be spent trying to shut us down. 
It's not a submarine, it's a starship! Worship the one, true, and free currency!
Ah never mind. The widget doesn't refresh.
I think mining bitcoins is more expensive than the electricity you're using. 55 MH/s will give you circa 0.11 BTC/24h according to deepbit stats (Though it may take a long time until you get the block) How expensive is electricity in your area, and how much of it does your computer use?
I am attempting to convince BitDefender to accept bitcoins for their online shop.