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1  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: 26/2 Update: Another message at the start page on: February 26, 2014, 04:21:43 PM
Its becoming clearer by day that Mark considers this some sort of game that he can still win. There's nothing wrong with the mindset of tenacity, its a wonderful thing. But this is not tenacity, its a misguided belief that he's playing a game, and cryptic messages and 'leaked' reports are all part of the hand he's playing now. And again for a game that's great, "pretty sneaky bro", lol u win; But instead of connect four he's fucking around with peoples money, time, emotions and lets be honest many, many lives. He and MtGox need to be dropped now, and forever serve as a warning of what can happen when the wrong type of people get power and abuse it. I sincerely hope that the MtGox customers get their money back and that Gox is never herd from again.

Thanks for listening to my brief rant on the matter. I love you all. (except Mark)
2  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [OFFICIAL] first Bitcoin P2P lending platform for leverage trading on: February 26, 2014, 09:13:33 AM
So umm, can bitfinex trades still be executed on bitstamp? Is there any official word on why they stopped?

They stopped that. If they need liquidity, I believe BFX knocks on Stamps door, but the order books remain separate.

I have no Idea what your trying to say. I'm asking about the ability to route ones trades on bitstamp from bitfinex. It doesn't seem to be there any more? And I'm wondering why.

The routing option was removed a long time ago. There is a longer explanation, but I don't know what it is ... lol.

ah, Right you are:

6. Bitstamp Liquidity combined with Bitfinex: Lastly, and perhaps
most importantly, we have listened to your feedback and we agree that trying
to superimpose two order books with different pricing is confusing,
forcing traders to do a lot of extra math when all they really want to do is
trade. Going forward, we will no longer be showing “Bitstamp” orders on our
book, but rather regular “BFX” orders reflecting Bitstamp liquidity, but
priced and grouped in such a way that BFX commission rules can be applied
uniformly to all trades on the platform.

This changes will be implemented within the next few days.

I guess I only noticed that this had happened over the last few days when the prices on the two orderbooks separated a little... dont i feel silly... thanks for your help guys
3  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [OFFICIAL] first Bitcoin P2P lending platform for leverage trading on: February 26, 2014, 09:01:30 AM
So umm, can bitfinex trades still be executed on bitstamp? Is there any official word on why they stopped?

They stopped that. If they need liquidity, I believe BFX knocks on Stamps door, but the order books remain separate.

I have no Idea what your trying to say. I'm asking about the ability to route ones trades on bitstamp from bitfinex. It doesn't seem to be there any more? And I'm wondering why.
4  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [OFFICIAL] first Bitcoin P2P lending platform for leverage trading on: February 26, 2014, 06:39:48 AM
So umm, can bitfinex trades still be executed on bitstamp? Is there any official word on why they stopped?
5  Economy / Speculation / Re: Gox Crisis Management Plan Confirmed Legitimate on: February 26, 2014, 01:37:08 AM
I don't understand how people could have withdrawn bitcoins, used transaction malleability to make gox think there was an error and resend the coins... to the tune of 750,000 BTC without mtgox noticing something was wrong... am I missing something? or is the loss related to something else?
6  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: BITSTAMP SEPA account "no transfer" countries/banks' list (upd 2014-02-07) on: February 20, 2014, 11:45:48 PM
I've made successful deposits and withdraws to/from bitstamp from Ireland with my bank AIB. No issues whatsoever.
7  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Is it time to start organising large scale legal action against MtGox? on: February 16, 2014, 06:03:59 PM
He still has my f*ckin bitcoinica money  Angry what a (hilarious) mess
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ripple Giveaway! on: March 04, 2013, 01:41:21 AM
9  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [Payout Updates] Bitcoinica site is taken offline for security investigation on: May 29, 2012, 12:17:22 PM
Can somebody from Bitcoinica Please tell us what's going on now? Thanks, much appreciated.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: [Emergency ANN] Bitcoinica site is taken offline for security investigation on: May 25, 2012, 09:52:32 PM
We have all kinds of accounting reports. They are outdated and incomplete to restore trading, but far current enough to identify fake claims.

My last deposit was made about an hour before this happened... Does this mean the info I can provide about that deposit is useless in making my claim?

And its the last deposit specifically the claim form asks for...
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: [Emergency ANN] Bitcoinica site is taken offline for security investigation on: May 17, 2012, 08:32:43 AM
Ah hey, sorry I doubted your abiities Z, didnt realise there was a change up in management, in fairness you did an excellent job as far as I can see... I just want my moneys back Sad
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: [Emergency ANN] Bitcoinica site is taken offline for security investigation on: May 17, 2012, 07:54:01 AM
Hi I haven't been following this load of shit, because its just gotten old, despite the fact that I transferred 1000 USD to my Bitcoinica account literally one hour before shit went down, and I'm now stuck with some 1800USD on the line and a open long position.

Can somebody please explain to me why we have to claim to get back our... accounts? Bitcoins? USD's? If all that happened was somebody robbed Bitcoinica's money... ??

Thanks in advance to all the wonderful people of this forum, and at the risk of biting the hand that once sort of fed me, Bitcoinica, wtf dudes? at least put up a place holderpage at to explain your position, very unprofessional, is this show still being run by a 17 year old? Cause I remember 17, I wasn't a financial wizard, I was in the back of a night club dry humping some girl I barley know.
13  Economy / Speculation / Re: To whom it may concern... on: March 02, 2012, 12:19:07 PM
Are still going down? 4.2? 3.8? I closed half of my short at 4.5, i hope we're still going down
14  Economy / Speculation / Re: bitscalper anyone use this ? [PASSWORDS LEAKED] on: February 28, 2012, 04:34:11 PM
Dont. Hes been missing from the forum for a while, withdrawals have been 'processing' for the past three weeks maybe... and they arent paying out on deposits anymore either, right now the site just seems like a few static pages with the odd BTC address for you to send money too. you'd be sending 1 BTC into the abyss.
15  Economy / Speculation / Re: bitscalper anyone use this ? [PASSWORDS LEAKED] on: February 27, 2012, 11:11:11 AM
terrytibbs? what? Is he actually handing money out?
16  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoinica's Order Types on: February 21, 2012, 11:40:41 AM
There is no incorrect way to use the orders, if you set a limit buy above the market price, then bitcoinica says to itsself 'oh shit guys we're already below that price... execute now'. if you set a stop buy (weather or not you have a position open) below the market price then bitcoinica says to itsself 'oh shit we're already above that price... execute now'.

I think there may be a fundamental misunderstanding of how the orders work,

Limit: makes you money by executing your order when the price reaches a point in the profit direction.

Stop: cuts your losses by executing your order when the price reaches a point in the loss direction.

trailing stop: cuts your losses by a set amount(of loss), rather then at a set price.

And any of these orders can be used to open, close, increase or partially close a position.

Profit directions: (a-duh)
Profit DirectionLoss Direction

If you insist on looking at this in terms of editing positions, you have to take into account that, as long as you have money in your pocket you have a position open... if you have 10 BTC then technically you're holding a 1:1 long position with a value of 10BTC. If you have 10 USD in your pocket then your holding a 1:1 short position with a value of 10 USD. By this logic, you are always editing a position rather than opening or closing.
So if you have 100 USD in your bitcoinica account then your 1:1 short right... so if the price is falling you can set a stop loss to buy bitcoins before your short position becomes less valuable. (this a stop order being used to open a new bitcoinica position)

I hope you can strain sense out of that, might be harder then getting juice from a stone, its a little convoluted.

As for the trailing stops, If thats the way their being executed, I would consider that 'wrong' because most people would head into a trailing stop thinking it works the way I described, and the text (that at least used to be found on Bitcoinica) to explain the functionality of the trailing stop was not contrary to that.
If the trailing stop is to be used at all then the way it executes will have to be outlined on the site.
Although it does just sound like a programming error, having the stop price change with every price change rather than just the overall price change, I cant see a time when an order executing like that would be beneficial. I reckon this should be fixed.
Im testing a position too: Trailing stop buy at $50
17  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoinica's Order Types on: February 20, 2012, 10:25:36 PM
I've never used a trailing stop order on bitcoinica, but I assume it functions like a normal trailing stop order:

If you make a trailing stop sell order, your order will be executed once the price drops a certain amount, say X, (like a normal stop) but if the price rises first, then the peak of the value rise becomes the new upper limit and if the price falls by that set amount, 'X', from that peak your sell executes.

Its a little confusing on bitcoinica because you set the sell price rather than the price change (which i called X) which i think makes more sense since the sell price will vary if the price rises, but the change in price will remain constant...

For a trailing stop buy: change the word sell to buy, drop to rise, and upper limit to lower limit.  Tongue
18  Economy / Speculation / Re: I have a bad feeling this drop will be much worse than you guys are expecting on: February 16, 2012, 06:07:54 PM
19  Economy / Speculation / Re: i am out on: February 16, 2012, 12:56:52 AM
i dont know about you but i am out now this is going nuts

Im still in for 1 bitcoin.... that i shorted back when the price was 274$... good times
20  Economy / Speculation / Re: Stop panic selling, you idiots. on: February 15, 2012, 10:19:51 PM
3 Months I kept my cash sitting in Gox waiting for this.  3 fricking months.  I pulled it out last Friday.  Now I gotta move it back.  How does it know!?!

Wait what? 3 months ago the price was 2.5
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