Just to let you know, I have one 5830 mining on win7 and another one on BAMT; they are both overclocked with same values, but the second one goes up to 312Mh/s, instead of 290 Mh/s of the card running on windows. Too bad I can't use linux for work (yeah, I'm mining 24/7 @office too).
BAMT with multiple 5830s: core_speed_2: 1020 mem_speed_2: 300 core_voltage_2: 1.125 fan_speed: 80 kernel: phatk2 Running at 330Mhash/s +, very stable @ 60C. LOVE BAMT!
Or just fire up BAMT and let it have you up and mining in about 5 min... http://bamter.org/
The 5xxx seem to generate less heat than the 6xxx? [yes/no]?
Correct. Depending on which ones you have, the 6XXX series have multiple GPUs on them. I'd need specific models to actually assess the statement. As 5830s run cooler than 5850s, etc. It's all about the chips and how far you over clock them. And there is heat pipes in the card, should i run water into them or something? lol
Um, no. The copper "pipes" conduct heat from the GPU up to the large heatsink fins. The fans blow over the fins and cool them. The only option you have for water cooling is if your GPU model has a water cooler built for it. Then you can remove the entire fan assembly from the card and replace it with a water block. However, not all GPUs have water blocks designed for them. Also water blocks add quite a bit of cost to the cards. It would probably be cheaper just to go with only 3 cards on the board, and get another board.
Heat rises, so the top card in a stack will always be the hottest.
thanks all for you help. please accept the little thing i sent your way Received. Very much appreciated. I have a 4 x 5830 setup similar to yours. I can't keep the cards at an acceptable temp when all 4 are sandwiched that way. I haven't yet tried to use spacers in the cards and I'm playing with side panel fans as well. I've already turned the rig on it's side (even though the case isn't designed to rest on it's side) to keep the heat from affecting the other cards. Your only solution may be extenders. Also, you may want to check out the shrouds around the cards. On some cards they're decretive and on other cards they force air over the cooling fins. If they're decretive, you should take them off, as it will improve air flow between the cards.
Update r613 now available!
Jon, assuming that's the "e" Experimental release? I'm only seeing r496s in the stable branch. True? Or do I need to do a complete re-install to move into the r6xx stable branch?
Heat rises, so the top card in a stack will always be the hottest.
@nineinchnail was very professional and conducted a smooth transaction. I would recommend him in a similar situation and would do another deal with him should the situation present itself.
I played with that yeah It gets noisy  And doesn't affect the temp  If turning up the fans doesn't affect the temp, then you have a bad fan. From 56% to 100% should drop the temp at least 10C, unless of course the fan isn't running at all, which would explain all of your issues.
You'll probably want more than just pushpool if you're going to actually build a pool.
PM me if you'd like some help.
And is very much appreciated. Love the transparency. Thank you.
Might you define "angry"?
My Ubuntu rigs always boot. I run them causeless and headless. I just turn the power supplies off, work on them, then turn the power supplies on and they boot fine.
What are you experiencing?
Just because you found a block in a pool doesnt mean you would of found it solo mining.
True. Heres a example in a pool youd have like a 1 in 7,000 change of finding a block. On your own it would be more like 1 in 700,000
False. The probability is the same.
I'll give you a quick, very high-level, run down.
1) All domain names on the Internet are provided by registries. 2) Those registrars control your domain name, because THEY tell the Internet which name servers to use to resolve names. 3) Those registrars can be ordered, by their respective governments, to point the name servers to servers THEY control instead of you. 4) When that happens, the government now controls your domain, and can take it offline.
Namecoin was created to prevent all of the above.
It's based on Bitcoin, so all of the same rules apply (peer-to-peer, transactions, miners, blocks, hashes, block chain, etc).
Namecoin, however, has some special transactions that turn it into a peer-to-peer DNS Registrar.
So, you register a domain with Namecoin, you actually OWN that domain. It cannot be stripped from you without your consent, because it's signed with your private keys and the information within it cannot be changed without those private keys.
It does have 1 major drawback: There is no connection from the Namecoin TLD (.bit) to the global Internet. So, if you host a server on a .bit address, only other people who have modified their systems to resolve .bit space will be able to get to those sites.
But, folks are working on that.
I'm pretty sure that is completely wrong since the id_rsa* files .ssh are the public/private key files of THAT machine, and do not specify which public key is allowed to connect. They would only be used if you ssh'd from that machine to somewhere else. Furthermore there should be no need to create ANY keys whatsoever on the host machine.
Nope. They're the converted public/private key pair from the Windows computer. He didn't run ssh-keygen, hence he doesn't HAVE a public/private key pair for the Ubuntu system. Rather, you want to append your public key you created with putty on your client machine to the authorized_keys file in the ~/.ssh directory on the host machine. If that file does not exist create it and then run "chmod 600 authorized_keys". Depending on the format putty uses you might have to convert it to the openssh format first. There should be one key per line in the authorized_keys file, e.g. it should look similar to this: ssh-rsa AAA[lots of characters]== bla@foo So basically: append the .pub file you created on the client machine to the authorized_keys file of the host machine Yea, that's what I told him to do. The problem is that he has a combined key created by Putty. Putty under Windows just generates a .ppk file. You can read more here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/faq.html#faq-ssh2-keyfmtThe instructions allow you to take that .ppk file and convert it to a valid OpenSSH public/private key pair (the id_rsa.pub and id_rsa). You are right however, there is a step missing: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
That puts the public key into the authorized_keys file as a public/private key pair that is allowed to connect to the account. In fact, after you do that step you can actually delete the id_rsa and id_rsa.pub if you wish, because they ARE for the Windows system.
First: After you've created your putty key under Windows (puttykey.ppk), copy it to your Ubuntu server. We'll assume you have it in your home directory on your Ubuntu server which is ~/. So, that file is now ~/puttykey.ppk On your Ubuntu box, run a terminal (or SSH in from your Windows box) and: sudo apt-get install putty
When that's done, you now have putty on Ubuntu. Next do: puttygen ~/puttykey.ppk -L > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
If you're not familiar with Unix/Linux then you won't realize this, but the key output is being redirected to a file named "id_rsa.pub" in the .ssh directory in your home directory on the Ubuntu server. Finally, create the private key on Ubuntu using: puttygen ~/puttykey.ppk -O private-openssh -o ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now you should be able to do public key logins to Ubuntu. You MAY still have an issue due to permissions, so I'd recommend also doing: chmod 700 .ssh chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa*
Good luck.
Um, connect to WHAT exactly? A random server? When using Putty to SSH into an Ubuntu box, you should know 3 things: 1) SSH server needs to be installed on Ubuntu (it isn't by default): sudo apt-get install openssh-server 2) You won't need to generate any keys 3) You will just use Putty to connect via SSH to the IP address of the server If the above is working, and you now want to use public/private keys to connect, instead of a password, then follow this tutorial: http://blog.padraigkitterick.com/2007/09/16/using-putty-ssh-keys-with-openssh-on-ubuntu