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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Altcoin and investment on: May 19, 2018, 05:03:16 AM
I'm also not clear on how does the value of coin inflate or deflate; especially when the flow is controlled by the developers?

tl;dr Any resources or pointers on the topic are appreciated.

This isn't really true, when a coin gets to a certain point it isn't really controlled by the developers anymore. I think you mean supply inflate or deflate?

When a coin launches it will have a set distribution model written into the chain by code. Say 5 coins per block from block 1-500 then 10 coins per block from 500-50000 (just as an example)

Now that version of the chain (and wallet ect) will be up on github, if the devs just out of nowhere wanted to change those numbers they would have to modify the code and put up a new release, after that its up to the community if they want to download that new release with updated code.

If a majority of the community does not update then that original blockchain would remain ongoing with the original code.

This is why you hear the statement "The strongest chain will win", developers only have control to a certain extent, they need the community to be in consensus (agreement) with them to push their releases. This is a big reason why forks happen.

Hope this helps, good luck.
Yes, thanks for the clarification

Being a newbie, I'm looking for a good direction on learning about the markets and trading. How would you decide which ICO to invest in? Cryptocurrency is too volatile, but so there is still many people who go into investment that goes even in the newest coins which are similar (not same) in the functionality that they offer (e.g. anonymity). What is the possibility on any of these coins (or digital currency in general) being successful (or profitable)? I'm also not clear on how does the value of coin inflate or deflate; especially when the flow is controlled by the developers?

tl;dr Any resources or pointers on the topic are appreciated.
The most important of all the aspects are the developers even if in paper different projects may seem similar to each other if one project has dedicated developers and the other doesn't, then the project that has the best developers is going to become a successful coin and give you profits while the second is going to disappear soon after its creation.
True, although not all coins' devs decide to reveal their information; and I assume a motivated one can go to great lengths to present dev profiles and commits to the core - till release and/or to interact. My point is although the presentation and at face value we might see many devs, how can be sure of the verify of this information?

I also considered mining, which could also be considered as an investment, but is usually controlled by ones with the highest hash rate, and hence seems like the need of having a large number of computing units (cpu,gpu,asics) to be successful.
You can still mine some altcoins if you have a higher hash rate miner but it all depends on all of your expenses in the current and the total rate that your miner can give to you. But since the difficulty level is raising it must be harder and harder for someone to mine when he got too small altcoin(s) to mine. So it could be better if you must have invested in an altcoins rather than mining, you could do some trading while investing on altcoins. Just fill your portfolio with all of the good altcoins that has a potential to grow in the future. 
Yeah I'm mining for fun, but I'm mostly out of the hashrate race; especially with the new ASICs coming out every other month for new algos, GPU mining is not a profitable option.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: April 27, 2018, 12:25:51 AM
I appreciate the time you put into keeping this list updated Smiley

I have an idea on how this could be improved: maybe you could add a new column to your table and also specify the algorithm used by the coins that forked.
Some have switched to cn-heavy, cn-lite, cn-v7 and this place could be a good resource for that information as well Smiley

Excellent idea! I'll add the column and the details soon
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: April 19, 2018, 05:10:42 AM
Even though graft is forked ( and currently at height ~65k (, some of the pools still have ridiculous has rate (e.g. Doubt I can make anything with my few vegas.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: April 19, 2018, 04:54:14 AM
I see Fonero (FNO) has also forked to be more ASIC resistant, you can see more info on their GitHub page here:
I hope you can add this info of the OP for more people to be aware of it Smiley

Since FNO is a fork of XMR it's a good thing they also implemented the resistance, otherwise the ASICs can move over to it and ruin it.
Thanks! Updated the list.

It seems that Aeon is not ASIC resistant after all:

Hashrate and diff skyrocketed as of yesterday
That may not necessarily be asics, they are also facing the issue with botnets
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 28, 2018, 03:03:44 AM
Countdown to monero fork:

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 23, 2018, 07:43:32 PM
Be ready for "Monero Classic" cause you know it's gonna happen.

I'm not well conversant with Ethereum and Ethereum Classic (apart from they got hacked due to flaw and decided to hard fork, but am unsure why the old coin was required to be still in circulation), but why would you think there would be "Monero Classic". Wouldn't all demand be for Monero - and who would be responsible for Classic version, which if I'm not wrong would not be v7 or basically current version open to Asics?

Why wouldn't there be? It's not about the tech. It's quite simple really ... in matters such as these there will always be a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals. A difference of opinion.

Let me also add...If/when Monero forks to a new algorithm, if it is indeed a profitable coin, ASICS will be made. This is inevitable. Then what...? Another fork?

Time to get realistic.

I thought Monero do the hard fork every 6 months which would further make things difficult to constantly produce new ASICs

- On the fork that is later this month

Forking every six months... That's downright hilarious  Cheesy

Miners and regular users will have to constantly update their wallet and/or miner software. Not only will it be a pain for the average user especially if they don't understand how forks work, it creates more work for exchanges, and forums and other support vectors will suffer because of this since they will helping all these average users through all their troubles.

The claim and the reasoning behind constant forking is to avoid "ASIC centralization." This is still a concern? Bitcoin (as an example) is almost 10 years old and people are still worried about "ASIC centralization?" Really...?

I admit ASICs may not be entirely an issue. They also face issues with large botnets that occupy much of the network hash (but that's a different discussion). I'm a bit open ended on the argument.

     For the first part you mentioned i.e. the 6 month fork, it does seem like trouble, but the fast change of pow was their official proposal after the fork on Mar28 - since I not completely knowledgeable about their updates I'll refrain from commenting, though their pull request has some interesting points. Bitmain is releasing in May. If this were the final version, they could just as easily updated the ASICs by delaying this time around, wouldn't that have rendered the fork useless. The problem with the ASICs is that they were too costly to update to newer version, and if they were viable in the current form, Bitmain and others would continue to sell them at very high price. Also the bitcoin Asics remain profitable even after increase in the difficulty is due to the high price of the bitcoin. And I'm not sure if many (even if the amount is in not in hundreds of thousands or millions) people decide to mine monero, the difficulty would most certainly rise, which may not necessarily give out enough ROI to justify an single ASIC, and rather insignificant profits for smaller GPU rig miners to mine at all.
      On the other hand, the adoption of ASICs for bitcoin is truly much more than anticipated though.

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 23, 2018, 06:00:04 PM
Be ready for "Monero Classic" cause you know it's gonna happen.

I'm not well conversant with Ethereum and Ethereum Classic (apart from they got hacked due to flaw and decided to hard fork, but am unsure why the old coin was required to be still in circulation), but why would you think there would be "Monero Classic". Wouldn't all demand be for Monero - and who would be responsible for Classic version, which if I'm not wrong would not be v7 or basically current version open to Asics?

Why wouldn't there be? It's not about the tech. It's quite simple really ... in matters such as these there will always be a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals. A difference of opinion.

Let me also add...If/when Monero forks to a new algorithm, if it is indeed a profitable coin, ASICS will be made. This is inevitable. Then what...? Another fork?

Time to get realistic.

I thought Monero do the hard fork every 6 months which would further make things difficult to constantly produce new ASICs

- On the fork that is later this month
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 23, 2018, 05:10:25 PM
Be ready for "Monero Classic" cause you know it's gonna happen.

I'm not well conversant with Ethereum and Ethereum Classic (apart from they got hacked due to flaw and decided to hard fork, but am unsure why the old coin was required to be still in circulation), but why would you think there would be "Monero Classic". Wouldn't all demand be for Monero - and who would be responsible for Classic version, which if I'm not wrong would not be v7 or basically current version open to Asics?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What are your criteria to assess an ICO? on: March 23, 2018, 11:35:15 AM
Hello guys  Wink Wink Wink
What convinces you to join a brand new project? I suppose that this is the wonders of many investors, so why don't we share our opinions in this topic?
Thanks  Smiley

I had similar query when starting out and got an answer for starting out and the credit goes to the original replier:

Hi! Let me share my step order for make an investment decision:
1. Whitelist (full information that create my imagination of project)
2. Team (who can realize idea, their success and some achievers)
3. Roadmap (plans and potential, where they would like to be as result)
4. Cap (soft or hard, the demand on it)
5. My own forecast (how cool is an idea? Is it really needed for society?)

If you are curious the thread is at
10  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Jr. Member on: March 23, 2018, 11:29:51 AM
Original thread on ranks:
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Beware of Increasingly Sophisticated Malware Infection Attempts on: March 23, 2018, 11:17:51 AM
Thanks for the great information. Although it is impossible to find and document everything (due to 0days) it would certainly be helpful to list the findings and sources in a single place (like this thread, but if OP is amenable, maybe a new one with just the list of software found to be infected - if there is enough data). It is not just the wallets, but many mining softwares are (possibly wrongly) categorized as viruses. But there are always some new forks, updates and binaries being released with claim for better efficiency/performance. While this may be true, it would also be easy to inject code in such software. While it sounds like a tall order, it'd be helpful to have something like that scrutinized, because that that sounds like another vector of attack that could be exploited, and in effect render the machine with all the wallets in attackers hands - assuming both are on same machine. (I usually only have wallet address on any rig, and wallet on another machine(s))
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 23, 2018, 03:04:16 AM
According to SUMOKOIN telegram , they have decided to fork .   

Thanks, I've added in the twitter link that says so, if you have other sources please let me know
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 23, 2018, 03:02:25 AM
Wow, so none of the CN coins have confirmed that they will stay ASIC mineable? Might be a bad time to buy an ASIC then. Tongue

Although I'm not saying buy ASICs, I'd like to point out most of the coins though have decided to fork have no definite time (unlike monero) or some might have decided to wait and see. There are few, new CN coins with less market worth - so ASIC owners might suddenly target all those till they decide to fork (until all new CN coins move to updating their algorithms - auto or manual). Since all of them decide to move to smaller coins, their difficulty and profitability will drop. But the time between the ASIC owners get their machine and the fork is unknown. (For eg the Baikal miners should be seen soon, and most of the coins are (hopefully) working on their fork but not before people get their ASIC) So although it seems like initial owners might make some money, but overall I think I'd not go for CN ASIC.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 17, 2018, 01:13:46 AM
They can change to fix their ASIC - but it takes MONTHS once they have access to the new algorithm - redesign the chip, validate, do a tapeout, test, then *if* the tapeout chips are right order production to go into the QUE when space comes open.

I can see Bitmain trying to do this perhaps ONCE, I doubt they'll try after the first time due to the COST.


Makes sense.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 16, 2018, 06:32:20 PM
Nice research! Merited! Smiley

It would be nice if you could maintain this thread for a while and let everybody know which coin will be forked to be ASIC resistant.

My opinion is that whatever coins will not be ASIC resistant will fail and it's not worth investing in them.

Thanks! I will try to keep in pace with the changes over the months. My worry is the fork is coming sooner (later this month in case of monero afaik) than the ASICs (e.g. Bitmain in May) and they might be able to account for the forks - maybe not easily, but would be possible for the ASIC giant like Bitmain.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 16, 2018, 12:19:50 PM

Thx, updated!
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 15, 2018, 02:17:38 PM

Thanks, will update. I should add a column to confirm that the coin has been hard forked.

Nice well made post, good initiative.  Cool
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryptonight - On GPUs and ASICs on: March 15, 2018, 10:52:35 AM
Graft too

GRAFT team shares the same concerns raised by Cryptonote/Cryptonight community associated with creating a special hardware (ASIC) for Cryptonight mining. We realize that enabling ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) at this point may introduce a risk to stability, decentralization, and even very existence of GRAFT blockchain. After thorough review we decided to support the anti-ASIC movement and add an ASIC-resistant code in the next fork. We will follow up with more details about the implementation and timelines soon. Thank you for your support, stay tuned!

Thanks, updated the list!
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Cryptonight / Cryptonote - On GPUs and ASICs and profitability on: March 15, 2018, 10:39:14 AM
There are a few new ASICs released for mining the coins based on cryptonight/cryptonote protocol. I'm listing the coins that can be mined with GPUs (or conversely ASICs), with some profit as we go forward.There are some coins that claim and promote asic resistance, so there will be forks and updates and this thread could be a good place to track the mining choices. On the other side of the table, the difficulty for some coins will rise exponentially making it difficult to profit with GPUs. Also, while there is discrepancy in profitability of a small GPU rig vs a large one on cryptonight coins, it certainly is not on the scale of a few ASICs or a farm, so focus is on possibility of any profitability in future. Please feel free to correct and update as necessary.

|         Coin          |       GPU     |      ASIC resistant    |      Forked      |          Algorithm       |
|    Electroneum     .      Yes        .         Yes [1]             .  Upcoming[4]  |              CN                |    
|       Bitcoal          .      Yes        .                                .                       |              CN                |
|         Dero           .      Yes        .          Yes                 .                       |              CN                |          
|     Leviarcoin       .      Yes        .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|       Bytecoin       .      Yes        .           No                 .                       |               CN                |          
|        Karbo           .      Yes       .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|    Dinastycoin       .      Yes       .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|     BitcoiNote        .      Yes       .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|      CrepCoin        .      Yes        .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|         B2B            .      Yes        .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|         Elya            .      Yes        .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|      Qwerycoin      .      Yes        .                                .                       |              CN                |          
|      Ultranote        .      Yes        .          Maybe             .                       |              CN                |      
|        EDollar         .      Yes        .          Yes                 .                       |              CN                |      
|         Aeon           .      Yes        .          Maybe             .                       |           CN-lite             |
|         Graft           .     Yes         .          Yes                 .      Yes            |            CN-v7             |
|        Stellite         .      Yes        .          Yes                 .      Yes            |             CN-v7            |
|     Intensecoin     .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes            |             CN-v7            |
|        Masari         .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes            |             CN-v7            |          
|        Monero        .      Yes        .          Yes                  .      Yes           |             CN-v7             |
|        Fonero         .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |             CN-v7             |        
|         BBS .          .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |             CN-v7             |
|      ItaloCoin        .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |             CN-v7             |
|         Lines          .      Yes         .          Yes                 .       Yes           |             CN-v7             |
|        Haven         .      Yes         .          Yes                 .       Yes           |           CN-Heavy          |
|      Sumokoin       .     Yes         .          Yes [3]           .       Yes           |           CN-Heavy          |          
|        Loki .          .       Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |           CN-Heavy          |
|        Ombre        .       Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |           CN-Heavy          |
|        Solace        .       Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |           CN-Heavy          |
|         IPBC           .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes           |           CN-IPBC           |      
|      Turtlecoin       .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes          |           CN-lite-v1         |            
|         Trition         .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes          |           CN-lite-v1         |            
|         Iridium        .      Yes        .          Yes                 .       Yes          |           CN-lite-v1         |            
|          Alloy          .      Yes        .          Yes                  .       Yes         |          CN-Alloy            |

* Updated: List as of May 03, 2018, will add coins as I find correct information (or sources from comments)

** The column "Coin" lists the Cryptonote coins

*** The column "GPU" is to determine if it is still profitable to mine with GPUs

**** The column "ASIC resistant" is to confirm the stance of the coin devs/team on ASIC resistance. If the team are actively working and updating, the column should say "Yes".
If the coin promotes ASIC resistance, but there is no update yet the column should be "Maybe", else "No"

***** I will update as much frequently as I can, after confirming the sources and will add them here

****** Disclaimer: This is neither an advertisement for the ASICs nor the coins per say, just information that can be useful for GPU miners. Please do not consider this as a definitive guide or advice on which coins to mine, but a source of information. Do confirm the facts and if possible help keep the list updated

Sources for ASIC Resistance:
Monero -
Stellite -
Graft -
Turtlecoin -
Dero -
Electroneum -
            [1] Although they have claimed the Anti-ASIC stance, they mentioned will follow footsteps of monero, so no definite timeline yet.
            [4] Update: Seems there will be a hard fork on May 30
Ultranote(XUN) -
Edollar(EDL) -
Aeon -
Alloy(XAO) -
Intensecoin -
                  [2] The response of the team is wait and see how it affects, so I'm not positive they will do anything before the miners start mining.
Masari -
Sumokoin -
                 [3] From the thread seems like they will change if it affects the coin,
                       for now they it's wait and see how things go approach.
                 Update(Mar 22): Seems like they are testing out the fork:

Sources on fork:
Monero -
Fonero -
Turtlecoin -
Sumokoin -
Electroneum -
Graft -

Ref: There are a few threads on bitcointalk for specific miners, and specs about them on Baikal and Bitmain websites

CN : CryptoNight
CN-v7 : CryptoNightV7 or CryptoNight-Variant1
CN-lite : CryptoNight-Lite
CN-IPBC : CryptoNight-lite variant (Cryptonight-IPBC)
CN-Heavy : CryptoNight-Heavy
CN-lite-v1: CryptoNight-lite Variant 1
CN-Alloy : CryptoNight-Alloy

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][Update#7 - 12th March,2018] - Electronic Dollar on: March 15, 2018, 09:06:32 AM
-ASIC is coming!
-Hard fork is coming!  Cool
So suck it, bitch!"  Cheesy

Anyway, at current network hashrate, if Baikal starts mining with 100 x 20KH ASICS, they can undo the hard fork easy.

Google "51% attack"... And, I think, history records something similar involving Bitmain, Bitcoin Cash and segwit fork...

It seems that bitmain too released a ASIC miner for cryptonight (ships in may, but they have listed it on their site - Antminer X3)
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