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alot of my holdings are in Neo, Ven and Nucleus Vision, i highly believe in these projects for the long term!
14 days is just not enough time for this current market situation.
just split it up and you're good to go.
neo, omg, and nano are very good picks in my opinion.
if you can use the crypto volatility for your advantage, good. otherwise i wouldn't recommend gambling at all.
in 3 months i got into 25 coins total, but iam trying to reduce this a bit, because it is hard to be always informed what the different projects are doing.
fortnite is the best game for me right now
aren't we all here, because we believe in a bright future for crypto currencies?
i would split the 500 up in half, put 250 in relatively safe bets like btc and eth and the other half in good projects out of the top 20 coins, like neo, Vechain, monero.
würde dir empfehlen btc und eth zu kaufen, zudem vll. noch in kleinere coins zu investieren wie z.B. Deeponion.
Deeponion, Neo, Vechain, Nano; waltonchain are my bets.
nice portfolio in my opinion
sadly i bought ada at 65 cents, hope for the best though, because i believe in the project!
just buy some now and hold a little money back in fiat to have the ability to jump in at a cheap moment.
Is that listed on any exchange? I thought the ICO is still running. If you have any idea about that except VeChain any other coin that is in the price range of $0.01 t0 $0.05 then post here.
Been on exchanges since August 2017. It is listed on many exchanges but I bought mine from Kucoin and Binance. Luckily, I bought around November when it was only $0.22 a coin nice one
i am hodling coins, where i think that the project behind has huge potential, but besides that i like to make a quick buck with daytrading sometimes.
great currency in my opinion, but we will see what lightning network does to btc
im considering right now, if i should invest more in neo or a little bit in gas.
Deeponion, Monero, Neo, Vechain, Waltonchain, Omisego, ada