Hi @Sven, I don't know if I've touched something, but something strange happens to me. Creating a Pool Group now I don't get the nicehash and zergpool AL-GOS that I have selected. I had them selected but now they do not appear in the list, only the coins that I have been adding over time appear.
I was working measuring AL-GOS for that I use a pool group and there I select the nicehash or zergpool protocol and then in the miner it indicated to mine that pool group.
I think I have not touched anything, but now when creating a pool group nicehash and zergpool do not appear and I have them selected in the profit with their wallet. A while ago I changed from one to another, and after a while when I went to change they did not appear to me.
I even have groups created that tell me in the list that I have 5 active pools, but when I enter I don't see nicehash or zergpool, it's something strange. I am sorry I cannot provide you with more details to reproduce it.
I add, I look at each miner in the "profit swtiching" tab, all the al-gos of nicehash and zergpool appear, but they still do not appear to select in "pool group" The last thing I did before was to give priority to the different protocols that nicehash was using, 0 higher privilege, 1 lower privilege. It may be that you had two protocols with the same level of privilege. It's the only thing I've done weird today, and then the failure.
Hi @Sven, I don't know if I've touched something, but something strange happens to me. Creating a Pool Group now I don't get the nicehash and zergpool AL-GOS that I have selected. I had them selected but now they do not appear in the list, only the coins that I have been adding over time appear.
I was working measuring AL-GOS for that I use a pool group and there I select the nicehash or zergpool protocol and then in the miner it indicated to mine that pool group.
I think I have not touched anything, but now when creating a pool group nicehash and zergpool do not appear and I have them selected in the profit with their wallet. A while ago I changed from one to another, and after a while when I went to change they did not appear to me.
I even have groups created that tell me in the list that I have 5 active pools, but when I enter I don't see nicehash or zergpool, it's something strange. I am sorry I cannot provide you with more details to reproduce it.
I really want it to mine nicehash eth and zil in another stratum, I don't know if the miners are prepared for that, or they should only use a single stratum.
hi @patrike, I can't find a way to do dual mining with claymore, if I activate it for dual there is no option for ZIL. How can I do to mine ETH + ZIL?
Hello @patrike, I haven't spoken here for a long time, but I use your software every day. I am always attentive to all updates.
I'm going to remind you of an old request from me. It is about the statistics of the miner. They are getting better, but I lack an important detail.
Now we can see how much time in% or minutes a certain pool or AL-GO has been mining, but for me it is very important to know how many times I have done that. I give you an example that recently happened to me with ETH in nicechash.
He mined around 20-25% of the nicehash ETH time, but the problem was that when he started mining, he entered because he had an abnormally high profit, then it was 4 or 7 minutes and he mined something else. And this happened many times. And every time it changes we lose minutes of mining.
Example in a 24 hour statistics in minutes
180 minutes (3 hours) in 30 changes = 180/30 = 6 minutes of average mining time. This is rubbish.
than 180 minutes in 5 changes 180/5 = 36 minutes, this is infinitely better.
So far the only way I have to know this is simply by looking at the Awesome miner screen.
That is why I indicate that it is a very easy addition, to count how many times mine in that protocol and also make the count of how much is the average time in that protocol. With this we can know much better if that protocol is being manipulated to attract bots.
I hope it is well understood and can be done.
Hello @Patrike, I haven't posted here for a long time. It is because I am very happy with this program. I have seen that in the last months all its development is focused on 90% in asic, and it seems fine to me, but there are some things that have been failing on the GPU for some time The mistake that bothers me the most is the Miners update. Many times they are not updated, or if I put a custom URL for example in the last Trex special for Kawpow it is not updated. Even if I delete or rename the folder inside user> appdata> local .... it doesn't update. I have had to resort to a Pendrive and hand-stuff it myself into each miner. This error has been happening for a couple of months, I have not commented anything because I assumed that someone would comment, but the days go by and I continue with the problems https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/releases/download/0.15.6/t-rex-0.15.6-win-cuda10.0.zipThat is the last Trex, I have put it in custom in managed software and it is not updated in any of the rigs. There are even times if it is updated, but in summary it tells me that it uses the trex version 15.4 but then in the rig window if it says 15.6. This has happened to me with other miners such as TTminer, which I have had to hand in if I want to get ahead before you update it. Another related bug, it happens to me a lot with Gminer, which launches it AW and fails, and so repeatedly, I go to the rig in question I launch it with a .bat and it works correctly. Many times that I launch it with AW it sets the cpu to 100% and restarts, but as I say, if I go and launch it manually from the rig, that does not happen. In short, there are many failures lately with the GPU mode and I see that few people bother to report. I remind you that I am not only one person, we are a group of 12 people who all use Awesome miner, and the same thing happens to all of them. We all work with Nvidia.
Awesome Miner version 7.4.2 (Development preview of 7.5) Rules - Added trigger for looking at the current Mining Profile for Antminers running the Awesome Miner firmware Changes - Using the new subscription based licenses with Managed Miners, only one license is consumed per host instead of per miner instance. Mining software - SrbMiner 0.4.1 - WildRig miner 0.20.5b - Gminer 2.04 - NbMiner 28.0 Corrections - Correction to pool and worker name display on the Pools tab in specific dual mining scenarios In case direct download links are required, please use: https://www.awesomeminer.com/download/setupdev/AwesomeMiner.msihttps://www.awesomeminer.com/download/setupdev/AwesomeMinerRemoteService.msi subscription? what if we already bought?  If you already have a license, it will work just like before. No changes. Some users may want to move to the new subscription model while I think most prefer to stay with their existing license. A few users have already contacted us about moving to the subscription, where we of course discounted the subscription fee with the same amount they already paid for their existing license. But is there a difference? I have been licensed for 2 years for 20 teams. If I keep the one I have, do I stop perceiving something? Where are those differences between the old license and the new subscription, where are there prices etc. I prefer to continue as I am, I never use managed rig, I only GPU and everything in autoprofit.
I have a small problem, I want to mine with ttminer for Progpowz. It seems that the antivirus is activated on several of my rigs and the host computer and I delete TTminer.
I have deactivated and put exclusion of the folder in each rig. In Awesome-miner I give the option and delete and replace the miners. But it makes no difference, it always gives me the error in diagnosis that the miner cannot find.
You just have to be on the main computer where Awesome-miner is and then upload to each rig? or I have to download the version to each rig in user / nameuser / appdata / local ....
For Windows Defender, Awesome Miner will automatically try to add an exclusion. As I test I would recommend you to manually download TT-miner to any folder on your mining rig. Try to add this folder as an exclusion if it's being removed and try again. Next, configure a miner in Awesome Miner to not use automatic download and instead specify the exact path where you downloaded TT-miner. Is this working? it was necessary for ttminer to work the last vc redistrubuitable, otherwise it does not work. Another fault, I have a currency defined entirely by me. In Coins the profit comes out of RIG, but in the miner tab it doesn't tell me the profit, and that's weird because it reads the hash. I think that somehow there is some incompatibility of the new ttminer with the new CC +, and even giving the value in coins and giving the hash in miner, it does not give the current profit of the miner
I have a small problem, I want to mine with ttminer for Progpowz. It seems that the antivirus is activated on several of my rigs and the host computer and I delete TTminer.
I have deactivated and put exclusion of the folder in each rig. In Awesome-miner I give the option and delete and replace the miners. But it makes no difference, it always gives me the error in diagnosis that the miner cannot find.
You just have to be on the main computer where Awesome-miner is and then upload to each rig? or I have to download the version to each rig in user / nameuser / appdata / local ....
With the permission of the Bitcointalk moderators, I have no courage to mess anything or anyone. I am having problems in Safetrade again with ARW currencies, but when you complain twice on your channels, be it discord or telegram or wherever, you simply get banned and delete your comments. they allow that the mine can be sent to their Exchange, but when there is a problem they say not to do it and you lose the coins, and that happens every little time. If they do not want to be mined directly they only have to establish a minimum of coins to enter, so all the miners would not. But they are interested in doing so, to have more currency flow, but then if there is a problem they transfer it to the miner and do not allow complaints about their channels. It seems very unethical that they erase complaints and ban users, that shows that they have more to hide and that they are not professionals at all. His words are always good, but his actions are not. And they are erasing and banging for you. Because they want to solve anything if they don't answer the complaints, if they delete them to give a clean appearance I have created a Telegram channel to be able to talk about them without anyone banning us, In any case I will ban their moderators if they enter. https://t.me/safecoin2I hope it is not annoyance for Bitcointalk, it seems an injustice and I have to have a voice. I have nothing against your project but your moderation is completely abusive https://t.me/safecoin2
Please check your email, send the xml config, for the currency problem defined and that does not appear. I also notify another problem, when defining another currency, now I do not read the price of the exchange that I have dynamic, until two days ago it worked fine. https://safe.trade/api/v2/peatio/public/markets/arwbtc/tickersthat query does not read it now AM gives error, but if I paste it in the browser if it gives the result.
Hi Patrike, I have a very curious problem.
I suppose it will happen to me with more coins but as now I lose very little loose coins, but I have noticed in one.
It is a currency added by me totally with all its data of difficulty, nethash, reward etc ... and I have it in autoprofit at the same time as nicehash and some zergpool algorithms.
The problem is that that currency has disappeared from the coins tab. If I look in options> coins, the coins that can be seen appear in the left column, but it does not appear in any way in the coins tab, and I have searched it by ordering alphabetically.
But even so, although it does not appear on the COINS tab, it does the auto profit and is undermined by the rigs. It drives me crazy not to see the currency in COINS, because I can't visually check if the price is correct and has made a good autoprofit change.
The name of the coin doesn't matter, I don't want to comment it. But it is very curious, because a few days ago if it appeared, and the only way to not see it in that tab is to hide it, and it is not hidden, nor does it appear in the list of hidden.
1) Is the algorithm enabled in the Options dialog, Algorithm section? 2) Is the coin visible in for example the Pool Properties dialog, where you can make a coin selection for a pool? 3) Have you seen any pattern like it's always the same coin or algorithm if it happens multiple times? 4) Is this a temporary problem that is solved if you restart Awesome Miner? Or is the specific coin missing even after restarting? 1- Yes, the algorithm is enabled. If it was disabled it would not undermine it. I have all the algorithms activated. 2.- YES, in the selection of coins when setting up a pool, the currency appears to choose it or not. 3.- As I said, I barely lose single coins at this time. And this had never happened to me before in any other currency. 4.- I have restarted Awesome miner several times and it still does not appear. It is a very rare problem, really. I also told you that the currency is not as hidden. If I go to options> coins, this currency appears in the column visible on the left. This was the first thing I looked at. I remember that it is a currency added by me, like many others, but it is the first time it happens to me. What scares me is that if I use it even if it does not appear on the list, if the autoprofit will do well or this currency has remained at a fixed value. When I don't see it, I can't know if the Explorer works or not, and if the dynamic data is being updated.
Hi Patrike, I have a very curious problem.
I suppose it will happen to me with more coins but as now I lose very little loose coins, but I have noticed in one.
It is a currency added by me totally with all its data of difficulty, nethash, reward etc ... and I have it in autoprofit at the same time as nicehash and some zergpool algorithms.
The problem is that that currency has disappeared from the coins tab. If I look in options> coins, the coins that can be seen appear in the left column, but it does not appear in any way in the coins tab, and I have searched it by ordering alphabetically.
But even so, although it does not appear on the COINS tab, it does the auto profit and is undermined by the rigs. It drives me crazy not to see the currency in COINS, because I can't visually check if the price is correct and has made a good autoprofit change.
The name of the coin doesn't matter, I don't want to comment it. But it is very curious, because a few days ago if it appeared, and the only way to not see it in that tab is to hide it, and it is not hidden, nor does it appear in the list of hidden.
There are times that some browsers have expired SSL and the connection is not secure, for example https://explorer.zano.org/get_infoIt would be nice if these requests left SSL aside, because when making the request AM you don't see the value. If I made the request regardless of SSL or non-SSL, I would always get the value. Can you schedule the hash and difficulty Explorer requests, so they don't take SSL into account? I have never used the suppliers, I use them as a reference and every currency that interests me I add the data dynamically and I perform performance tests. I do not serve the data of the providers, they are usually quite bad. In general it's not good to accept broken certificates for HTTPS, but in this case it's not any sensitive data. This specific site forces HTTPS, but then doesn't have a valid certificate. Today, Awesome Miner will reject it and your web browser will prompt you if you want to load the page. It's a very quick change for me to make to allow you to load data from thei site - so you can expect it in the next version. Thank you very much patrike for taking into account my two requests, always to improve the product. I wish you all a happy 2020 full of coins and blocks.
There are times that some browsers have expired SSL and the connection is not secure, for example https://explorer.zano.org/get_infoIt would be nice if these requests left SSL aside, because when making the request AM you don't see the value. If I made the request regardless of SSL or non-SSL, I would always get the value. Can you schedule the hash and difficulty Explorer requests, so they don't take SSL into account? I have never used the suppliers, I use them as a reference and every currency that interests me I add the data dynamically and I perform performance tests. I do not serve the data of the providers, they are usually quite bad.
Hi Patrike, I have not written to you for a long time, you are doing a great job as always, I remind you of an old request from me and I propose a new one.
Old request:
Know in statistics the times you make profit change in 24 hours and for each moment. To determine if that percentage of mining of a coin has done it in 1 change or in 30. It would help me to make better decisions
The other request is an improvement on something existing. I mean temperature control, which is going very well but I explain.
I use both methods, both the general by TDP with its two options and also the core reduction. My scheme is as follows
TDP 1 limitation: 72 degrees, you under the TDP
TDP 2 limitation: 74 degrees, even more under the TDP
Temperature limitation in each OC or core, I have it at 76 degrees
What is the problem ?, Well, it works well, but is constantly jumping temperature. I have a card that according to the Algorithm gets very hot and is always dancing the temperature of 72 to 76 degrees. Because what happens that when it falls to 71 or 72 the limitations are removed and reheated, when it is heated, the limitations are activated and the temperature is lowered, but then the limitations are removed and again heated. I think that so much temperature change, TDP and core can be even bad.
The idea or solution I see simple. If a card activates a temperature limit for example TDP 1, this limit remains active until it changes algorithm or currency. This way we avoid getting the cards receiving a constant change of TDP and CORE all the time. It is logical that if it reaches TDP 1 and 2 and the temperature drops, if we remove the limitation it warms up again. That's why I think it's a better idea to keep the limitations until you change your currency. That way the temperature would be more stable, and I wouldn't be hitting jumps all the time between 72 and 76 as is my case, I don't want it to reach 76 every time.
I hope it is understood and that you see it well as an idea, the implementation is very easy, basically because almost everything is done, just keep limitations until currency exchange, with which the temperature will not be jumping, we are not changing TDP and CORE several times per minute to the card
Hi patrike, happy holidays. I would like you to tell me something about the suggestion I made. I think the implementation is very easy, 90% is done. It is only to maintain the limitations if they are reached and even if the temperature drops, keep those limitations. Only if you change currency or make a change would you reset Believe me that I have several cards constantly dancing between 72 and 76 and I do not like anything, and if under the OC it is for the entire Rig, while if a card reaches a limitation, it keeps it, instead of constantly activating and deactivating the limitations and producing a temperature dance. I have already broken one of those cards and I think it's because of the continuous dance, because it always reached the maximum, it went down to 71, it went back up, so 24 hours every day. Too much stress for the card. Thanks for the additional comments. Right now there is a limit of 30 seconds between the Power Limit changes. This will only prevent some of the changes - but I understand your point that it still can be too many. Maybe the change should be like this: - The Power Limit can be decreased no more frequently than 30 seconds after last Power Limit change - The Power Limit can be increased no more frequently than 5 minutes after last Power Limit change. This would make the Power Limit go down as fast as today - but it will not be increased so fast again. It will stay on a lower level for some time before it even attempts to go back. So instead of possibly 120 changes per hours as you could have today, this concept would give about 11-12 changes per hour. This concept would work fine even if you would be mining for a longer period of time - as you don't have to wait for a profit switch. It would also be working for those that doesn't do profit switching and runs the same mining software and pool all the time. Please let me know what you think. Thanks! I think it's fine, but that time of 5 minutes could be changed. So by default everyone 5 minutes away, but if I want it, I can put it for 30 minutes for example and so everyone would be happy.
Hi Patrike, I have not written to you for a long time, you are doing a great job as always, I remind you of an old request from me and I propose a new one.
Old request:
Know in statistics the times you make profit change in 24 hours and for each moment. To determine if that percentage of mining of a coin has done it in 1 change or in 30. It would help me to make better decisions
The other request is an improvement on something existing. I mean temperature control, which is going very well but I explain.
I use both methods, both the general by TDP with its two options and also the core reduction. My scheme is as follows
TDP 1 limitation: 72 degrees, you under the TDP
TDP 2 limitation: 74 degrees, even more under the TDP
Temperature limitation in each OC or core, I have it at 76 degrees
What is the problem ?, Well, it works well, but is constantly jumping temperature. I have a card that according to the Algorithm gets very hot and is always dancing the temperature of 72 to 76 degrees. Because what happens that when it falls to 71 or 72 the limitations are removed and reheated, when it is heated, the limitations are activated and the temperature is lowered, but then the limitations are removed and again heated. I think that so much temperature change, TDP and core can be even bad.
The idea or solution I see simple. If a card activates a temperature limit for example TDP 1, this limit remains active until it changes algorithm or currency. This way we avoid getting the cards receiving a constant change of TDP and CORE all the time. It is logical that if it reaches TDP 1 and 2 and the temperature drops, if we remove the limitation it warms up again. That's why I think it's a better idea to keep the limitations until you change your currency. That way the temperature would be more stable, and I wouldn't be hitting jumps all the time between 72 and 76 as is my case, I don't want it to reach 76 every time.
I hope it is understood and that you see it well as an idea, the implementation is very easy, basically because almost everything is done, just keep limitations until currency exchange, with which the temperature will not be jumping, we are not changing TDP and CORE several times per minute to the card
Hi patrike, happy holidays. I would like you to tell me something about the suggestion I made. I think the implementation is very easy, 90% is done. It is only to maintain the limitations if they are reached and even if the temperature drops, keep those limitations. Only if you change currency or make a change would you reset Believe me that I have several cards constantly dancing between 72 and 76 and I do not like anything, and if under the OC it is for the entire Rig, while if a card reaches a limitation, it keeps it, instead of constantly activating and deactivating the limitations and producing a temperature dance. I have already broken one of those cards and I think it's because of the continuous dance, because it always reached the maximum, it went down to 71, it went back up, so 24 hours every day. Too much stress for the card.
Yesterday you updated gminer 1.84 again but it still doesn't work. In the ann de gminer there is 1.84 and is the official website.
I'm still at 1.83
Hi Patrike, I have not written to you for a long time, you are doing a great job as always, I remind you of an old request from me and I propose a new one.
Old request:
Know in statistics the times you make profit change in 24 hours and for each moment. To determine if that percentage of mining of a coin has done it in 1 change or in 30. It would help me to make better decisions
The other request is an improvement on something existing. I mean temperature control, which is going very well but I explain.
I use both methods, both the general by TDP with its two options and also the core reduction. My scheme is as follows
TDP 1 limitation: 72 degrees, you under the TDP
TDP 2 limitation: 74 degrees, even more under the TDP
Temperature limitation in each OC or core, I have it at 76 degrees
What is the problem ?, Well, it works well, but is constantly jumping temperature. I have a card that according to the Algorithm gets very hot and is always dancing the temperature of 72 to 76 degrees. Because what happens that when it falls to 71 or 72 the limitations are removed and reheated, when it is heated, the limitations are activated and the temperature is lowered, but then the limitations are removed and again heated. I think that so much temperature change, TDP and core can be even bad.
The idea or solution I see simple. If a card activates a temperature limit for example TDP 1, this limit remains active until it changes algorithm or currency. This way we avoid getting the cards receiving a constant change of TDP and CORE all the time. It is logical that if it reaches TDP 1 and 2 and the temperature drops, if we remove the limitation it warms up again. That's why I think it's a better idea to keep the limitations until you change your currency. That way the temperature would be more stable, and I wouldn't be hitting jumps all the time between 72 and 76 as is my case, I don't want it to reach 76 every time.
I hope it is understood and that you see it well as an idea, the implementation is very easy, basically because almost everything is done, just keep limitations until currency exchange, with which the temperature will not be jumping, we are not changing TDP and CORE several times per minute to the card
I found your PAtrike competition https://minerstat.com/algorithmsSince this program, which I don't know if it is new or not, can have as many AL-GOS that we don't have in AW, as a better statistical system can have for Worker. With what it cost me to learn AW and with the license I have I will not change, because it also has bad things like that needs aftherburner in each machine and a thousand more things. But the statistics per worker, the huge amount of new AL-GOS that do not exist in AW and anything else, catches my attention. In fact I have found several currencies there in exotic AL-Gos, which we do not have added in AW, because the data providers are half dead, especially COintomine is quite inactive and with very crazy data. When I analyze a currency and put the real and dynamic data such as nethash, difficulty etc ... and change the calculation formula to the complete one. The coins are falling, so Cointomine is giving us very poor quality data. I will have to try the other program to see the coins and the new AL-GOS and the coins related to them. What are AL-GOS? I only know algorithm - algo´s. You say it, there so many exotic algorithm, why patrike must add this when there are exotic? If you want, add it by yourself if needed. You are sure that protocols are added, but I would like them to be added by themselves and the coins that are in our suppliers would appear alone when measuring the protocol. But not only do you need to add the protocol or "al-go", you also need to add some more, more serious and paid statistics provider. WTM few coins, everyone uses it, all coins are saturated Coinwarz same as WTM Coinscalculator and Cointomine, especially the latter, use data of very poor quality, just update, make mistakes in rewards and give a rare stockings. That is why whenever I am going to undermine something, I always create the currency or I change the data to dynamic and I add the blocktime, reward, Dynamic difficulty extracted from the Explorer or from a pool and nethash, use full formula and then a few hours mining with screenshots to see what it says that I will win and what I really earn in the pool and at that moment I can know exactly the profit value of that currency. But all this does not happen with coinscalculator and Cointomine that practically cointomine is abandoned. We need more coin providers, I use them for reference, I never use the data for these services. For that, PAtrike added some time ago at my request to be able to fully personalize the currency and use the complete formula and not the exponential one. @Patrike needs more suppliers, including scraper minerstast or wherever. but more coins are needed, better data quality and more protocols or "al-gos" will be good for everyone, and it would make my job a bit easier. As I said before, I am mining a coin that does not appear in AM with all the rigs and I have added it, both the protocol and the currency data.