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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] NSF Miner - ethereum miner without fee [AMD+Nvidia/Windows+Linux] on: March 20, 2021, 09:36:05 PM
I have a rig 12x3080, put it on the test. I will write the result in a day
write down the result, I think it's interesting to know and the rest of who will be interested in the miner
The result came out about 1260 Mh/s
Quite a good hashrate, considering that there is no devfee

NFSMiner and TREX/Gminer same result Mhs and share (juste remove 0.65% or 1% for check real hashrate)

I think this is a very good result for a miner who is exposed without dev fee
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 20, 2018, 01:24:22 PM
Remember in 2013 you could have giveaways right here on BCT most old NKA threads had been deleted due to rules later made by admins of this site. Shame really that people can’t look back and see the huge distribution to the members in this forum.

Ah right, thanks that makes sense. I wonder if this probably impacts other links, weird tho i dont remember having others where the google result looked different than the link when clicked through.

Love to give you bounty for this one too, not sure where to send it tho...
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 20, 2018, 01:23:44 PM
This list will be really useful for me. I searched for this on Google but could not find this thread, I am happy I came across this accidentally.

Thanks! Yea the google route for this sucks, hopefully the thread becomes a bit more visible. Im not a web guy to help with that tho. There have got to be a ton of people searching this info tho...
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 20, 2018, 12:57:24 PM
I will make a list by the end of this week. Do not go away for long. At me where that is a coin of 2012, if I remember correctly, I will find and publish soon.
I do not suspect you of dishonesty. I just spend VERY much time searching. It's hard. You rarely go. Every time, after a while, I start to think that I've wasted my time. Understand me. I do not want to say anything bad.

NVC    11/02/13   Market   Chart   ANN

FTC     16/04/13   Market   Chart   ANN

MNC    03/04/13   Market   Chart   ANN

BTB     03/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

WDC    14/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

GLD     15/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

BTG     16/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

DGC    18/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

PXC     20/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

SXC     28/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

MEC     29/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

FST      29/05/13   Market   Chart   ANN

IFC       05/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

ANON   07/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

ARG     12/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

FLO      17/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

QRK     21/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

MEC     22/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

GLC     26/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

CBX     28/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

RED     30/06/13   Market   Chart   ANN

XPM     08/07/13   Market   Chart   ANN

CSC     18/07/13   Market   Chart   ANN

ZETA    03/08/13   Market   Chart   ANN

to be continued...   Grin

Awesome! Thanks and thank you for your hard work. Sorry im very slow....This job reserved for you.
Best regards.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 18, 2018, 03:56:21 PM
Also if i missed any bounties, please let me know. Wasn't intentional. Thank you!
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 18, 2018, 03:52:17 PM
Please note. I've changed the bounties for 2013 to $10. Just getting too expensive, you guys are pretty damn good at this!  . . . I think tho the list must be pretty damn accurate by now. Thanks to everyone!

Also, since this cost me a bit by now, going to ask for donations here:
Donations:   DOGE:    DPrCF5mGeFxPmvHrmKixVfcLVi5GxB46hc
                   LTC:       LUM77hzs21dvrLwMVp2eJMsoWJDrhzEZ6Q

If i get some donations i'd like to expand the research here to include github links and brief explanations/clarifications for the coins that have a hard history to follow.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 18, 2018, 03:47:44 PM
 The list should look like this?

NVC   11/02/13   Market   Chart   ANN

FTC    16/04/13   Market   Chart   ANN

MNC   03/04/13   Market   Chart   ANN

 Some coins are no longer a coinmarketcap. Some have an announcement of another year. I can not find 2013. It's a big and long job. However, once you approve the coins that I described above, I can try to make a list.
  I again stopped the search for coins for 2014. I see that you were at the forum, but did not say anything about the new coins of 2013 that I published.

Yes, please make it look like that. I took down the bounty offer cause you responded, bounty is only for you now if you want it.

Dude. I've paid you several times. I've rounded up the payment every time and paid more than offered. Given my thanks and apologies for slow replies.....and still you give me a hard time thinking i'm trying to rip you off! haha. Man, you are very suspicious. Thanks for the help! Please chill out!
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 18, 2018, 03:44:52 PM

Megacoin             MEC
June 22, 2013, 10:15:50 PM

Original Thread

Revival Thread

Here is a LTC addy for lower fees



Can't believe i forgot Megacoin! Kim Dotcom is awesome, megavideo was great. . . .Added in some extra bounty for all the great 2014 links you've sent- appreciated!
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: June 18, 2018, 03:43:08 PM
I suggest you look at these coins, which were released in 2013. I have been searching for a long time and it seems to me that they are suitable. I'm also preparing a list for 2014, but it will take longer than I thought. The criterion as I understood it is the announcement on the forum. At the exchange, the coin could come out next year, is that correct?  

iCoin (ICN)
announcement 2013 December 29
new topic 2014
new topic 2015
trading on the stock exchange 2014

Sorry, no did not pay you for ICN. You bring up an interesting problem with methodology here though which is appreciated. I've said "oldest cryptos". Technically, in 2013, ICN was not yet a crypto. It'd have to be a launched coin that is live to technically exist as a crypto and not just an idea. They even called that post "Pre-ANN".

The problem this brings up though is the discrepancy between when the coin is announced and when it actually launches. Most of these old coins, the devs posted the wallet and code at the same time as their ANN thread, but often that wouldn't be exactly when the chain went live....Eventually i'd like to confirm some of these dates using github. I'd think that would be the best ultimate decider. Between github code being posted and ANN threads of Bitcointalk. Could probably clear up discrepancies. A task for later. For now i'd say the dates are probably pretty damn close and reliable. Even if code came out later than ANN, not likely more than a couple weeks later probably so pretty close.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 03:17:49 PM
It's weird. Not to go into the thread which he did. I think the bounty should be closed or continue. But you need to make an announcement and payment. I spent a lot of time to search for coins and replenish the list. I'm still not published, some because I am waiting for answer to previous questions. I thought that the thread Creator is interested in our work, but it seems it is not.

Thanks again, sent a bounty for your Ripple contribution. Sorry for the delay, I'm still here. Will try to check in more often.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 03:15:08 PM
New Bounty Offers!

$50 if you take my current 2013 list and update it with hyperlinks to coinmarketcap markets page, charts page and the ANN thread of coin. Also make it spaced out nicer.
So for example double spaced like this and lined up for each coin. Also “Market” “Chart” and “ANN” click directly to the pages.

FTC     17/4/13      Market    Chart    ANN

MNC    23/4/13      Market    Chart    ANN

CHN     1/5/13       Market    Chart    ANN

Also as you’re going through you might spot corrections and get the other $20 bounties still in play.

IF YOU TAKE THIS ON. Please mention it in the thread so no one else works on it and wastes their time. At the end of the day I’m paying whoever delivers first. If someone beats you to posting it, there is no bounty for a second poster sorry.

$20 Same as above, but do it for the existing 2014 list.

Up to $300 for 2014 new entries. This is an offer to one person only who would like to spend some serious time on it. First person to want it gets the job, post in this thread if you are interested. I’ll send you $50 for each 50 entries you send me. Must be in same format as mentioned above. Maximum is $300 - all i can afford… So $300 for 300 entries at $1 per crypto added… but i don’t think there are that many. I guess we’ll see if someone takes this on.

I’ll check in much more often over the next few weeks to update and pay bounties for the new stuff quicker.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:40:05 PM
It is interesting to note that from 2009 to 2014 (five years), the number of different cryptos released was less than 100. And during the next 5 years (2014-2019), more than 10,000 different coins were released. Any guesses for 2019-2024?

Surviving still that may be true, but i think at the time there were way more than 100 actually released. Most just died.....I agree tho completely with your point. More coins are released all the time. Its just gotten so easy. There are several projects now where you can just go to their website and anyone can launch a coin with no skills. Punch in the stats you want and whammo, new crypto.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:36:47 PM
Hi I see NKA is missing from your 2013 August list. Still trading, listed on coinmarketcap- nice list by the way! Nice to see a list like this. I do believe in value in age.
Edit 26/8/2013

hmmm, links? I only see it from 2015...
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:33:55 PM

The sci fi collection, haha! Awesome thanks!
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:33:02 PM
List of the oldest cryptos still being traded.

Criteria for addition to this list:

3) 2013 is a complete list. $20 bounty offered for spotting corrections. (DOGE or LTC please- BTC fees too expensive right now!)



This is clever, haha. hmmm. Thanks for your help anyways bounties sent!....I'm going to argue that you have pointed out an "error" within the list of criteria, but not within the real list which is the list of cryptos. So it is not an error with "the list" as i've referred to it. Also, I'd argue that it is not incorrect, but maybe unclear. I will change the language to clarify. What we have is "my" completed list, as opposed to "the" completed list. BUT, there can never be a "completed" list so really this is a philosophical argument. Whatever is posted here will always in time need updating as coins die and fall off the list and coins not currently trading but still alive could make their way back onto markets as someone suggested. The difference between 2013 and 2014 is that 2014 I am making no effort to attempt to get all coins added.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:23:45 PM
I was about to make a thread about this, few weeks back. Its just that I don't have enough time due to my work and other errands. Thank you for providing this list!

I know there's a lot of crypto being created during Bitcoin early days. This is a great reference to start with, especially for new traders. It might also serve as a big help to other unpopular coins that having a rough time to rise up. All they need is more awareness and publicity.

I'll try to contribute in this thread once I find time to do some research. One suggestion though, I think its a good idea to indicate the developers of these digital coins. So, people that were into ICO's, will have an idea for the past projects of that particular developer or team.

Thanks! Yea having info on the devs for each one would be awesome. A lot of the smaller coins it changes a lot too. And then so much anonymity and speculation about who is who....I'd love to have it, but way beyond my ability to put together.

17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:20:26 PM
Hello, sir! Please update the list of coins to date. Maybe I have a coin which is not in the list. But coinmarketcap is capitalization, but there is no trade costs(?). They are suitable? I saw the same in your list.
P.S. Sir, if I understand correctly, you credit me with the bounty. If so, could you check your transaction? About the Ripple I found, it may be of interest to you.

The best line of that thread

"It is not user-friendly, but creates artificial demand for XRP that the founders intend to monetize down the road."

Haha! oh for sure. I'm trying very hard to be objective and not insert my personal feelings about XRP into the list....CMC determines what is valid, not me, and they list it so...
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: May 22, 2018, 02:18:10 PM
Bounties sent, list updated.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [XJO] Joulecoin | SHA256 | Transaction comments | First SHA256 data coin on: January 07, 2018, 07:09:44 PM
Not sure which is worse, having one lonely emu or naming it Felicity.  Undecided

Morning, C.G. Felicity isn't a sad lonely pet. She's a tame-wild bird, and the house-clearing here is a hotbed of emus coming and going.

More to the point: transaction comments are a cool little asset, and we gotta figure out how to put them to use.

Do the transactions write to the blockchain

the tech extras of this or any coin don't matter so much for now. Cryptos are stores of value and XJO ...It's dirt cheap and well maintained (decent mining profit, original dev support) in a time when other coins of its era are worth Billions like LTC, DOGE....or hundreds of millions like VTC or FTC or other old coins that at one point were worth very little. So much potential here.

Transactions recorded to blockchain? I sure understand yes. And I completely agree with your analysis. Yes!

Ah sorry, mispoke. Meant to ask are the transaction comments recorded to the blockchain? If they are, then this coin permits dating of textual information....
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [XJO] Joulecoin | SHA256 | Transaction comments | First SHA256 data coin on: January 07, 2018, 07:05:29 PM

btw, don't you see that background of the new site is in colour of shit? I don't like it.

Comment sent.

haha! I see gold and orange. If your shit is this colour i think you should probably go to a doctor....

Most of the website will be in the dark blue colour used on the phone screen. Just the header had this backing. Its a collage of coin graphics.
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