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1  Economy / Speculation / Re: New China Ban incoming on: June 04, 2014, 08:22:49 AM
2  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2000 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 24, 2014, 07:45:11 AM
I'm trying to get into an old account and can't remember my password. I've put my email in the password reset form but I never received an email.

Raise a supporticket, nobody from slush is following this thread anymore...
3  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2000 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 23, 2014, 08:07:23 PM
I see a pretty normal amount for block 22125 for myself, but in the last couple hours, the estimate for the current block dropped from it's normal number to about 1% of normal.  It's still only showing about 2.5% of the "normal" value per block.  And, my average hash rate in the last 60 mins, displayed, is as good as ever.  No issues.

And this block has been cooking for more than 12 hours, it's only in the last couple hours that the estimated dropped away from it's normal range...

Same Here, good that it's only an estimate. If the block would end now this Will get feed by slush, like it gets fixed every time.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: MasterCoin : Blockchain builder | BLOG.CEX.IO | #cex #mastercoin on: May 23, 2014, 10:13:15 AM
This belongs in the altcoin forum...
5  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2000 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 23, 2014, 05:19:50 AM
Hi all

I think i have a problem with job #22125(block #302149)

22125   2014-05-22 23:02:16   3:02:08   5306261360   7295                  0.00000465          302149   25.00000000    97 confirmations restantes
22124   2014-05-22 20:00:08   0:12:03   351206255           668                  0.00004843          302129   25.04247855    77 confirmations restantes
22123   2014-05-22 19:48:05   2:20:43   4111417502   7796                 0.00004736          302125   25.00470822    73 confirmations restantes

someone have the same issue ?

i had some hardware issues for 50 minutes (approximatively 2800 shares)  but reward is that bad ...

Thx for your answers

Hardware issues towards the end of the block could cause this, that is part of slush's anti hopping algorithm
6  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [850 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 19, 2014, 07:21:15 PM
yes i have had 2 very low points payouts today blocks 22106 and 22105.....both 50%
oh what i normally get......hopefully slush will correct this  Embarrassed Embarrassed

Same here, 50% of normal payout for 22106

my 200% more payout for 22106

in other block is normal payout

sounds like you got the jackpot!

normal payout is 0.00703204, in block 22106  first  0.02003204 down to payout 0.01350420

And I'll be dang if I can figure out how to submit a ticket with regards to this matter. Could one of the more learned members be so kind? Thanks for the efforts fellow miners!

Go knowledgebase, in the upper left corner you click on submitted a ticket... Smiley
7  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [850 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 19, 2014, 06:15:19 PM
I submitted a ticket...
8  Local / Meetings (Nederlands) / Re: Bitcoin Meet Gent - donderdag 22 mei vanaf 19:00 - Laszlo's Pizza Party !!! on: May 19, 2014, 06:00:22 PM
Ik ben er dit keer zeker bij
9  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [850 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 19, 2014, 05:53:10 PM
Anybody else got a low payout on block #22106? I'm at 50% of my normal payout...
10  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: where to get S1's on: May 18, 2014, 08:51:59 PM
Why don't you buy from bitmain directly?
11  Economy / Digital goods / Re: AntMiner S2 Coupon 400 USD 16/16 on: May 17, 2014, 11:31:27 AM
Plenty of people giving them away for free, so why would anyone buy them from you?
Try ebay, more then enough stupid people over there.
And stop spamming with your salesthread in the hardware section, at least have the decency to post it in the right forum-->marketplace
12  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Antminer S1 Cooling on: May 17, 2014, 09:01:17 AM
Wow I just ran my Antminer for three days straight while I was away and my room was a god damn sauna when I got back! Like 40-50C in here... Cheesy

I have 4 of them in a very small basement, all running 24/7. Ambieert temperature in there is a steady 33°C
Ant them selfes are beween 46°C and 50°C.
13  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [850 TH] Slush's Pool (; TX FEES + VarDiff on: May 16, 2014, 05:27:34 AM
Hello all, I got an email today from (what i though was slush's pool at first, it wasn't) They are claiming to have a 1TH miner for 1.1BTC. Has anybody else had any experience with them. To me it sounds like a scam (i got dupe once before by and was wondering if anybody can vouch for their credibility. Any input would be appriciated. Thanks.

There are so many red flags, anybody buying from that site must get their head examend imo.
14  Local / Markt / Re: Antminer S1/S2 Coupons on: May 15, 2014, 06:21:41 AM
Je mag je coupons doneren via naar account PsychoticBoy Smiley

Heb u er eentje gestuurd.
15  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Antminer S1 Sales open] Price changes daily, now 0.476 BTC for 180GH/s on: May 14, 2014, 06:07:50 PM
If anyone feel generous I could need 1 more S1 coupon.

I have 3 S2 coupons I'm not planning to use.

ID: TrytoHex
16  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Antminer S1 Sales open] Price changes daily, now 0.508 BTC for 180GH/s on: May 10, 2014, 03:20:43 PM
correct me if im wrong but dont the ants already come with fans... why the need to purchase new ones...? also is it recommended to purchase a big one to blow on all of them...? do they over heat quick / often...?

Ants have one push fan, when overclocking them it's recommended to add a a pull fan to keep temperature at an acceptable level.

Or in my case I have them in a very small basement without proper air circulation, without the second fans they are at +50°C, now they are at 46°C
17  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Setup & Troubleshoot] Bitmain AntMiner S1 180GH/S miner on: May 08, 2014, 08:27:23 PM
hello all

Just bought antminer s1 and I am struggling every time I mess with PC ip address I lose internet connection my miner has ip of and all my other ethernet connections are the same but can not get this connected I have looked on internet and followed many steps but main problem is losing connection cant google ant address.

Many Thanks for any advice

oh and remember I am PC noob so could you please explain clearly for me. THX

Did u try using a wired connection with your router?
18  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Setup & Troubleshoot] Bitmain AntMiner S1 180GH/S miner on: May 08, 2014, 08:25:40 PM
I overclocked my Ant's today, (393). One of them HW rate is doubble of the accepted rate, so I guess it would be better to put it back to the original settings, or is it worth trying something like 375?
19  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Setup & Troubleshoot] Bitmain AntMiner S1 180GH/S miner on: May 07, 2014, 09:34:14 PM
I'm trying to add a second cooling fan to my ants (push-pull)
I have some coolmaster jetflow 120 fans (12V 0,4A), but when plug-ins them in in the free 4pin connector on the secon board nothing happens, do I have to enabled the second fan somehow or am I doping something wrong?

Likely doing something wrong, but I haven't tried it with a 4-pin setup.  

What wire is on top?  If done correctly it should be:
Black (top)
Blue (bottom)

All black wires(what ever happend to colorcoding these days...)

On the fan it says:

FG black
PWM black

PWM should be on the bottom.  If disconnected, it will run the fan at full speed.  If connected, the fan speed is determined by the firmware.

On the Ant I was testing on the extra fan connector doesn't seem to work, testend on another one and everything works fine on that one.
I guess I could power the fan for the Ant with the broken fanconnector from my PSU, or not? What cable/connector from the PSU is best use to power the fan?
20  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Antminer S1 Sales open] Price changes daily, now 0.516 BTC for 180GH/s on: May 07, 2014, 06:40:02 PM
How fast is shipping from Bitmaintech compared to Ninjatech for Antminer S1 orders?
Just weighing my options as Bitmaintech seems to have the lowest prices sooner.


When I order on monday I receive my miner on friday, worked every time for me.(I'm in Europe, Belgium might be different for other continents/country's/custom's agencies)
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