Monero ded, pack it up boiz Hey you wanna ddos minexmr for awhile and shake some of those miners loose. Fun times!
Monero ded, pack it up boiz
Fluffypony arrested for fraud of 99,185 USD over 2009-2011, and fled South Africa during his trial. Justice served!!
Hello people, what did i miss in the last 5 years?
when hitbtc???/
My source says next week (21th - 25th May)
15 million XMV premined for the 2 devs! Talk about money grab..
I never shorted XMR but I did sell back in 2016 a huge chunk and bought Ethereum. Made a little less than $50MM, thank you ETH!
You guys really need to stop a handful of retarded devs (fat spaghetti) to force major changes without community consensus. Monero has little time left anyway, Ethereum is about to launch ringCT and zK-Snarks, use the time you have left wisely.
Monero is dead if PoW algo is changed now in March.
The stores won't dump the coins because there will be nothing to dump. I hate seeing businesses ask for donations and offer nothing in return. I donated 0 XMR.
You did exactly what you've done to help Monero in the past: exactly nothing. In fact, in the past just as today, all you offer is negativity, selfishness, greed, and criticism. You have never done a single thing to aid Monero in any way, shape, or form. And yet Monero succeeds despite your efforts to the contrary, sucks to be you. You've got enough shills to pat your back, I am here to uncover scams.
Although interesting proposal for increasing awareness, I expect the stores will dump the coins on exchanges as soon as they can so the added value to the ecosystem may not be great. Or maybe I'm too pessimistic The good part is that they are trying something, anything. The stores won't dump the coins because there will be nothing to dump. I hate seeing businesses ask for donations and offer nothing in return. I donated 0 XMR. EDIT: Here's the link to the fundraiser for the sheeple: shills have been reporting the file so it has been deleted. Here's another link :
Although interesting proposal for increasing awareness, I expect the stores will dump the coins on exchanges as soon as they can so the added value to the ecosystem may not be great. Or maybe I'm too pessimistic The good part is that they are trying something, anything. The stores won't dump the coins because there will be nothing to dump. I hate seeing businesses ask for donations and offer nothing in return. I donated 0 XMR. EDIT: Here's the link to the fundraiser for the sheeple:
There's only one coin in existence today that provides full anonymity - Monero.
Can we trade fix coins here when the inevitable happens ?