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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]⭐ FOTOCOIN ⭐ POS/MN 🚀 POWERING ITSFOTO🚀 GET BOUNTY FOR UPLOADING PHOTO on: March 11, 2019, 09:58:02 PM
Thanks the photo creators & the project people who are giving away some good photos which are amazing without any copyright issues.Hope that this free ways of downloading photos can provide you great supporters & lots of fund to raise your project   

This is something that should be focused because there's a lot of users that would definitely try to take this kind of activities. Devs may find some difficulties but I think this is their greatest challenge to face.

It is normal to meet different problems because everything in this world is not perfectly created. Beside people have different ideas, likes and dislikes so hearing positive and negative feedback is normal. To the team, just serve it as a challenge to make the project more develop and become the best because it is focusing on different suggestions of the people. Doing it surely makes this into top and the number of people will increasing which lead to popularity.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]⭐ FOTOCOIN ⭐ POS/MN 🚀 POWERING ITSFOTO🚀 GET BOUNTY FOR UPLOADING PHOTO on: March 10, 2019, 09:49:29 PM
When will the platform fully work? So you can already upload your photos? Can I create my own account on the platform?
I wanted to know the answer to this same question. Because of my interest to the opportunity that the Fotocoin is giving, I want to be a part of the community and so I want to learn and understands more things about the platform.

The platform is live and fully working .. You can upload photo and start earning money now ..
Good to hear this admin. It feels like having in here will lead us to gain something good in the future. Hopefully, it will be recognized even more from the crypto community sinced it is useful and helpful in this kind of world.

To be fair they can probably capitalise on the crypto market a lot, since most ICOs use fake stock photos all the time so they can sell to those scam icos Tongue

I guessss it should have uploading limitations a day else it would be attack by bots uploading a bombard of images.
I don't think it would be a problem, since they have moderators. It would be notice easily knowing that a user is having so many activities within a day and it would be suspicious.

Yes you are right, as long there are moderators it will be trace up. But I think it is not a big issue because everything have rules and regulations about it. What best to do by the team is just make everything clear to everyone what are the best thing they should do or what are the things they need to follow being a member in this platform. It is a matter of understanding in each instructions and other thing.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]⭐ FOTOCOIN ⭐ POS/MN 🚀 POWERING ITSFOTO🚀 GET BOUNTY FOR UPLOADING PHOTO on: March 09, 2019, 10:50:52 PM
This potential project should have improve its social media sites. For me, I think the team needs to have much more aggressive and attractive social media sites for promotional purposes. I am saying this because I am glad to have the Fotocoin. Just a recommendation for the team.

Social media is not really as effective as it used to be for crypto, most social media sites are actively filtering out crypto anyway and the bubble's bursted
Well, if not social networks, then the team in any case should think about the development of a good advertising campaign, it is a prerequisite for the development of the platform.

I guess social media is also important when we talk about advertisement because mostly people have long time in seeing different social media accout. But before they do it, they make sure the quality of their advertisement because it is where people see and get some important details of the said project.  Best thing also that they will find  ways to develop the platform of the project with that surely many people will support and find it more interesting.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]⭐ FOTOCOIN ⭐ POS/MN 🚀 POWERING ITSFOTO🚀 GET BOUNTY FOR UPLOADING PHOTO on: March 08, 2019, 10:37:53 PM
I agree to this statement of tour's,as this may be one of the most efficient and effective methods for testing.
Why do you need to test the platform, if the platform is already fully operational. Go to the official website and check it is very convenient and practical.
Yeah. It is already functional and we can be able to start downloading and uploading images and pictures with good quality. The team are doing good in terms of developing as they have managed to fix errors and bugs in which gives them capable of handling the project.

So because its functional now so I guess many would love to try it and find how good it is. But we cannot totally say that everyone will say positive in it. There is always negative  feedback heard because of different ideas each people have. It is the time where the team will make move and find ways just to satisfy them. We know the fact that there is no such perfect made and there is always a room for improvement. Hoping that everything will be okay and the team will not stop on developing it to make it the best among the rest.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]⭐ FOTOCOIN ⭐ POS/MN 🚀 POWERING ITSFOTO🚀 GET BOUNTY FOR UPLOADING PHOTO on: March 07, 2019, 09:34:19 PM
I am the one who is lucky to have found this project. Honestly, I am so much interested to.this project when I have seem this thread. I have found a lots of interesting features that I am sure not only me will be glad, but also other people. So it is a very good thing for the project team to spread much widely the information of this crypto project.
I am also feeling the same.  and the most attractive things of the project is to earn money by using or uploading images. and can be used in anywhere. most attractive project and fruitfull whitepaper with a lot of informations.

Yes it has an attractive part where surely make people love the project. To earn is one thing that people want to have, so surely this will be have many joiners. Hoping that the team will achieve what's on their roadmap and accepting suggestions to make it better. Giving updates is  very important also in order joiners , supporters will get track in every changes and moves they will make. Overall all I find it very interesting. Looking forward for best result in this project.
6  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN]🔥[100X LEVERAGE TRADING]🔥 PrimeXBT- Maximize your Bitcoin profits!🔥🔥🔥 on: February 24, 2019, 11:30:00 PM
There is a accusation of PrimeXBT platform regarding the successful transaction lately. I think, it will be good if the team will clariffy this issues so that there will be no confusions regarding the functions and features of prime.

I mean they are not really all that interested in answering regular questions regarding platform, do you expect them answer anything controversial?
Well the team is busy of course I know that you know that too. But let's see the good performance of the team in handling the entire project that come resulted to reach this far. I am very glad that the development team never stops to its continuous progressive actions.

Maybe that is the reason why they can't totally answer those queries. Let just hope that everything will go well. I guess the needs more time in order to be successful. The first thing they should do is to prove that they are legit in order to gain trust from the people and as I check it, I found out that they have those supporters. Hoping they will not stop finding ways in proving. Looking forward for their next level of success.
7  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 16, 2019, 09:49:58 PM
I hope that in the platform there will be a high protection not only of personal funds of users, but also of accounts. At this time, protection is a very important factor, because hackers do not stand still and develop.
I think that the key to stay secure is to get a better idea to encrypt every time the safety weakens.
Security measures also requires the cooperation of the users, like on how they create their passwords and etc. as long as they have multiple layer type of protection for better security.

Yes I agree, each account needs to be secure because nowadays many are hackers. That is why people in crypto world making sure if it is not a scam we cannot blame them because many are doing it. Hoping that the team will be more updated and find ways to upgrade the security and develop more the project.
8  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 15, 2019, 09:57:26 PM
Maybe they are much busy in the betterment of the platform because they know that they will face difficulties and challenges in convincing more people to join since the platform have similarities from the others. This will give them more motivations to work hard in the development.
I think so. They are too much busy so that they couldn't reply all of the comments. But, as always, they are free to answer the users on their telegram group.
Well, hopefully the things that makes them busy is the development and improvement of the project. So, the time they spend is really worth it also for the positive outcome of this project.

Definitely right, they keep making some progress about the platform and it seems to be they are making a lot of effort on it. This is about making business and it should be well-handed so that everything could work well.

We cannot deny the fact how the team works in this project. All of us can totally say that they are working very hard just to make it successful. They do different ways just to make the project well developed and to make people satisfy. I am confident that they will succeed sooner or later.
9  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 14, 2019, 09:51:13 PM
I think there will be a few updates in the future. Hope with the giveaway, they can get many users interested to use the platform.
Let's hope that this turns out gaining more public attention for the project elevating the number of people joining it.
Perhaps the team needs to make some more efforts inorder for this to happen. And they need to ensure that everything will be done according to the plans so that people who have invested will be aware about the future happenings of the project.

You are right! The team needs more effort and should base it on their plans so that they can easily do everything. Planning is very important most especially you have goals to achieve or to reached. Doing it will surely make the team successful in everything. Looking forward for that day.
10  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 13, 2019, 11:09:28 PM
What are you basing those "high hopes" on though? This is crypto, guilty until proven especially when handling so much third party cash
Interesting that they are hoping to convince the people by setting up an airdrop. Hope this airdrop can be the biggest airdrop in primexbt.
This a good marketing strategy and offer at the same time. I also believe that this will be a hit and able to gain and increase the interest of many. Offers like this are somewhat very effective and helpful for new projects in the market.
I think that yes, but it will be more obvious, of course, after the full launch of all updates or additions to the project. For more users to start using this platform.

I agree, the launching day will be the best day to see  how good their marketing strategy is.  What we can do for now is wait for the exact time.  This can help a lot in terms of getting the heart of many people. Looking forward for every step they do. Hoping also the team will keep on updating the people in every action they do.
11  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 12, 2019, 10:09:40 PM
I am not fully familiar with the short and long term position in trading because I just started trading few months ago. Can someone explain how that works in a more simpler way. 
Dont worry you will get use to it who knows maybe you might get to use  PrimeXbt Leverage soon Their platform seem flexible enough to handle most of the beginner need plus their great UI and theme is going to make you feel right at home

As has been repeated throughout the entire thread, its a really really bad idea to suggest that beginners play around with leverage trading
why do you think this is a bad idea? I think for beginners, on the contrary, this is a good opportunity to understand the cryptocurrency trade.

Yes there's nothing wrong in that idea because in the first place it gives knowledge and understanding to the beginners. It also gives opportunities which can help them understand more and easily. I am sure many would love to join upon knowing everything.
12  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 11, 2019, 11:30:50 PM
I am not fully familiar with the short and long term position in trading because I just started trading few months ago. Can someone explain how that works in a more simpler way. 
Dont worry you will get use to it who knows maybe you might get to use  PrimeXbt Leverage soon Their platform seem flexible enough to handle most of the beginner need plus their great UI and theme is going to make you feel right at home
I hope on the platform there will be a brief overview for beginners, so that they can more easily understand how to use this platform? This would be a very useful feature.

It could be a great help to the new beginners but I think there are lots of ways to give people a great understanding. It can be through explaining them, searching and looking to the platform. But still it really depends on the us how we want to know such informations.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO][PRIVATE-SALE] WinWinCoin gambling solution with decentralized Jackpot on: January 11, 2019, 10:42:33 PM
Many will be happy to take part in this unusual airdrop and get tokens for free. However, my personal experience shows that it is not favorable.
Free distrivution is not just a promotion but all the efforts will be recognized. We also need to understand many huge projects do fail after big investments assured so there is nothing to give up and better to cobsider everything is an opportunity.
The most important thing that will happen for every project here is to be recognized by the people most especially by the investors. So every opportunity will be a big factor to make the project better and become a location of choice for investments.

Popularity of the project is one of the important to have in order to have in order to have a huge number investors and supporters. This will surely bring the project into top. Hoping that the team will not stop in giving updates and opportunities to make it more developed.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO][PRIVATE-SALE] WinWinCoin gambling solution with decentralized Jackpot on: January 10, 2019, 11:36:08 PM
WinWin administration seems very busy in their official telegram channel from many a days as there is no response. It seems they are trying to bring any innovative launch added to their platform?

It depends on the size of the situation because it may also have an effect. Normally, telegram should always be active when it comes to an issue. This should always be active even though how busy they are to avoid confusion or conflict.

Yes telegram is the best place to go in terms of knowing easily updates. It is good to join there because it is easily to know directly the  answer. The team their is very active in anwering queries.
15  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 09, 2019, 11:08:23 PM
Hi, what's the latest news from the team? What are the latest platform updates? Maybe there will be promotions at a discount in the commission or something else?

Demo of PrimeXBT is live and Official platform launch will take place in  January 2019 which is this month. There are 50% discount on trading fees and competition giveaway worths $1,000,000 for those who can invite new users to the platform. That's it.
I'm really looking forward to the official launch of the platform, I hope the developers will make an announcement here of the launch date. And also, please tell me how many people should I invite to the platform to get this 50% discount?

Same here, I guess it is one of the most awaited day of most people here. What we can do for now is wait and hope that the team will be more active in releasing updates to the people. Our support for them is highly needed of the team. I am confident that soon everything will have a good result.
16  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 08, 2019, 11:27:18 PM
I saw the website today and I saw that they are offering contest and legit incentives to all active traders?
I am expecting more to the project PrimeXBT to give us more opprlortunities and interesting activities to participates with. Well, as the PrimeXBT keep on gaining the supporters trust and support, hope that they will keep up its progressive and productive actions.
The community manager should now be prepairing to boost the advertisement for this project like doing some promotions through social media and other community sites.

Obviously, I think that's one of the many concerns that shouldn't be missed. It's one way to attract and get the interest of the crypto users which they will share their information in public.

The team should work hard to achieved their plans. They should also entertain those concerns and do the best actions to have a better result. This will surely attract people  to gain interest and make the number of  supporters increase. Let just be patient and trust the team.
17  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 07, 2019, 09:57:18 PM
If its compared to another exchange, this exchange looks so great and its unique. The exchange gone completely different from the usual exchange.
Thanks to its unusual features, this platform will be in demand. In any case, I see it that way. It will be interesting to take a look.
yeah, just see normal exchange and you will know the difference between a usual exchange vs this exchange.
That is the one of the major advantage of this project, once they proceeds on adding more coin on their platform for sure we can expect more of this.
the developers have already said that they are working on this issue. Therefore, I think very soon there will be more new coins on the platform.

Possibly soon it can be, but for now it is good to wait and trust the team in doing such develipments on the issues that the project encountered.  Our support is highly needed to the team. Looking forward for more good updates and a better result in their plans.
18  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 06, 2019, 09:49:44 PM
It is very convenient when you can trade more against the dollar. Not only buy for Bitcoin or other coins, but you can deposit your dollars and trade to the real price. It is very convenient.
Maybe the team will consider to add dollars once the platform is ready for trading. We just have to keep being in here so that all our suggestions and thoughts will give them more ideas inorder for this to be like by many crypto traders.
I really hope that the development team has as much as we have a lot of ideas for the development of the platform. Now the main goal is to implement all these ideas successfully.

To have lots of ideas will be a good doings of the team. Surely it will give good result to the project. It is better that the team will follow also in the plans that they made in order to have a step by step process. They can change their plans incase if it needed if not they should continue it. The team should also be ready for whatever challenges they may encounter.
19  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 05, 2019, 11:37:36 PM
This crypto trading platform is doing a lot more strategy for more apperance and show off from the community and gain more attention. But honestly, the distribution that has been going on the thread is very huge that gain attention. Hoping and waiting for more updates and interesting activities.

It's exactly what they should aim for them to gain more users. Also, they definitely take note of some of the ideas that the community have been shared of.

I agree, taking note to some ideas of the community is a great help in the present and future. It is good that the team will decide not for them own sake but for everyone. So that the project will succeed in the future. I am also confident that this project will be more popular as long the team keep updating and share it.
20  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] 🔥 [100X LEVERAGE | 0% FEES] 🔥 PRIMEXBT - CRYPTO TRADING PLATFORM 🔥🔥🔥 on: January 04, 2019, 11:38:24 PM
50% discount on trading fees + participate in $1,000,000 giveaway! for early access ( first customers ), it's a good giveaway competition for those who have the ability to invite many people under their referral link. The first place winner will get $250,000 worth of bitcoin.
I think, Not official yet since it is still not publish on their social media or here.

Thighs is a very big promotion, but 250k for only 1 winner? i think that is too much, they could have split the pot to more winners so they will be able to encourage more referrals.

Indeed, they did it. $1,000,000 will split between many winners,  $250,000 is for first place, while the other winners will get different amount depends on their place, the list goes on until 10000. Check out Prize Allocation on their website to get more details.
It's really attractive to have this kind of rewards for those traders who will used the platform. I hope, this will be a good idea for the team to be able to recognized more as a good exchange here in crypto community so that all will be contented and satisfied.

So much attractive to have a good reward to the traders. This will surely made them on top. Hoping the team will continue to create an activities which gives more reward to the people who will invest, use and support this platform. Looking forward for more activities and success of this project.
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