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Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x1000007e (0xffffffffc0000094, 0xfffff880048ec909, 0xfffff88002badfa8, 0xfffff88002bad800) *** atikmdag.sys - Address 0xfffff88004af3456 base at 0xfffff88004806000 DateStamp 0x4e1676c7  Go into safe mode, disable CCC in msconfig, use dummy plugs, be happy. If that was the answer to your question: Congratulations! If not: Sorry!
That's good for two things: #Every company joining the BTC train is good for us #Warez1337s haz n0ledg3 ab0ut interwebz and likes BTC I would be happier to see Amazon accepting Bitcoins instead of a platform for stolen goods. Not good for Bitcoin reputation... makes Bitcoin look shady and unattractive for "real" companies.
Porn-site reselling doesn't make BTC look shady then?
It probably will plateau again when the next stage of speculators jumps in. I suspect it will get to 100 EU and hold there around first quarter 2012, but it has been holding fairly steady at 10 EU (+or-1) for several weeks.
Seriously?  "Donate if you plan to finance a future global-troll" nice tag I can haz bidcoinz nao?
It probably will plateau again when the next stage of speculators jumps in. I suspect it will get to 100 EU and hold there around first quarter 2012, but it has been holding fairly steady at 10 EU (+or-1) for several weeks.
The current difficulty (94k) makes NMC really not worth mining... why still do it??
bitcoins isn't going to be good for vendors until most of the population knows what it is.
Well; depends on the shop system as well. What I would be interested in is something like MMOGA (a German site where you can buy keys for online games like WoW e.g.). Just connect the price (in BTC) to the current $/€/BTC exchange + 5% fee for the shop, or something like that. I know many, many people who actually wait for a useful shop where they can pay in BTC. That would also make BTC more interesting for the usual PC gamer; they can mine with their (ATI) cards when they aren't home and are able to buy some little things with their mined BTCs... especially European people wait for something like this.
I'm paying 0.28$/kWh... it's still profitable.
I joined NMC some minutes ago and I really like it! 
Damn, I was away this weekend and my workers stopped yesterday... 
Could they be your mining payouts?
I don't buy, I only mine...
Hello guys,
I've been mining for some months now and use Bitmarket for my trades. Since 14th of June, someone keeps sending me BTC to my Bitmarket account... it's around 172.8 right now, from the person (I did not trade it yet).
Some days there are no funds incoming, on others 3-5/day ... always like "5,65" or "0,38" - those kinda payments.
Where do they come from and why should someone do that? It makes me feel uneasy not to know where it comes from...
Plus 172 BTC isn't too less money, is it?
Hello there, since the Swiss franc is one of the most stable currencies out there, I wondered if there was a Swiss MtGox or something like that... If not, wouldn't it at least be an idea which is worth trying? Explain to me why, if not   Wouldn't connecting BTC to a very stable currency make it stable as well? Or isn't BTC partly dependent on something like that? Dude, I'm baked!
Sell price: 1BTC = 8€ Buy price: 1BTC = 9,90€
Those prices are nuts; you can get way better prices @ bitmarket!
bitmarket doesn't eliminate counter party risk at all... It would still be stupid to buy there.
Hello all,
I was just wondering if it is possible to mine bitcoins using my laptop.
Guess how many fucks I give.
Ummm... 4? Less than 1.
I have a question, since you seem to have some knowledge about Linux:
Are there noticeable differences in speed to Win7?
I'm not sure, I moved to Linux because it's so much more reliable. My windows machines kept crashing/BSODing. Like twice a day. It got really annoying. Ask around on the forum I guess. Well, then there's no need for me to switch, since my Win7 rig is working for five days already and never crashed so far...
I work a desk job. If I bought the best video card that fit in the thing (it's a decent system, I design tools with Autocad Inventor 3D modeling software) then mined all night while I wasn't there, no power costs. THEN, surely it is very profitable...  Yeeaaa... you probably thought about getting some Nvidia Quadro or Tesla, eh? Over 9000 GHash/s with one of those cards, fine quality - really nice.
I have four 5830 and I use the 1000W ps from Antec... it works fine and keeps cool. No need for two supplies - get yourself some adapters and you're good to go. Btw: I don't know about amps/watts/whatsoever, but a friend checked it for me and told me that it would work (and it does!).
Good luck.