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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Guide] How to Add image on Bitcoin Talk Post? on: August 27, 2020, 02:21:41 PM
Also, you can use the Giphy too if you want to add GIF because if you are trying to use the imgur for uploading some GIF and try to make a preview right here on our forum it doesn't support it just gives you an error code or an invalid syntax. With the use, if Giphy they have BBcode supported too but AFAIK you must need to create an account and I think it's not hard. I hope I give you some information too.

I always have trouble with gifs and imgur before I found out about giphy. It turns it into mp4 and then it is useless here on forum. Giphy does a great job.
2  Other / Archival / Re: 🔍 | Guess Total Wagers #34 $50 Prize | Progressive Jackpot inside 🔍 on: August 27, 2020, 02:16:30 PM

Username: EDreamz
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN - ICO] ThinkCoin: Peer to Peer Multi Asset Trading on the Blockchain on: August 27, 2020, 02:13:26 PM

This is good news, I hope the Trade Connect android app will launch soon and the $ 50 USD welcome bonus is still available. is the Web version of Trade connect also not available?

Unfortunately, the web version is not currently available. The latest information shows that a version for android will be created first, then desktop version. Currently the welcome bonus is still active and I hope it will be as well when the Android version go live.
Here are some more information about android app waiting list 300$ airdrop:

Joined the waiting list for Android, hope it comes out soon. Isn't there more Android users overall then IOS users? Shouldn't Android version be a bit more prioritiesed then IOS one?
4  Economy / Services / Re: | YouTube Review Video | Earn up to $50! - Ends July 31st on: July 27, 2020, 03:51:37 PM
Found out about this promotion few days ago and it looked good and glad I discovered a new casino with crypto option so I decided to join and record a video since I'm already testing it.

Roobet username:  EDreamz

My video:
5  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: Bet on my weight loss on: July 16, 2020, 02:18:20 AM
Sounds like a plan:
  • Have an weight you're not happy with
  • Bet >$4000 with a stranger
  • Go to the doctor, get your stomach stapled, undergo lipo, hire a personal trainer or get prescribed (good) diet pills => lose the weight you want to lose
  • Let the stranger pay for your treatment, earn a little extra

I do applaud your quest to get healthy, but like it's been said before: it's something personal. The person taking this bet would have no control over your actions, so he'd be in a disadvantage straight from the start.
There are other forms of motivations...

Good luck tough!

Yeah lol

So many ways to manipulate withnthis kind of bet, anyone betting on this kind of stuff must be outright crazy Cheesy
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN - ICO] ThinkCoin: Peer to Peer Multi Asset Trading on the Blockchain on: July 16, 2020, 02:12:22 AM
It is a bit dissapointing how slowly this project is developing, but that is how it was since the start. I was hoping that things will pick up the pace at a certain moment, especially after listing, but seems like they are taking things slow as they were.

I haven't checked the app a while, is it out of the beta?
7  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Beware of fake YouTube giveaways on: July 16, 2020, 02:06:48 AM
I see them popping out lately a lot, the worse one is Elon Musk, people seem to fall for that. I wonder where is Youtube now to ban all those accounts? Youtube only bans and causes problems for crypto youtubers that are creating proper content, but these scam giveaways tend to go for quite a while before there is a reaction....

Very true, YouTube taking down those decent crypto related channels because of this scamming act that popping from their platform, instead of removing only those scammers it reflected to everyone that they've think the contents are related to crypto.

There are still people who are new to this industry and with greed they've been easily manipulated by this kind of enticing promises, not taking any research before participating, it ends up being victimized.

Yes, new ones into the industry suffer the most loses in the end due to the inexperience and lack of knowledge.To top that off they usually have much more enthusiasm then people who already have some experience and because of that they invest and throw their money in all kinds of scams.
8  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Beware of fake YouTube giveaways on: July 14, 2020, 09:33:04 AM
I see them popping out lately a lot, the worse one is Elon Musk, people seem to fall for that. I wonder where is Youtube now to ban all those accounts? Youtube only bans and causes problems for crypto youtubers that are creating proper content, but these scam giveaways tend to go for quite a while before there is a reaction....
9  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: March 14, 2020, 03:41:18 PM
ETH je jednostavno dobra investicija i projekt koji se razvija najagresivnije. Koliko je toga vec sada "izgradjeno" na ETH blockchainu je dovoljan argument sam po sebi, a i dalje se konstanto razvija i otkriva nove mogucnosti koje ETH kao platforma nudi.

Ovaj DeFi koji je sada "upitan" po nekima je samo jedan od primjera, a tek smo na pocetku.

ETH je najblize onom sto ja vec par godina prognoziram. To je da ce ETH biti temelj cijelog kripta, koliko god se to ne svidja BTC maksimalistima. Ocekujem da ce svi sustavi, usluge sto iole rade i vrijede kako spada biti na ETH blockchainu.
10  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DAI - decentralizirani stablecoin temeljen na Ethereumu on: March 14, 2020, 03:28:04 PM
Izgleda jako gadno.
Samo još malo što nije puklo sve skupa.

U teoriji sve lijepo radi, ali očigledno u praksi ne ide baš.

Ovakvi događaji podsjećaju na to da je kripto (a pogotovo DeFi) ipak još uvijek nova tehnologija i ima dječjih bolesti koje treba riješiti, a za koje se niti ne zna dok se ne dogode. U MakerDAO blogu piše da danas imaju glasanje o načinu na koji način će se ubuduće rješavati ovakvi problemi.

Mnogi su vec poceli doom and gloom scenarij za DeFi, s cime se ja ne slazem uopce i smatram da je super da se rjesavaju ovakvi ozbiljni problem odmah sada u zacetku.

Ako se ovakvi probleme rijese u ranim faza, DeFi ima mnogo vise prednosti nego mana i taj sistem moze pomoci hrpi novih dappova, projekata i ideja.
11  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Pi mreža - novi coin koji se majnuje samo mobitelom on: March 14, 2020, 03:20:09 PM
Ja isto pratim i rudarim vec neko vrijeme i cini mi se da ima potencijala, no dug je put jos pa cemo vidjet kako ce se to nastaviti razvijati.Ima nas ocito vise zainteresiranih za nodove Cheesy

Meni ososbno jos fali da vidim kako ce se tim ponasati vezano za neke teme koje se naslanjaju na decentraliziranost projekta.Jer tim mi se cini dosta "zelen" zapravo kad je u pitanju handlanje velikog projekta i opcenito "zelen" u kripto svijetu.
12  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Airdrop..?? on: October 01, 2019, 01:10:19 AM
Ja sam tamo na čekanju već dobrih pol godine za oba. Prijavljen i sve, ali nikako da stigne onaj mail da mogu krenuti gledati one videe.

Već sam lagano odustao od toga, iako me čudi s obzirom da se radi o Coinbaseu - oni su uglavnom profesionalni.

Također! Prijavio se na sve njihove airdropove, neke dobio ali XLM i EOS nisam. A prošao sam čak i KYC njihov. Mislim da je to bio uvjet za prijavu na posljednje airdropove. Ne znam zašto toliko odugovlače. Ili radiš airdrop ili ne radiš. Ovo je sad već zajebavanje ekipe koja se prijavila.

Ma to je tihi dust attack Smiley
Dat ce drop onom profilu koji im je mozda interesantniji od ostalih
Mi smo treci svijet, stoga, i ne cudi me da nas zaobilaze

Moguce, jer ja nemam HR account, ali opet znam dosta ljudi iz HR koji su uredno te airdropove obavili i dobili tokene. U svakom slucaju imam po 4 invitea za EOS i XLM, Dai nema inviteove, tako da ako hocete saljite PM.
13  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Top 10 Pravila Za Uspješno Trgovanje (Kriptovalute) on: October 01, 2019, 01:07:34 AM
Iz osbnog iskustva cu reci da je najteza vjestina za savladati iskljuciti emocije Cheesy

Posebno u trenutcima kad udjes u long i ne ispadne po planu, i treba se prihvatiti mali loss i realnost. Jako puno tu pada jer cekaju da se situacija okrene i od malog lossa se situacija pretvara u sve veci gubitak dok se ceka da se tvoja vizija trejda dodgodi jer tako mora biti Cheesy To se naslanja na vaznost stop lossa i na trejdanje kontra trenda.

I naravno nauciti uzeti profit bez ganjanja bottoma ili topa. Tko to savlada moze svaki dan uzeti kad je market malo stabilniji.

Ja sam imao ogromne gubitke sa jednim shitcoinom kojeg sam kupovao na vrhu bull runa za 1$. Kad je pao na 50 centi rekao sam sam sebi da ću čekati dok ne naraste da izađem bez gubitaka... Reći ću samo da sada taj coin vrijedi 0.0045$ :/

Da to je ta prica, nazalost svi ju moramo proci barem par puta, sretnici samo jednom da bi naucili bitnu lekciju.
14  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: September 30, 2019, 04:54:16 PM
Vidim ja da nitko od vas koji misle paru od ovoga pravit nije CryptoKitties igrao Cheesy Ja sam tamo napravio nesto eth i to samo u prvom tjednu bete kad smo sjebali ETH Cheesy Poslije toga decki moji vam je sve to kikiriki Cheesy

Radje napravite ligu u FM-u i stavi se pool nagradni, 1-2 tekme tjedno, sloze se pravila i budgeti i igra se liga Cheesy Pool moze bez problema biti nesto onako simbolicno, neka svota s kojom ce se platiti okupljanje na kraju prvenstva na primjer Cheesy

Eto meni bi tako nesto bilo fora Cheesy
15  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Airdrop..?? on: September 30, 2019, 04:29:32 PM
Ako je netko zainteresiran imam 4 referala za XLM i 4 za EOS na Coinbase vec mjesecima, nitko nece kao da moraju svoje pare dati, a ne da ce dobiti, no dobro.

Tako da ne lijepim ovdje ako hocete link da si uzmete do 50 dolara XLM-a i EOS-a, posaljite mi PM za link.
16  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Top 10 Pravila Za Uspješno Trgovanje (Kriptovalute) on: September 30, 2019, 03:59:53 PM
Iz osbnog iskustva cu reci da je najteza vjestina za savladati iskljuciti emocije Cheesy

Posebno u trenutcima kad udjes u long i ne ispadne po planu, i treba se prihvatiti mali loss i realnost. Jako puno tu pada jer cekaju da se situacija okrene i od malog lossa se situacija pretvara u sve veci gubitak dok se ceka da se tvoja vizija trejda dodgodi jer tako mora biti Cheesy To se naslanja na vaznost stop lossa i na trejdanje kontra trenda.

I naravno nauciti uzeti profit bez ganjanja bottoma ili topa. Tko to savlada moze svaki dan uzeti kad je market malo stabilniji.
17  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling streams on: September 30, 2019, 02:34:29 PM
Looks like the gambling streaming and with commentaries from  hosts could be good parts of gambling. Will be fun for people like us (the non active gamblers ) to sit and watch active gamblers gamble while listening to commentaries at thesame time.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but it sounds like hosts commenting on gamblers playing slots? That would be hilarious if you ask me  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Grin Grin Grin
18  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: September 30, 2019, 02:21:30 PM
Jedan povratnicki post, nije me dugo bilo, o projektu (Thinkcoin) koji je listan danas na Digifinexu nakon vise od godinu delayeva i hrpe problema, koji je po svemu sudeci listan samo da bi se team domogao nekih sredstava, ako uopce imaju namjeru ista "ozbiljno" dalje nastaviti raditi.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN - ICO] ThinkCoin: Peer to Peer Multi Asset Trading on the Blockchain on: September 30, 2019, 01:03:09 PM
Is that true that ICO price $0,2/Token?

Although Digifinex is not a large market, it can help increase ThinkCoin's trading volume in general.
TOP-20 exchange by CMC, not bad.

It is good to see any crypto project that manages to get listed and started, but..

The reasoning for this listing and timing are very weird if you ask me and there are a lot of questions to be asked.

They delayed listing for more then a year, avoided disclosing information about funds raised up until today, app is not even close to being released, deep in beta and development started a year ago.Marketing was non existant since they made decision to go for private funds and stopped ICO, same goes for any form of communication including social media.

There was a lot of opportunity to list on exchanges as the situation was and is the same as it was 7-8 months ago, but it was avoided and delayed like cancer and reasoning behind the decision was market is not in a good state, BTC is suffering, alts even more, so that would be bad for Thinkcoin. So please tell my why now after BTC dumped 30% recently, suddenly situation is great to get listed on an exchange like Digifinex? Cheesy

Digifinex is exchange with a lot of fake volume after all.

Supply has been manipulated and changed, whitepaper had changes too.Why? Well now after it is listed we are going to have artificial token burns, of course only those tokens that were not sold Cheesy Lets create some artificial image of potential value by artificial burns...

It has dumped of course and that was the goal.Why? If you ask me, team needs funds, they drained themselves through the year of delays and now only thing left to do is to list at all cost, get some funds out and que sera, sera.Water up to the neck.

Now what will come next? I bet some very exciting news along with token burns and buys, buys, buys. Thinkcoin is recovering, promises of new features, partnerships, adding trading pairs in app, app almost out. Hunters and bag holders start to buy too, full of hope and dreams of heaven Cheesy Price dumps hard again, on Digifinex yeah, and more funds are out Cheesy

I would be glad to be wrong, but at the moment I don't think it will turn out that way in the end.
20  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UFC 235: Jones vs. Smith Prediction and Info Thread on: March 06, 2019, 03:11:27 PM
Even though Jon Jones won the fight by being better in this fight, we can forgive illegal knee, as Lionheart did too, that is why he is my favorite fighter.Not only cos of that, but because he truly likes to fight, he is smart and learns all the time, has guts and can take a beating. He gets f.. up in his fight and takes punishment, but his composure and cool is omnipresent.

For me he is the winner cause of one simple reason.He saw what happens when he is not open and ready to go in, be aggressive, expose himself and play the game and he also saw that he can stand toe to toe with one of the best despite not giving all that he can give.

Usman fight - no need for comment, Woodley was not in the building, he was drinking pina colada with werewolves of London it seems  Grin

Fight that I also liked was Jeremy Stephens (146) vs Zabit Magomedsharipov (146) - very fun to watch, even with no K.O. , Stephens did all he could to at least make it look like it was tight, but Zabit is becoming one of the fighter I look forward to watch and see what he can pull off.
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