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1  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: ANTMINER S3+ Discussion and Support Thread on: January 07, 2017, 05:42:07 PM
It is possible that you will need a new controller board. You could always check the cables from the hashing boards to the controller board to make sure that they are secure.

Yeah, I was thinking of that, but the rest of the controller board seems fine, all the LED's, even the wifi LED, turns on (the previous owner had installed a wifi antenna onto the S3)
2  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: ANTMINER S3+ Discussion and Support Thread on: January 07, 2017, 09:07:52 AM
I got three Antminer S3 from someone who quit mining. I got two of them to work and are up and mining away, but the third not so much. 
On the third one, the fan spins and the LED lights up, but the two activity lights for the ethernet port doesn't light up when plugged in. However, when turning it on, one of the ethernet activity light would blink a few times before going dark. I've tried resetting, but ethernet still doesn't work. 
Any help please? 
Did you try a different ethernet cable?

The Ethernet cable is fine; I've used the same one for all three miners and was able to get 2/3 of the miners up and running. Any other suggestions? Does this mean I would have to get a new controller board?
3  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: ANTMINER S3+ Discussion and Support Thread on: January 06, 2017, 03:05:38 AM
I got three Antminer S3 from someone who quit mining. I got two of them to work and are up and mining away, but the third not so much. 
On the third one, the fan spins and the LED lights up, but the two activity lights for the ethernet port doesn't light up when plugged in. However, when turning it on, one of the ethernet activity light would blink a few times before going dark. I've tried resetting, but ethernet still doesn't work. 
Any help please? 
4  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: BTCDig [US servers, port 80, Var/User Diff, DGM, 0% fee] - 2 BTC BONUS! on: December 28, 2016, 08:12:10 PM
No....took everyones coins and left

oh shucks, ok thanks for the reply anyway!
5  Bitcoin / Pools / Is BTCDig pool dead? on: December 26, 2016, 04:19:00 AM
The url doesn't load for me :/
6  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: BTCDig [US servers, port 80, Var/User Diff, DGM, 0% fee] - 2 BTC BONUS! on: December 26, 2016, 01:36:26 AM
Does this pool still exist? O.o
The website doesn't load for me...
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Physics in Bitcoin (Cyrptocurrency)? on: April 25, 2014, 05:20:10 AM
I was just wondering if there is anything physics related to Bitcoin, or cyrptocurrency in general, other than like the power requirements and such for the miners/GPU's.

8  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: U2 Antminer USB Hubs on: April 24, 2014, 05:32:33 AM

(Anyone that can help me?  Embarrassed)
9  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: U2 Antminer USB Hubs on: April 21, 2014, 08:36:47 PM

Thanks, but I have already read that post. Very helpful, however the U2 Antminer USB has a very different form factor than the first gen Asic USB miners, so is has compatibility issues with most USB hubs.
10  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: U2 Antminer USB Hubs on: April 21, 2014, 03:09:35 AM
How can 3A power 8? Doesn't each USB miner require at least 0.5A to be powered? So, the max is 6, right?
11  Bitcoin / Hardware / U2 Antminer USB Hubs on: April 20, 2014, 07:00:49 AM

I have looked through the forums and the Internet and couldn't really find a suitable USB hub that ideally won't waste too much USB ports for the U2 Antminer USB miner. While there are some USB hubs that can hold the U2's on all the ports, they usually require the U2's to have contact or have to be clocked at 1.6 Gh/s (I overclock them to 2.2 Gh/s)

I am currently eyeing this one:

I plan on putting the U2's on those swiveling USB ports and have a fan to cool them.

Since it has been over a month since the release of the U2 Antminer USB miner, has anyone found a suitable USB hub (preferably, USB 2.0, for RPI) for the U2's?

(Yes, I know I won't make a ROI with USB miners, it's more of a learning experience)

12  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: My Antminer U2 default is 1.6 Ghash/s? on: April 09, 2014, 06:28:28 AM
Yes, I am aware I can overclock it by inputting that into the command line, however, I was just curious of all the Antminer U2 owners also experience a default 1.6 Ghash/s. Also, what is this ver. 1.3 of the U2?
13  Bitcoin / Hardware / My Antminer U2 default is 1.6 Ghash/s? on: April 09, 2014, 05:28:34 AM

When I plugged it in, cgminer displays it as around 1.6 Ghash/s. I thought the default is 2.0 Ghash/s? Yes, I realized I could just overclock it to 2 Ghash/s, but the point is that I think this is somewhat false advertising.

This is where I got it from:

Also, on the PCB, it says version 1.2, but on the forums, I read from somewhere that someone had a ver 1.3.

So, did I get a bad chip or is this how it works, that I need to overclock it to achieve the 2.0 Ghash/s?

(I know I won't get the ROI; I'm just doing this to learn more about bitcoin and virtual currency)

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