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821  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / Re: [ANN] [GUA] GuaranyCoin | Brasil | Desde Nov 2014 | Bleutrade | GuaCraft!! on: July 10, 2017, 07:19:33 PM


Certo, qual próximo passo?

1 - Conseguir exhange ?
2 - Atualizar Codigo ?
3 - pool de Mineração ?

pool de Mineração
822  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][TES] ϟ The Tesla ϟ Decentralize the Energy System ϟ TeslaStarter on: July 10, 2017, 07:17:24 PM
823  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [FJC] FujiCoin 2.0 | Japan | Launched 2014 | Bleutrade - Cryptopia - C-Cex on: July 10, 2017, 07:09:36 PM
My AV is giving security warnings with the links

I've tested it and
ledged haven't worked
but trezor yes!!! hurra!!

edit: but problems trying to move FJC back to ccex
edit2: when I disconnect the trezor, the logo of trezor with the green point is still there



824  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / Re: [ANN] [GUA] GuaranyCoin | Brasil | Desde Nov 2014 | Bleutrade | GuaCraft!! on: July 10, 2017, 06:31:50 PM

825  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / Re: [ANN] [GUA] GuaranyCoin | Brasil | Desde Nov 2014 | Bleutrade | GuaCraft!! on: July 10, 2017, 06:30:44 PM
1. ShootherXD  
2. jpdorn            
3. Paredao      
4. neolinkhati    
5. Corsarios

Mandei GUA todos esses endereços
abrir suas carteiras
826  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / Re: [ANN] [GUA] GuaranyCoin | Brasil | Desde Nov 2014 | Bleutrade | GuaCraft!! on: July 09, 2017, 06:34:27 PM
esta cadeia é o que eu tenho

esta 33 semanas atrás

Precisamos de um mais atualizado!RPQyDSAC!UNMGAlAuLaJyRMIWgA89tlYf1NxlNOJvimIdhih9hSk
827  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][TES] ϟ The Tesla ϟ Decentralize the Energy System ϟ Bittrex - Cryptopia on: July 09, 2017, 05:09:57 PM

< 10,000 blocks remaining

everyone has to move to the new wallet before
block 1,293,600

The new wallet has the blockchain and staking issue solved.
With this improvement we can now move forward with Teslacoin development.

Note: We do NOT endorse storing your coins on exchanges or other online services.
You should always use the storage where you control the private keys of the wallet.

32bits         64bits         Pending         32bits        64bits

Here is the roadmap for the next months

If you have any question or you want to collaborate
Join the telegram group
828  Local / Trading y especulación / Re: Seguimiento Bitcoin - Opiniones, precio y debate on: July 09, 2017, 04:03:32 PM
Las burbujas reflejan la concentracion en la entrada y salida de los flujos monetarios. La subida rápida llama a mas dinero y en cuanto se acaba la subida, la bajada rápida hace que el dinero salga rápido. (Lo q no significa que la persona se vaya a marchar, sino que quiere poner su dinero a salvo temporalmente)

Generalmente los mercados bajistas duran bastante más tiempo que las subidas, al menos que las típicas "subidas-burbuja" (de las cuales el clásico ejemplo es noviembre de 2013).

En estos mercados bajistas, si estos se extienden por muchos meses como en 2014/15, habitualmente surgen dudas dentro de la comunidad - justificadas o no - si el precio se justifica y si el Bitcoin es viable, y esto hace que muchos dejen al BTC para siempre o por un largo rato porque solo lo utilizaron para especular.

No hay una garantía que el Bitcoin alcance los precios que todos soñamos. Siempre puede surgir un mejor competidor, quizá hasta un concepto totalmente nuevo que sea superior a las criptomonedas actuales, o que el mundo se vuelva proteccionista y se reduzcan los flujos de dinero internacionales, quizá acompañado de regulación más dura (lo que recortaría el mercado al cual apunta Bitcoin). Por eso estos "escenarios de la muerte de Bitcoin" nunca se terminarán mientras que el uso del BTC sea principalmente especulativo (o de "ahorro").

La mejor garantía para que el Bitcoin suba de manera sustentable es que sea usado como moneda y no simplemente como medio de ahorro. Cuánto más empresas, usuarios y demás usen regularmente el Bitcoin y dependan de éste, más liquidez y estabilidad habrá, y esto llevaría a un círculo virtuoso que lo hará más útil para más escenarios de uso. En cambio, si sigue utilizándose solo para ahorro y especulación, se vuelve vulnerable a los ataques especulativos y en cualquier momento se puede "acabar la joda" y otro coin/sistema lo puede superar y hasta marginar.

Lo de que hay q utilizarlo regularmente y no solo para ahorrar es otro tema pero esta claro que será mas valido cuanta mas gente lo utilice (para lo q sea).

Yo personalmente no metería en el mismo saco a gente que pone sus ahorros a largo plazo en Bitcoin con la gente que lo utiliza de manera especulativa y vuelve a sacar sus ganancias a €/$.
Los especuladores reducen la oferta de monedas disponibles cuando suben y la aumentan cuando baja mientras que los ahorradores acaparan monedas tanto cuando sube el precio como cuando baja y por tanto reducen la oferta disponible continuamente.

A lo que me refiero, que "todo" el que entra como especulador (y acaba entendiendo la función de la moneda) se acaba convirtiendo en ahorrador.
Igual me pasado al decir "que todo el q entra, ya no sale", pero yo creo q es un gran porcentaje...
En cualquier caso, me parece lógico que la gente que entiende la función que puede llevar a cabo Bitcoin de aqui a unos años, o quiera gastarlo y prefiera guardarlos.

829  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][TES] ϟ The Tesla ϟ Decentralize the Energy System ϟ TeslaStarter on: July 08, 2017, 11:47:01 PM
the new wallet synced no problem, but after some hours running, I noticed it was out of sync. I checked the block count and my wallet had run ahead from the the block count on the explorer. It will no longer sync to network but keeps downloading blocks I believe.
It has happened to me again after re bootstrapping a new wallet. Check below, my private info is zeroed out.


"version" : "v3.3.0.0-gdf9d55a-Teslacoin",
"protocolversion" : 63002,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 00000000,
"newmint" : 0.00000000,
"stake" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 1284165,
"moneysupply" : 72186270.34719400,
"connections" : 5,
"proxy" : "",
"ip" : "0000000000000",
"difficulty" : 1.46811084,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1493439511,
"keypoolsize" : 104,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"unlocked_until" : 0,
"errors" : "WARNING: Checkpoint is too old. Wait for block chain to download, or notify developers."

Actually its stuck on block 1284165

Well, that's a problem.
You should be in 1283718 now.
Please, close you're wallet and follow the instructions.



1.1) In windows: Go to Roaming -> Teslacoin and rename the folder as TeslacoinOld
1.2) In Mac: /users/(your username)/Library/Application Support and rename the folder as TeslacoinOld
1.3) In Linux:
2)) Download the wallet from OP or website links
3) Make sure you're in v.3.3 (In your wallet go to: Help -> About Teslacoin). Close the wallet.
4) Download the bootstrap from the OP
5) Replace the files with the downloaded ones
6) Open the wallet
7) Let it sync from peers

- Always keep a copy (or 2 or 3) of your wallet.dat in a safe place (or 2)
- We don't have Mac wallet yet
- We're not moving to the new blockchain until block 1,293,600.

Let us know if you have any problem, errors, improvements or whatever.
Thanks for your feedback! [/size]

830  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][TES] ϟ The Tesla ϟ Decentralize the Energy System ϟ TeslaStarter on: July 08, 2017, 11:44:10 PM
Went with 32bit, followed instructions above, and then wiped everything but the wallet.dat file and rebooted. It hasn't crashed yet. I think all is well. It's just going to take me forever to download the blockchain. I had previously downloaded the blockchain from cryptochainer, but will wait to see if devs release another bootstrap directly, I'd like to limit the variables. @Rw13enlib88 has been very helpful with troubleshooting with me on Telegram.

My pleasure. Hope we can have the bootstrap ready soon.
Thanks for your patience
831  Local / 山寨币 / Re: TESLACOIN - 特斯拉币 on: July 08, 2017, 11:34:36 PM
这币取名字时候问过特斯拉的意见吗 Grin

832  Local / Trading y especulación / Re: Seguimiento Bitcoin - Opiniones, precio y debate on: July 08, 2017, 11:27:51 PM
Pero, esta claro que a la gente le atrae la subida de precios rapido, de hecho asi ha sucedido anteriormente.
2014-2015-2016 fue una acumulación por parte de los que ya estabamos en el mundillo desde 2013, mientras que en 2017 ha empezado a llegar gente nueva (o al menos eso creo yo, tampoco tengo datos internos de exchanges para poder confirmarlo)

Seguramente vino gente nueva, al menos desde 2016 y sobre todo en países que hasta ahora quedaron un poco al margen (India, Japón ...). El tema es que no sabemos si esta gente nueva se quedará si la tendencia cambia a bajista. Y en algún momento habrá un cambio de tendencia, y puede esperarnos un nuevo 2014.

Que a largo plazo el Bitcoin tiene potencial de llegar a un precio mucho más alto que ahora (yo le veo un potencial hasta 20 o 30 mil) estamos de acuerdo. Pero para esto tiene que resolver sus problemas, sino los nuevos usuarios simplemente no van a poder usarlo por la capacidad limitada de la blockchain - solamente van a poder usar los IOUs de los exchanges, que ya sabemos que no son del todo confiables Grin
Si en eso estamos de acuerdo, hay que arreglar el tema de la escalabilidad para dar acceso a los nuevos usuarios

El precio refleja la entrada/salida de dinero por lo que es lo que es. Ni justo ni injusto, es un reflejo de los flujos monetarios.

Esto también es impreciso. Los compradores y vendedores son libres de elegir el precio que están dispuestos a aceptar. Según tu argumentación, no existirían las burbujas - y sabemos que existen.
Las burbujas reflejan la concentracion en la entrada y salida de los flujos monetarios. La subida rápida llama a mas dinero y en cuanto se acaba la subida, la bajada rápida hace que el dinero salga rápido. (Lo q no significa que la persona se vaya a marchar, sino que quiere poner su dinero a salvo temporalmente)
833  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PAK] PakCoin - Pakistan's Crypto Currency - Official Thread on: July 08, 2017, 11:21:48 PM
Plans: growing acceptance
Laughable? That's how YOU perceive.

You haven't had any major success in a while. Seems like you have the development part down, but you are lacking in the publicity part badly.

In 2-3 years your market cap has gone up to ~250k. I like your product, I don't like how slow it's growing. (Speaking as a pakistani myself)

why are you so irrespectful? What have you done to grow PAK?
Dev is working great and pushing real adoption in Pakistan
show some respect noob!
834  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [FJC] FujiCoin 2.0 | Japan | Launched 2014 | Bleutrade - Cryptopia - C-Cex on: July 08, 2017, 11:16:19 PM

do you think after electrumFJC release we can go for more exchanges?

Bittrex, Zaif, Livecoin...

835  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MONA] Monacoin LAUNCHING 2014/01/01 0:00 GMT on: July 08, 2017, 11:11:56 PM
Hi Mona devs,

how did you make to get into zaif?
836  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [FJC] FujiCoin 2.0 | Japan | Launched 2014 | Bleutrade - Cryptopia - C-Cex on: July 08, 2017, 10:22:43 PM

Electrum Light for FujiCoin gave birth.
Currently we are starting a developer's test.

wow!! great job!!

Can I test it?

Hi Rw13enlib88,

Can you do difficult processing with windows?
Currently the installer is not prepared.

If you still want to test it, you can join the test with the following procedure.

1. Install Python 2.7.13
    At this time, instruct the environment variable to be set
    The default installation location is C:\Python27

2. Install PyQt 4
    Select PyQt4-4.10-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.4-x32.exe
    Environment variables are set automatically
    → C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts

3. Launch CommandPrompt and do the following
    pip install win_inet_pton
    pip install -U setuptools

4. Download fujicoin/electrum
    unzip it under C:\Pytjon27
5. Execute the following with CommandPrompt
    cd C:\Pytjon27/electrum-master
    pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/
    python install

6. Start electrum with CommandPrompt
    python C:\Python27\Scripts\electrum -v

I do not know whether TREZOR works or not.
Please find as many bugs as possible.

Hi motty,

Thanks for the instructions!

Unfortunatly I haven't achieved to follow the process on windows.
I don't know how to make the step3.

I've done it in linux because I'm already testing another Electrum wallet so I only had to follow step 4 and 5 and ./electrum to start it.
Looks fine!! Great job!!!
I'm trying to test the hardwallet part but I'm stuck at udev thing.
Gonna keep trying and I'll let you know more

Hi Rw,
Firmware update is required to connect to TREZOR.
I asked TREZOR to add support for Fujicoin.

This is amazing!!
If we can get FJC included in the next firmware update is gonna be awesome!!!
 Smiley  Smiley  Smiley

This is another coin trying to get included too, they are making a pull request. just as more info

837  Local / 山寨币 / Re: TESLACOIN - 特斯拉币 on: July 07, 2017, 09:01:28 PM

838  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Tau-Chain and Agoras Official Thread: Generalized P2P Network on: July 07, 2017, 08:56:16 PM
Can you hire an intern to deal with community questions?
Someone in the last year of university (Marketing/Public Relationships/or whatever), train him for a couple of weeks and then leave him as full time community support
That will let you focus on development 90% of the time...
The intern doesn't need to be a genious, 90% of the questions are the same... when the whitepaper? what about cheap coins? why price down?
write a script for him, teach him a lit about the project and it's ready to start answering questions...

i tried. i dont want to say it failed, but overall i think it's better this way

hope now the funding round is over you will have more time to focus on development

To the community:
After 2 years without using it. I'm gonna start using it again. My ignorelist.
IggySe7ven, welcome to my ignore list
I invite the community to do the same and ignore this awful troll

839  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][TES] ϟ The Tesla ϟ Decentralize the Energy System ϟ TeslaStarter on: July 07, 2017, 08:29:25 PM

You can choose from this 2 options: Swap or sync from last bootstrap

1.1) In windows: Go to /users/(your username)/AppData/Roaming/Teslacoin and rename the folder as TeslacoinOld
1.2) In Mac: /users/(your username)/Library/Application Support and rename the folder as TeslacoinOld
1.3) In Linux:
2) Download the wallet from OP or website links
3) Make sure you're in v.3.3 (In your wallet go to: Help -> About Teslacoin). Close the wallet.
4) Since you have opened the new wallet, a new folder called Teslacoin has been created.
5) Copy the content of TeslacoinOld folder in the new Teslacoin folder
6) Open the wallet


1.1) In windows: Go to Roaming -> Teslacoin and rename the folder as TeslacoinOld
1.2) In Mac: /users/(your username)/Library/Application Support and rename the folder as TeslacoinOld
1.3) In Linux:
2)) Download the wallet from OP or website links
3) Make sure you're in v.3.3 (In your wallet go to: Help -> About Teslacoin). Close the wallet.
4) Download the bootstrap from the OP
5) Replace the files with the downloaded ones
6) Open the wallet
7) Let it sync from peers

- Always keep a copy (or 2 or 3) of your wallet.dat in a safe place (or 2)
- We don't have Mac wallet yet
- We're not moving to the new blockchain until block 1,293,600.

Let us know if you have any problem, errors, improvements or whatever.
Thanks for your feedback!

840  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][TES] ϟ The Tesla ϟ Decentralize the Energy System ϟ TeslaStarter on: July 07, 2017, 08:05:50 PM
Mac wallet doesn't work?

Wallet for MAC is not working it' pending. When you plan to start it?

Mac wallet is not compiled yet.
We're working on it.

Anyway, we would really apreciate if any TES supporter compiles it and share it with us
We could give you a bounty if that motivates you

I only get one connection with the new wallet. Should we copy in the old teslacoin.conf file?

Yes, you can use the previous teslacoin.conf
We're all moving to the new blockchain in the block 1,293,600. That's in 10,000 blocks. Therefore we're all in the same blockchain.
Once we get closer to the fork block, I'll share one teslacoin.conf with only the nodes ready for the change (we expect to be all, but anyway I'll share it too)

Is the latest wallet version v3.3.0.0 ?? There is no bootstrap available, do i need to re-download the whole blockchain or can i just swap the .exe file for the new wallet?

Last wallet is v.3.3.
Last bootstrap available is from 2.5 months ago.
Since people is having problems, maybe it's easier if you re-download the last 2.5 months.
I've tested both ways, swap and re-download, working both ok, and the last one took me 6h
I'm gonna explain swap process down below (it's not only changing the .exe but almost)

Windows 64 version failed for me, I get an error message from windows saying it will close the program. Also Windows 10 does not like it that there is an unknown publisher. This should be fixed as no one will take this coin seriously with alarms going off just to install a wallet.
The 32 bit did work no problems on windows 10. Thanks for all the hard work guys, Even though it may appear that I am not appreciating your work with this post, I am totally supportive and very much appreciative. Just one more thing, mega downloads has to go asap and replaced to improve image.
There should not be too much problem to sort these things out.
Let me know if you need any help.

Gonna check 64bits. Thanks for the feedback!
Also gonna work on hosting wallets on our website, but we need to make sure it doesn't have an expected consecuences.
I've seen some 100% clean wallets make Google can tag the web as dangerous.
Not sure why is that happening, but we need to make sure that doesn't happen to us.
That's why we're using Mega for now.

same for me - win 64 version failed when i try to install. Plz fix it

Thanks for your feedback too!  Smiley

My wallet after the install forked from the blockchain, with the conf file. I had a backup of my wallet and block chain, but It got corrupted when I was swapping things around. So I tried a fresh install, with a new bootstrap on the new 32 bit wallet windows 10. It was a disaster, it will not download the blockchain, not one block has been added to the bootstrap. I am not sure about this wallet update, it may still have some problems. I would like to help if I can.

I just tried the old peers and conf files and now its downloading the chain, I update soon

Unfortunately it stalls downloading like the last wallet and needs continual rebooting to keep downloading. Unless I am doing something wrong.

Well, that's kinda strange...
how do you know it forked from the blockchain? you were sync? in which block?
maybe it's because the 64bits wallet issue?

anyway, 2 things.
1) always keep a copy (or 2 or 3) of your wallet.dat in a safe place (or 2)
2) check the little guide for swaping down below

Unfortunately the new wallet is not working for me either. The old wallet would just stop and this one is doing the same thing after about 60 seconds.

Please explain what you've done. Guess you've download the wallet and you're still syncronizing right?
Did you use the bootstrap? are downloading the whole blockchain?
I've tested to download the last wallet, last bootstrap and let it sync and it was ready in less than 6h...
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