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601  Economy / Trading Discussion / Is this the Donald Pump we've been waiting for? on: July 12, 2019, 02:23:53 PM

Is this the Donald Pump we've been waiting for?

Reversed marketing
Trump has more than 60 millions of  followers on his twitter and he mentioned bitcoin to them. You know how they say, that there is no such thing as bad advertising!! So don't fall for his statement about btc. I think you should do the opposite of what they want you to do. Not to sell but to buy the dip.
Giving attention to crypto is a sucess for holders. That means the game is on. Wanna buy cheap coins? Just make a bad statement about it and  buy cheaper. You fill your bag and then you come up with positive statements about crypto or bitcoin.

602  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Don't fall for this Trump's statement about Bitcoin. This is bullish! on: July 12, 2019, 02:00:53 PM
Make a negative statement about it and buy cheaper.
That's very important to understand.

If I was a powerful influential then this is very easy for me to spread some negativity, fear in the market and once the market starts to panic and start selling and price starts to drop then I will buy the low. No one is going to know about it. Once I am happy with my bag then I come up with good statements about bitcoins.

So, careful who you listen.

I left you 2 sMerits for this constructive thoughtful topic.

Thank you! You are the first one who gave me 2!  Smiley
603  Other / Off-topic / Re: Post a Picture of what you think Satoshi the Creator of bitcoin looks like on: July 12, 2019, 01:43:19 PM
Why do you think that Satoshi Nakamoto is asian? It's a pseudonim. Not a real name.
604  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is the Moon Hollow? on: July 12, 2019, 01:12:49 PM
Maybe the earth is hollow. After all, moon mass gives the earth two rotational centers. One of them is the standard 24-hr daily rotational center. The other is the barycentre between the earth and the moon.

The barycentre is said to be about 1,100 miles below the earth's surface. Combined with the daily-center, during the formation of the earth, if the moon were already present, it might have kept earth material away from earth's center. There might be an actual "room" down in the center of the earth... probably not very big, but self sustaining because of certain geological forces.

After all, the suggested present structure of the earth is not factually known to be the way the earth really exists inside.


I like your thinking outside of the box and outside of the official statement. A long time ago, this hollow planet theory was in a school sistem where they took this theory seriously. After some time, the lobby forbiddened those teachings, for some reason. Maybe you will like this cool 3D video about the Hollow Earth Theory.
605  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Tweets the Word Bitcoin on: July 12, 2019, 01:04:13 PM
“Giving attention” to crypto period, tells me it’s game on.  Wink
606  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: U.S President Donald Trump’s ‘Direct Order to Buy Bitcoin’ on: July 12, 2019, 10:47:29 AM
He actually Criticizes Bitcoin and Libra, however, it seems that the price wasn't affected at all.

True. “Giving attention” to crypto period, tells me it’s game on.  Wink
607  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why president Donald trump is not a fan of bitcoin? on: July 12, 2019, 10:35:21 AM
“Giving attention” to crypto period, tells me it’s game on.  Wink

608  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Don't fall for this Trump's statement about Bitcoin. This is bullish! on: July 12, 2019, 09:56:20 AM
I agree on that. I think they will eventually adopt crypto. I think that's the plan from the very beginning. To have a new world with cashless society. Maybe they started to mention bitcoin and crypto so they see the reaction from people. A little research as you say.
609  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Don't fall for this Trump's statement about Bitcoin. This is bullish! on: July 12, 2019, 09:44:59 AM
Trump changes his mind too often on his twitter. So don't take it seriously.
610  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Trump is tweeting about Bitcoin O.O thoughts? on: July 12, 2019, 09:36:30 AM
Don't fall for it
611  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Don't fall for this Trump's statement about Bitcoin. This is bullish! on: July 12, 2019, 09:28:15 AM
Don't fall for this Trump's statement about Bitcoin. This is actually bullish! “Giving attention” to crypto period, tells me it’s game on. Never trade cryptocurrency based on the news and statements like that. Do you remember the statements from the JP Morgan? If you learned something from that, you should seek for every opportunity and buy any dip that comes (if it comes). That's how the big players do their thing. You want to buy cheap coins? Make a negative statement about it and buy cheaper. If you panic sell, they will get your bitcoins before it goes further to the upside. You will be shaked out and kicked out of this train. Don't fall for it. This is bullish in my opinion. Bitcoin clearly got some attention from mr. Trump (or his team) clearly, it's so important that he tweets about it. If it wasn't important he wouldn't bother to write anything about bitcoin. He also didn't say that he is against bitcoin. He just said he is not a fan of btc. A big difference. He likes to change his mind very often on his twitter! Trump has many followers and he mentioned bitcoin to them. Any advertising is a good advertising! So again, don't fall for it. I think you should do the opposite of what the small traders would do in this case. Buy the dip!
612  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: XRP (a stable coin for 2 years?) 0.25$ to 0.45$ on: July 11, 2019, 10:15:25 PM
But there is some "magic" to it. When they "let it go" it can climb very very fast 10x. My suspicion is, if they need a higher price, they must increase price in a very short period of time.
Who is "they"? And you're pretty much describing XRP as a pump and dump shitcoin, and that's enough of a reason to stay away from it.

There is so much going on with xrp, so many good news and price stays stable like there was nothing at all.
What good news? Name at least 5 good news, stuff with substance btw, not just partnership nonsense that end up being forgotten in a few days.

Sound familiar? What do you think about it. I think yes, it's possible xrp to get insane gains in a very short time but i think that "they" will decide if they gonna let it happen and when it's the right time for this to happen.
Again, who is "they"? Why would anyone buy a crypto (which by the way, it's centralized) that's controlled by some sort of group working behind the scenes that can easily manipulate its price at their will?

After everything you've said, i don't think anyone would for fall for this 'XRP shill' attempt bullcrap. Good luck being a bad holder, though.

I don't hold any xrp. I just described xrp as i see it. I think it's regulated in price and i mentioned  the reason for it.
613  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: XRP (a stable coin for 2 years?) 0.25$ to 0.45$ on: July 11, 2019, 07:28:01 PM
But there is some "magic" to it. When they "let it go" it can climb very very fast 10x. My suspicion is, if they need a higher price, they must increase price in a very short period of time.
Who is "they"? And you're pretty much describing XRP as a pump and dump shitcoin, and that's enough of a reason to stay away from it.

Ripple. More like stable coin rather than pump and dump. Well, a huge pump once in a year maybe.
614  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Top 10 Pravila Za Uspješno Trgovanje (Kriptovalute) on: July 11, 2019, 05:30:13 PM
Prije svega, želim napomenut, da sam več objavijo članak na engleskom. Na drugoj web stranici pod avtorskim imenom @CompilationChannel. Članak je moje original djelo. Može se provjerit, kontakt avtor @CompilationChannel, Trybe.

Top 10 pravila za uspješno trgovanje (Kriptovalute)!

Pravila su vrlo jednostavna, ali većina trejdera jih ne može slijediti, zato što je potrebno imati dovoljno mentalne snage i volje, da slijedite pravila. Mnogi trejderi odnosno trgovci kriptovalutama poštuju pravila na kratko vrijeme i u nekom trenutku prekrše pravila. Nikad ne kršite pravila!

Evo 10 najboljih pravila za uspješno trejdanje kriptovalutama:

1. Uzmite si dovoljno vremena i naučite trejdat.

Ako niste dovoljno iskusni sa trejdanjem, možete pokušati naučit kako trejdat na testnim kripto burzama. Postoje kripto mjenjačnice odnosno burze koje imaju test stranicu, demo,  gdje možete trgovati bez pravog novca. Dobijete fejk novac i trejdate na demo verziji. To je dobar način, da steknete iskustvo trgovanja i naučite kako koristiti osnove bez gubitka pravog novca.

2. Nikada nemojte trgovati više nego što ste spremni izgubiti

Ovo pravilo je najvažnije pravilo. Trejda se samo onoliko koliko si možete priuštiti da izgubite i da u tom primjeru još uvijek možete živjet svoj normalan život. Morate pretpostavit da u slučaju gubitka to nebi utjecalo previše na vaš život ili vaše psihičko stanje. Ako previše riskirate, onda ste kockar, a ne trejder. Mnogi kockari su imali sreće na rastućem tržištu u 2017. godini. Ali ako se kockate u duljem razdoblju, imate velik rizik da trejd ne ide po planu. Uz velik rizik, to se desi kad tad. Vaš portfelj za trejdanje ne bi trebao predstavljati većinu vašeg novca/sredstava kojeg imate. Koristite samo mali postotak svog portfelja (sredstava) u jednom trejdu. To vam daje mogućnost da imate slab trejd nekoliko puta zaredom i da ne budete likvidirani ili bankrotirani.
Dugoročno, upravljanje rizikom (risk management) može vam dati najbolje rezultate ako se koristi na pravi način. Nikada ne riskirajte visoki postotak svog portfelja u jednom trejdu, bez obzira na to, koliko blizu nastavite stop loss (prodaju u primjeru, da cijena padne ispod željene cijene).

3. Ne trgujte sa emocijama kao sto su pohlepa, nada , strah, žaljenje)

Izbjegavajte pohlepu i strah! Koristite risk management i pokušajte trejdati bez emocija. Trejdanje sa emocijama može uzrokovati nerazumne trejde. Zbog straha koji uzrokuje nerazumnu trgovinu (prodaja zbog panike) , ispod cijene. Što može dovesti do gubitka. Nemojte biti pohlepni! Uvijek prodajte određeni iznos kada se cijena napumpa kao luda. Osim ako ne namjeravate zadržati duže vrijeme (holdati). Ništa se ne pumpa zauvijek. U vertikalnom rastu, nakon pump cijena, obično također cijena pada vertikalno, čak 50% ili više. Uzmite barem dio dobiti kada je cijena dovoljno narasla.

4. Ako trgujete s kriptovalutom, uvijek biste trebali obratiti pozornost na bitcoin

Većina kriptovaluta je vezana za bitcoin. To znači kada bitcoin napravi veču korekciju cijene (pad cijene), druge kriptovalute padaju još više (u većini slučajeva)! Stabilan organski rast bitcoina ili "bočno" kretanje je najbolje vrijeme za trejd sa kriptovalutama. Odnosno, kad je kretanje bitcoina malo dosadno, tad je večinom više akcije na drugim kriptovalutama.

5. Ne trgujte protiv trenda

Trgujte samo uz trend, nikad protiv trenda. Ako je trend bitcoina bullish, rastući trend, u tom slucaju trejdate buy (long) a ne sell (short). Primjer. Bitcoin je u rastućem trendu. Cijena 8000 usd. Zelite otvorit short poziciju odnosno prodaju. Cijena raste i trend se nastavlja. 9000, pa 10.000. Vi opet pokusate shortat protiv trenda. Ne. Samo trejdajte uz trend. Ne kockajte i ne pokusajte pogodit vrh, sve dok je bitcoin u trendu prema gore. Kako znamo, kad nije vise u trendu, to cu napisat nekom drugom prilikom.

6. Otvorite trejd samo ako je vaš profitni potencijal najmanje tri puta veći od vašeg gubitnog potencijala.

Da biste pronašli svoje ulazne trejd točke , možete koristiti alat -  Fibonacci Retracement  To vam daje ulazne točke. U trgovinu ulazimo samo kada cijena dotakne jednu od Fibonacci Retracement linija i ako cijena odatle odskoči. Ako ne odskoči na toj fibonnaci crti, ne ulazimo u  trejd. Za naše profitne ciljeve možemo upotrijebiti alat Fibonacci Extension Tool. Ja ću objasniti više detalja kako koristiti ovaj alat u jednom od mojih sljedećih postova. Ali u osnovi, ono što trebate učiniti je da početka rastuceg vala povučete na vrh vala. Povucite i kliknete na vrh vala, a zatim povucite prema dolje na liniju uzvratno. To vam daje ciljnu liniju na kojoj možete uzeti profit. Budite realni i odaberite liniju gdje se pokazalo da je jedna od linija otpora. Kada odaberete svoj cilj, zaustavite gubitak na liniji koja je barem 3x bliža vašoj ulaznoj točki od cilja profita. Dakle, čak i ako izgubite neke od svojih obrta, dugoročno ćete biti uspješni jer je vaš profitni potencijal veći.

7. Ne dopustite vaše profitabilni trejde otvorene predugo!
Jeste li ikada trgovali s tim osjećajem? Naprimjer, napravili ste lijepu zaradu, prodali ste svoju trejd poziciju i onda cijena nakon vaše prodaje i dalje raste. Možda se osjećate loše jer ste prodali prerano. Ali nemojte se tako osjećat! Morate biti kul sa tim. Ako dopustite da vaše pobjednički trejdi budu predugi, onda ovo nije trgovanje! To je kockanje! Nemojte to učiniti ako niste dugoročni holder! Vrlo malo trejdera proda na samom vrhu i kupi na samom dnu. Ne treba vam perfektan trejd, da biste bili uspješni!

8. Zaštitite se i koristite stop loss! Nikad nemojte dopustiti da vaše trejd pozicije krenu u dublji gubitak.
Koristite svoj stop loss bez obzira na sve. (Stop loss je nalog za prodaju kriptovalute po određenoj cijeni kako bi se ograničio gubitak.) Morate upravljati svojim zaustavnim gubitkom u pravom položaju. Vaš zaustavljeni gubitak ne bi trebao biti postavljen previše daleko ispod ulazne trejd točke.

9. Potvrdite svoj ulazak u trejd s najmanje 3 indikatora!

Možete koristiti trejd indikatore (na tradingview) kao što su moving averages, Fibonacci linije  koje često djeluju kao linije otpora ili linije podrške. Dakle,te crte često čine cijenu za odbijanje. Drugi pokazatelj koji možete koristiti je RSI indikator. To pokazuje prenakupljeno ili preprodano tržište. Možete koristiti i druge pokazatelje (indikatore). Ima ih mnogo. Potvrdite ulazak u trejd samo ako barem 3 pokazatelja (indikatora) potvrde potencijalni obrat. To čini vaše trgovanje manje rizičnim. Ali nikada nije 100% sigurno da će to biti uspješna trgovina. Možete dobiti nekoliko gubitka  u nizu, ali ako se držite svog plana, imate veću šansu da postanete uspješna trgovac u dugoročnom razdoblju

10. Držite se svog plana!
Svaki uspješan trgovac ponekad izgubi. Morate biti u redu i nositi se s tim. Ako nedostaje prilika, nemojte biti fomo. Fear of missing out) ili (Strah od nestanka prilike)! To se stalno događa. Bit će mnogo novih prilika i mogućnosti. Ne osjećajte se loše ako ste propustili neku mogućnost.
Ne morate uhvatiti savršeni vrh i savršeno dno da biste bili uspješan trgovac. Postoji samo mali postotak trgovaca koji prodaju na samom vrhu ili kupuju na samom dnu. Ako čekate i riskirate mnogo, možete smanjiti potencijalni profit ili čak izgubiti. Nemojte imati više otvorenih pozicija u isto vrijeme. Mnogi trgovci čine ovu pogrešku. Imaju gomilu otvorenih pozicija, hrpu long (buy) pozicija ili hrpu short (sell) pozicija. Ako imate hrpu pozicija koje idu u istom smjeru i ako se tržište  obrće u suprotnom smjeru, u tom slućaju moguće je da ćete izgubiti sve svoje pozicije. Dakle, morate se zaštititi i ne otvoriti više od dva položaja koji upućuju na istu smjer.

Pokušajte izbjeći pump grupe i  nepoznate noname kriptovalute. Tu je veći rizik za njihovo trgovanje. Prije trejda i kupnje DYOR (Napravite vlastito istraživanje).

Najvažnije je biti dosljedan! Slijedite svoj plan i držite ga se! Zapamtite! Najuspješniji trgovci ne pobjeđuju cijelo vrijeme. Ali u dugom roku uvijek uspijevaju pobijediti!

Ovaj članak sadrži moje osobno mišljenje i ne jamči nikakvu dobit. Trgovanje može biti vrlo rizično. Ako slijedite ova pravila, možete smanjiti rizike za trgovanje.
615  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: XRP SOON ABOVE 60$ ?! on: July 11, 2019, 03:01:28 PM
Xrp had many great news, like one of the best possible news to move the price up. But it didn't do anything at all. Why is that? Welcome to another topic where we discuss that. Here

Xrp stable price 2017-2019 (0.25$-0.45$)
616  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / XRP (a stable coin for 2 years?) 0.25$ to 0.45$ on: July 11, 2019, 08:15:43 AM
Ok, perhaps it's not a real stable coin. But still, if you look at 2017 until 2019, it was relatively stable for a long time. From 20 to 40 cents. I think xrp is regulated because they need a stable price for their transactions. But there is some "magic" to it. When they "let it go" it can climb very very fast 10x. My suspicion is, if they need a higher price, they must increase price in a very short period of time. Maybe days or weeks and then hold it relatively stable for months or even years (0.25$ to 0.45$). 2017-2019
There is so much going on with xrp, so many good news and price stays stable like there was nothing at all. Sound familiar? What do you think about it. I think yes, it's possible xrp to get insane gains in a very short time but i think that "they" will decide if they gonna let it happen and when it's the right time for this to happen.
617  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Give me a coin that will easily go 3x on: July 10, 2019, 07:57:34 PM
Kind Ads Token, easily 5x. Very likely 10x. But it's for a smaller investment! Don't go all in cuz it's a low market cap. (this is my opinion, not a financial advice)
618  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Best altcoins for buy now on: July 10, 2019, 07:51:12 PM
The best buy , which i recommended yesterday is Kind Ads Token. Today it's 80% up. A huge potential, still low marketcap, still relatively new and unknown. I thought it was a good time to buy and a guess i was right. It could even go from 10x to 50x. It's a project where you invest a small amount of your portfolio, cuz it's still a low marketcap.
619  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Could you recommend two good altcoins? on: July 10, 2019, 07:44:23 PM
I recommended yesterday (KIND) Kind Ads Token. Today 80% up. A huge potential for the longterm. Many partnerships, new big exchanges comming. You can even pay on coinmarketcap with kind ads token. But it's still a small marketcap so don't invest too much. (that's my personal opinion, not a financial advice)
620  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Depresija on: July 07, 2019, 10:22:26 PM
Mislim, da sam se zarazio od kripta, tradingview i trejdanja. Dugo vremena nisam si to priznao. Ali sad citam vase komentare i realno kad pomislim, zarazen sam kao teski ovisnik. U poslednje vrijeme provodim 14 sati na dan na tradingview. Cak kad spavam imam upaljen pc i nastiman alarm ako slucajno cijena skoci ili padne preko nastimane linije.
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