How the hell is this possible? Are here also people who withdrew their money?
BiteBTC is really luring for arbitrage opportunities, but they are so HUGE that common sense must be big warning for everybody. That is how I find out about this scam exchange. first I saw DOGE is like 20% higher than on other exchanges -> wait a minute, lets google "BiteBTC scam"... and here I am.
Glad nothing comes without notice in crypto world and every scam gets quickly exposed.
Hope those thieves will get down soon and pay for their crimes.
as usual binance whale-bot-pumpers going nuts still hahaha. you can't tell me this pump is from the recent 'news and meetings' from rvn founder? lol but well.........can't complain tho if you finally get to make some nice btc from rvn. just be weary of when dumps happen.
Let them continue at the same pace. The main thing is that while we make money buying at the lower price and selling at the top price. I am sure that 90% of users and even no longer interested in the technology itself, but only profit in trade or mining. Those interested in the tech were buying in the 300 sats range. At over 1300 sats, this coin is priced like a much more established chain. Many of the pumpers probably don't understand the market cap is artificially depressed due to the massive amount of coins that are still to be mined. It will be difficult for the market to continue to support the current high dollar value of coins created per day. RVN is kinda inflatory, but every day inflation relatively decreases. We are at cca 3 178 000 RVN minted, and 7 400 000 new RVN added every day, it means 0.23% "daily inflation", which is not that bad. If price decreases by this speed, nothing bad is going to happen. It used to be worse, when we were at half of the minted coins or even worse.. then new coins hitting market every day really depressed the price, but I think price and volume is so high right now that it absorbs new coins like nothing. But it doesnt change anything on my opinion that price spike is mostly FOMO right now. Probably will cool down in 1-2 weeks and then we will see some decrease and when new features are added, another moon  . But just my personal opinion, not any investors advice here. Impossibru at crypto 
Hello Ravencoin team. Unfortunately now FPGA prevail on X16R algo and this is a serious threat for Ravencoin. Please update Ravencoin mining algo for FPGA and ASIC resistance.
Devs said numerous times they have no problem to change algo or update it to be asic resistant if some ASIC comes. This algo is also pretty neat as it switches hashing algos randomly which makes building efficient ASIC more difficult.
Congratulations Raven Miners and Investors.
Today marks new heights for RVN as it flies into new territory - leading both volume and % gain on Binance. This will set a new foundation that RVN will build on. It feels good to have one coin in the plus column!
after such yells there usually goes dump 
Lets fly our little bird!
What is the usage of using block chain here? 99% ICOS are using "blockchain" without even knowing why and not solving anything with that. If you still are central authority, then it is not decentralised, there is no need for slow and small blockchain.. Just way how to raise money?
Sounds like bitconneeeeeeeeeeect
Nice shitcoin I see ICO at this time, I see account with no history and odds are WE HAVE ANOTHER SHITCOIN! 
Bags filled 
How fast is that? There are few more miners that are performing nicely.. so is this worth downloading and playing around? It is the fastest open source miner available. Open source maybe, but not fastest in overall from what I see and hear. And true is, this user is spamming it over and over again.
How fast is that? There are few more miners that are performing nicely.. so is this worth downloading and playing around?
How the f. can we go to bed when there is so much going on ATM? Hotel crypto.. you can check in, but you can never check out.
RVN is looking unstoppable this kind of rise was due from long time as very soon a very big tool will be implemented on this network. It making all the long term holders happy but this is still undervalued coin and there is big room to grow.
Indeed! Finally some nice moves. I am in this coin for like a year, actually bought on rather high price that was around 500 sat, but never regretted this trade. I am happy to see holdings are growing and coin is gaining attraction! I am also mining this coin for months and it is nice to see it is not only for electricity costs anymore.
wow nice jump by quite dissapointed that sold a bag few days ago. But that`s crypto and you have to live with that  same here i sold 2/3 of my bags very low, ill hold my last bag for a while well, that was a newbs mistake  You dont buy coins of such great projects as RVN for quick swap. Just buy and HODL. 500 sat is still super low price. Stack as much as you can, give it one year and thank me later.
Any new exchanges yet? or still only cryptobridge.....
Сryptobridge looks the most reliably until that, to the rest of the I am skeptical, need a a new the good proven exchange and will us happiness. It is not about "good exchanges". Those "good" big exchanges are just greedy as hell. They want hundreds thousands US dollars to get coin listed, or some massive airdrops to their hands etc. So if there is nobody from RVN willing to pay this, there is little change that this coin will get added to bittrex and so on. Only smaller exchanges with cheaper prices have them. Now you can understand, how "quality" are all those ICOs being listed in big exchanges very soon.. They just pay the price, pump the price and devs abandons in golden lamborghinis
after reading the last ten pages of this branch - suggests that this project is gaining momentum and rolling into a deep pit ... constant charges of fraud, debris, scams ... the price of the coin does not stay in place and continues to fall, the community is slowly disintegrating - this very bad  Yea it looks like this but in fact its a great project with devs hard working and personally i think with great future and good white paper however devs do their job and don't care about bitcoin talk thread so it looks as it looks - I wouldn't worry about that anyway The long awaited roadmap seems to be missing information, especially the Asset management protocol. I've uploaded updates to the "RPC commands for assets" into github. I've also included interaction diagrams for some of the use cases. So far, I have not heard any responses. I think they (devs?) should have been able to release a doc that is more detailed. Interesting. How come it misses? Didnt devs release Aprils whitepaper, if it appeared on official website that day?
i think we can stop our speculations, theres no wall it has been sold in one transaction  and look at 300 BTC 24h volume  From Discord... Tman - Today at 2:45 PM To summarize: A guy made a deposit to crytobridge and an error occurred that gave him 36 million bridge.rvn, not real raven. He tried to sell it, I asked Cryptobridge developer to look into it. They determined that it was a bug as they did not have that raven in their raven wallet. Because they couldn’t cancel the transaction, they had to buy the 36 million bridge.rvn and basically burn them. There are not REAL raven, no real raven was burned. Ha, thanks for clarification! When I today find out that it was really "sold" in one transaction, then I thought almost the same, because it wouldnt be possible that someone would buy that just like that. So cryptobridge is then pretty shitty exchange and we can only hope it will get listed to some proper one soon. Their one stupid bug and such a drop in a price! I can tell it was some expensive lesson for weak hands who sold that dip and today they will be buying again
that is some shady manipulation on cryptobridge.. huge sell order sitting at 590 Sat with volume over 200 BTC.. It cannot get filled on that small market.. Only guessing who can be behind it! That is around 4.4% of total mined supply right now on the market! There can be at maximum 22 people on the whole world who owns this amount of supply and now want to crush the price.. Not good.. Hope it gets eaten during the time, but if not, prepare for decline for next few weeks.. Or he might remove that wall anytime and then place it again :/ whale..
But, most likely, we see fake wall. The schedule is unnatural and created explicitly for the purpose of psychological manipulation. The red wave is too much green in size. Such waves appear when a negative event is outlined, in connection with which users begin to massively sell a coin. For example, as in the case of Biteconnect bankrupt tokens, which fell in price by 80%. In our case, the major players have placed false orders, which are unlikely to be fully executed. Unprofessional traders in a panic will hurry to get rid of the coin, thereby involuntarily knocking the price down to a level that whales find acceptable for purchase. Then the price will grow again and attract new hamsters. And so on ad infinitum. How do you define "fake wall" For sure seller(s) have to own 37 mil RVN, and they are willing to use it for manipulating the price.. I think this message is clear and now it depends how market reacts. I am hodling mine and not selling it for at least year or two, so I dont really care for this shady tactics, but it is sad to see that some probably early adopters are already trying to kick down price even on such a small exchange and market.
that is some shady manipulation on cryptobridge.. huge sell order sitting at 590 Sat with volume over 200 BTC.. It cannot get filled on that small market.. Only guessing who can be behind it! That is around 4.4% of total mined supply right now on the market! There can be at maximum 22 people on the whole world who owns this amount of supply and now want to crush the price.. Not good.. Hope it gets eaten during the time, but if not, prepare for decline for next few weeks.. Or he might remove that wall anytime and then place it again :/ whale..
Ravencoin Miner v2.4 is now available with the latest optimizations and the option to color the RVN/day line with the Official Ravencoin colors (or any colors you want) Ravencoin Miner: an optimized open source miner created specifically for Ravencoin. v2.4 Cubehash and Keccak Optimizations Can color RVN/day line with secondary release Ravencoin Miner v2.4 (COLOR) Note: See color.txt v2.3 Fix miner not submitting shares when Hamsi was first Hash function! 6% increase in overall hash rate! v2.2 Kraww! Added estimate for RVN earned per day (displays every 5th share), great news  Will switch later today