Também já usei a nova versão, e as coisas já estão muito melhor para o meu lado. Já percebi que existe um problema para alguns utilizadores nas leituras do GPS. Fiquei a perceber este prob no discord da app.
Versão resumida, embora eu estivesse a correr dentro do range normal (até 15km/h), para a app era como se eu estivesse a correr quase a 20km/h, o que fazia que eu levasse com a penalização prevista para velocidades fora do range. Comecei a "correr" entre 7.5km/h e 8km/h, e os meus ganhos aumentaram logo para os valores normais (para a app isto era o equivalente a correr a 12 a 13km/h).
Com a nova versão alterno entre 7.5 e 10km/h, que para a app (no meu caso), equivale a uma média de 14km/h
Tenho ganho uma média de 6.5 a 7 GST por 1 de energia com as runner com eff a 53.
Recomendo que vejam o histórico das vossas sessões e vejam o resumo de forma a calcularem a velocidade média a que correram na sessão, e assim podem saber se têm o mesmo prob que eu tinha ou não.
Já está um bocadinho mais próximo da base para umas runner, mas continuo a achar que deveria estar a ganhar mais, uma vez que já subi bastante a eficiência. O sinal de GPS continua sempre com 3 barras, o local continua a ser aberto, a net não posso testar durante a corrida, mas enquanto uso a app naquele local (ir ao mercado por exemplo) não deteto problemas com a rede.
Onde costumas ter o telemóvel, durante a corrida? Desde o inicio que corro com ele na mão para o vigiar, por isso é que digo que o GPS continua sempre com 3 barras verdes (indicador da app). O sinal da net do tlm também está sempre no máximo e não tenho informações de falha de rede. Claro que enquanto corro não testo a internet, mas estou sempre a controlar a velocidade, sinal de GPS etc durante a corrida. Fui para o canal discord do jogo e voltei a ouvir que alguns utilizadores têm problemas com o tracking do GPS, independentemente do sinal. Recomendaram correr a meio do intervalo ótimo, ou seja, em vez de estar entre 9 e 15km/h, "correr" entre 4.5 e 7.5km/h, e ficar no topo deste novo intervalo. Ou seja, pelo 7 a 7.5 km/h. Ainda não testei, mas amanha experimento usar um de energia assim. Entretanto comprei umas walker e uma jogger e testei. Jogger (nível 1) 12.2 eff Rendeu 2.01 GST por 1 de energia Walker (nível 1) 13.3 eff Rendeu 1.92 GST por 1 de energia Ontem tinha corrido com as runner durante a noite e foi uma miséria, por isso claramente têm um problema Runner (nível 10) 41.2 eff Rendeu 3.63 GST por 1 de energia Amanhã testo a sugestão do outro utilizador do discord e vou então usar as runner entre 7 e 7.5 km/h e vejo se rende alguma coisa Se não der, vou continuar a evoluir as jogger e encosto as runner até resolverem os problemas
Tens alguma ideia do que pode estar a acontecer? Para ganhar o máximo possível: 1. ótimo sinal de GPS e internet (sem ser WiFi). 2. caminhar/correr todo o percurso com a velocidade dentro do range (i.e sempre 1-5 no Walker - nunca deixo bater 0.7 ou 5.2, etc...). Não importa se você está batendo o máximo do seu range, a única coisa que importa é ficar dentro dele. Talvez até seja pior tentar ficar no limite, pois ai tem o risco de ultrapassar ele à cada momento. 3. andar, preferencialmente, em um lugar bem aberto (parque, trilha, etc...). Essa foi a minha corrida que ganhei 16.52 GST com 4 de energia, onde eu fiquei lá pelos 3 km/h (dentro do range de 1-5): Obrigado, foi o que sempre li/ouvi também. O GPS está sempre com 3 barras verdes (indicador do jogo). O sinal de internet também parece estar bom, mas não estou a testar a ligação por isso não sei. O local em si é aberto porque corro sempre em pistas de atletismo etc. Vou ter de comprar umas walker ou jogger para comparar. Acho que vão fazer um grande update na próxima semana e também devem alterar um pouco as jogger e runner (pelo menos percebi isso no AMA do dia 12).
TryNinja se achares por bem, vou partilhar um pouco da minha experiência também com as runner. Penso que assim quem quiser entrar no jogo sempre pode analisar mais opções. Se não quiseres eu depois apago o post. Hoje fiz mais uma corrida de 10min, e gastei 2 de energia. Stats das Runner Nível: 10 Eficiência: 41.2 Sorte: 7.8 Conforto: 1.6 Resiliência: 15.2 Energia gasta: 2 GST ganho: 11.01 Gasto: 98% para 94% (custo total de reparação para 100% 2,58GST)~ Lucro: 8,53 (na realidade foi um bocadinho mais, já que tinha as sapatilhas a 98% no inicio da corrida) Média GST por 1 de energia: 5,5 Já está um bocadinho mais próximo da base para umas runner, mas continuo a achar que deveria estar a ganhar mais, uma vez que já subi bastante a eficiência. O sinal de GPS continua sempre com 3 barras, o local continua a ser aberto, a net não posso testar durante a corrida, mas enquanto uso a app naquele local (ir ao mercado por exemplo) não deteto problemas com a rede. [moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
Tênis upado para o nível 9. Agora tenho 30.8 de eficiência e 17.2 de resiliência. Upar para o nível 10 vai custar 30 GST (um pulinho dos anteriores), então decidi deixar ele ai e começar a vender o GST para reinvestir em outro tênis. Caminhada de hoje: - 20 minutos caminhando (1.97 km). - 16.52 GST ganhos. - 4 de energia gastos. - 4.13 GST por energia. Gastei 7% do tênis e usei 2.87 GST para recuperar o mesmo valor. Lucro final do dia: $35 O price floor continua subindo e o Walker mais barato está custando 7.18 SOL, e isso que ele é bem ruinzinho (muito pouco eficiência). Boas TryNinja, tenho acompanhado esta thread e fiquei com uma dúvida. Eu também já comprei uns runner e tenho corrido sempre na velocidade ótima, porque enquanto corro vou olhando sempre para o tlm e está sempre dentro do intervalo (9-15km hora). A minha média deve andar nos 13km/h em principio, porque é a minha velocidade normal. Já tenho a eficiência em 37.2 (estão em nível 9), mas a minha média de GST por 1 de energia anda pelos 4.10 GST... Vendo no whitepaper (Retorno de GST na velocidade ótima) Runner 9 - 15km/h : 6 GST / 1 Energy spent Walker 1 - 5km/h : 4 GST / 1 Energy spent Ou seja, como é que estás a ganhar mais do que eu com umas walker e com eficiência inferior? Será que estou a fazer alguma coisa errada com as minhas? Eu testei medir a velocidade de caminhada na app. Para eu caminhar a 5km/h tenho mesmo de alterar a minha passada e andar em ritmo mesmo lento, por isso estaria sempre no máximo garantidamente. Será que é por isso que estou a ganhar muito menos do que tu? Tu deves estar sempre nos 5km/h com as walker e eu não estou sempre nos 15km/h com as runner (até porque isso não consigo) Algo deve estar errado com as minhas, olhando para os teus lucros. Tens alguma ideia do que pode estar a acontecer?
Since we are not restricted to sportsbooks that accept bitcoin, I must say I really like Betfair, simply because it's the biggest bet exchange out there, and it gives me more options than just to make straight bets. If we go to sites that accept bitcoin as well, then I will probably go to bitcoinrush right now, because it has great odds, although the site does't look that good and it needs improvement. I'm missing sites with good promos now. I really loved those betting competitions (directbet and then betking), but there is nothing like that again, which is sad.
Well I remember seeing some snooker on BetKing, don't know if the margins are good because I wasn't really analysing that. I was just searching for things to bet live on their competition, and I saw snooker at that time.
I would like to update my score to BetKing.
I think I gave them a 4.5 if I'm not mistaken, and I would like to increase it to 4.8. They have the best promotions out there in my opinion. I just won a total of $420 on their competition in daily Weekly and Monthly prizes, plus all the profit from my bets (around $200 during 2 weeks).
I mainly bet in football and tennis, and their odds are very competitive there.
I mean, I just won more in prizes than I won with my own bets, so if I take that extra profit into consideration I would say that their "overall odds" are way better than the competition, because of this added cash I can get by betting with them.
Still can't rate them with 5, since it's a really high grade, but I would say they are getting there if they continue like this.
Hi guys Thanks to everyone who took part. All prizes have been credited now.
We are having a short break but should be back with a third edition soon!
I think for the 3rd edition we need to try and bring more players to the contest.
Will discuss with FrueGreads about any changes we should make to the next one and keep you updated.
Thanks again.
Hurray! Thanks a lot BetKing. I'm really enjoying the overall experience on your site. I would like to confirm that I've received my prizes and I'm already betting with it. Can't wait for the third edition!
Really enjoyed participating once more. I would like to get my Monthly Prize on patt0, and my weekly prizes at patt01. Thanks!
Didn't imagine I would be able to get a monthly prize, since I just started on week 3.
Rule to self: don't give my opponents a two week advantage on the next edition! xD
Just joking of course. I had really two good weeks, with just 1 negative day if I'm not mistaken, but this wasn't easy at all. Looking forward for a next edition!
Congratulation to all participants!
I still don't know why we don't see the top tipsters from the forum participating with us. I would really like for them to accept this challenge, and participate in this. It would be nice to compete against them for at least one month, and see how far we could go vs them.
Finally, I would like to say thanks to the managers and to BetKing, for allowing us to have so much fun!
We've had a few surprises this week, with vd309 and Whitesugar absent from the top places, and patt0, Bolt Brownie and GT0Bot (looshygooshy) doing extremely well.
I started bad and tried hard to make a come back but it just didn't work. Yesterday I saw the light for the daily prize with 13% ROI but MapTWO had a different opinion with his 45% ROI Big congrats to patt0, well deserved first place. Good luck this week guys. Thanks, it was a really nice week for me, but unless I can make it again, like you keep doing since first edition and all those guys that keep showing up at the Top7 regularly, I must say this was just a lucky week xD I do feel comfortable with this small bankroll, so I will do my best to put up a fight for this last week as well! Good luck guys!
By the way, as far as beating pippin, he actually didn't made it again, since pippin had 12,0851% for the 23, and will rank 2nd on that day xD
Congrats on that ROI% pippin (vd309)!
Yeah, Bolt beats me . BTW I think you broke the record for max possible points in a day, at least in the betking edition of the competition. First edition didn't went well for me, and I've been away for a while on this second edition, so I'm not keeping track on players development every day, but it definitely was a great day for me, and it got me motivated for this third week xD Second day was decent enough, so I think I will keep first position for the week right now, but don't really know what I can do today. Only really hard games to bet on in my opinion xD Some really great ROI% for a lot of players on these first two days, so the bar is quite high for this third week!
If Betwrong indeed only made 3 bets, and using the min amount allowable, then his total profit/ROI should be just below 2%... judging from the odds and profit he showed. If 0.07 MBT was his min bet (1%) then, he earned 0.07+0.0.01+0.05 = 0.13 MBT profit... which is close to 2%, so he definitely seems to have beaten pippin at 1.1808%. But let's hear the explanations You are mixing days. I was talking about the 22 October. On that day pippin had 1.1808% ROI, and looking at Betwrong bets for the 22, he had negative ROI%, with a 0.05 mBTC win and a -0.07 mBTC loss. So he didn't beat pippin (1.1808%) on that day, and that's probably why he didn't get any points on the last update (for the Monday 22). I agree with vd309, that he will probably get points on the next update, related to the 23 October, since he ranked 9th, on the best 16 players (based on ROI%) for that day (the 23). So no points for the 22 (the update that was already made), and he should get points for the 23 (the update that should happen today). By the way, as far as beating pippin, he actually didn't made it again, since pippin had 12,0851% for the 23, and will rank 2nd on that day xD Congrats on that ROI% pippin (vd309)!
Points and Daily Challenge UpdateHere's today's update to the Leaderboard: Weekly Points after the first day of the Third Weekly Contest (October 22) | 1)patt0 | (32.0000) | 2)MapTWO | (23.0158) | 3)looshygooshy | (20.2604) | 4)Bolt1 | (17.2858) | 5)Mapagmahal | (15.9917) | 6)Whitesugar | (13.3283) | 7)Omikifuse | (12.0466) |
| | Omikifuse2 | (10.8196) | Omikifuse1 | (9.2943) | Gox | (8.1175) | whitesugar1 | (7.0602) | GT0Bot | (6.0463) | halyos | (4.9343) | moji2 | (3.8970) |
| | Frappuccino | (2.7493) | pipin | (1.5904) |
~ Hello. I made 3 bets yesterday with 0.07 mBTC each, which was my Min Bet according to Sports Leaderboard, but, as I can see, I received zero points for that. Also I made 2 bets, with 0.07 mBTC and 0.08 mBTC, on Monday but according to the Sports Leaderboard my Weekly Points are 0.0000. I'm not complaining because I think most likely I misunderstood something in the rules. But can you please explain what should be done, in my case, in order to be eligible for receiving the points? I guess we should wait for managers to explain, but from what I've seen, although you were eligible for points because you made bets on those days, your ROI% for those days just didn't got you there. Don't know if you read the point system explanation on the rules thread ( https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5043267.msg46476467#msg46476467), but according to my interpretation they are giving points to 16 players (32 registered entries divided by 2 = 16). The last player receiving points was Pipin, and looking to the points he has, I would say he had above 1% Daily ROI. He has 1 point because he ranked on 16th for that, and 0.5904*2 = 1.1808, so this was his ROI% for that day, since positive ROI is added as bonus points. Don't know the ROI% you had on Monday since it's no longer available on the leaderboard, but if it was bellow 1.1808% the ROI% made by Pipin, then that's why you didn't receive any points. Looking at the leaderboard now, and seeing your ROI% for Tuesday, then I would say you will receive points on the next update, since you managed to rank on the best 16 players for that day. Hope it helps. EDIT: I guess vd309 was faster than me with his reply xD But since I have some more examples I will keep my post. Hope it helps.
Hello, if checked the leaderboard correctly, I believe I won the daily challenge yesterday, and I would like to receive my prize on the account patt01 Thanks
Damn that's hard to read, although I must say I've been there myself. Not with your amounts, because I didn't get into bitcoin early, so I can't even imagine those numbers, but in terms of % of risk, based on my own bankroll I would say I lost the same and I did some crazy things.
I'm ok now, and I even got back to gamble from time to time, but I do it just for fun, and it's working for me. If you want to stay away from gambling, then I think you should, specially if you can't control yourself very well. Another thing you can do, in the future, is to create a gambling bankroll, a very small one, that you can afford to lose, and then just use that. If you feel calm with what you are risking, then you will not feel the need to recover it, if you lose it, since you are just doing for fun, and with that mindset, gambling becomes just another hobby.
I don't get it as well. Specially because if we go to the gambling discussion section of this forum we see a lot of threads dedicated to tips and bets in general. I'm starting to think most users just go there for "campaign spam", and don't really care about betting.
It's a bit of a disappointment seeing the well known tipsters of this forum not participating as well. It would be a good place for them to show their value, since all bets are public.
Maybe it would be nice if BetKing would create a team of Tipsters to join this competition. They could have special conditions to participate, since they do sell their tips, and their bets would be public and all. For instance, prizes for them could have an even lower rollover, or even no rollover at all, specially if they brought some users to join.
In fact, now that I think about it, that last idea could apply to all. Reduce the wagering requirements even further, depending on the number of players people would get for the competition.
EDIT: I got another one. Why not create a team competition. Players would form their team, and then we would sum the points of all team elements, and see who won. There could be a special prize for the team, or simply a reduce of wagering requirements for the prizes of the team members.
I know there are a lot of incentives to reduce wagering requirement based on sig, etc, but most users are on campaigns, so I guess they prefer to stay there instead of using those incentives, but if we offer the incentive based on the players they bring, or the teams they form, we would have more people joining.
Count me in as well!
patt0 $50
Will create two more accounts with different bankrolls, but I need to create those accounts at Betking first
This sounds really good in my opinion. I'm glad you are making this new update. Not that I had any problems with the 80 bets, but bigger prizes sounds always good.
When will the official announcement take place?
I will definitely join again. Waiting on more info on the prize update just to decide if I'm joining with one or more accounts.
I will vote for BetKing. I'm not a pro bettor or anything like that. I usually bet for fun so I value promotions a lot. They've decided to recover the competition previously held/sponsored by directbet, and I really enjoyed participating in this first month. Even though I wasn't able to win prizes this time, I really hope they continue with this promotion.
To be honest, even though they've caught my eye with this competition, I must say that they are actually winning me as a bettor as well. It's true that bitcoinrush still has better odds most of the time, but BetKing.io keeps trying to lower their margins, and keeps improving their odds, and they are not bad at all. They are similar, and probably a little better than nitrogen and sportstbet.io.
Finally in terms of variety and interface they are far ahead of the competition in my opinion, and I also value that.
For these reasons I would like to rank BetKing.io with 4.5 Will increase my vote if their odds get even better in the future.