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1  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: How to set static/fixed fan speed for S9k/S9E/T17/S17pro,etc. on: May 22, 2022, 09:09:05 PM
Is there a way to automate this (a script maybe)?

(sorry for digging up an old thread)...

I'm not sure of the exact FW (i purchased of Ebay),

Why would you do that? all those Ebay firmware is nothing but rip off, most of them have dev fees and then you pay just to download it, all other reliable custom firmware are free to download you just pay dev fees 2-3% some are even dev-free.

I can not find the fan command line when i right click and inspect?

There is no command line, just edit this line

<div class="cbi-value" id="fan_ctrl" style="display:none">

to this

<div class="cbi-value" id="fan_ctrl" style="display:">

And hit Enter, the fan option will show and you set the fan speed once only.
2  Local / Αγορά / WTS: Πλήρες συστημα ελαιοψυξης / immersion cooling για ASIC miners on: February 25, 2022, 04:27:13 AM
Πωλειται πληρες συστημα ελαιοψυξης για ASIC crypto miners (κι για αλλα ηλεκτρονικα που παραγουν μεγαλες θερμοκρασιες)
Μπορει να υποστηρίξει μηχανηματα συνολικής ισχύος 8000W (8500W maximum).
Προσφέρει μείωση θερμοκρασιων κατα 7-8 βαθμους κελσιου και μείωση θορηβου κατα 40-50% σε σχέση με τον αερα.
Επισης δίνει την δυνατοτητα αποβολης της θερμοκρασιας σε εξωτερικο χώρο, μακρια απο την κυρια μοναδα.
Ολο το συστημα ειναι καινουργιο (εχει δουλέψει ελαχιστα και μόνο για δοκιμές).

Περιλαμβανει τα παρακατω (σε παρενθεση τα κόστη αγορας)

- Κυρίως δοχείο εναλλαγης, ενισχυμένο 45Χ45Χ50cm απο πλεξιγκλας 8mm (150€)
- Μοναδα με 2 ψυγεια (1,00X1,20m) και 4 ανεμιστηρες 450Watt (200€+350€)
- Κυκλοφορητής επαγγελματικος, Grundfos Alpha1L, 10bar, 4m3/h (200€)
- 68 λιτρα ειδικο immersion cooling υγρο, DCX Thermasafe R (800€)
- Ηλεκτρολογικος πινακας ελέγχου, με προστασια υπερθερμανσης + θερμομετρα (100€)
- Σωληνώσεις ενισχυμένες, μπρουτζινα εξαρτηματα σύνδεσης, βανες κτλ (400€)
- Μεταλικη βαση/τραπεζι βαρεως τυπου (100€)
- Μαζι θα δοθούν και δυο dummy fan module (για να λειτουργούν τα miners χωρίς να έχουν ανεμιστηρακια)

 Οπως ειναι προφανες και απο τα παραπανω, το συστημα πωλειται σε τιμη μικρότερη απο
το κόστος τον υλικων (χωρίς να υπολογιστουν οι ωρες για την κατασκευη, δοκιμές κτλ).

Φυσικα μπορει να κανονιστει να έρθει οποιος ενδιαφερεται να το δει σε λειτουργια.
Περιοχή: Πετραλωνα, Αθηνα

YT video:


3  Local / Αγορά / Re: Antminer S17+ 73T on: February 25, 2022, 04:25:06 AM
I call bullshit!  Wink

 Cool Cool Cool
4  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: Swapping boards on Innosilicon T2 17.2Ths on: January 16, 2022, 07:39:31 PM
Has nobody tried this before?  Huh
5  Bitcoin / Mining support / Swapping boards on Innosilicon T2 17.2Ths on: January 16, 2022, 02:53:49 AM

Does anybody know if it's possible to swap hash boards on a Inno T2?
In other words, can I pull a hash board from one miner and put it on another and work?

6  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: HIVEOS Client firmware on S9k Antminers (?) on: December 20, 2021, 08:54:00 PM
Try the SD card image from Bitmain you can find it here

I do not know if it can disable signature check but try it first.
If it doesn't work try the firmware provided from this link below


Then flash it again with HiveOS. Let see if it will work.

Thank you for the reply!

I'll try that today and post the results here ASAP

7  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Am I wrong for buying S9's? on: December 09, 2021, 11:02:51 PM
On that topic...

I'm waiting on a "small" order of 30 S9k miners...  Cool
Got'en for very cheap

Any suggestions on an alternative firmware?
Any way to bypass the signature lock (if they come with the latest-locked Bitmain firmware installed)?
Ideally I'd like to have them pop up in my current HIVE account (HIVE has a "client" firmware for that, but I first have to bypass the sig-lock)

8  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / HIVEOS Client firmware on S9k Antminers (?) on: December 09, 2021, 10:55:10 PM

I know those are old miners, but nevertheless I'm trying to put my old S9k miners on my HIVE "account".

The miners have signature-locked firmwares from the factory (Jul 28 2019) and they give me a
"Installer Not Signtured!!!" error when trying to flash the "S9k-stock+client-20190929.tar.gz" firmware from Hive.

Anyone know where to find an old SD roll-back firmware I could flash with the SD-card technique so I
can finally go on with then flashing the HIVE client firmware?

Failing that, is there a signed alternative firmware for the S9k that will let me at least have access to voltages/clocks?

Thanks in advance guys...
9  Local / Αγορά / Re: ΑΓΩΡΑΖΩ ASIC on: January 21, 2021, 02:32:32 AM
10  Local / Αγορά / ΠΩΛΕΙΤΑΙ KNC TITAN - LTC ASIC Miner - 305MH/s SCRYPT (litecoin) on: January 21, 2021, 02:03:18 AM
Πωλείται το TITAN ASIC miner της KNC

Πλήρες και σεταρισμενο, με 5 κύβους και 3 τροφοδοτικά

Σε σταθερή ταχύτητα 310MH/s σε SCRYPT κρυπτονομίσματα (πχ Litecoin)

Σε λειτουργία. Δεκτός επιτόπιος έλεγχος.

Επικοινωνια στο ή στο 6979919962

11  Economy / Exchanges / Re: I've been Kraken'ed...Hacked. 1-27. with 2FA enabled!!.. Warning! on: September 26, 2019, 10:11:00 AM
An I still don't understand how one can make money by simply trading pairs (ETH/GBP in my case).

They use your account to sell/buy other pairs. Imagine the hacker control two accounts at the same time, one is yours, and the other is his separate account. Let's say you have 4 ETH balance. The hacker open order with your account to sell the ETH at the X price that he already prepares on his other account. Now, let's say he has X coins with low spread and lack of volume. He can use the ETH/X pair to use your ETH to buy his X coins that should not worth any penny (though this is easy to detect).

As for the fees, it's likely going to Kraken. I never use Kraken, but I doubt users could send fees to specific address/other users except for the exchange itself.

I appreciate the explanation man,
but does such scheme make sense for an ETH/GBP pair, as was in my case?
12  Economy / Exchanges / Re: I've been Kraken'ed...Hacked. 1-27. with 2FA enabled!!.. Warning! on: September 25, 2019, 08:10:58 PM
I was hacked 10 days ago, while I had 2FA enabled (Google OTP app) on withdrawals, so and the "hacker" only made
trades and burned trough 1500Euros on Kraken fees! And that is totally suspicious on Kraken's part!

I will be posting a separate post on this informing everybody.

My suggestion: stay away from Kraken, I am currently searching for another European exchange that has low fees for SEPA withdrawals

so you didn't have 2fa on login?

what trading pairs was the hacker trading? sometimes they market buy illiquid altcoins with one set of hacked accounts, and sell into them with another set of accounts. binance was targeted this way at pretty large scale.

i've been wary of kraken because of their behavior in this incident too.

Yeah, 2FA on withdrawal only, I thought that would be sufficient.

An I still don't understand how one can make money by simply trading pairs (ETH/GBP in my case).
I'm still trying to understand how the funds where drained as I only see trading fees as expenses.
And KRAKEN is being very VERY unhelpful (to a suspicious degree) here!!!

Here is one (of 21) page from the leader...

13  Economy / Exchanges / Re: I've been Kraken'ed...Hacked. 1-27. with 2FA enabled!!.. Warning! on: September 25, 2019, 02:56:54 PM
My Kraken account is also hacked, is Kraken trustworthy ?

I am mad

I just did a cursory search on varius forums and I think it's evident that Kraken can no longer be trusted as an exchange.
Also their refusal to provide basic information to their customers for their OWN accounts are very suspicious!

I was hacked 10 days ago, while I had 2FA enabled (Google OTP app) on withdrawals, so and the "hacker" only made
trades and burned trough 1500Euros on Kraken fees! And that is totally suspicious on Kraken's part!

I will be posting a separate post on this informing everybody.

My suggestion: stay away from Kraken, I am currently searching for another European exchange that has low fees for SEPA withdrawals
14  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bitcoin Wallet Recovery Services - for forgotten wallet password on: July 03, 2019, 05:30:11 AM
Another happy customer here... and here is the 'story',

In 2017 I, unfortunately, 'misplaced' my Electrum password.
There was a good amount of LTC coins in there, but the exchange rate,
at the time, was not enough to loose sleep over. Last year with the sudden
rally in prices I set up a couple of dual-Xeon workstations and began trying
to brute-force the wallet on my own (using btcrecover).
I was at it for 4-5 months to no avail!

Finally I contacted Dave to help with the issue, and I gave him my wallet
and what I could remember about my password... and...
...he cracked the password... IN TWO DAYS!!!

I don't know if it's his coding skills or his powerful bruteforce machines,
(it's probably both) but that was FAST!

It goes without saying that Dave is completely trustworthy...
(and polite, and helpful, and responds very quickly).

I would highly recommend his services to anyone.
15  Economy / Digital goods / WTS: 200$ Bitmain discount coupons, half price on: March 07, 2018, 06:13:42 AM
I have some 200$ Bitmain coupons for sale @ half their value.

If someone is interested, let me know.

(email:, mention "bitmain coupon offer" on the subject so I can filter out spam)

16  Economy / Digital goods / Re: [WTB] Bitmain AntMiner coupon on: December 13, 2017, 12:16:17 PM
Hello, I have five (5) available.
Willing to sell for a bit less than half.
Let me know via email ( or PM here...
17  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Bitmain Coupon 300 USD 0,05BTC valid till 2018-04-20 - Sold! on: December 05, 2017, 02:14:36 AM
I also have 5 x 125USD coupons for BITMAIN up for sale (65USD / each)
PM here, all better yet email @ billgeoz@gmail...
18  Local / Altcoins (Ελληνικά) / Re: Πούλησα τα doge και τώρα τι να κάνω; on: May 24, 2017, 12:40:10 PM
Για το dogecoin τι λέτε; Που βλέπεται να φτάνει; Αν περίμενα λίγο ακόμα θα έβγαζα περισσότερα. Έχει καμια προοπτική αυτό το νόμισμα;

Ειναι ΜΕΜΕ-coin! Παροδια, τρολια! Τι προοπτικη να εχει?
Μακροπροθεσμα μονο BTC και LTC, ZEC, ETH παλευουν για δευτερη θεση
19  Local / Altcoins (Ελληνικά) / Re: Pcie risers: To molex? or not to molex? on: May 22, 2017, 05:04:26 AM
Τα μονα 100% δοκιμασμενα και σιγουρα ειναι τα powered risers με USB 3.0 καλωδιο
(δυο πλακετες για PCI-E με ενα καλωδιο USB 3.0 αναμεσα, καμια σχεση με USB συνδεση)

Τα παιρνεις απο ebay
20  Local / Altcoins (Ελληνικά) / Re: wemineltc on: May 22, 2017, 05:01:26 AM
Βρωμαγε απο παλια αυτο το pool...
Απλα τα ξεχνας Sad
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