mining on suprnova, working good
automatic fan control for Nvidia cards ?
The lolMiner seems to work..I mean it recognized 8 gpu and didnt crash, but when I try to mine it, it says: No such host known.. I'm on Suprnova.. tried 7077 and 7076 port
Usually the setup config is quite short but when I open run_miner batch file it opens a hole lot of stuff in the batch file..
How to properlly setup config aka .bat file?
### User based configuration --server # Insert the pool address here --port 7076 # Insert your pool port here --user username.workername # Insert your user and worker names here --pass 123 # Insert your worker password here
i setup solo mining on windows, thanks for and BitcoinFX windows daemon start so slow, i setup solo on linux too, but daemon stop responding to getinfo when i put more that 2 server on mining (
nvidia miner ? sorry, but no, only AMD and CPU
We are still discussing with Cryptobridge so as to know when listing occurs.
When can we trade? you already can
Hot damn, 78 masternodes but still at 2500% ROI? How the heck. And price is still going up. Looks like this coin is about to take off. Regret I didn't mine this coin earlier. I can recommend BSOD as well, for Argo, runs quite smoothly - and the current price for Argo as well :-)
I second that BSOD front end is lagging for me often. But mining is stable. I'm at hashfaster as of the moment, though pool just suffered an attack. try BSOD today, good pool, stable mining.
Was it possible to use AMD products for mining this? And what about hashrates? I was going to use some R9 Nanos. SGMiner or which to use for Skein? cgminer-skein, get 200Mh on R9 290
Which machines are mining this algorithm: Skein ?
yes, skein
Try like this: ccminer.exe -a skein -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet_here -p -c=ARGO
Invalid argument alexis miner don't support cuda9 drivers, only 8.
Yeah, working. But someone write here, use ccminer 1.0 for better performance you can try to play with intensity, default as i remember is 20, i have ~345Mh on 1070
What happened? Gfr2PCGm2trpkjPVnKmhAS9FM3movJj3rT - this is my address. and now it's not found on the explorer. Whom do i contact?
explorer is offline (
The local wallet (Garlium) has changed it's address. The balance is correct but I can't find it in the explorer is the problem? UPDATE: in fact it didn't change. But the receiving address is different from the address that I inserted in the bat file when mining... strange electrum wallet ?
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it is already much better, than simple boxes for tuning and car diagnostic from BSR, APR and Revo
| I can't sell GRLC "Order Failed An unknown error occured."
they working with it
Vega 64 Mining at about 240k, 60 less than an rx 580 Anyone else try a Vega?
my friend try, best result that he get is 400kh but with HW errors. Miner not stable, try again today.
Edit: --lookup-gap=2 boosted the 1070 to 430 and 1070Ti to 490. That seems about right.
with ccminer 2.2 ?