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1  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Crypto where you are on: October 29, 2018, 04:16:40 PM
Very much the same as myself so it seems. I think it will take some sort of catastrophic financial failure/crash for the vast majority to start looking at crypto and seeing the fact that their is a finite amount of BTC (and certain other top coins). I think that could be the catalyst that really brings normal folk into crypto.

2  Other / Serious discussion / Crypto where you are on: October 28, 2018, 06:55:11 PM
I have been into BTC/crypto for a little over 2 years now, even though i had my eyes on it for a lot longer i never "took the plunge" (regrettably) later than i should have done.

Throughout my time in the 'cryptosphere' i have had countless conversations about it with friends and family. I like many others here believe i'm a visionary, you can see where this is all eventually heading and how it could/will pan out. I can't understand why more people arent involved to be honest, though the feedback i have had seems to revolve around "i don't really understand it" and " that Bitcoin thingy".  Undecided

So, im just trying to find out a few things from other members here from around the world:

What are your friends and families thoughts/views on your crypto journey? Are they into crypto too?

Is your country/region positive about crypto?

I only ask this as i genuinely only know one other person in real life who has an interest in crypto. I'm from the Uk and don't really see a lot of fuss about it, maybe its totally different where you are?

It would be great to hear some feedback.

3  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Women in Crypto - Where are they and who are they? on: October 28, 2018, 06:10:16 PM
Wow this opened up a can of worms.

The more women that get into crypto can only be a positive, the more people in crypto- the better. Gender is irrelevant when it comes to participation, it isn't just men that make the world go round!

From what i see on my twitter there are some women on there who are very enthusiastic about crypto in general. Some of their content is fantastic and more often than not, they have a totally different perspective to men regarding TA/FA whereby a lot of us men are looking for immediate $$$ and profits.

I'm glad they have evolved from their "caves" to join us.....

4  Other / Off-topic / Re: Merits, who else feels the same way I do when merited? on: October 28, 2018, 04:44:16 PM
I agree with the OP that it is a nice feeling to get merits. I wouldn't say i have the same OCD with checking every post etc  Cheesy but it is nice to know that what you have written - someone has enjoyed it, found it helpful or useful etc.
5  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How MERIT changes the culture of this forum on: October 28, 2018, 04:25:31 PM
I am really amaze with the positive effects of merit and how it changes the forum.

1. A helping hand from the community was offered and expanded to the admin who are reporting those scammers, cheaters and junk posters.
2. The members are more aware with the rules and regulations in the forum.
3. Helpful threads are created to help each other to gain more knowledge with cryptocurrency, how to make a presentable thread and step by step guide was being offered to the community if you have something you don't understand.
4. Negative trust looks like used actively for those members who don't play fair and square

I prefer observing here rather than posting repeated questions where those answers can actually find using google or the search bar to this forum. Instead of copy pasting those articles to be shared in this forum, why don't we start creating a thread where everyone will be compensated? I consider MERIT as a reward to be given to those deserving person. Who are those person? Those who are

1. Knowledgeable
2. Willing to share their experience and knowledge in cryptocurrency and about this forum
3. Those who creates useful and presentable threads where they spent a long time just to make it clearer to the readers
4. Those who makes an inspiration to other members
5. Not a cheater,  scammer, and junk poster

Now ask yourself, are you this type of person who deserves a merit? Do you apply these things to each replies and threads you created? If you are still a newbie rank with more than 100 activities and wondering why you are still not getting merited, the answer is clear and keep these in mind.

You know the best way to get Merit? Just forget about it!

Don't post about it, don't sing its praises, don't moan about it. Just enjoy the forum and learn your trade and join in the conversations, contribute and try and help out where you can.

Please, any newbie reading this just follow the advice, be a normal member and forget about it. Its really not that big of a deal. This post is quite good and well written, unfortunately it does smack a little of desperation for merit, which most people who've been here a while will see through.

Change the subject, try again, and just enjoy the forum.  Wink
6  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: wondering about the Merit on: October 28, 2018, 04:15:07 PM
Hnm. Bitcointalk new policy is really hard that to get junior membership level we must have to have merit otherwise we will stay in newbie always even same here for me as I became junior but I'm newbie..really frustrate...

I do not agree with this statement at all. It is not hard at all to gain one merit. I rarely post on here and found it relatively easy to get merits.

Stop worrying about it. Participate, join in with conversations, post your opinion in threads and don't spam the forum. Forget about merit- concentrate on post quality first.
7  Other / Meta / Posting behaviour feedback on: October 22, 2018, 10:56:11 PM
I have barely been on here the last few months as i have had so much on in real life that i literally haven't had a lot of time to be on here.

I completely missed the 'Newbie/Junior member/1 merit' implementation, but i must say that in the past few days i have browsed i can see its definitely paid dividends with a much improved and organic posting behaviour on here as opposed to a few months back when the quality was pretty drastic to be honest.

Its not easy trying to keep everyone happy, but bravo to the decision makers for making a good call. This is definitely a step in the right direction in the War on Spamerism  Wink

8  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcoin double your bitcoin on: October 22, 2018, 10:38:04 PM
The only people that will be doubling their bitcoin are the people YOU give yours to!

If something seems too good to be true - don't waste your time or money.
9  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Fear about merits. on: October 20, 2018, 03:16:54 PM
If people actually changed their mindset from being obsessed with Merit from the first day they join, to actually looking around and learning how this place actually works, then a lot of newbies wouldn't struggle here and complain about Merit all the time.

Crazy thing is...there are literally hundreds of posts that can help you and people pretty much spelling it out on here of what the 'should and shouldn't' do's, yet people just prefer to complain and/or spam the forum.

As the saying goes- You can lead a horse to water....can't make them drink it.  Roll Eyes
10  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Learning To Enjoy This Forum on: October 19, 2018, 05:35:47 PM
Glad you're actually enjoying the site.

If a lot of people who are new here actually took a little time to browse through the site they would find some awesome content that would help them enormously. I thought i knew it all when i joined here, but believe me there are people here who are vastly experienced and i have gained a lot of info through casually browsing.

As for having a signature, i dont see why you shouldn't. If you are here and your posting behaviour is ok (not spam all over) you might aswell have one i guess, i don't see the problem. Its people who come here solely to spam and show no interest in actually wanting to learn that irk me.
11  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbies... Be creative and curious! Its really that simple. on: October 14, 2018, 11:05:42 PM
Ok, so the purpose of this post is educational and to stop you from wasting your own time.

Day after day, we see a lot of brand new members start out here posting these guides- very simple guides - about a lot of stuff beginners should know or learn. The harsh reality is that most of these 'guides' have been repeated umpteen times and i can guarantee i have seen the EXACT same guide here multiple times with the odd word that may have been changed.
You just reported a crime and went straight into commiting the very same offence..
This should be the 1000th thread on this same issue
Funny enough you acknowledged that fact,instead of making an epistle like thread about it again why not simply just comment your views on the already existing ones..

You're kinda like the guys who reports his neighbor to the police for loud music and turns on his stereo to the maximum volume to drown the noise

I think your numbers are slightly exaggerated there!  Grin I obviously do not agree with you as you'd expect but you're entitled to your opinion. Trying to motivate people who are struggling to start out isn't necessarily a bad thing as opposed to reading something everyday that everyone already knows about 'what is bitcoin' etc etc.

Thanks for your assumption about me at the end too...classy!   Grin

12  Other / Beginners & Help / Newbies... Be creative and curious! Its really that simple. on: October 14, 2018, 06:07:10 PM
Ok, so the purpose of this post is educational and to stop you from wasting your own time.

Day after day, we see a lot of brand new members start out here posting these guides- very simple guides - about a lot of stuff beginners should know or learn. The harsh reality is that most of these 'guides' have been repeated umpteen times and i can guarantee i have seen the EXACT same guide here multiple times with the odd word that may have been changed.

So here is my guide bit of advice to change the way you start out here!  Wink

Simple guides

If you are considering doing a guide, i am sorry to tell you this but you are wasting your time. Unless its unique and genuinely helpful then great. But to give a guide on "what is Bitcoin" "what is a currency" etc etc, don't bother, its all been written before. People who have been here a while have seen this happen and can spot a plagiarised piece from a mile off. Then we check your post history and see the rest of your posts have been spam/garbage. If you are brand new here then the chances are you are perhaps trying to pull the wool over senior members eyes- its not going to happen guys.

Members are watching

Starting out here can be daunting. Its actually quite hard to introduce yourself and "mix in" with the crowd initially and write your first few posts.  For every piece that you write you will have eyes on what you have wrote, so make sure its worthy of reading and makes sense. Posts like "what is bitcoin price" and "when moon" and all the other shite you see on here will get you on peoples ignore lists straight away so just don't post it! Make relevant replies to topics you are interested in, look for the threads that interest you where you have an opportunity to have your say as you know something about it.

Starting Out

Please- don't start out here with a pointless or irrelevant post or you will get nowhere fast! Just use common sense. I know of a lot of members here who like to see people who actually make a bit of effort with their posts. It dosent have to be an essay, or absolutely perfect written English....just be you! Introduce yourself, ask questions, be curious, seek information. Personally, i like to see someones personality come out in their writing, thats when you know when someone is here for the right reasons!  Wink

To summarise, you do not have to reinvent the wheel to make a difference here. Just be yourself and fellow members will notice good and consistent content.

A lot of this might sound super simple, and it is just that. It just amazes me the amount of people who get off on the wrong foot here, so i think its important to highlight the fundamentals.

If you need any advice feel free to reach out!  Smiley
13  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How many beginners make money trading in Bitcoin? on: October 14, 2018, 04:57:33 PM
I avoid trading Bitcoin at present and just continue to accumulate. That said, i do trade alt-coins with a pretty decent success rate mainly based on basic TA and FA, aswell as any events or product releases that may be coming up in the near future. I'm a swing trader and happy to remain that way, i literally don't have the time or patience to sit in front of my screen all day!  Cheesy

I havent been brave enough to dip my toe into the water of shorting/longing Bitcoin as i think its very easy to blow your cash and akin to gambling unless you 99% know what you are doing. Though i must admit i have been tempted... Cool
14  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Trader Wanted! ...or any advice on Token I should buy? on: October 14, 2018, 04:50:11 PM
Hello! Im not really sure if Im doing a right thing here, but at least I have to try... Smiley

Im looking for a reputable trader and/or a trading platform with traders that offers services for the fee. I need an advices on which token I should invest in. Or maybe I can use this posts for advices. There are just a millions of new ICOs recently and even announced everyday, maybe I could get any advice or maybe based on your own experience you could suggest an ICO where I can invest? Any advices are welcome ...

Hello Cryptobomb,

I honestly think that you should spend a little time researching some popular projects, and finding out their use cases and to see if they fill the criteria of a good investment. I am reluctant to tell everyone everything that i do, as to be honest i have done the research and if i'm honest i don't particularly want to give that info for free or be blamed if it turns out that it was a crappy investment. I will say one that i put quite a lump into recently was Genesis Vision, their live platform is due for release at the end of October and the price has increased significantly and i believe it still might go up a little further the closer we get to the date. That is all through research and following my gut instinct- something you have to do a lot of in crypto.

I'd also like to point out that you are putting a lot of trust into people on here, when you don't actually know them. Didnt your parents ever warn you about talking to strangers?  Huh Cheesy

On a serious note, just be careful and do your due diligence buddy. Theres lots of good info on here and if you're willing to put in the effort and find what you are looking for you will find some golden nuggets here. You seem like you are keen to learn so i wish you well and look forward to seeing your future posts!

15  Other / Meta / Re: Confessions of a bounty hunter/shit poster on: September 23, 2018, 02:39:11 PM
Definitely do not agree that the entire forum is shitposters!  Huh

Like many others on here, i have said before that there is an awful lot of spam. It dosent take a genius to work that out. However, its undeniable there is plenty of great pieces of info which have helped and educated me further in crypto, you just have to have a look for it thats all.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who are joining now are here for financial gain via the forum. No real interest in being part of the community or engaging in any real conversation or learning about anything. Its just take take take, and offering nothing but spam in return. Thats where the problem is.
16  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The long term impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain on Society on: September 07, 2018, 05:30:14 PM
We cant really talk about the long term effect as we don't know when/if it'll ever be adopted by the masses.

The whole 'industry' needs to grow up a lot and i think its a long time away personally...if at all.

Longterm i think Bitcoin is always going to be around. Any other crypto is going to have to have a real good use case and need for the actual token!
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: New type of scammers in telegram! Keep your bitcoins safe! Watch out! on: September 05, 2018, 11:29:43 AM
Oh wow, using photos of hot girls to soften up men for scams? That's revolutionary! Whoever thought of that must be rich by now. /s

Lol but yeah on a more serious note, you can prevent a lot of trouble by simply not talking to people you don't know. That advice works both in crypto and life in general lol.

Also, thinking with your dick is a bad idea, as you might imagine.

Haha, so true....just ask Bill Clinton!  Wink

It may seem obvious to the vast majority of us, but i'm sure there is a very small percentage of people who fall for things like this.

As the saying goes....a fool and his cash are easily parted! (i concur as i forgot to put a stop loss on a trade last night!  Lips sealed )
18  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: New To This Forum on: September 05, 2018, 10:04:14 AM
Welcome to the forum. There is a loads of helpful info on here and if you can't find what you are looking for using the search bar in the top right hand corner of the homepage, i'm sure someone will be able to help if you post your query in the relevant section.  Smiley
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [BEGINNER FRIENDLY GUIDE] Launch your own TOKEN in a few simple steps! on: September 05, 2018, 08:43:22 AM
Right. thats it......Rettycoin is underway!

ICO price only $5 per token. Max supply only 300 trillion!

Who's in?  Wink

Great info by the way, just goes to show how easy it is to be scammed!

You see I fundamentally disagree with this logic. ERC-20 is a valid technology, and like any other tech, it can be used for scams. It is people who always decide if the tech will be used for good or evil. A screwdriver can be used to rob people. Hammer can be used to kill. Most of the world's criminals using fiat, not crypto. If not this tool - scammers will use some other tool like they did before (remember insane premines, rigged wallets etc). Scammers will always find a way, and we shouldn't stop progress because of that.

Who said it wasn't valid technology?

Wherever money/value is involved there are crooks,thieves and scammers. Its happened for thousands of years and i have no doubt it will continue in the future.

There was no logic in my reply, it was quite obviously said in jest...sorry it didnt amuse you!  Undecided
20  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [BEGINNER FRIENDLY GUIDE] Launch your own TOKEN in a few simple steps! on: September 04, 2018, 07:54:11 PM
Right. thats it......Rettycoin is underway!

ICO price only $5 per token. Max supply only 300 trillion!

Who's in?  Wink

Great info by the way, just goes to show how easy it is to be scammed!
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