kalau saya menggunakan indodax, disana banyak pertukaran idr. jika agan ingin langsung menarik jadi idr juga bisa gan. agan bisa lewat orang terpercaya yang suka menampung koin/token, tapi hati hati gan harus orang terpercaya dan punya rating bagus di group crypto. penarikannya bisa melalui platform yang agan gunakan saat ini. biasanya exchange lokal lebih bagus gan ga ribet, fiturnya juga gampang di pahami.
if i may know, why are you looking for a project like this? are you going to promote and make marketing through your youtube account? i have a close friend, but i don't join him. he made a small project about 3D games, but he made his own token, because they wanted to have their own product. as far as I know this project has only been running for 3 months, but I don't have the project website. If you are interested, I will tell my friend. This project was done by 5 other friends.
Your information is very useful and true, but behind all that, we need enough material to be healthy. I quote what you say here. "New skills help keep your brain healthy". I think to keep the brain from being stressed, we need to go for a walk and see the vast nature, it can also make us healthy and feel comfortable.
your experience is almost similar to what I feel, I can't guess where the token/coin will stop above or below, I really don't understand about it. but judging from what you said, I don't think it's the fault of the bots or algos you're using, but the system you're using like that. when you experience continuous defeat, I hope you stop first and learn again. I have stopped trading, and want to stay away from such trading, because I don't have enough time to learn this trade. I better shut up and leave.
Just how many times are we going to warn people about the stupid cloud mining scam? It's no surprise if they haven't paid you because it's a scam, when will you learn to heed the warnings for once? Just do a simple google search, and you will see lots of warnings. Ok, let me help you with one of the review sites - https://www.trustpilot.com/review/cryptobrowser.site?stars=1I really don't know that crypto tab is a scam, at first I made very fast withdrawals, my bitcoins added to my wallet, but for 2 months later my withdrawals were pending. thanks for your answer, i will stop using it. now you knew most of free cloud mining is scam and carefully with trojan, even your android will got sucked with their malmware, beware malmware got sophisticated these day once, better try airdrop and do bounty hunter, is safer and easier I agree with you, I will do just that, and stay away from free cloud mining. what I'm afraid of is that, they can siphon personal data on my android via malware. thanks for the input and suggestions. 
This company is very good, i see high prospect and this project is really awesome and team is also amazing. And it's roadmaps and other things like that are awesome too. And this could be one of the best Crypto project In 2021. I recently found out about this project. After reading the official documents, I learned a lot of interesting things. I decided to join the Cartesi project. i invested in cartesi tokens, it's amazing. 
each trade has different rules, if you invest with an amount of $ 30-50 then your website requires kyc, I think that's reasonable, because the actual provisions are like that. maybe you are the only one who invests small, what about others? they can invest more than $ 30-50.
what about the amount of $ 1000 and above if without kyc? will you believe it?
I really believe if there are companies that need kyc, because until now I always look for trading websites that require kyc, and it's safe. and if there is a website that disseminates our data, how can they provide data without that person? The important thing is that you register on the official website, don't fake it
how can i see your project properly? your website is not fully developed, if you need investors.
you should prepare all the tools properly, you only have a telegram to talk about the project, while the company website is not ready.
I know about the wallet, but I don't think it's safe. I used to use Samourai bitcoin wallet, but instead my bitcoins disappeared, little by little it decreased (not from the price) I don't know why. that is what I feel. I switched to using a bitcoin wallet from an exchange that came from my country, until now it is still safe.
it didn't really occur to me, they were desperate to steal in that way, the car pulled the contents of the bitcoin atm. I agree with you, criminals like this should be exterminated so that there is no bad news about bitcoin. The US should tighten security and stamp out this kind of theft. I saw the video, it's like stealing money in the fast of furious movie 