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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [AUTO SWITCH] ScryptGuild (BTC Guild) Beta on: May 02, 2014, 01:44:04 AM
Anyone seeing the following bug on the site:

1. Log into your account.
2. Click on the PPLNS statistics.
3. Scroll down to 'Closed PPLNS Shifts'.
4. Click on 'Coins Earned'.
5. Look at the table.

Expected Results:
5. You should be able to see the whole table.

Actual Results:
5. Table is cut off with no option to scroll.

I see it at all resolutions on both my laptop, home computer, and work computer.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: March 07, 2014, 05:48:25 PM

Your Nxt is lost if you sent it to another address, what we call darknxt.  What is your actual Nxt address?

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: March 07, 2014, 04:22:35 PM

I copied and pasted my coin address incorrectly.

The transaction is:

The correct address is: 4130786567454766284
4  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.10.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, AntU1, DRB, HFA on: February 10, 2014, 12:34:07 AM
Any recommendations on a power supply?
5  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.10.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, AntU1, DRB, HFA on: February 09, 2014, 10:47:10 PM
I just removed the two block erupter usb sticks and now the antminers are working as expected.

This is the power supply: Input 100-240v. 50-60Hz. Output 5V -- 2500MA. Model: SAW-0502500
6  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.10.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, AntU1, DRB, HFA on: February 09, 2014, 01:51:27 PM

That's the USB hub I'm using.

Figure that I'm a noon and you need to help me remove or add stuff to my config.
7  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.10.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, AntU1, DRB, HFA on: February 09, 2014, 01:39:28 PM
I'm not using a GPU by the way.
8  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.10.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, AntU1, DRB, HFA on: February 09, 2014, 01:35:24 PM
Change "icarus:all"    to    "erupter:all"

       "submit-stale" : true,     to     "submit-stale" : false,

9  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.10.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, AntU1, DRB, HFA on: February 09, 2014, 01:28:42 PM
Wondering if you can help.

I have five Antminer U1 and two Block Erupter USB. For some reason, the effective average on two of the Antminer is low:

Also, I think I have some erroneous info in my config file:

"pools" : [
      "url" : "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "user" : "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "pass" : "",
      "pool-priority" : "0"
      "url" : "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "user" : "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "pass" : "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "pool-priority" : "1"
"api-mcast-port" : "4028",
"api-port" : "4028",
"expiry" : "120",
"expiry-lp" : "3600",
"failover-only" : true,
"gpu-dyninterval" : "7",
"log" : "5",
"no-pool-disable" : true,
"no-show-processors" : true,
"no-show-procs" : true,
"no-unicode" : true,
"queue" : "2",
"scan-time" : "60",
"skip-security-checks" : "0",
"submit-stale" : true,
"temp-hysteresis" : "3",
"shares" : "0",
"kernel-path" : "C:\\Program Files\\BFGMiner\\/share/bfgminer",
"scan" : [
"set-device" : [

Any help is appreciated.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: How to mine Dogecoin using Digitalocean Cloud VPS on: January 30, 2014, 02:22:26 AM
Well, I used that free credit to creating 5 virtual clouds of Ubuntu 13.10 x64 (8cores 16GB) getting about 26khs from each. I dunno if I do something wrong, but I'm using this (below) for setup coz it's much quicker and easier and don't have any problems so far.

I'm only seeing 3khs on each of my droplets.

I see that you have 8 core VPS machines.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: [WTS] NYAN Coins (NYN) on: January 28, 2014, 09:13:22 PM
Go trade them at

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: BitEmber the first NyanCoin Pool! - And the best pool! on: January 15, 2014, 04:58:20 PM
Why won't nyan.bitember accept my wallet address for NYAN coin?
13  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.9.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, Merry Christmas! on: January 13, 2014, 01:54:22 PM
Running the new antminer version of bfgminer with the antminer overclocked and two usb block erupters. Look at the Hardware Error Rate:

They're all less than 1%. You are doing good.

Yup ... should have looked before I posted.  I overlooked the "/" for some reason.

14  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.9.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, Merry Christmas! on: January 13, 2014, 01:45:24 PM
Running the new antminer version of bfgminer with the antminer overclocked and two usb block erupters. Look at the Hardware Error Rate:

On bfgminer 3.9.0, I was only receiving errors on the antminer because it didn't realize what it was.  The ASIC Block Erupters never really threw an error.
15  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: BFGMiner 3.9.0: modular ASIC+FPGA, GBT+Strtm, RPC, Mac/Lnx/W64, Merry Christmas! on: January 13, 2014, 02:33:48 AM
So, if I download the bfgminer-npw-antminer from the link posted previously ... I just have to run that by itself for now correct?

In other words, I can't drop those files into the 3.9.0 directory.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin 2.0 altcoin name? on: January 08, 2014, 01:04:31 PM
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / NyanCoin on: January 08, 2014, 12:40:39 PM

I started mining some NyanCoin last night using my 8 Core AMD 8320. Along with the faucet in my signature, I have 120 NyanCoin so far.

My workers kept getting banned because I was using hardware. The limit on mining is set at 100 Kh/s.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [NYAN] NyanCoin GIVEAWAY! - Receive 337 NyanCoins Each! on: January 08, 2014, 03:45:50 AM
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Has anyone tried ? on: January 07, 2014, 11:41:07 PM
Hmmm.. thanks for that info ... I'll check this out.
20  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: first post and question on: January 07, 2014, 11:33:00 PM
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