Report. Contract created under Bsc Testnet
Contract was created as the seller with this address: 0x56cDab87b329928DeC57Fb7130b592b1d16e64C7
And i was also the buyer from with this address: 0x616ac590d0d34cc3e11880fc8e6e6ebc2c7803c0
After the contract creation as the seller, a notification was sent to the buyer which can only be seen when the buyer log in his/her account using the same wallet address that's listed on the contract.
The contract was approved by me (which is also the buyer) agreeing to the listed terms and condition of the contract.
Contract deployment was carried on which was the first time the contract is being recorded on the blockchain, transaction details can be found below:
Contract address:
Transaction ID:
Then i moved to the transfer step which was the 2nd transaction to be recorded on the blockchain. details to be found below:
Transaction ID:
The next step was the fulfillment:
which is supposed to be when me as the buyer is to notify the
Zenland platform that crypto can now be released to the buyer that am satisfy with the service that's after which the contract terms has been meet.
which was the 3rd time and the last transaction of that contract.
details below:
Transaction ID:
there was a total of 3 times gas charge in the entire transaction which is normal and was very cheap, the escrow fee was also divided into 2 which was my option of selection when i was creating the contract. which is also good.
The entire process is perfect to me, the only place i will make a suggestion is to improve the aspect of funds transfer to the buyer.
i notice the seller can click on fulfilment even when the buyer has not click on fulfilled, i could have suggest the fulfilment button should only be active when the buyer has also click on the am contract fulfilled button from his/her end.
Because currently what only needs the buyers attention is to confirm the transaction and approved and after that the seller can do all other things without the knowledge of the buyer.
Update: Payment received