So this means CAT has not been that successful over the last 6-8 months because pretty much all of the alt coins have fallen in value, right? Most have fallen by about 60% in value. Even btc has fallen by about 50% in that time. In this kind of a market, what is the point in buying a product that demands I spread my portfolio over lots of currencies - all of which are falling??
Or am I missing something?
No, this is not how it works.
A lot of markets during a crash could have a lot of "dead Cat bounce". So if you're able to catch the right moment you could loss 60% In Value BUT add 60% In quantity, and mainting the "old" BTC Value.
And markets didn't crash at the same time, so you can change market and stop trading on the dead ones.
Shouldn't I just hold in USD?
You can Trade on USD/BTC with the same logic + stop loss parameters.
Okay, so the idea is that on the way down you can catch bounces in the markets. But I fail to see how you could come out winning if overall the alt coin markets have crashed by 60%???
I mean even if you manage to catch a few "dead Cat bouces", surely the value of your portfolio will still be way down. I am talking value in terms of dollars here.
For example, if CAT buys LTC for a price of 0.011 BTC and then the price of LTC drops below this I can either wait and hope it increases or initiate a stop loss criteria.
BTW does CAT provide stop loss functionality?
Let's say I take a 1% loss on LTC and move to a different market. Do I just have to hope I happen upon these "dead cat bounces"? I would want to be a very lucky man indeed to make anything in such a market in which all my assets are falling. Or I trade on 10 markets and have to initiate stop loss on 8 of them? I'm confused. What specific things does CAT offer to help me make gains in this type of falling market. Your answer to this question is very important as it will determine whether it is worth my while to buy and use CAT.
What has your experience over the last few months been?
Thanks for your time Sampey