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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BOS] 🔹🔹 BOScoin 🔹🔹 Self-Evolving Cryptocurrency Platform🔹�� on: December 17, 2017, 09:54:35 PM
Finally the announcenment of KuCoin that they list BOScoin in pairs with ETH and BTC.
Lets have a party!

They say, it is the first round of voting:
"Congrats to the winner of our first round of Vote To List: BOScoin!"

On Kucoin exchange there is also no announcement about the listing Boscoin

..... they also say We are integrating the BOS wallet client, after works have been done we will list BOS against BTC and ETH
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BOS] 🔹🔹 BOScoin 🔹🔹 Self-Evolving Cryptocurrency Platform🔹🔹 on: December 17, 2017, 10:22:26 AM
they working on it
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ☑ [ANN] ☰ [ ICO 06|04|2017 ] ☰ Humaniq — Discover the unbanked on: September 07, 2017, 06:13:37 PM
there is this from today

Their facebook is pretty active with posts and updates of current happenings , there have been several meetings with pictorial evidence , new partnerships and general news articles mentioning humaniq. the setting up of their own accelerator.  problem is to get a well rounded idea of what they are upto you gotta use 10 different links to get 10 different pieces of information to piece together all what they are doing on all the different platforms they are using , their forum, their blog, their facebook their twitter, this forum. each one has different stuff, some aint regularly updated. some like twitter are posting the same 3-4 week old blogs and articles, but there are new developments posted also sandwiched inbetween

I am not saying they are doing it right , cos jesus you got many millions of dollars for the project , the easiest cheapest thing you could do is have 1 person , 10minutes each day regularly updating this forum thread with what has been going on. But there is stuff going on , development taking place, infrastructure being created.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ☑ [ANN] ☰ [ ICO 06|04|2017 ] ☰ Humaniq — Discover the unbanked on: June 09, 2017, 11:02:55 PM
Is there a roadmap to this project? What are the devs currently working on?

There are posts scattered across this thread just difficult to find ,

their blog gives you an idea of what they are doing .

You also got their youtube channel :

you will get a general idea about the people behind the project also.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 21, 2017, 02:17:52 AM
I'm sorry, what's the meaning of the voting now?

about 2 weeks or so ago people were discussing in the thread about launch dates and other things around trading and coin and debating other topics, EK said it is possible for him to spend around a week to release a very basic lite wallet (no computational/mining function) but the basic coin network where the token could be distributed and traded on.

So after the voting of the logo a new voting thread was created for the community to vote on if they wish EK to spend a week making the lite wallet so potential interested parties can purchases, impatient sellers can sell and hopefully increase awareness of the coin to bring in more skilled people willing to help code the core to speed up completion of the needed code .

There are pluses and negatives to each choice so a vote was decided to be created. this is what the vote is about
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ☑ [ANN] ☰ [ ICO 06|04|2017 ] ☰ Humaniq — Discover the unbanked on: May 15, 2017, 03:47:22 AM

This is real sorry for the inconvenience.

Don't think it will be taken seriously from your newbie account .

This is an account of one of the dev's in slack channel and it has been confirmed as real , doesn't like so having to post link, edit: there we go got it showing up in thread
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ☑ [ANN] ☰ [ ICO 06|04|2017 ] ☰ Humaniq — Discover the unbanked on: May 13, 2017, 08:31:34 PM
Still missing tokens for "Survey"  Cheesy Cheesy

They are not missing they have yet to be distributed.

"This week we are starting to make payments for the bounty campaign. 238 participants will receive their awards in tokens. For further details and questions please visit our account at bitcointalk forum."

they should be distributed this week as per the blog (if bounties for surveys are included in that definition)
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 13, 2017, 01:29:03 AM
Well, I don't know what to say....

I tried to post a while back that I need help coding the ElasticPL engine...but it go buried under 2 pages of pure crap.....then they deleted the crap...

I just don't understand this project...I personally don't care if it goes to mainnet or not...I have asked for months to find a way to get more devs involved...

It's like people here just can't understand what is just read what you want to read....whether or not EK needs help coding....I need help with the ElasticPL engine....I don't get paid to work on this....there is a ton of coding to be done...

So maybe EK is your satoshi,'s my code that is holding things up...and as of now...I don't see it being done any time before December (you pick the year)

This is one of the reasons for forming a foundation , to set focus, to start collectively working together towards the goals that are required to get this project developed and written so it functions as well as possible .

There is many different discussions here but usually not much comes out of it , There have been multiple people who have offered their skills in creating a website but it has taken far longer than it should for the website to be made, now this isn't anyone's fault in particular , the information to go on said website isn't exactly all in 1 place and requires reading walls of text in search of the simplest of answers , making the designing of such a website difficult if you don't have all the required details .

The foundation will hopefully solve this problem , we can get the most qualified people who are nominated to work together , get an active plan written out about which direction we are going to take this , what needs to be made, what needs to be coded , who needs help in what areas, where are all the resources and information for the coin, they will need to create a blueprint of what needs to be done and which issues are of most importance , like the issue you are facing right now , and together working actively to solve said problems.

Hopefully developing the base information and resources for the elastic project will inform and attract the attention of others who have not seen or heard of the project yet , the easy to read information makes it less of a hassle for them to learn and understand it , this will hopefully attract a few people interested in helping in multiple different areas that require such work needing to be done.

If all else fails fundraising and hiring a dev might be an option , honestly thou i don't like that option as i see it as a huge insult to the people who have already been working their asses off for the project with little to no help whatsoever financially and any option of hiring someone would include payments for those already doing a bulk of the work .

But these issues can be voted on and discussed regularly , reaching a group consensus on what needs to be done or what we can achieve said goals
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 13, 2017, 12:47:07 AM
This mutual bashing here is inappropriate and infecting this nice thread with a very bad taste.
I think this project needs a foundation with several trusted members and a multi sig wallet (who will these members be? good question).
Other than that I have to say honestly that I do not feel we currently have any sufficiently trustworthy willing candidate to take over the helms (Sorry guys, but this is my feeling, nothing personal).
I liked the fact that this project took decisions by voting and that people where willing to volunteer. That was the spirit that mde this project something different.

this is why the best option is for a voted in foundation , it is people volunteering their time to act as a foundation member expanding the reach of elastic and promoting it , no foundation member would be paid for such a role .

These positions could also be regularly voted for , every 6-12 months , this keeps fresh blood , while incentivizing those in their foundation positions to work their ass off to keep their position , no able to safely do whatever without fear of if doing poorly they will be replaced.

There isn't anyone really qualified except perhaps the main 3-4 people who have been doing the 99% of the work already done but have already voiced their not wanting to be on foundation . This is why it would be safer and better to have 3-5 foundation board members. No one person who has been with the project from the beginning has the skills so we can combine the skills and abilities of multiple people , while allowing that to provide more safety to decision making in regards to foundation work.

One of the foundations main passive goals should also be on working towards automation or decentralization of the foundation so that in the future the holders of the coin are effectively the foundation , decentralizing it and removing the centralization of potential power from a small amount of peoples 
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 12, 2017, 11:51:10 PM
Right so we have 2 people who have said they are interested in providing services , the best way would be for multiple people to be part of the foundation (more resources, more skills working towards goals)



Does anyone else think they offer the project any skills that they might be able to use and help towards expanding the project in multiple other areas?

can anyone think of other peoples to nominate to said positions so they could be voted in by general consensus.

can we get a thread going on perhaps the other elastic forum the one with the logo competition , so it doesn't clog this thread up , to nominate the multiples of people who could help advance the elastic project. then after we have a good field of 10 or so potential candidates , vote on the 5-6 who they see would best benefit the project to work together in the foundation.

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 12, 2017, 11:24:52 PM
Check his post history re: Qora.

I'm not sure why you are attacking someone who is offering to help.  You can simply decline his offer, or come up with a better solution.
Sorry if I came off as aggressive, but I believe his handling of funds a couple of years ago in Qora were suspicious to say the least.

That aside, I think the best way to go forward with the foundation idea is if we can set up a 2-3 multi-sig wallet with EK, an escrow and two other trusted members and have all fund releases approved by community voting.

What do you think?

i mentioned something similar a few pages ago .

best option would be 5 people with a 3 of 5 multi sig key(or 4 of 6), this is 60% required consensus on spending decisions and doesn't restrict access to funds if 2 of those people suddenly go offline and don't appear for months or years, which if someone isn't online and goes offline , the funds can then also be moved and someone else voted to the foundation .

Set up the voting /nomination process now , set up voting like we have done previously for all holders weighted votes to who they want to be part of the foundation and we could have a foundation with 4-6 members in it within a week or 2, all able to work on different fields and areas that require work to be done . if the right people are voted in a lot of the things we need made will be of little cost.  

they can also work together to formulate a consistent clear development/roadmap plan to work towards .
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 11, 2017, 07:28:42 AM
If there is a foundation there needs to be 4-5 credible people holding 1 part each of a 4-5 part multisig address. This prevents 1 person controlling all , or running away with collected funds, or spending them pointlessly .

voted and nominated for by the community

a constant intention of working towards a solution that removes centralization from the foundation thru automation or network voting , or a mixture of both. so plans for the foundation to become decentralized.

If a thread is made on the elastic forum or somewhere else to hold a nomination process for potential candidates to be in collective control of said foundation , set up the voting like the other matters that have been voted on . we could have the people chosen , a donation address running and a place where they can all discuss stuff. Working towards getting a decent roadmap together for the other stuff that isn't coin core , while at the same time increasing interest and user base by advertising , sorting out social media , articles , websites and other stuff to bring in more skilled coders wishing to help develop the coin core.

This could all be started at least very cheaply. then once we get a foundation in place and have started working towards the first few goals of the roadmap we can then start to perhaps raise funds , let the foundation show the people what they have planned and them working towards something concrete before pouring donations into something that could potentially be a huge leak of cash for little benefit to the coin.

We want to expand our base and increase the overall interest in the project hopefully with a wide net approach we will be able to attract not just investors or designers of websites or ideas of how to use the network , but core coin coders understanding and wishing to advance on what EK has already worked his ass off to get to.

Again to begin with this doesn't require lots of money for the foundation only for those that are voted on to the foundation to put their effort and time into it and pool collective resources together
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ☑ [ANN] ☰ [ ICO 06|04|2017 ] ☰ Humaniq — Discover the unbanked on: May 08, 2017, 04:10:03 AM
How do you claim your tokens if you paid for ico from a bitcoin address? where should i go?

coins will be in your account on humaniq then you can withdraw to a ethereum wallet that reads tokens, this one works , its like a counterparty DEX but for ethereum and tokens made in ethereum
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ☑ [ANN] ☰ [ ICO 06|04|2017 ] ☰ Humaniq — Discover the unbanked on: May 08, 2017, 01:35:03 AM
If the release of token is said to be at CET, then I think we should wait around 12 hours more. Correct me if I am wrong please.

front page countdown for ICO is now a release time for tokens, 9 more hours to go
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: May 06, 2017, 04:22:40 PM
This site already exists and is very similar to the majority of logos being created .

i mean similar as in layout, a logo with the words elastic directly under it , not the logo itself

Not sure on legality or laws or anything but would this pose a potential problem in the future? with it being similarly laid out with the logo but name being the same
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: AUGMENTORS ICO on: February 16, 2017, 01:26:07 AM
So Augmentors needs at least 1000 BTC to start the project? Or will it still go on regardless?

it will continue regardless , especially since it is already so close to target.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XEL] Elastic Project - The Decentralized Supercomputer on: January 25, 2017, 01:31:57 AM
Well, the thing is that the current system is absolutely trustless. That means that we have no "central authority" verifying anything (such as all BOINC based coins do, since they rely on an external service controlled by a single entity which anytime can turn blackhat and cripple the entire coin) so we have to make sure every node in the network verifies work by himself. Others, very well hyped project deal with it in their very own way: they just drop all that shit and assume everyone trusts everyone ... problem solved ... NOT!
Anyway, in this context we have several issues:

a) Every node must be able to verify the work, the more memory we allow, the "higher" the "required minimal hardware specifications" become.
b) Verification of work must be performed quick. Imagine the verification (one iteration of a work algorithm) takes 10 seconds and the network is so mature that we get 100 POW packages in every second: this would result in a very large back log and eventually stall the network.

What we talked about recently in private was to out-source verification to a subset of nodes, so-called supernodes which have a very potent hardware and which just sign off POW packages and bounties. I thought it might be possible to use such scheme:

- Work may use up to 5 GIG of memory
- Work may take up to 10 seconds to verify
- Verification is only performed by supernodes
- Supernodes deposit an amount of 300,000 XEL and earn x% of all work they confirm
- If a supernode behaves maliciously (when it can be proven that a result was accepted while it's bad) the 300,000 XEL are gone
- Supernodes must be permanently online and have very decent hardware
- If supernodes decide to stop, they have to wait for 1000 blocks without verifying anything to unlock the 300,000 XEL deposit.
- Problem: Malicious billionaire supernodes that do not care about money, and the danger of ending up with no supernodes at all.

This is a change I can make in one weekend, it's just the question if we want it or if we can come up with something better?

if supernodes are doing the validation , does this give the network any different abilities , different possible work cases or anything?
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [BRK] Breakout Chain | Coin Sale Complete | Multicurrencies | Gaming + eSports on: September 13, 2016, 05:24:02 PM

Is the poker site going to be the same one we currently use? Or are you designing a completely new one? Don't believe this has been answered in the past.

It has been mentioned several times before but at random times so would take a while to find it .

It will be a different one . It will look practically the same and the features that are not really being used in the free to play will be opened up in the real money poker platform .

The free the play poker platform will remain open , this allows people in legal jurisdictions that cannot otherwise play real money poker legally to still be able to play some poker and make some free coins to be able to use them on other parts of the platform that are legal in their country. like esports , sports book, pvp or casino games. 
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [BRK] Breakout Chain | Coin Sale Complete | Multicurrencies | Gaming + eSports on: September 07, 2016, 01:38:33 AM
Just curious - what is the deal with SIS coin? Are there any pools for mining, or exchanges where you can trade it?

As I understand it, when you mine SIS you also scavenge fees in other currencies - what currencies can be scavenged; I assume BRK, but are there others?

This is a very interesting and unique coin ecosystem. I am trying to learn all about it while I wait the 2 weeks for my BRX to stake  Cool

There is no mining pools at the moment i don't think , It requires some extra effort to get a pool going , different stratum or something . James will likely be making a pool in the future but since release his focus has been more on the coin than the mining pool, either he will get round to making the pool in the near future or i think there is someone else in the slack that has mentioned they might be sorting one out.

the main ones you can scavenge are BRK and BRX .

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [BRK] Breakout Chain | Coin Sale Complete | Multicurrencies | Gaming + eSports on: September 02, 2016, 07:48:07 PM
Anyone from Breakout Team that can help me ?

email your problem , they will solve it
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