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1  Economy / Reputation / iambuga reputation thread on: April 23, 2014, 04:53:25 PM
Please leave your comments, questions, and feedback here.
2  Economy / Reputation / Re: Zosimos --==<< Reputation and Feedback thread >>==-- on: April 16, 2014, 05:03:43 AM
I rented both rigs, one for an hour and the other for 3hrs.  The 1hr is already finished and worked fine.  The 3hr is halfway done and its worked fine. 

I do not have any complaints. 
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] cudaMiner - a new litecoin mining application [Windows/Linux] on: February 20, 2014, 10:03:17 PM

cudaError 30 (unknown error) calling 'cudaMemcpyAsync(hash, context_hash[stream][thr_id], mem_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, context_streams[stream][thr_id])'
(D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/ line 446)

the "unknown error" after several minutes of successful mining might be a sign of a hardware related fault. Maybe something is unstable on the PCI express bus.

a better error recovery in CUDA would be nice to have, but it would not avoid running into these errors in the first place.

Try if the BIOS allows you to reduce PCI express bus speed (e.g. switching from PCI express 3.0 to 2.0) or to change some bus related options.

I've recently had a github support ticket open with the same error appearing with some Tesla boards. I've closed it somewhat disgruntled when the guy stated that I was about as helpful as a merry-go-round.  Well, I cannot solve your hardware ailments, guys. I might work on implementing better error recovery though.

BTW: CUDA 6.0 shows much better error messages now (not just unknown error, or unspecified launch failure). But cudaminer has to be built with the CUDA 6.0 toolkit for this to work - and there's performance related problems with this.


I think its a bad board.  IDK how it got bad but I moved it back to the "once working" rig and got the same errors.  Unfortunately I just missed the 30-day exchange window at Best Buy by 4 days so I'm in talks with NVidia now hopefully get an RMA.  I just don't know how much to tell these guys on the "how, why, where" etc.  Im surprised there isn't an "anti-mining" clause in their warranty docs.

I saw that ticket on the GitHub site.  That guy was being a D-bag!
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] cudaMiner - a new litecoin mining application [Windows/Linux] on: February 19, 2014, 04:52:58 PM
I really hate that my first post in this forum has to be "cry for help" so please go easy on me!

I have a GTX 770 that was working fine in one rig (avg 330kh/s) but after moving it to another rig cudaminer is now throwing "cudaerror 30" errors after a few mins of successful mining.  I've reinstalled Windows twice in this new rig, going from x64 to x32 then back to x64. I've tried every version of cudaminer since release 12-18, both 32- and 64-bit versions and they all throw some type of error.  The 12-18 version just stops working and Windows shows its "cudaminer has stopped working" junk.  The latest 64-bit versions don't work at all.  They throw some "application was unable to start successfully" error.

This rig has 4GB RAM, Core2 Duo CPU, Intel MB (granted, its from around 2008).  I have 4 other rigs running various NVidia cards and none of them have these errors. 

Here are a few of the cudaerrors.  These just repeat thousands of times until you kill cudaminer or the OS locks up.

cudaError 30 (unknown error) calling 'cudaMemcpyAsync(hash, context_hash[stream][thr_id], mem_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, context_streams[stream][thr_id])'
(D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/ line 446)

cudaError 30 (unknown error) calling 'cudaEventRecord(context_serialize[stream][thr_id], context_streams[stream][thr_id])'
(D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/ line 932)

cudaError 30 (unknown error) calling 'cudaStreamQuery(context_streams[stream][thr_id])'
(D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/ line 938)

cudaError 30 (unknown error) calling 'cudaStreamWaitEvent(context_streams[stream][thr_id], context_serialize[(stream+1)&1][thr_id], 0)'
(D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/ line 926)

Thanks in advance for any and all help!
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