Wow, im happy this page is still active. I still keep my limited editions "one bitcoin" Were there any sold recently?
Slabo ko koristi i bitcointalk u zadnje vreme a kamoli ovu stranicu... A steta bas...
Zanimljivo, imao sam osecaj da je Filipinka, Indonezanka... ~zinha, bas neuobicajeno za nekog ko dolazi iz Brazila ![Cheesy]( Neka moja davna komunikacija sa njom, i njen trenutni izbor ucesnika Stake kampanje ne prestaju da me iznenadjuju. Samo sam radoznao...
Sta te konkretno iznenadjuje tamo, osim sto su spammer welcome kampanja? Uopste nisam povezao to "zinha". ![Smiley]( U pravu si, bas neuobicajno za Brazilce. Nije to ni tako vazno, u nekom trenutku sam tako pomislio, zbog ko zna cega. Samo se sada namestilo da proverim svoj osecaj, koji je bio pogresan ovaj put. A konkretno me iznenadjuje ta kolicina spama od nekih ljudi u toj kampanji, koliko pisu i sta pisu mi je neverovatno u nekim trenucima. Jel neko ispratio pricu o Do Kvon-u ovih dana? Covek otvorio firmu za 100 dinara, iako je na interpolovoj poternici. A zanimljivo je da jos uvek nisu sigurni kako je presao is Srbije u C. Goru. Mali cirkus na brdovitom Balkanu. Nismo je odavno proveravali sto se tice kampanje i kvaliteta postova itd. Mozda bi trebalo da odradimo to ako ste primetili puno spama.
[quote author=MICRO link=topic=51450.msg61791551#msg61791551 date=1676893332 Nema nekih promena sto se tice Curacao moze i dalje da primaju igrace iz Srbije. Stake ne prima igrace iz Srbije od pocetka jer imamo veliki deo tima u Srbiji. Nema neke veze sa licencom.
Ja ne znam koliko mozes da podelis sa nama, ali Stake je mnogo porastao u posednjih nekoliko godina... cifre su sigurno neverovatne! Stake je no.1 crypto casino kada se uzmu mnoge stvari u obzir. Jel ima neka javna statistika za podeliti? Voleo bih da vidim neke brojke koje su dostupne za sve... potrazim ja to ponekad, ali tesko je doci do tacnih statistika generalno. Onako medju nama, bilo bi mi zanimljivo da znam odakle je Carollzinha. Neka moja davna komunikacija sa njom, i njen trenutni izbor ucesnika Stake kampanje ne prestaju da me iznenadjuju. Samo sam radoznao... [/quote] Ne delimo te informacije iz mnogo razloga. Ima nekih dobrih predpostavka po internetu Caroll je Brazilka i zivi u Brazilu.
Cini se da su se nasi junaci malo zaigrali sa spoljnom politikom. Juce citam neku diskusiju na Redditu gde ljudi prijavljuju nemogucnost slanja novca na IBAN u Srbiju. Bas nesto i nemam dobar osecaj povodom svega. Probacu da pronadjem nesto vise o Curacao licencama i gde smo mi tamo, prosli put nisam naisao ni na kakvo spominjanje Srbije.
Ja nisam uspeo da nadjem bilo sta konkretno o ovoj stvari. Mozda MICRO zna nesto vise s obzirom da je deo backend u A vidim da smo i u njihovom TOS na Prohibited users listi. Pravi su junaci! U pravu si bio za Dama N.V., nijedan kazino sa njihove liste nam nije dostupan. Na samom sajtu nema nista o tome, mozda nisu to dodali, ili sta vec... Information of Crypto Casinos License and KYC requirements Pretrcao sam listu (bez da se registrujem) i SG International N.V. ne prihvata igrace iz Srbije, verovatno i neki drugi. Cudne stvari... Nisam siguran da li su se ovi junaci zaigrali sa spoljnom politikom ili samo hoce da svi idemo u "MaxBet"? ![Smiley]( Nema nekih promena sto se tice Curacao moze i dalje da primaju igrace iz Srbije. Stake ne prima igrace iz Srbije od pocetka jer imamo veliki deo tima u Srbiji. Nema neke veze sa licencom.
I crypterijum gasi Srbiju i ibandirekt.
Traze ono standardno dodatnu verifikaciju odradim sve i naravno oni kazu ima nekih neslaganja i blokiraju naloge.
Meni nije blokiran nalog, imam pristup regularno. E sad, nemam sredstava tamo pa im mozda nisam bitan. Mada koliko vidim ogranicili su dostupnost samo na zemlje EU. Dugo ih ne koristim pa nisam u toku, ali jel ovo neka promena u vlasnistvu ili samo re-brendiranje? Pa da, ja i par drugara smo koristili i sad su krenuli da nas blokiraju bez obzira sto sam im dostavio sve sto su trazili.
I crypterijum gasi Srbiju i ibandirekt.
Traze ono standardno dodatnu verifikaciju odradim sve i naravno oni kazu ima nekih neslaganja i blokiraju naloge.
He ended down $6m or so last stream. Do you consider this to be "obviously fake" just because the amounts are big? Drake deposited his own funds last stream and has been an avid stake player even before our partnership came to be.
I'm trying to be neutral. However, people are more believe the money came from sponsor because "Drake" is being Ambasador from "Stake". Even stake explaining the money is raw, etc since we all know how the sponsorship money. OrdinaryGames Youtube Channel, explaining how the sponsorship is work. -snip-
If you want compare the bonus. Then, just created 2 accounts with the same VIP Level. Not-playing that account over 2 weeks and play both of account (First Account with Verified & Second account without Verified). The wagering should be same and see the different. Simple right. It is very simple. If we pay you to make some advertisement for us, that is your money to do with it whatever you want. If you decide to then play on stake with that money, win or lose it was still your money.
Ne zele da mi napisu pod kakvom istragom, pise samo da je kao under review i da se strpim, da njihov tim to trenutno prati i da ce se brzo resiti, i naravno kulturno mi napisu kao hvala vam na vasem strpljenju.. uradio sam taj KYC, koristim Blockchain vec 3 godine, nikada nije bio nikakav problem, cak sam pre toga par dana vrsio transakcije.. saljem im mejlove konstantno, na njihov jedan odgovor ja posaljem 2 mejla, sada ne odgovaraju dan i po, dva.. live support nemaju, kao ni broj na koji bih mogao da ih kontaktiram, jedini nacin je putem mejla..hvala ti svakako na tvom odgovoru, samo me je zanimalo da li je jos neko imao ovakvo iskustvo..
Kakav tacno novac si im poslao? Kripto ili fiat? Ako si slao fiat, moguce da su nase banke zakomplikovale. Sto se kriptovaluta tice, znam da su znali da proveravaju ako je u pitanju veci iznos ili ako dolazi sa nekih "sumnjivih" adresa. Takodje, nadam se da se nisi zakacio sa nekog phishing sajta, ima ih bas dosta. Ne koristim blockchain wallet vec 3-4 godine, mozda i duze! Jbg, ona stara uvek vazi "not your keys not your coins"!
Ako se dobro secam, moguce je preneti svoje "private keys" sa platforme Ne znam sta je phishing sajt? Meni su sve transakcije na pending (sending) i takodje mi stoji preostali novac na walletu normalno, samo verovatno ne mogu ni sa njim nista da radim.. to su transakcije od 100-300 dolara, na sportsbet kladionicu, na neko placanje za neke skinove, i tako, nikakva problematika sa moje strane.. ti transferi nisu ni stigli do banke.. To ne bi trebalo da je moguce na blockchain walletu. Proveri da li se transakcija vidi na bitcoin blockchainu da nije mozda otisla sa mnogo malim fee pa samo ne moze da se potvrdi pre mi deluje da je tako nesto. A ovo under review moze da znaci da je samo taj tvoj case koji si otvorio under review. Koliko znam za wallet oni nemaju nikakva pravila itd ti si vlasnik kljuceva mozes da ih export itd. Wallet nema veze sa menjacnicom.
Congrats to you guys. Looking forward for the next one
IT'S ON !!! ![Smiley]( ![]( We will also donate 100% of the winnings to charity when we win ![Tongue]( .
Most gamblers don't check the provable fairness of their games especially if they are playing on a reputable site. It is like we already trust them enough regarding this important feature. But it is still best if you check this from time to time. Just to make sure everything is in place. And this kind of service is great as they can make our jobs much easier. On another note, I was surprised, they don't have the sportsbet verifier yet, which is actually the go-to of a lot of sportsbettors here.
Because they are not developers, coders and don't learn to verify the provably fairness of casino. However having the provably fair for a casino is a condition to bring more trust for one casino. It is a similar condition like open source code. Not all of us can test open source code but experts can and if they test and did not find harmful threats, suspicious things, we can believe in community verification. There are casino reviews and provably fair verifiers, if they and community don't detect cheat from casinos, I think those casinos can be considered to use. It is better if you learn to use verifier and do verify by yourself. That is why sites like this one are great because you can use it to verify your bets and its very simple compared to coding you would need to do to verify on your own.
Excellent initiative.
I think that people these days generally tend to take what outcomes they get as granted, but you're still responsible for verifying your rolls.
Otherwise what's the point of provably fair? If you are actually obsessed with fairness then you should definitely verify every roll that you do (especially the ones that cost you >$100).
That is true unfortunately. We dont think that even 1% of our players will verify their bets, which is not good. We rly do support projects like this. I might go as far as waring their signature if they have one to promote provably fairness. Hehe.
This site is amazing for verifying bets. We feature it on for a while now as the best verifier out there.
Hopefully it will bring provably fairness closer to as many people as possible.
that explains a lot. I am not disproving's fairness nor saying that the website should not be trusted but, after knowing this, I feel like this cleared up why has a 5-star rating on the website. that being said, I might be wrong about my assumption though. Yeah its pretty obvious why stake has 5 stars haha, because its the best! Joking aside, us deciding to feature this third party website on stake probably had some effect on the rating. Im not sure how much but we are for sure pusing some traffic their way atleast from people wanting to verify their bets which unfortunately its not huge percent of people. We would like more and more people to want to verify their bets and learn what provably fair means and eventually even stop playing on any game that is not provably fair. I believe all casinos and all games should be provably fair eventually.
I just saw this topic so might aswell share it here. site has done amazing job making verifying your bets super easy. I think that is very important step towards making provably fair mainstream. I encourage all stake players to check it out and try verifying your bets if nothing else just for fun and maybe learn a bit about provably fairness.
This site is amazing for verifying bets. We feature it on for a while now as the best verifier out there.
Hopefully it will bring provably fairness closer to as many people as possible.
I'm not sure what is the point of your post, because I have never said that Mebit is not legally registered in Serbia. What you need to check is their ISIC Code.
the same thing I asked you, what is the point of your previous post here? You say: I need to inform Stake/Primedice players that they are under criminal investigation in Serbia.
I ask that you substantiate this with facts because only facts which you posted here, screenshot which shows that it is a registered company. give us more information about that investigation. So, you accusing someone without proof. Because you are from the same state as the company you are accusing without evidence I expect you to be sued for defamation Mebit is not an external partner, as they want to present it. Majority, if not all, Primedice and Stake operations are organized through that company and that's the problem. And Vučković does not even hide that he is behind both Stake and Primedice as CEO and owner of Mebit, which is "providing services" for Stake and Primedice.
CEO does not have to be the owner either. I guess you know what is mean "outsourcing" and what his role might be here? certainly, without clear evidence, these are just accusations of a jealous person or a gambler who has lost his money there. btw. you refer to the case from 2005-2010 this is no evidence here, a case that is meaningless although I did not find exactly how it ended. There is rly no point arguing about this. Mebit is registered solely as customer support company and is exactly what it does. Mediumrare N.V. and Slicemedia N.V. are the companies holding the license. I started working for Primedice as a chat moderator ![Cheesy]( in 2014 and now im CEO. And as you all might or might not be aware we don't accept players from Serbia, it is not our target market. All those laws he posted here apply only for Serbian market which Stake and Primedice do not have. There is no investigation and now I see he did not file the lawsuit eather. Tnx examplens for clearing things out. We are always open about everything we do to our customers but i just don't want to feed his spam ![Smiley]( . Cheers.
I need to inform Stake/Primedice players that they are under criminal investigation in Serbia. While they do have Curacao license, it means nothing for Serbian authorities and because almost all their operations are based in Serbia and they were supposed to incorporate there and get an approval from Ministry of finance (Games of chance administration). Instead, in the first years of their operation, since 2013, they were running without any license or company and as they grew they have incorporated Mebit d.o.o. in 2016. behind which all Stake/Primedice operations are run. That company is not registered as licensed gaming operator, but "IT services" company. This can be confirmed on The Serbian Business Registers Agency, but unfortunately in Serbian only ( screenshot here). Mebit and it's CEO, who is also CEO of and, Mladen Vučković are under investigation for multiple crimes including, but not limited to, illegal organization of games of chance and money laundering. I'm not here to spread FUD, to scare you, to tell you to go and play on other casino/dice because most of them, if not all, are in even worst legal standing then Stake/Primedice. I would just recommend you not to keep large balances on the casinos. If you play, keep playing, but deposit and withdraw as soon as you are done. I will post more details as they become available. do u have any news sources/links to support this ? He doesn't have any because none of this claims are true. He is trying to extort us for 0.5-1 btc for losing "millions" back in 2013-2014 supposedly. We can't check any of that claims as he never provided any username or anything. So he is just saying i lost millions give me 0.5-1 btc and i won't file a lawsuit. We are not under any investigation as there is no lawsuit or anything filed, he supposedly did file a lawsuit against Mebit (i guess) on Friday. If that is true we will respond to it accordingly once we get it. We won't reply to any more posts of this user. Cheers.
[...] Sigurno da je ista stvar i sa kesom i sa zlatom... sve je to neka imovina! ![Smiley]( Hvala za neke nove informacije Sbogovac! Nisam uopste razmisljao o "bolje" uredjenim drzavama i kako su oni to regulisali... Ne znam kako da objasnim Holdandskoj poreznoj, ja sam imao na umu nas individualce... jednostavno provuces coine kroz neki mixer, menjacnicu (dex), posaljes ih u novcanik i to je to... ne prijavljuj ni zeni, ni deci, a po najmanje poreskoj! ![Smiley]( A pretpostavljam da vi u Holandiji sami morate da prijavite sta imate... a mene interesuje kako oni mogu da provale sta ti imas? Da, dobro si pogodio (sto se tice imovine). A zasto ne bih prijavio zeni/partneru? Ja sam cak i napisao opsiran dokument koji objasnuje sa screenshotovima gde da nadje kljuceve i kako da povuce crypto. Sta bi bilo kada umrem? A svi cemo umreti. Puno sam prijavljujes, a puno je vec "unapred ispunjeno" za tebe; poput informacije od katastra, zavod za registracije vozila, banaka, brokera, i.t.d. ... Porezna ima za slogan: "Ne možemo to učiniti zabavnijim, ali možemo olakšati" (bukvalno "Google" prevedeno). Nisam pogadjao, samo sam pratio logiku... a i napisao si "...placas porez na kapitalnu dobit po osnovi kolika ti je imovina (posedovanja - dug)"... Jasan je deo da nesto sam prijavljujes, nesto ti je unapred ispunjeno... i logicno da neke stvari tesko mogu da se sakriju! Posebno ako imas dva ili tri automobila na svoje ime i placas porez za najeftiniji... Ali kada pricamo o cryptu, zaista moze jednostavno da se sakrije, ne zauzima puno mesta, i mnogo bitnije na novcanicima i kad trugujes nigde ne mora da bude tvoje ime, adresa (KYC)... Shvatio si me previse bukvalno za zenu i decu! ![Smiley]( Hteo sam samo da naglasim da je to mogucnost, i da to moze da se uradi! Dok za kuce, stanove... i sve ono sto je na papiru sa tvojim imenom je vec nesto drugo, i to se radi (krije se imovina od poreske, zene, partnera), samo na mnogo tezi nacin! Da se razumemo, ja samo mislim da nas ovde u Srbiji deru na svakom koraku (porezi, takse..), pritom kao srednjem veku trcimo od saltera do saltra, nenormalni redovi, jos ludji salterski radnici (90% njih je nekulturno, arogantno... a mnogi i nemaju pojma o svom poslu)... a kad sve to saberes i oduzmes sta mi to dobijamo od nase drzave? Dobre puteve, dobre vrtice i skole? Zdravstvenu negu na visokom nivou? Visoku minimalnu zaradu? I mnogo toga ostalog... Jel neko do sada probao da plati ovaj porez na krypto?
Ja ocekujem da ti to prvi odavde uradis i da nam ispricas kako to ide! A sto se tice mene, ja tesko da cu to da probam u skorije vreme! Pa ja hocu. Samo cekam malo konsultacije sa nekim ko se bavi ovom temom da proverim jos malo detaljnije kako to ide. Pa cu da probam da prodam preko ECD i platim porez na to. Javaljam kako je proslo.
Jel neko do sada probao da plati ovaj porez na krypto?