You should be alright with EUR. They changed hands last fall and payment processing. Lots of trouble with USD and less with EUR. They will ask many Kyc questions and they will threaten you with less than stellar service if you don't comply. I don't know if the new owner fired some of the staff but support became very slow. I pulled out of bitstamp.
Interesting story. I am skeptical.
I will say since bitstamp changed hands last fall things have changed. They changed their bank or payment processor at the time which created havoc. Still ongoing as of a month ago for me. Support is super slow and almost useless. They went from hero to zero. They were previously a class act.
It might be wise to exercise caution.
I've heard this enough times from enough different users over the years. Their KYC questionnaire is fucking ridiculous let alone their demands for tax documents and every single address you've ever used. If I'm verified I expect to stay verified. I'll never put a penny in there again. I never had to submit anything but proof of address and my id. They never did ask for anything else except for updated id. They got me to fill out a strange kyc questionaire a year ago. They made it plain things would go much smoother for me if I answered the questions. I'm outta there after 5 years.
Interesting story. I am skeptical.
I will say since bitstamp changed hands last fall things have changed. They changed their bank or payment processor at the time which created havoc. Still ongoing as of a month ago for me. Support is super slow and almost useless. They went from hero to zero. They were previously a class act.
It might be wise to exercise caution.
This was a big kick in the balls for all electrum users. No matter how many times they fix it now, I don't think I'll ever use electrum again. The trust is lost. It is either the core wallet or nothing now.
You won't get much sympathy here. Some insist on blaming the users for not verifying the download despite the hack happening in a verified wallet. The same crew insists its a software bug not a hack. Whatever it was, it was to the tune of 1 million bucks or more.
I'm pretty sure the majority of users do not check bitcointalk for wallet warnings. They tend to show up after they're hacked.
Assume the hacked ones downloaded electrum from the proper place and verified the download. I'm sure they never expected a message from the wallet to update, to be anything but above board.
Yes, I agree people should have disregarded the message and went to to get and verify the new version. You can't fairly make this a comparison to Nigerian and Microsoft scams. It was unexpected and pretty damned slick.
Its all about trust. No one wants to entrust their bitcoins to dodgy software.
Yes, I have a few "scraps" in Jaxx and Exodus. Losing those scraps would not be a hardship. For the record, I did not lose funds from the recent electrum exploit but I am pissed off it happened. It would have been a huge loss for me. So, ya, I dodged a bullet.
Blaming unsuspecting users is not fair. Not everyone is as savvy as you. It's ok to be smug when you're not the ones that got hit.
Why do I keep seeing fresh reports of lost coins if people are being warned via electrums wallet?
There seems to be a concerted effort to downplay the exploit when in fact it was serious shit.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check out wasabi and greenaddress.
I have 0 trust in Electrum.
Why? Because of the recent phishing attack? The Electrum wallet is probably the only SPV wallet I trust. Even with the recent vulnerability, which was “only” showing messages and never really risked anyones funds directly. Are you serious? 200 + btc stolen and you downplay it. Come on.
Can anyone recommend a light wallet for btc? Must have a linux version. Multibit was fine but its been abandoned. I have 0 trust in Electrum.
I do have Jaxx and Exodus for scraps but I don't trust these do it all wallets with btc.
This is serious shit!
Is there no way to warn users before they install the hacked wallet? If the hacker can still infect older wallet versions then devs should have no trouble sending out a general warning via all servers. People are still losing money and its total bullshit.
Kraken has a new site design. I don't like it. Feels like some hipster was allowed to remodel, and the email where they talk about it was detected as spam.
I don't know why they are so proud of it. All the internals could use a makeover. I'm trying to get used to it since bitstamp went to hell. I hate change .....gggrrrr
Trolls are fun. I've never felt the need to ignore anyone. Then again, I don't spend a lot of time here anymore.
Spoetnik (sputnut) from the altcoin section is my fave troll. Even he had moments of clarity. Don't know what he's up to these days but I had loads of fun with him.
Roach posted something a few years back I found interesting. Too lazy to look for it now but it did impress me. Hard to believe huh.
God only knows what bitcoin would be worth today had the shitcoin holocaust not happened. Ethereum did unrepairable damage to crypto when the token ICOs flooded the scene. Everyone and their dogs were buying these stupid get rich quick tokens.
You want bitcoin to go up? Simple. Quit buying shitcoins. Buy btc and hodl.
It's a little more nuanced than that. You're only thinking about the bear market cycle. The dynamic you're talking about actually pushes Bitcoin's price up during bull markets. During the 2017 bull market, people were buying BTC and ETH left and right so they could invest in ICO tokens. Altcoin speculation definitely increased demand for BTC and helped push its price higher than it otherwise would have gone. Where would Bitcoin's price be if not for altcoin investors scooping BTC supply off the market? I'm guessing it would be lower than now. I somewhat agree. Sadly, it was a short term phenomenon which did more harm than good regarding the big picture.
God only knows what bitcoin would be worth today had the shitcoin holocaust not happened. Ethereum did unrepairable damage to crypto when the token ICOs flooded the scene. Everyone and their dogs were buying these stupid get rich quick tokens.
You want bitcoin to go up? Simple. Quit buying shitcoins. Buy btc and hodl.
If this is true it would certainly signal "trouble in River City". It's no secret he cashed out a significant if not all of his eth holdings some time ago. That should also have been a red flag to the devoted. Leaving eth will cause irreparable damage. The devoted view him as some kind of messiah.
This latest hack is particularly disturbing and it scared the crap out of me. Hard to trust anything you download anymore. These types of disasters can destroy crypto if left unchecked.
What's going to be next? Online wallets safer than software wallets?
Personally the main reason behind this manipulation is not only because of Bitcoin SV nor Bitcoin ABC, but instead, it is all because of those shitcoins. we have more than 1000 coins or even 10.000 coins right now. it is too big for our current investor to handle it all if right now it is only 10 coins on our total market. the price will not go this down because the distribution is very wide. and the manipulator won't have this kind of power to pump and dump the price.
This is very true. We've always had shitcoins but etherium unleashed torrents of tokens and crooked ICOs. This served to dilute the market and those that got burned never returned. Had we concentrated on bitcoin god only knows what it would be worth today. Unscrupulous, greedy, and power hungry folk are working hard to destroy world changing technology.
Ride or die mother fucker it'll be like Thelma and Louise, I'll hold your hand off that cliff.
Sent my first Bitstamp wire since 2017. Starting to put some of my fiat bags at the bottom of the cliff. Mustn’t hurry. Hasten slowly. Not up on bitstamp news? Deposits and withdrawals suck big time. There is a lot of stamp hate on reddit these days. Took me 6 frackin weeks to get some fiat from those sobs. I don’t visit Reddit. How about inbound deposits? I sent the wire over the weekend so will give it a week to clear and then see what’s up. I see some sniveling about deposits but withdrawals are a major frackup. Support is painfully slow. Stamp changed payment processing and its not good. I've been with stamp for 5, 6 years and had no trouble till it changed hands in Oct. I hate reddit but stamp does have some support there.
2fa 2fa 2fa. No 2fa and you can kiss your coins goodbye. Not sms 2fa. Authenticator only. If you use gmail make sure to have 2fa enabled - not sms. Make sure gmail is not forwarding your mail, no third party access, lock it down. Use a dedicated account just for business.
You can lock down everything in kraken. Best do it. Thieves are everywhere.
Ride or die mother fucker it'll be like Thelma and Louise, I'll hold your hand off that cliff.
Sent my first Bitstamp wire since 2017. Starting to put some of my fiat bags at the bottom of the cliff. Mustn’t hurry. Hasten slowly. Not up on bitstamp news? Deposits and withdrawals suck big time. There is a lot of stamp hate on reddit these days. Took me 6 frackin weeks to get some fiat from those sobs.