if you're here i will pay you 0.2$ for yahoo mail
I pay alot......please make my a offer!! i will buy in bulk or how much you have right now + 10% from my income ( i will tell you more after i get some accounts from you)
I need move SUPER FAST!
Salut, Ca si "colegu" cu 130k hop si eu.. M-am tot jucat cu un site xxx, mi-am dat seama ca se pot face bani din el, ca sa pot face treaba simpla ai nevoie de macar un cont de merchant, ca sa ai cont de merchant iti trebuie firma. Bun m-am apucat de firma, un amic a facut firma ...deci firma e pe el, doar ca e afacerea mea si el isi ia 10%(firma e in ceva destinatie offshore). Am tot umblat prin birouri de avocati, contabili etc etc, nimeni nu mi-a gasit varianta castigatoare. Singura varianta de pana acum a fost sa imi iau profitul in bitcoin. Eu acuma adun, adun btc. Am si un card de pe care pot scoate la ATM, dar ... parca totusi a-s investi in ceva imobiliare. Nu am nimic de acolo, ma duc la ANAF ... si le zic ce? Sa vezi ca am un site XXX, merge beton, fac cash, dar nu ma intrebati cum se cheama ca nu va pot spune, mai mult de atat, banii defapt intra prin firma amicului meu, si el isi ia 10% iar eu restul de 90% prin btc ... deci cum facem?  )))) Aveti o declaratie de genul?  )) Un sfat, o parere ? Multumesc! Simplu nu le spui nimica  Nu ai ce sa declari....vb in privat daca vrei (apropo poate imi zici si mie numele la site daca se pot face bani usor) 
Why not try That would be way easier and you don't have to deal with an escrow and all that. You choose who you want to deliver it to. After you have converted your amazon $ into bitcoins, you can create an offer in digital goods to buy giftcards for, then buy your SSD on After a short search, I have found out they provide a fair* shipping to Romania. You could also buy it on, but you might lose your warranty this way. (You have no receipt) *Shipping is never fair, unless it's free  You can sell your xbox giftcards in digital goodsand how to convert amazon balance to balance are from gift possibly? You don't need to. You are a earner, you will be buying items from other peoples giftlist. When the items arrive, the escrow will be lifted and you will get your bitcoins. Its like buying an ordinary item on amazon, you are just buying it for another person. The support is very friendly and they have live support. You can contact them there with every question and they will be throwning answers back at you. yeah. you can offer someone lives in the US to buy something from amazon, then you pay with your amazon ballance then he will pay you with bitcoin, but I recommend you to be honest because I see -8 untrust sign. good luck mate If i will buy from this site i have 40% lost instantly LOL....Look...i found something for 15$ (btc rate at 520$) then i put U.S address for ship, i get price 22$....what the hell.....LOOOOOOL...i bough Xbox and PSN cards  i sold 2 Xbox codes on Kinguin already but i want for BTC and not waiting 30 days for money
All...+casino, betting, games and many more  P.S. I will open a Porn Site in future,,, so if you want be my "client" i will appreciate it  EDIT: i forgot about CANN 
Lol guys, purse is the easiest thing ever. Op pm me and I will guide you for free onto how to use it and also get good rates (85~90%) Buying stuff for random people is not a good option bcs you can get scammed pretty easily. Let's build some reputation on this forum 90% sounds very impossible 
Obviously not a BitDefender distributor. BitDefender would never partner with someone with such bad English. It funny.
you're funny genius....Bitdefender are ROMANIAN COMPANY! NOT US COMPANY! FUNNY!! 
Obviously not a BitDefender distributor. BitDefender would never partner with someone with such bad English. It funny.
This guy contacted me with his alt few days back and tried to sold me some digital goods that he doesn't own.I paid him and although he delivered me the goods but they were not legitimate You're wrong LOL.....I have document but i only can show on Skype (real document) i don't upload online (because i don't want scammers fake it) So please don't ask my to upload doc. Add my on skype if you want see
I have 280$ in amazon so i can buy everything with 15% discount (if you want we can use escrow) For understand why i want do that check: i tryed with, but i don't know how works ( i never get the full address for ship) So i will buy directly....from Physical to Digital goods .... 15% DISCOUNT FOR EVERYTHING...
Why not try That would be way easier and you don't have to deal with an escrow and all that. You choose who you want to deliver it to. After you have converted your amazon $ into bitcoins, you can create an offer in digital goods to buy giftcards for, then buy your SSD on After a short search, I have found out they provide a fair* shipping to Romania. You could also buy it on, but you might lose your warranty this way. (You have no receipt) *Shipping is never fair, unless it's free  You can sell your xbox giftcards in digital goodsand how to convert amazon balance to balance are from gift possibly? You don't need to. You are a earner, you will be buying items from other peoples giftlist. When the items arrive, the escrow will be lifted and you will get your bitcoins. Its like buying an ordinary item on amazon, you are just buying it for another person. The support is very friendly and they have live support. You can contact them there with every question and they will be throwning answers back at you. that is not possible to convert to giftcard balance but you can buy stuff in to get bitcoins
And how to solve this problem: Sorry, our Merchant product is currently only available in the US. International Coming Soon How i can sell? i'm not from US... You need to click earn I check but how to ship? someone put an address Barcelona Barcelona  no ZIP no full address....  All address are same how the hell to ship?? only with name and city?? without address or ZIP code?? how the hell? one address: brenda salch WHITE CITY OR how i can ship? I reach the buyer limit already but i not ordered ........nice i have to make another account If you click under "your name" and "contact us", you get a livesupport window. They are more experienced then me and I would advice you to use this window. ... That address is kinda funny, I would advice you to contact their support (once again) and get the order removed. The buyer limit is made, so you can scam multiple people in a row. WTF? how to scam...i trying to make a order but i can't get full address why?  no one have full address, maybe i miss very frustrating this site......
Why not try That would be way easier and you don't have to deal with an escrow and all that. You choose who you want to deliver it to. After you have converted your amazon $ into bitcoins, you can create an offer in digital goods to buy giftcards for, then buy your SSD on After a short search, I have found out they provide a fair* shipping to Romania. You could also buy it on, but you might lose your warranty this way. (You have no receipt) *Shipping is never fair, unless it's free  You can sell your xbox giftcards in digital goodsand how to convert amazon balance to balance are from gift possibly? You don't need to. You are a earner, you will be buying items from other peoples giftlist. When the items arrive, the escrow will be lifted and you will get your bitcoins. Its like buying an ordinary item on amazon, you are just buying it for another person. The support is very friendly and they have live support. You can contact them there with every question and they will be throwning answers back at you. that is not possible to convert to giftcard balance but you can buy stuff in to get bitcoins
And how to solve this problem: Sorry, our Merchant product is currently only available in the US. International Coming Soon How i can sell? i'm not from US... You need to click earn I check but how to ship? someone put an address Barcelona Barcelona  no ZIP no full address....  All address are same how the hell to ship?? only with name and city?? without address or ZIP code?? how the hell? one address: brenda salch WHITE CITY OR how i can ship? I reach the buyer limit already but i not ordered ........nice i have to make another account
that is not possible to convert to giftcard balance but you can buy stuff in to get bitcoins
And how to solve this problem: Sorry, our Merchant product is currently only available in the US. International Coming Soon How i can sell? i'm not from US...
Why not try That would be way easier and you don't have to deal with an escrow and all that. You choose who you want to deliver it to. After you have converted your amazon $ into bitcoins, you can create an offer in digital goods to buy giftcards for, then buy your SSD on After a short search, I have found out they provide a fair* shipping to Romania. You could also buy it on, but you might lose your warranty this way. (You have no receipt) *Shipping is never fair, unless it's free  You can sell your xbox giftcards in digital goodsand how to convert amazon balance to balance are from gift possibly? Ohh wait....i can Sell products from amazon here and get bitcoin? it's like dropshipping?
Ce poti face cu 280$ pe amaon? Ma gandeam sa iau un SSD Kingtone de 480GB...e 120$ dar cu toate taxele ajunge 170$ (in romania e 600 lei) Chiar nu stiu ce sa fac cu banii.....m-am gandit ca fac o afacere sa vnad jocuri cu 40% profit pt carduri cadou...dar nu e ....(din pacate le-am activat deja ) deci ce sa cumpar de banii astea? produse digitale? nu prea care sunt is mai scumpe ca cele fizice  Pot sa cumpar XBOX Prepaid Cards (daca doreste cineva) sau nu stiu.....daca e cineva din US pot face comanda pt el si sa imi dea BTC......mai doream si eu sa cumpar Bitdefender TS 2015 2 ani (dar nu trimite in RO) Foarte frustrant siteu o sa il mai folosesc NICIODATA
Hello, i have 280$ in amazon (from gifts cards) i sold games on one site with i receive credits for gift cards (I thinks people know what site are) but it's a BIG PROBLEM...about shipping+taxes....for exemple i want buy Kingstone SSD 480GB (120$) but for romania final price are 170$ (in my local store are 155$) So what to do with my money??? i really want transform in real money....(maybe digital goods?) Also i still want the SSD but no way for my  So i planning to make orders for US citizens and pay my in bitcoin .....I have noway...... Also i can sell Xbox Prepaid Cards (or other stuff like that) If someone are interest....inform my!
Can you prove that you are official distributor?
in particular only , curently partnership are in my father name (because you know old man must trusted) but are same family name  i have just only 19 years now! Also i tryed microsoft shit but noway....i thinks all sellers are fraudulents You can send proof through pm ,I might buy few accounts if docs are legit. He's not an official distributor. I know how this guy gets him. Sorry to burst the bubble but stop going around telling people you are an official distributor. What do you talk bro?