[holydarkness said: the explanation, in summary, was that the OP, -CryptoViking- has deleted all of the chat]
As a professional, from where I stood, you should have understand and well-adept on the rule to archive everything for future reference, this practices even also applied in real world business. But let's not dwell on that. Earlier today I've contacted OP via telegram and reinvited him to this thread to perhaps add further info. And unlike you, I archive it, alongside with a prior notice to the counterparty that I am doing so. Let's just wait for OP to come here.
[I saw that OP has replied here in between me composing this wall of text and confirmed the deletion. OP, do you mind sharing those archived conversations?]
I just uploaded the chat log as html file and also as PDF file, so you can choose whatever you prefer. HTML file link: https://ufile.io/7fsbxupePDF file link: https://ufile.io/wbzjlh9w
I'm just jumping in quickly as I was invited to take a look at the topic by @holydarkness via TG. Not much that I can add here, cos for me this was straightforward from the start as @JeromeTash said in previous reply and the main reason why I decided to post this. Blackmail. As previously mentioned I don't care if some low tier "review" site writes whatever they want about any project including the project I'm co founder of, but I care about the blackmail part and I don't want anyone else to have to deal with that and experience it. The whole purpose of scambusting right? If they knew how to actually do it properly they would do their research thoroughly and then they would post their article and that is it. They would not even contact us to chat with us as an overture for the kind offer of bumping the rating to a higher score for a mere 1000$ cos they are so kind and act like real savers And to address one more thing, not like I feel it's needed really, but for the sake of me being 100% transparent and concise. I deleted the entire chat interaction on TG I had with the scammer, because I provided him the contracts, company registration documents, legal opinions for the token and the business model itself, business model itself, audit reports by Hacken for our entire fleet of smart contracts and so on, to show him how all his accusations are baseless and nonsensical. When I realized with whom I'm dealing with I immediately deleted the entire chat, but before that I exported the entire chat, so I actually have the entire conversation saved in case I'm dealing with the really nasty kind. After he offered what he offered, after seeing all the documentation I knew that this scammer is beyond saving or grace and posted here to get him out in the public so others don't have to deal with him.
I couldn't even care less about his review if he didn't try to actually extort me and that's when I decided to publish this so the same thing won't happen to others.
But do you think that a $1k review by one service can turn such a scam project into a legit one? What is the actual potential value of your project and is your visibility marketing budget lower than $1k? If the antidolos (unpublished) claim is untrue, then there is no need to worry about any blackmail here and move on. However I'm still curious about the antidolos investigation of this project. hehe You are missing the point, to me that website and them are completely irrelevant. What is relevant here is that this is unethical, shady business, that tries to squeeze money from shitty projects who care about this type of nonsense. Despite shitty projects are working against all of us in this space, nobody deserves to be extorted or scammed. If you or anyone wants to investigate Backstage and what we are doing I welcome that 100%. Yeah I see it, but that doesn't look like a threat or extortion scam to me. We all know how most rating websites work, you pay more and you get higher rankings, nothing new about that.
This is textbook extortion. Here is a draft of a bad review, pay me money and I will make it way better. As I said I don't care, but others will and did and will and did pay.
What happened: AntiDolos tried to extort me by publishing bullshit review of a project where I am Co-Founder and if I pay $1000 they would give us a much higher rating. In his review that is not public yet he made a lot of false accusations, from having fake team members to faking partnerships which is just not true. Article is not yet published on their website and we got preview version of it and I guess they wanted to wait and see whether we gonna give them $1000.
It's not that I don't trust your claims, but if you are going to post stuff like this about bitcointalk member than you better provide some proof of conversation and threats. This can be posted as redacted screenshots from email, telegram or other services you used for conversation. I would also like to hear AntiDolos side of story before making any decision here. Well you can see the screenshot from Telegram, in which he asks for money to provide an 8+ review instead of 6.4 or whatever. I literally have the entire chat log saved with entire communications exchange in which I shared entire pitch deck with all the legal documentation about the company, Hacken audits on all tech and smart contracts, Legal opinions and all the documentation that goes to serious investors before they make a decision about investment so he can see that everything we do is more then real and true. Which I don't see the reason to post here, he can do it if he saved it, even though none of it is for public, but for investors at this stage. Anyway it is clearly visible what he is doing and if anyone does the research on what we are and what we are doing as a company, pretty fast all his claims turn to baseless claims and open grounds for a lawsuit, if we thought that his false claims could harm our business, which we don't. I posted this only so he doesn't do this to other people.
Nema me dugo na forumu jer nemam vremena vise za forum kao prije, ali evo radi jednog kukolja sam odlucio vratiti se barem da njega rjesimo, da ne valja druge ljude jer ocito to radi vec neko vrijeme. Bacite oko na post: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5451113.0Hvala.
What happened: AntiDolos tried to extort me by publishing bullshit review of a project where I am Co-Founder and if I pay $1000 they would give us a much higher rating. In his review that is not public yet he made a lot of false accusations, from having fake team members to faking partnerships which is just not true. Article is not yet published on their website and we got preview version of it and I guess they wanted to wait and see whether we gonna give them $1000. Website: https://antidolos.com/User: AntiDolosBackstage website https://bksbackstage.io/One of his claims is that we (Backstage) are falsely advertising partnerships with parties that we have no connections whatsoever and that's simply not true.  For example, this is a tweet from Haash verified official account with 5.6 million followers where they mention Backstage as a place where you can buy VIP Meet & Greet tickets for their North America tour. Backstage marketplace https://www.bkstage.io/ https://twitter.com/haashoficial/status/1643048481836212228?t=tnXS_HRgy33HPC8QbDgtTg&s=19In the top right corner you can see Backstage logo as we are partners with Aspendos which is an ancient theater in Turkey that hosts shows of top world stars like Placido Domingo. https://www.aspendos.live/Professional UFC fighter Kelvin Gastelum published on his official Instagram account with more than 500k followers about being Backstage ambassador. https://www.instagram.com/p/CerdfsiPj3a/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Telegram message where AntiDolos asks $1000 for higher rating  His telegram username @Antidolos_admin One of the more ridiculous claims is that we "don't have token yet" while we actually wanted to fully develop business before launching the token and that's exactly why so many tokens failed-they have nothing behind it while we have a real business that is already bringing revenue and we are not in hurry to publish token and dump it on investors like majority of others are doing.  I could go on but I think that this is enough to prove that AntiDolos has no clue what he is talking about, didn't make a proper research and has no honest intention to protect the community. I couldn't even care less about his review if he didn't try to actually extort me and that's when I decided to publish this so the same thing won't happen to others. If you want to do your own research about Backstage, you can start here: https://t.co/7165whXYbL
Congrats to all the winners !!! I was very happy to participate and enjoyed tracking football a bit at least. You see that I'm not present for a long time now, simply cos I'm extremly busy atm, started a crypto business and have no time for forum at all. Happy that Milan played so well this season exactly as I predicted before it started  But would appreciate if you guys start any new pools if you could message me on my TG, I'm always there as I would love to participate again 
Hvala na ovome, pametan neki lik sada sam i na njega napravio subscribe 😁 Zapravo kada malo bolje razmislim postavit cu ga gore kao izvor jer je stvarno sve receno u video. Bolje tako nego da me netko optuzi za plagijat.
Edit: Pogledao sam video koji si spomenuo do kraja i moram priznat da baš ne kužim GAS tokens a zvuče zanimljivo. Kao mintaš ih kada su transakcije niske i onda upotrijebiš da smanjiš cijenu transakcije kada su skupe. Ako se netko bavio ovime neka napiše par riječi, a ako ne proučit ću ja malo pa napišem za koji dan. Nije panika budući da ionako nije primjenjivo trenutno. To je trebalo raditi prije koji mjesec.
U svakom slucaju dodaj Coin Bureaov video kao izvor haha, jer je ovo doslovno prijevod njegovog videa, pogledao sam ga prije koji sat tako da znam napamet haha Jebiga treba se merit zaradit, znam kako je  Ima ih vise, Gas tokena, ali u esenciji to je ideja kao rade.
Ako neko od naših još uvijek ima ove Synthetix tokene možda je dobro vrijeme da ih proda. Vrijednost tih tokena je porasla na preko $15 po komadu. Na airdrop od preko 37 starih Havven tokena to je skoro $600 u SNX. Pošto je slackovic već dobro objasnio postupak kako doći do njih neću ponavljati istu priču.
U jednoj kripto grupi sam naletio na priču o ovim tokenima i sjetio se da je dosta priče bilo o njima i na našem lokalu. Evo da citiram i svoj post od sinoć na ovu temu iz Altcoin Discussion foruma.
Tko proda sad SNX je stvarno specijalac, SNX je hodl token koji ce ici puno vise od trenutne vrijednosti. DYOR
 Trenutni indeks je 39 i nismo ni u Bitcoin ni u Altcoin sezoni već negde u sredini i očekujem da se krećemo u ovoj zoni par sedmica. Moguće je i da Bitcoin ode prvo do 20k a tek onda se može očekivati novi skok. Ovaj prikaz je bullshit, tj. dosta neprecizan jer sam vidio da su u obzir uzeli samo TOP 100 sa CMC. A top 100 na CMC odavno nije dovoljno relevatan po meni i ne daje realno pravu sliku o situaciji s altovima i dominancom itd...
Pa to ce sad pokrenuti novi val DeFi projekata, i DeFi pokreta kao takvog. Jer se u DeFi shemi ovako nesto puno puno teze moze desiti.
Definitvno ce decentralizacija kao pojam opet dobiti na tezini radi ovoga. Robinhood je u banani sada, stvara se kriticna masa i definitvno ce se promijeniti neka pravila igre. Gotov je sigurno da ce velika masa uci sad u kripto, a Binance je danas zagusen novih korisnicima. Ja sam se borio 3 sata s withdrawalima jer im je mail zagusen od kolicine zahtjeva za verifikacije, withdrawale i slicno. Ovo sto su napravili je stvarno velika stvar, sada treba cekati i vidjeti koje ce biti posljedice toga. Posljedice ne znace nuzno nesto lose 
Otvorili smo glasanje za listanje novih tokena Glasajte i izaberite koji token želite vidjeti na Bitcoin Store. Poll će biti otvoren do 31.1.2021. Imam jednu ozbiljnu zamjerku. Zasto ne dopustite ljudima da sami salju sebi crypto s vaseg walleta u real time. Nakon koliko sati navecer vi vise ne saljete transakcije? Oba puta kada sam kupio crypto navecer i pokusao poslati tx se nista nije dogodilo do sutradan. To moze biti ozbiljan problem, zapravo i je ozbiljan problem... Plus popust na feejeve samo za transakcije od preko 150k eura je malo ekscesivan za HR pojmove po meni, pogotvo kad se radi o kupovini crypta preko vas. Ono moze neki kod za ljude koji trpaju desetke tisuca eura unutra preko vas, ali nisu bas na razini od 150k. Ne kazem da ja trpam toliko, no moze kod? 
I'm personally waiting for Moonbeam to buy bags of it. Both River tokens and Glimmer ones. Depends of how that will look like, but Moonbeam is going to be a very strong project with very important use case. DYOR!
 Even though I'm not a fan of Conor McGregor. But I'm looking forward to this fight. Of course I think Conor will win. I think the fight will be over before the end of the fight. And the bookmakers are betting on Conor. But still I think it'll be interesting to watch. I've seen information that Conor will make about 50 million dollars for this fight He is the man when it comes to making money in this game no doubt. I also think he will win this one, but don't think it will be as easy as you seem to expect, but as you say I'm pretty excited to see how will Conor look in this one.
I still didn't expect Liverpool to lose at home to a lower ranking team or maybe Liverpool would focus more on the FA Cup, ...
Liverpool's confidence is not as good as at the start of the beginning season... They have to restart mood so they don't fall like Chelsea. Liverpool is on a normal decline, I expected it to happen this season and after Virgil Van Dyk injury it was obvious that they will have some problems, but really this is something deeper as whole team looks very underwhelming. Klopp will need to do some bigger changes to change the course.
Yes that's what happened a few years ago but I can't be sure if it's happening again now for sure as a gambler I will prioritize other leagues than Serie A  BTW did you watch the Milan vs Atalanta match? It was amazing Milan lost 0-3 without scoring at home  I'm really lucky not to place a bet on this match whereas initially I wanted to place a bet on both teams to score. I was expecting a Milan win honestly and this score really surprised me. Milan was in a great form and Atalanta was hot and cold, guess this was their hot day and Milan's cold one. Need to go watch some highlights cos I didn't have time to watch the match.
As the days pass, my excitement rate continues to increase. I wonder what the new rookie F1 drivers will do this season. I'd like Mick Schumacher go to a better team than Haas but anyway, this is an important chance for him to prove himself. Tsunoda is the another rookie F1 driver who will be racing for AlphaTauri. I think he is a very talented driver. We could see a good competition between him and Gasly. Another rookie who will be racing for Haas is Mazepin. I don't have clear thoughts about him yet. I'll just wait and see what he'll do in the first races.
True, I haven't been watching F1 related news for a while and few das ago I read a bunch of them and now I can't wait for the season to start again. Think that Mazepin vs. Schumacher will be a very interesting pairing to watch this season. Probably very fiery one too.
They signed Mandzukic  Just kidding, I am looking forward to seeing how well he will perform for Milan. Sort of feel like this transfer would never happen if they did not do it with Ibra first and he proved that age is just a number. Those odds look high to me as well and I will also play on Milan, maybe 1x for extra security on high stake ticket. I'm happy with that signing, I think Mandzukic still has some good matches in his legs and him paired with Ibra if that happens can be really mean and evil  Unfortunately Milan lost, I didn't have a chance to watch the match, but 0-3 is not something I was expecting.