Are you going to contact any master node hosting sites for shared masternodes . I use they are really good and they are very interested in hosting THC ,maybe the Dev can reach out to them. I for one would love to have a couple of THC nodes there.
has the latest yobit invest boxes finished , no coins today it says or do they just need topping up
Is the decision by cryptopia a final one, as it seems they have so far backtracked on 5 of the supposed clear out delisting from a week or so back. Also 2( Hold is one) have been given on option to change something and be relisted. Cryptopia has it's faults but is far better than NLexch and Cryptaldash which is not even live yet
Ok so i have some old Dnotes, how can I get the old wallet, where can I download it from? I have filled out the form to transfer my old dnotes.
you have to send them to the DNotes vault you get an address from the historic tab .they will be switched and moved to your account balance
save yourself the trouble and just use this lot to join groups who already share masternodes
just a thought if you still need masternodes a way for smaller coin holders to get a slice is maybe get this coin onto a pool like this it certain works for other coins most pools fill up very quick this would also introduce a whole new community to dft
right sorry i'm a bit slow with this wallet stuff, can anyone confirm i got this correct . i have my old wallet open and i then download the new one . next i close the old wallet and then open new one. do my coins transfer by themselves . thanks
Hi stevetrac, no worries. We did an update on DNotes 2.0, which is not related to the recent coin swap. Needless to say, we have a lot going on, and it can be a bit confusing. To clarify, these are old DNotes that you acquired some time ago (before April 16 2018)? If these are new DNotes 2.0. That you are staking. The coins don't technically move, we are just updating the rules for the blockchain that your coins exist on. You can tell if you are using DNotes 2.0 by checking the wallet version, click Help and About DNotes to check the version. Latest and updated version is, and non-updated version is You want to be using version yes they are DNotes 2.0 that are staking and the wallet is v2.0.0.0
right sorry i'm a bit slow with this wallet stuff, can anyone confirm i got this correct . i have my old wallet open and i then download the new one . next i close the old wallet and then open new one. do my coins transfer by themselves . thanks
Hi, Apart from downloading the wallet, Is there any website where we can stake Hyp like btcpop.. you can send your coins to and you get a share of the payout . any coins you send will not be cleared for 8 hours to stop pool hopping though
yeah, i think cryptopia havent release my funds. how do i contact them? from what i know, ticket at cryptopia is dissapointment have you looked at the historic page as my balances appeared there after a few hours but it takes upto 48 hours for the swap i think ,so nothing shows in you dashboard balance until then
I am reviewing the project documents for about 4 hours. It looks like a very comprehensive project, I will invest a little for ICO. Does Elon musk really support this project?
Yes, Elon Musk is going to pump LYNX to >100 satoshi soon. Buy now before it is too late! are you serious?  just out of interest what is 'hodling shit'
I look forward to seeing what this person has to report.
Do you really think somebody would shout about 150$ gpu`s? No. They would keep it to themselves and up all stock  not every person is a selfish greedy loner . if i can find a way to get a shedload back for these kind of prices i will ,and sell for cost . i've made a packet from crypto over the last 6 years ,but always gave a load back . your kind ruin it for other's
Well it's time for me to fly ,thanks to all that gave some pointers if anyone is interested i will post my findings. As for my friend his 4 rx580 cards arrived safe and sound in the uk at a total cost (cards & shipping ) $820 a bit more than the original $150 each but still much better than anywhere here.
HI i'm off to taiwan shortly and i will be looking at buying some gigabyte gpu's to build myself some rigs . anyone suggest the best cards to buy for mining altcoins.
I suggest you don't buy gigabyte, there has a problem in the blower and thermal system. gigabyte faster rise temperature if compare with another brand such MSI, Sapphire. better buying Sapphire, MSI, Powercolor. for the best card, if you want a mining on ETH, ETC coin, using RX480, RX580 8 GB. the mining on Zcash or Equihash Algorithm, you can get NVIDIA 1070,1070 ti i know most people think i'm nuts but i still mine alot of scrypt coins ,its works fine for me making money . my old miners have had it though ,so i just want to buy the best cards i can .
GTX 1080TI's x 8 units. But what are you planning to mine anyway? ETH? ETC? XMR?  Perhaps with a coin I could've given a more 2 cents.  i only ever mine new or forgotten coins that are real easy with loads of blocks and coins ,that i stock pile until the next mad rush . i will not name any on here as everyone will pile on. you see i play the long game there's no get rich quick fix mining. my old rig has reached the end of it's life and need some advice on which cards i should get.
What you want mining?
i just mine random coins that are easy to do so and leave them in wallets until they boom
so is it possible to buy gpus easier in asia than us and europe?
I have some time next month where i could take a trip and pick up like 30 or so
i will let you know how i get on and if it is worth the trip
No shortage of cards over there? Weird, one would think the shortage effected the whole supply chain. Not only the end of it  You can get good prices, and depending on your electricity cost, its either worth it or it is not. gigsbyte factory is in taipai ,my friend was there 3 weeks ago and said they are on sale everywhere .he bought 8 rx 580 for $150 each
What about your budget ? the best is 1080TI but 1070 is also good. Red 56th vegas also great For small budget for now good modded RX550 cards for mining cryptonight and eth forks
i have a large budget and want to get the best possible cards ,i just love the mining aspect of crytpo any end profit is a bonus
HI i'm off to taiwan shortly and i will be looking at buying some gigabyte gpu's to build myself some rigs . anyone suggest the best cards to buy for mining altcoins.
Vega 64 or 1080ti do you mine with these