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1  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bitmine A1 mining chips for sale on: May 02, 2014, 02:20:16 PM
@Zefir: old friend, Please confirm if this is a legitimate client of yours.

Otherwise we already know who this and we recommend highly not to purchase chips from this user.

Just to be sure that clients get working A1 chips, we'll sell any qty at 20% less than this user is offering.  We are the distributor of these chips btw.

That means $60 per chip.


Here is the shipping email confirmation from Zefir.  I already offered to make contact with anybody who is interested so please don't assume you know who I am, whoever that maybe.

I will offer them at $50/chip for whoever is interested.  Same day shipping.  Send me a PM and I can give you a call.

And no I would not recommend using that board design.  The opensource one from on github is suitable.
2  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bitmine A1 mining chips for sale on: May 02, 2014, 01:15:08 AM
That was overpriced.

For comparison, technobit completed 8 chips miner price is 758 USD.
Assembly serviced for 8 chip miner is 289 USD.
Then the chip price is 758 - 289 = 469 USD for 8 chips. So each chip only 58.6 USD.

Yours is 87 USD.

That is true, but that was just the going rate for the chips.  But it still could be a good price for those already with some hardware for the A1 chip. 

And it is OBO so I am open to any offers.
3  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bitmine A1 mining chips for sale on: May 01, 2014, 07:28:54 PM
Good price  Wink

Is it good enough price for you?  Grin 
4  Economy / Computer hardware / Bitmine A1 mining chips for sale on: May 01, 2014, 06:26:06 PM
Hello all,

After a few failed attempts I have decided to liquidate my remaining bitmine A1 25 GH/s chips.  This endeavor ended up taking to much of our time and we made the choice to move on.  To those with working boards or under development this could be a great way to get a few extra mining chips fast.

So we have 35 untouched bitmine chips  These were purchased from Zefir a few months back.  At $3.5 per GH we are asking $3050 for them or OBO.  It would ship same day payment is received.  If you are local to the United States I would ship them overnight.  We also have 15 chips that were soldered on at one point, but have since been removed.  They didn't receive voltage spikes, it was mainly just bad board design.  Given the condition and buyer beware on these 15, if you are interested we could give them to you for $2 per GH so $750.

If anyone is interested please reply and we can set up payment details.  If you in the United States I can give you a call for verification and peace of mind.

Here's the chips:

And here is one of our failed designs:  Sad

Thanks all.
5  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: [CLOSED] Bitmine CoinCraft A1 28nm chip distribution / DIY support on: May 01, 2014, 06:14:56 PM
Hello all,

After a few failed attempts I have decided to liquidate my remaining bitmine chips.  This endeavor ended up taking to much of our time and we made the choice to move on.  To those with working boards or under development this could be a great way to get a few extra mining chips fast.

So we have 35 untouched bitmine chips  These were purchase from Zefir a few months back.  At $3.5 per GH we are asking $3050 for them.  It would ship same day payment is received.  If you are local to the United States I would ship them overnight.  We also have 15 chips that were soldered on at one point, but have since been removed.  They didn't receive voltage spikes, it was mainly just bad board design.  Given the condition and buyer beware on these 15, if you are interested we could give them to you for $2 per GH so $750.

If anyone is interested please let me know.  If you in the United States I can give you a call for verification and peace of mind.

Here's the chips:

And here is one of our failed designs:  Sad

Thanks All.
6  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: [CLOSED] Bitmine CoinCraft A1 28nm chip distribution / DIY support on: March 06, 2014, 04:58:59 PM
Also, I have plenty of right angle pci-e power connectors ...
Could you give me part number for those? I was searching molex site but didn't found it. Maybe digikey part number if you have. BIG thx.

I use Mouser for those.  Digikey doesn't stock them as well.  Part number 45558-0003.  Also the upright connectors in the BOM don't match the pitch I measured in the gerbers, so the part is completely wrong.  The pitch does match the part number above though.

Just checked looks like Mouser has upright connector with correct pitch as well.  45718-0002
7  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: [CLOSED] Bitmine CoinCraft A1 28nm chip distribution / DIY support on: March 06, 2014, 03:31:41 PM

The url isn't working for me somehow...
Did you figure out the typos in the BOM by any chance?

nice job!
could you show assembled board? both sides? would be interesting to see your cooling solution.

will do. After exhaustive searching I finally ordered a heatsink + some fans last night. It will cover the entire back side and will attach via the screw holes, with some thermal padding in-between.

Do you need corrected BOM ? I can send you one...

Mines on my way!  I examined the gerber files pretty thoroughly and couldn't find any errors.  Have you ran into any issues with the design itself?

On the BOM I selected an alum cap, P15077CT-ND, for C500, C501...  Obviously they didn't mean to use an LDO converter and I don't think they meant an axial cap either.  I think was the biggest misprint.  Also, I have plenty of right angle pci-e power connectors and plan on soldering them on the underside of the board(backwardz) so polarization is still correct.  I couldn't seem to find the upright ones.

Could you send me yours.  I'm curious what components you ended up selecting.
8  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: [OPEN] Bitmine CoinCraft A1 28nm chip distribution / DIY support on: January 28, 2014, 09:35:25 PM
I believe he was saying he didn't have any extra chips.  A single chip design should function just fine.

Does anyone happen to know if the reset line needs to be pulled high.  It wasn't specified, but most resets are.  I plan on connecting all the reset lines to a bus to a Uc through a level converter.
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