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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 10 Years Old on: November 24, 2024, 05:10:14 PM
Investors want to make money, that's all they want, now those who believe in you have been waiting for a long time.

I sincerely do not understand you who make such claims. Why are you getting involved in something you are absolutely incompetent in? It’s even more of a mystery to me why you take your money to something you have absolutely no understanding of and then present your baseless claims? I have already repeated many times that your greed and desire for quick and easy money will destroy you. I repeat once again, Phoenixcoin is a decentralized open-source project. There are no owners or bosses here. We bought (mined) our coins just like each of you did. Ghostlander and I are the same community members as each of you, the only difference is that we work on our own enthusiasm (no one pays us for this) and you only make claims and think that someone will do everything for you. If you want to join the development, you can always leave your suggestion and edits on Github.. The same applies to everything else - exchanges, prices, trading volumes, etc.. If you don’t like something, then take the initiative and do as you see fit - list PXC on exchanges, increase trading volume, raise the price, etc., but there is no need to make unfounded claims and think that someone will do everything for you. Nothing will happen and the price will continue to slowly fall further if the community remains inactive and only makes claims.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 10 Years Old on: November 05, 2024, 03:16:05 PM
Happy 4th halving for Phoenixcoin, now 3.125 coins per block!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 10 Years Old on: May 20, 2024, 07:23:46 AM
Happy 11th Birthday Phoenixcoin!
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 10 Years Old on: December 10, 2023, 05:46:59 AM
I bought PXC relying on your comments, we have trusted you for years, did we make a mistake?

It seems like 2 years ago I advised you to sell your coins if you were going to continue to do nothing and go your own way, but no, you continue to whine for several years and continue to do nothing, trying to shift your responsibility to others. Your greed will destroy you.
As for you personally, you made a mistake a long time ago, even when you made the decision to buy PXC, and you simply don’t want to admit it and accept the situation as it is and continue to torment yourself and others, first in the telegram, now on the forum.
Just sell your coins now and forget about it. Let this be an experience for you in the future!
5  Bitcoin / Electrum / Windows 7 on: July 28, 2023, 04:39:08 PM
What is the latest version supported by Windows 7?
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Orbitcoin v1.6.3.0 ~ NeoScrypt ~ Green Stake ~ 9 Years Old on: July 19, 2023, 06:25:59 PM
great, at least something.  Smiley

do you have any news about unnamed exchange? i have some coins over there  and is been down for some time .. Sad

What news about scammers do you want to hear? I don’t understand at all who made deposits on the unnamed exchange, if it was clear from one appearance that it was a clone of cryptopia and the owner was related to both of these exchanges. Just forget about your coins and let this be an experience for you.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 9 Years Old on: May 20, 2023, 10:06:41 AM
Happy 10th Birthday Phoenixcoin!
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 9 Years Old on: July 01, 2022, 03:06:30 PM
Guys, be careful and, if possible, refrain from deposits and trading on the C-Patex exchange, as it is not clear who the new owner of this exchange is and whether they are scammers (it was sold by the old owners of C-Patex).
The owners of the old C-Patex exchange rebranded and replaced the domain name with
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 8 Years Old on: May 20, 2022, 01:24:52 AM
Happy 9th birthday Phoenixcoin!

10  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [Warning] - do we have another exit scam? on: April 02, 2022, 02:28:33 PM
I'm too lazy to read the whole thread, maybe this has already been discussed.
TillKoeln, better to tell how you are connected with Cryptopia, I think people will be interested to hear. You still had the audacity to create another exit scam project and accuse users of fraud.
Bypass this exchange if you don't want to lose your money.
11  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam on: March 13, 2022, 03:36:43 PM
Guys, tell me, does the creation of a topic in this section somehow affect the respondent? As I see some users have expressed their opinion and absolutely nothing has changed. The problem with the fake refund from Altilly has not been resolved.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 8 Years Old on: March 06, 2022, 08:02:16 PM
C-Patex exchange is back Grin
13  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam on: February 27, 2022, 11:17:49 AM
As the site had been hacked and they have no backup of that database, I do not think it is possible for them to refund base on the information of deposit from a wallet. Think it yourself what will happen if same claim occurred by multiple person? You may think it is not possible as you are a legit users but there are a lot of people who will try to take a chance for the exploit of the site. I think for now they have no alternative to verify except the email which was on the receipt on the email.

only the owner of the coins will be able to confirm that this is his wallet on the exchange, just 1 signed message is enough from any address from which the deposit was made. No one else will be able to sign messages from the addresses from which the deposits was made by the owner. Why is it so difficult to understand such simple and obvious things, especially for people with a reputation like yours? It looks like you bought these accounts or boosted the rating of the account or are just a figurehead protecting the exchange.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 8 Years Old on: February 16, 2022, 05:50:38 AM
Has anyone really traded on that C-Patex exchange? Every time I looked there was almost no volume.

There was almost no volume on C-Patex except last week when I tried to add PXC/BTC pair on CMC. CMC removed all of their markets due to the exchange being disabled for more than a week in January. A little later, the exchange was turned on again, worked for 2 weeks, and now it has been turned off again. Now they promise to turn the exchange back on in early March ))
15  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam on: February 14, 2022, 11:55:17 PM
Altilly representatives, why are you not responding? What are the options for resolving the problem with refunds for users?
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.6.6.2 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 8 Years Old on: February 13, 2022, 09:05:24 AM
Phoenixcoin can be traded on Xeggex now


C-Patex exit scam?

Dear users

We regret to inform you that C-Patex has temporarily closed.

During these four years we have faced all kinds of difficulties and we did the impossible to move forward.

But almost at the end of our first year, in September 2018, we suffered a hack that took 80% of the assets, about 3 BTC + altcoins worth 1 more BTC. We refuse to give up. We put up money and tried to move on.

In mid-2019, another much smaller hack delayed the recovery that we had been having. Additionally, there was a tremendous crisis of confidence in altcoin exchanges from closures like Cryptopia, Coinexchange, Altilly, and more than 150 other exchanges. Altcoin markets slowed noticeably.

We constantly try to improve our security, while we continue to look for solutions and funds to be able to continue building this project as we had dreamed of. The budget was low, because we needed to recover solvency, and the marketing expenses were turned to grant rewards to try to maintain the site with a certain volume that guarantees its continuity.

Unfortunately, in January of this year, our CEO fell ill with Covid and was on the verge of death, hospitalized in intensive care, with an artificial respirator in an induced coma. In this context, the site went down for several days, affecting user confidence, and causing a panic withdrawal of deposits during the following days.

Our CEO is not yet fully recovered, he is weak, he has to undergo numerous studies and treatments for after-effects and that prevents him from managing and driving actions that could improve the situation at this time.

So we are going to stop the site until March 11th.

If users willing to invest appear, with concrete proposals, willing to take risks with us to get this project off the ground, before March 11, then we will reopen the site. We assume that by then our CEO will also be able to work.

We are open to offer remaining PATS or help to list a new token to potential investors. We need at least 1 BTC to make the platform operative again.

If March 11 has not changed the situation. Unfortunately, we will have to start a liquidation process, firstly returning funds to verified users with identity documents, and secondly trying to identify the rest of the anonymous users.

The team of C-Patex

They are going to turn the exchange back on in early March, but I wonder how long this time.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] OTOCASH (OTO) - A Future Currency on: February 11, 2022, 10:35:50 AM
Just in case any of you here expect a refund from Altilly. If you don't have all their deposit confirmation emails, they give you nothing. That's a scam.

Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🔥🔥[ANN]: [TOKEN] NAIRAX: StableCoin | POS | staking | Commerce🌍🔴✅ on: February 11, 2022, 10:23:16 AM
Just in case any of you here expect a refund from Altilly. If you don't have all their deposit confirmation emails, they give you nothing. That's a scam.

Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [MN] MONKEY - Node & Portfolio Tracking App - OPEN ALPHA LIVE ! on: February 11, 2022, 10:11:24 AM
Just in case any of you here expect a refund from Altilly. If you don't have all their deposit confirmation emails, they give you nothing. That's a scam.

Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [XMR] Monero - A secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency on: February 11, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
Just in case any of you here expect a refund from Altilly. If you don't have all their deposit confirmation emails, they give you nothing. That's a scam.

Altilly Exchange FAKE Refunds, Possible Exit Scam
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