Coronavirus is actively transmitted without the use of money. I dont think that this will encourage people to use cashless payments, including cryptocurrencies.
I am not sure that the new exchanges will be very popular. Because most of them are shit. People use mostly trusted exchanges, so newcomers need to try very hard to gain the trust of users.
You're right. The success of a project consists of many factors. Each component has a very important role. That is why many projects dont succeed because they cannot organize a good team work.
Yes, I think it's a pretty big bonus for early investors. But on the other hand, the project team needs support and therefore they are looking for it in their investors. But unfortunately most of them buy coins just to make a profit.
There can be any number of cryptocurrency haters, but this will not affect its development. Who cares what some guy says about the ether. It has support and its price will not fall to zero, the main thing is that we understand this.
I think the crooks will still be one step behind us. We come up with new ways to protect ourselves and if we constantly develop, we can not be deceived.
Good projects really have not been for a long time. There are some projects that will show themselves only after a while. They need to achieve all the planned goals.
Thank you for this information. This is a good guide to avoid fraud. The most important thing is critical thinking. You always need to question any words and not believe the promises, according to which you will be able to get a big profit. This doesn't happen.
Choose bounty coins that are already traded on the exchange, or those that pay in bitcoin or ether. These are few, but this projects can be found.
Yes, for example the cryptotalk bounty, which pay a reward in bitcoins. You can see a lot of participants who wear the signature of this project.
Yes, you're right. We must try to explain complex things in simple language. Otherwise, the ordinary person will consider crypto very complex and will never agree to study it.
I agree with you. I had to go through that, too. I was very afraid to make a mistake and sometimes it negatively affected my results. It took me a while to realize that there's nothing wrong with failure, it's also a very rewarding experience.
I think that by the new year holidays we are unlikely to receive any gift. Not the fact that next year altcoin season will also come. We must act here and now.
I think that it is worth looking at the new altcoins, which are still at the beginning of their development. If you want to get a good profit, it can only give you new coins. Fundamental coins will bring you little, but they are more reliable.
I also play in a blockchain game. Recently, in one game for the passage of tasks paid a reward in good coin, which could be easily sold. Therefore, I believe that blockchain games is a good direction, worth your attention.
I think I know what you're talking about. I saw the coin giveaway, too. This is not such a common occurrence among blockchain games, mostly they do not represent anything good.
Altcoins are experiencing now is not a good time and everyone who invests in them soon realizes this. And in the end, everyone still returns to bitcoin.
I was one of those people who thought the situation in 2019 would be much better. I now believe we will finally see improvements in 2020. But I don't want to swear it. Crypto has shown that it can be very unpredictable.
Yes, I think that soon the situation will improve. Perhaps such a large growth as last time we will not see, but the improvement of the situation will necessarily be.
Taking precautions is of course necessary, but they still will not be able to provide complete security from scammers. I also observe all these points that you have described, but sometimes it doesn't help.
I join the majority opinion and want to say that myetherwallet is really the most common and reliable wallet designed to store erc20 tokens. You can safely use it.