Hi drk (er, dash?) holders... long time no post...
New name, new thread, same good coin it seems.
As it stands now for me, i managed to withdraw dark, xbc, nobl. Still mia is myr, sync, fair and btc itself. I had thought i was good on btc at first but the withdraw failed and then my wallet (on mp) vanished.
I managed to withdraw my DRK and XBC from this trainwreck, still missing faircoin, myriad and sync. Not showing up at all and haven't heard anything on the ticket as yet
Owl scooping up a troll and tossing it in a food blender imo.
Price is muted. Tech works. Not sure what to think. People are unaware?
Previous RCs have brought a significant price drop, this one the price is up a bit. I'm a little concerned my buys aren't going to be hit.
Ok, here it is, in all its beauty. Top 50 Posters, all fabulously awesome people. It includes all 3133 pages, today.  If this has any value for you, and if you like to see more, consider a donation: XtAdMy5nSxArut6rKKLQXxm84rpJNipXibHoly Shit ! great list , and well done collecting all the data ! /agreed. Well done
Someone might be unhappy when they wake up in the morning and see they are missing some dark
Not seeing walls like that anywhere other than mint.
I'm not sure why some folks are so eager to call for dark to replace btc. btc can stay on top, it can be cryptos everyday public face. Hell, it even stars as the currency in a popular (according to imdb anyway) tv show. However ltc... ltc is the target.
I finally had to ignore someone. Just can't stand reading shotxjai9robfowbcjbla12408's spew anymore. The amount of time he spends clucking here is just silly. If he want's to crusade against something there are far better ways to spend time than trying to chase people off of a coin.
To be honest we might be seeing signs of a mental disorder in him. I'm wondering if there is someone we should contact so they can try to help this schmuck.
{ "blocks" : 59, "currentblocksize" : 1000, "currentblocktx" : 0, "difficulty" : 1606.64044360, "errors" : "", "generate" : false, "genproclimit" : -1, "hashespersec" : 0, "networkhashps" : 447108255, "pooledtx" : 0, "testnet" : false } Diff @1600+ 
Excellent, just didnt want my girl to have to sign up for pools and change shit in my bat files and whatnot, trying to orchestrate this all from android and teamviewer lol
I feel for you.. Trying to do that on a launch sucks a lot.
We are working on it, should be ready to launch soon. Indeed, this forum has some amazing people. Stay put guys, we will be launching soon.
And you can name at least some of Digits time. Sitting in front of the monitor, as if nothing else to do.  This. Want to be here for launch but can't sit spamming f5. Take the time you think you need, add 2 hours and set a time.
Really need a solid start time
Can't tell if the world is full of white knights now or if people are just this fucking thin skinned...
Funny thing is a 100+ btc wall at 0.007 was just eaten in one shot but idiots are still selling in the 0.0063 range.
Yeah, this is what I was thinking. Fools and their money are soon parted! Tao Bot price suppression imo
Damn i wish i had 140-ish btc to toss into dark like that.
Annnnnd that was a 20k dark buy on mint.
Are we trading @ bter38? I c the whales just getting into coins there and throwing money like it's nothing ,,,
Looks like on mintpal another run up... Volume is actually not terrible for a saturday, either. Still like to see us back to 4 figures a day.