Nope, bounty hunter need to work in order to get token, but the token might not worth a lot, thus bounty hunter will do a lot of works to gain money, there will have no free meal.
It is a surprise for those who buy at the peak period because they will bleed a lot at the point of now. It is hard to believe it drop so fast and yet to recover.
Hodling will never go anywhere is true. It will just keep u bleeding non stop with the current market. So sell if you are scare or invest more if you dare.
Some coins like ETH has very advance technology if compare with BTC and the usage also more variety if compare with BTC, thus it is believe that altcoins may able to beat bitcoin in the future.
For now I think that it is almost the same because the market is going down. But altcoins have more function than bitcoin and the technique of the altcoins will provide a larger room of investing and develop for the crypto market. So in long run, some altcoins might be better than bitcoin.
This is not the year for any coins I think because the market of crypto is not good and a lot of market is now going downward. So it is definitely not the year for Ripple.
Bitcoin is a smbol of crypto and it is hard to replace or overcome by any other crypto coins. Although the tech other coins are much more advance than bitcoin, but still it is hard to replace.
I don't think that crypto will be going strong in recent period because the market is still an adjusting motion. So hold your coins and wait for the market to bull.
I will just use ICO rating sites as a reference because sometime those ICO rating sites are not independence enough. So I will do my research and read the whitepaper so that I can get more reliable information.
It is red now but from the history it is a norm and will be rise again in later time. Those who believe will stay strong and not going to leave and when those weak believer wash out, the crypto will rise again.
I will collect the bounty coins and will keep it as much as possible because the coins somehow will have value of it. But when the coins price rise, I will sell it.
ICO will never end because crypto will not end. It is the easier way for the the ICO to raise fund via crypto and it is for sure never end.
There will be less and less investor that willing to stay in crypto for this period as the market is bad and only after the wash over of those weak hands, only then the market will recover and the only it will rise and start to attract the new believer again.
It is really important to read whitepaper as we can know a lot from whitepaper. But If I dont understand, I will try to look for the blogger or youtuber that will describe more clearly and easy to understand. But anyway, it is important to read whitepaper.
The product is the main selling point of a project so it is indeed very important. It will attract potential investor and also will have more confidence over the project if compare with those project that without project.
It is just a small recover for now because it still goes down and up again, but still will stop bleed for a while and can start to think of which coins to invest.
I believe crypto will be control the whole world someday. The world is start to digitalized in different field from trading till daily life and till manufacturing. So cryto has a lot of advantage on this with the blockchain technology. It is very useful for us.
Regardless Vitalik die or not, Eth will run as normal but the price will be doping a bit when Vitalik really die but soon after that the price will goes up.
Normally it is not bad for Altcoins if BTC drop. BTC drop mean people are try to invest in altcoins but nowadays most of the investor are afraid of the market thus they will stop buying altcoins although the BTC is dropping.
Eth will never vanish. Eth is more useful than Btc in term or transaction and also investing. Besides, this market is still young and new, so the hightest peak can still be break.