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Hmm, I'm not sure what spec of Avalon you have.
I do recall having a 2 module 220GH/s Avalon that was 55nm and it was set to 16 miners and frequency of (I think) either 1300 or 1450.
I also had a lot of hassle setting it up. so much so that I ended up running it using a Raspberry pi loaded with Minera and compiling cgminer using --enable-Avalon. This worked a treat until the power supply went pop. Then I just ran 1 module on a smaller psu and set the miner count to 8 and the frequency to 1200 which gave me about 95G.
Did you commect the Raspbery to the miner USB? do you think it will work with Minepeon, I have one running on Raspbery Pi+ I will also try later with 55nm 16 / 1300 Yes, plugged RPI into USB. There is a jumper just behind the usb socket that you can remove to stop it supplying power through the usb. I did try Minepeon but could not get it to work properly with cgminer. I used Minera in the end and compiled cgminer with the --enable-Avalon and replaced the original cgminer. I passed manual options to start cgminer in Minera using --avalon-options 115200:8:10:D:1200:55 --avalon-cutoff 70 --avalon-temp 60. (running just one module) If you like I can give you the commands to use to compile and setup cgminer. You can pm me if you wish. You could even connect a pc/laptop with cgminer and test it that way. I had a spare PI so used that. Try testing one module and work from there. Hope some of this helps.
Hmm, I'm not sure what spec of Avalon you have.
I do recall having a 2 module 220GH/s Avalon that was 55nm and it was set to 16 miners and frequency of (I think) either 1300 or 1450.
I also had a lot of hassle setting it up. so much so that I ended up running it using a Raspberry pi loaded with Minera and compiling cgminer using --enable-Avalon. This worked a treat until the power supply went pop. Then I just ran 1 module on a smaller psu and set the miner count to 8 and the frequency to 1200 which gave me about 95G.
300-350 only return rejection 250 will do only 35G the only one that will do 50+ is 300
with 110 nothing mine its all rejection Try 325 and see what return you get. How many modules in the Avalon? If each module has 8 miners and you are seeing 16 so try setting miner 16 instead of 24. Maybe you have a loose cable.
Well ive got a Ice Fury sitting in a jar on the mantle. Maybe I could blow off the dust and plug that beast in if you think it might help.
Totally agree. I was actually more interested in watching our collective cluster performance as our luck goes up and down. You can watch the miners being pointed back at slush as the blocks improve. It just went up again after that last block.
Whats the most hashing power you have seen (cluster performance) for slush.
Thank the gods. 5hrs 44mins 57secs . I was getting a bit worried we might be in for another long block.
At what point do you think the swingers and hoppers will re-join us.
Hey Billbags, A panda walks into a bar, sits down, and orders a sandwich. He eats, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go, the bartender shouts, "Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for the food!" The panda yells back, "Hey man, I'm a panda. Look it up!" The bartender opens his dictionary to panda, "A tree climbing mammal of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots, and leaves."
Late one night a burglar broke into a house and while he was sneaking around he heard a voice say, "Jesus is watching you." He looked around and saw nothing. He kept on creeping and again heard, "Jesus is watching you." In a dark corner, he saw a cage with a parrot inside. The burglar asked the parrot, "Was it you who said Jesus is watching me" The parrot replied, "Yes." Relieved, the burglar asked, "What is your name?" The parrot said, "Clarence." The burglar said, "That's a stupid name for a parrot. What idiot named you Clarence?" The parrot answered, "The same idiot that named the rottweiler Jesus."
Nice one Billbags.
I've had nothing but bad luck all day. This morning as I was buttoning my shirt, a button fell off. After that, I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. I went to get into my car, and the door handle came off in my hand. Now I'm afraid to pee
Well, we are now at zero luck. I think that says it all. On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell out of the car several miles back?" To which the farmer replied: "Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!"
The same 5 year old girl was lost, so she went up to a policeman and said, "I've lost my dad!" The policeman said, "What's he like?" "Beer and women!" ,She replied. Ok, sorry, that was bad. I'll get me coat.
so, anyone know any good jokes - while we wait for somebody to press the 'Next Block' button.
I will mine until my ant miners die...
+1 to that brother (or sister. whatever). Unless BTC value starts to go up then I just cant justify the cost of replacing my ant farm. I might try and power my rig by giant wheel and get the kids to run round it. I have just been looking at the BTC rate against GBP. It was £295 last time I looked and falling.
yay a block
Yay, two blocks in 28 hours! Glad I was mining somewhere else Nah. Watching the BTC Guild or any of the other big ones sausage factory run is boring. I prefer the randomness with Slush. Really, even when it's a down day it adds some suspense to an otherwise mundane operation. That and with Slush you get a sense of community where the other big one's are impersonal. With Slush its more of an emotional roller-coaster ride. Yippee, a block .. damn it, no blocks for hours ...yippee, a block .. damn it....... Its all about the group hug when we finally win that long round. Happy mining folks
No need to worry. If we end up only completing 4 rounds todays, just think .. .. it could always be worse. 1 round a day is bad. Now get back to mining, slaves. ya... you could be in EclipseMC and get 1 in every 4 days. Ha, ha.. 1 in 4, Now that's funny. (but probably not if your in EclipseMC) I would hope the payouts are very high.
No need to worry. If we end up only completing 4 rounds todays, just think .. .. it could always be worse. 1 round a day is bad. Now get back to mining, slaves.
My earnings for our mega round was '0.000000000' yep, that's right, nothing. I had to laugh when I got home from work and noticed my network was down. Turns out its been down all day. I'm back on now and ready for the next run of super quick rounds.
Yeah, 196% made me laugh. Now bring on the run of quick rounds.
Wow, my reward on this round is sooooooo low that It would have been better to just turn the power off. This should sort out those jumpers, hoppers and moaners. I love it. Bring on the next round. WooooooooHaaa