Few hours ago, $45 have been sent to your binance funding wallet (I can send a screenshot if needed). Sorry not posting at the same time. Following the payment schedule, New repayment amount of $85 will be paid in 2024-10-05. Along with that there is an another active non-collateral loan . Cheers, I am confirming that I have received 45$ and the new repayment amount is 85$ I want to also say that there is another active non-collateral loan I am asking for an extension by two weeks. Next Sunday October 13th I will pay $35, and the $50 by the next October 20th. Two hours ago, $4.689337 USDT have been sent to your binance funding wallet as extension fee interest (I can send a screenshot if needed). Sorry not posting at the same time. Following the payment schedule, New repayment amount of $35 will be paid in 2024-10-13. Along with that there is another active non-collateral loan . Cheers,
Luck-based gambling, like slot games, takes little time to finish. You might spend so much money within a few minutes and wouldn't recognize it unless you are conscious. As you said, sports bets take more time to analyse and predict.
Football games take approximately an hour and thirty minutes, which is time for waiting for the outcome. But in slots in seconds, the results are out. Thus, I accept that gamblers might end up spending more on luck-based games than the other. But some gamblers spend so much on sports games, so my conclusion is not sacrosanct.
Gambling is a complex combination of luck and skill. In games like roulette and slots, luck is the dominant factor, with the outcome largely based on randomness. In games like poker and blackjack, skill plays a greater role, with players able to make strategic decisions that affect their chances of winning. However, even in these games, the element of luck cannot be completely ignored, as a single unexpected card can change the course of the game. So, it can be said that gambling is a game that requires a combination of luck and skill, with the importance of each varying from game to game.
In sports betting specifically football is your decision to cash out or wait it out until the end of the game based on the opinions of other people if you shared your bet slip with them while the game is on?
Some people after they have placed their bets on several games may be so excited to share their bet slip with their gambling community who helps to monitor if games they bet on are winning or they are losing. In some cases if all the other games were a win and it remains like two more games on the slip, they may feel pressured to cash out based on the opinions of their friends. In this case do you give in or hold out based on their opinions?
I think this questions has been raised before here thereabouts, but my answer is yes, and you need to cash out instead of losing it all. I am not a greedy fellow or gambling who would want the games to entirely score they way I predicted it, just to me I don't just pray for all to entirely enter but let me just have a cash out option to make back the money I spent gambling even though it's just 1.5x of my total staked amount I am good with it. But if you are that sure of the games and you believe you can win it if the games runs to the end then you can leave except you are not sure of the matches. I think that several factors can influence such a decision, including the influence of the community. However, the influence of the community is not always the main determinant, as evidenced by the fact that not everyone who makes a cashout plays within a community, and most of them make the decision themselves. Being influenced by the opinion of the community is influenced by the psychological factors of the gambler, and it is known that it is always better not to follow these influences in making decisions at any stage of the bet. One of the most important factors determining this is the bet amount and the value of the remaining odds at the time of the cashout. For example, if the initial bet amount is large, the profit percentage from the cashout can be good, especially if the remaining odds are not guaranteed. Also, when the bet amount is small, the profit value will certainly not be considered except with risky odds, and therefore the player will be more comfortable ignoring the cashout offer.
المسألة تبدو مثيرة و أتوقع ان التفاعل حولها كبيرا خصوصا في الأوساط الباحثة عن كشف اسرار الشخصيات الاكثر تأثيرا في التاريخ. في نفس الوقت لا اجد اي اضافة قد تحصل لمجتمع الكريبتو بمعرفة هوية ساتوشي الحقيقية و الافضل ان يبقى شخصية خيالية لان ظهوره يمكن ان يؤثر على كامل مكانة البيتكوين. انا شخصيا لم اهتم يوما بمعرفة ذلك و لا ارى ان هذا يستحق ان نشغل انفسنا به، و عموما فان الأمر سهل بقدر ما يبدو مستحيلا. اقول هذا لان اي استنتاج حول الهوية الحقيقية لساتوشي لا يمكن ان تكون مقبولة 100% الا اذا كانت مشفوعة برسالة موقعة من احدى عناوين البيتكوين الأولى التي استخدمها ساتوشي.
اذا كان الفعل سيعرض سيرة اي شخصية فانه من المفترض انه ليس هناك ما يمنع تلك الشخصية من ذلك لاثبات صحة ادعاءاته و لكن على افتراض انه هو او غيره تمكن فعلا من تقديم رسالة موقعة من احدى تلك العناوين القديمة التي معلوم لدى الجميع انها لا يمكن ان تكون الا على ملك ساتوشي نفسه، فان هذا سيمثل حجة دامغة اما على انه هو فعلا ساتوشي نفسه او انه يعرفه او يعرف طريق الوصول اليه.
كذلك لنكن عقلانيين في التعامل مع هذه الادعاءات لانها على الاغلب لن تنتهي الى مالانهاية من الزمن سواء من افراد سيدعون انهم هم انفسهم ساتوشي مؤسس البيتكوين او انهم يعرفون هويته الحقيقية. اذكر ذات مرة اني قرأت مقالا يدعي صاحبه ان ثيموس أدمين منتدى بيتكوينتالك هو نفسه ساتوشي و حاول تقديم اثباتات على ذلك لا ترتقي لأن تكون حجة بأي حال من الأحوال. كذلك من حاول اثبات ان gmaxwel هو ساتوشي بالرغم من ان الشخص نفسه لم يدعي ذلك و لو على سبيل الاشارة.
المفتاح في قصة ساتوشي هو تلك العناوين القديمة. من يملك مفاتيح تلك العنوان او حتى احداها، فهو يملك اجوبة مقنعة اكثر حول من هو ساتوشي. عدى عن هذا فالاكيد ان الروايات ستتعدد و لن تنتهي ابدا و سنظل كل فترة نسمع برواية مبنية على تصورات و تأويلات و ليس على ادلة قادرة على الاقناع.
It is better to stay away from that illegal things before that can risks us and makes us in danger. Those who have a good career will not trying to do something that can harms themselves because of an easy thing. They will be careful when they read something and if they think that can give a risk to them, they will leave it. Those who can earn $2500 will not do that because they can win from the match. They have skills so why they should contact you to do illegal things that can risk themselves?
If there are players who intend to risk their careers for money, I do not imagine that $2500 is worth this high level of risk. When I first read the topic a few days ago, I thought that OP was targeting coaches in his offer and that the reward amount always remains small compared to the level of risk. After a few days reading all the comments on the previous pages that confirm that no one will be led by a suspicious offer no matter what the guarantees are, I found on the ground that match fixing can only be done by someone close to the player or close to his coach who is the closest person able to convince him. In any case, this type of agreement is considered manipulation and a crime punishable by all the laws regulating the games tournaments. I personally have never heard that such a plan has succeeded, but I know that we only hear about failed plans, but it is normal for us not to hear about successful ones. Op, I advise you to look for other ways to make money because no one here or on any forum can help you with complete credibility, and if you happen to meet someone who contacts you, he is most likely a scammer. Find a job, invest your money, or try your luck at gambling without manipulation, you will definitely succeed with one of these options.
بالرغم من موقفي الداعم للمقاومة و الرافض لكل ممارسات الصهيونية، فانني لا أستطيع تقبل نظافة يد ايران. يعني لا يمكن تخيل ان ايران تدافع عن الحق و تريد الخير لسكان المنطقة. هناك مشروع توسعي ايراني على حساب دول المنطقة لذلك نجدها تدعم أي جماعة شيعية و تزودها ايضا بالسلاح و الأموال. حزب الله في لبنان او قوات الحشد الشعبي في العراق او جماعة الحوثي في اليمن، جميعها فصائل مسلحة تأتمر بأمر ايران و تمثل ذراعها الممتدة على كامل المنطقة. المشكلة تعقدت أكثر لأن تلك الميليشيات المسلحة تطورت الى أحزاب و تحولت مشاريعها من المقاومة فقط الى الفوز بالسلطة في بلدانهم و اصبحوا عنصرا اساسيا في المشهد السياسي و مسؤولون جزئيا عن الخراب الداخلي في بلدانهم. أنا أرى أن لايران الحق أن تطمح للتمدد على حساب جيرانها كأي قوة استعمارية أخرى و ان توجه سياساتها لحماية مصالحها، لكن أرفض بالمطلق المنطق الذي يريد ان يصورها كملاك.
حاليا، ايران هي القوة الوحيدة في المنطقة التي تعادي اسرائيل علنا و العرب عليهم ان يتحدوا معها في مقاومة المشروع الصهيوني. لكن هذا لا يجب ان ينسينا في المشروع الايراني لبسط نفوذ ايران على المنطقة.
أوافقك الرأي بالمجمل واختلف معك في بعض التفاصيل الصغيرة لكن بالمجمل نعم إيران ليست نظيفة اليد ولديها مشاريعها القوية في المنطقة وربما لديها أحلامها الكبيرة باستعادة امبراطورية الفرس القديمة التي كانت تسيطر على نصف العالم لكن للأسف العرب هم من أفسحوا لها المجال. تخلي العرب عن القضية الفلسطينية والمقاومة في لبنان ترك الفرصة لإيران لتكون اللاعب الأقوى في المنطقة من خلال عدائها العلني لإسرائيل، ماذا تفعل لو كنت مكان المقاومة اللبنانية والفلسطينية أمام عدو متوحش لايرحم ولا أحد يمد لك يد العون من أشقائك؟ بالتأكيد سوف تقبل أي يد تمتد لمساعدتك؟ للاسف العرب على العكس بدل أن يتعاونوا مع إيران لإيقاف المشروع الصهيوني يتسابقون للتطبيع مع إسرائيل وتخلوا عن دعم فلسطين اللهم إلا بالكلام وبعض النقود التي يرسلونها لحفظ ماء الوجه فقط، للأسف العرب يتعبرون إيران هي العدو الأول لهم وليس إسرائيل. يذكرون حلم إيران بإقامة الامبراطورية الفارسية لكن ينسون حلم إقامة دولة إسرائيل الكبرى " من الفرات إلى النيل" . يجب الانتباه جيدا الى جميع هذه المفارقات. هناك من يتصور حقا ان ايران تدعم الخير في المنطقة فقط لانها تعادي اسرائيل. ان في نقاش مع احد الاعضاء في القسم الانجليزي و الذي يبدو انه اما ايراني او من المعجبين بايران (اغلب الظن انه ايراني لانه يكتب بالفارسية و يجيد العربية) الذي يريد اقناعي بان ايران حمامة سلام و انها تدعم المقاومة في كل مكان بصرف النظر عن العقائد و الأعراق. طبعا هذا كلام مردود عليه لأني أنا أحترم موقف ايران المؤيد للمقاومة الفلسطينية بالرغم من انني اعرف انها تدعمها فقط لانها تعادي اسرائيل بمنطق عدو عدوي هو صديقي، لكني لا افهم لماذا تدعم ميليشيا حماس و لا تدعم فصائل أخرى مقاومة كالجبهة الشعبية او منظمة التحرير. ايضا هي تدعم حزب الله لمواجهة اسرائيل و لكن هذا يصبح خطرا حين تدعم حزب الله في توجيه اسلحته ضد اللبنانيين و فرض سلطة باستخدام العنف. لا ننسى ان حزب الله متورط في مقتل رئيس وزراء لبنان السابق الحريري و تعطل كل المبادرات لانشاء حكومة توافقية و تمنع لبنان حتى من ان يكون لها رئيس دولة. كذلك ايران تدعم النظام السوري بالرغم ان الجميع يعرف انه نظام لاوطني يقتل السوريين و تسبب في تشريد الملايين. و اي شخص يحاول ان يحتج او يعترض سيقولون له انت ضد المقاومة و يتم تخوينه بسهولة. تقريبا باستثناء حركة حماس السنية، فان ايران تدعم كل الجماعات الشيعية في المنطقة و الذين هم متركزون اساسا في العراق و لبنان و سوريا و اليمن. ألهذه الدرجة تريد ايران ان تلعب دور حمامة السلام؟ هل هناك حقا من يصدق هذا؟ اذا كان كذلك فالأكيد ان هناك من يصدق دعم امريكا لاسرائيل تحت نفس مظلة الذرائع. صحيح هناك حركة مقاومة ضد مشروع الصهاينة في المنطقة و ايران تدعم المقاومة، لكن مقابل ماذا؟ يجب ايجاد منطقية بعيدا عن كل الشعارات الجوفاء باسم الديمقراطية و الحرية. ايران لديها مشروع توسعي و تريد الحفاظ على وكلائها و مصالحها، و هذا حق مشروع لها كأي دولة استعمارية على غرار امريكا و بريطانيا و فرنسا. عدى عن هذا فانه لا يبدو انه يوجد اسباب اخرى منطقية.
There is an Iranian expansionist project at the expense of the countries of the region, so we find it supporting any Shiite group and also providing them with weapons and money.
Again that's what the propaganda wants you to believe. Iran is a Shia Muslim country but majority of the people Iran supports are not. The most obvious ones are the Palestinians who are Sunni Muslims, Jews and Christians. This is also what Iran wants us to believe. I mean, are we supposed to believe that Iran wants to spread peace in the world and allocates budgets for it and prepares plans for it and exposes its people to danger, without having direct interests? Does anyone really believe that? Okay, let's take a similar example. America has been in Afghanistan since 2001. What is it doing? It is said that it supports individual freedoms and human rights are violated in Afghanistan, so its mission is to overthrow the Taliban regime and hand over power to civilians. Is this really the truth? The truth is that America went and colonized Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism and could not withstand the blows of the Afghan resistance. As soon as America announced the withdrawal of its forces from there, the Taliban quickly returned to power. What do we understand? That any party may justify committing atrocities in the name of human rights, fighting terrorism and resisting Zionism, and this becomes a pretext for interfering in the internal affairs of countries. Returning to Iran, I respect its position in support of the Palestinian resistance, although I know that it supports it only because it opposes Israel according to the logic of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” but I do not understand why it supports the Hamas militia and does not support other resistance factions. It also supports Hezbollah to confront Israel, but this becomes dangerous when it supports Hezbollah in directing its weapons against the Lebanese and imposing authority using violence. Let us not forget that Hezbollah was involved in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and obstructed all initiatives to establish a consensus government and prevented Lebanon from even having a head of state. Iran also supports the Syrian regime, although everyone knows that it is an unpatriotic regime that kills Syrians and has displaced millions. Anyone who tries to protest or object will be told that you are against the resistance and will be easily accused of treason. With the exception of almost all the Sunni Hamas movement, Iran supports all the Shiite groups in the region, who are mainly concentrated in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Is Iran really that keen to play the role of the dove of peace? Does anyone really believe this? If so, then there are certainly those who believe America's support for Israel under the same pretext. It is true that there is a resistance movement against the Zionist project in the region and Iran supports the resistance, but in return for what? A rationale must be found away from all the hollow slogans in the name of democracy and freedom. Iran has an expansionist project and wants to preserve its agents and interests, and this is a legitimate right for it like any colonial state like America, Britain and France. Other than this, there do not seem to be any other logical reasons. As for Iran's position rejecting the policies of apartheid in South Africa, this is a humanitarian position adopted by most countries of the world at the time and cannot be considered absolute support as is the case with its armed militias. I hope that Iran will intervene to resolve the humanitarian and civilizational crisis of the Kurds who are scattered without a state between Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran, or that the disputes surrounding it will be resolved with humanitarian logic such as the Armenian crisis with Turkey or the humanitarian tragedy that the Afghan people are living in. I wonder why Iran does not support freedoms in these countries with weapons and money as it does with its militias. I repeat, I am with Iranian support for resistance movements against the Zionist colonial scheme, but I warn that Iran also has its expansionist schemes and it is not an angel of peace.
Another observation about luck-based games that a new gambler with an interest in them has to know is that they have the potential to make you, as a gambler, spend more money gambling than skill-based games.
What do you think?
I just want to focus on one exception about luck and skills because there limit number of gambling games that winning in it may not rely only on pure luck. In games where winning is simply based on random spins such as roulette or slot games, luck plays a major role. Skill, on the other hand, refers to the ability to make strategic decisions based on understanding and knowledge, just like in games such as poker, where players can use certain strategies to evaluate cards and estimate the odds of winning, skill emerges as a major factor in achieving long-term success. However, it is important to note that skill does not eliminate the need for luck, as a skilled player can lose compared to a less skilled player if luck is on his side at that particular moment.
A man need to prove his word, even it's just a small thing or a joke, agreement is still an agreement.
It's depend on you whether you want to take this as serious thing or not, if you really want the snack, you can ask for it, you're not wrong.
But, if I were you, I will let it go because if he can't be trusted with small amount, how I can trust him with big amount or working together? for me the "snack" is the price to know his character.
I think you are a bit harsh in judging your friend based on a simple incident that may have been spontaneous and not intentional. I emphasize that these bets between friends should remain friendly and within the scope of pure friendship, and therefore there is no point in betting on large sums of money or buying expensive things. Friendship will easily turn into an opportunity for one party to drain the other, which will take us out of the framework of friendship if the bet is unfair. The best option is for the loser to pay for food in a restaurant or the price of a beer on Saturday night. I remember that I was once in a bet with a friend on the result of one of the local championship matches in my country, but the result ended in a tie. The bet was that the loser would go shopping and prepare dinner. Although one of us did not succeed in winning the bet, we enjoyed a very exciting match and were very satisfied with the result of the match.
Today, the best assistance that can be provided to Ukraine is to support peace negotiations efforts and save what can be saved from the lands seized by Russia. The US does support peace negotiations. But what you're really saying is the best support for Ukraine is to stop supporting their military, which would put Ukraine in the weakest possible position for any negotiations. So what you're really really saying, is that the US should allow Putin to get whatever he wants. The fundamental question here is what does Russia aspire to from this war? And has American and Western aid been able to help Ukraine? Today we are talking about a war that has been going on for three years without any declared goals from Russia or any vision for peace in the region from all parties involved in the war. Thus, everyone has come to know that Ukraine is waging a proxy war because the real war is between America and Russia, which avoid direct confrontation and prefer conflicts on neutral ground. I am not saying that Russia has the right to occupy Ukraine or that support should not be provided to Ukraine, but it is important to determine what each position is based on. And if Trump can end the war, do you expect him to accept concessions? Or that he will let Russia take what it wants? I doubt it.
Recently there was an alarming rumor that the US still wants to allow strikes on Russia, but only after the elections. And to be honest, I did not understand what this news means, because after the elections a new president will be elected with his own views and thoughts. And of course, no one can know who will be elected in the end. It is possible that if Trump is elected, he will put an end to this conflict altogether.
I think there were no intentions from the beginning to support Ukraine indefinitely. NATO wanted to benefit from Ukraine by involving it in a war with the Russian bear regardless of the results. That means either Ukraine wins and we defeat Russia with limited capabilities and minimal losses, or the war is financed to last as long as possible, which will certainly weaken Russia. We were sure of this when we saw the massive American support for the Netanyahu government in a war that was supposed to be much easier than the Ukrainian war. The volume of American aid to Israel exceeded the whole aid provided by all Western countries combined to Ukraine. Today, the best assistance that can be provided to Ukraine is to support peace negotiations efforts and save what can be saved from the lands seized by Russia. If the situation continues as it is, I would not be surprised if Russia could enter Kiev soon and annex all of Ukraine, or expand its military campaign to include other countries within the European Union. This is not at all unlikely, after several countries expressed their fears of the Russian invasion extending to areas outside Ukraine (Poland, for example).
Recently there was an alarming rumor that the US still wants to allow strikes on Russia, but only after the elections. And to be honest, I did not understand what this news means, because after the elections a new president will be elected with his own views and thoughts. And of course, no one can know who will be elected in the end. It is possible that if Trump is elected, he will put an end to this conflict altogether.
Perhaps the issue of relations with Russia is the biggest issue from which we can predict who will win the upcoming elections. Of course, Russia prefers Trump and there is no doubt that it will not hesitate to support him in all legitimate and illegitimate ways, but do American voters really want to end the war in Ukraine? Personally, I highly doubt that, and it has become clear to me since the beginning of the Ukrainian war that all American Democrats support their party in its hostility to Russia and its support for Ukraine, and that the Republicans agree with them on this. The only person who talks about peace with Ukraine is Trump. Trump, who no longer wants to talk much about relations with Russia and has begun to avoid delving into the subject deeply because he is perhaps aware of the sensitivity of the situation, especially with the increasing complexity of the conflict and the unwillingness of all parties to end it quickly. They all act based on their views, benefits and ratings. All American politicians are usually taught this when they are still studying in Washington. Trump is not just a politician, he is a talented trader who knows what it is to be broke, and at the same time was on top. I admit that this is why I respect him. So, he really seems to have closed his eyes to this issue a little. Apparently, he thinks that it is better to do it this way now. Everyone knows that Russia supports Trump, but no one has clear evidence of this, and therefore voters do not want to support any compromise solutions with Russia. They are hesitant about Trump. The issue of relations and dealings with Russia is one of the most important issues that a candidate must deal with and have a position on. As for Trump, he does not explicitly call for reconciliation with Russia, but in all his speeches he does not consider it an enemy. This is evidence that Trump does not refuse to deal with Russia, and fears that he will show readiness to make concessions on the Ukrainian file may include reducing support or even stopping support completely.
and Iran wants to protect its influence in the region and considers Israel a direct enemy because Israel threatens that influence
That's what the propaganda wants you to believe. The problem with Israel is its radical ideology called Zionism. The Zionists believe that anybody who is not a Zionist (a race that you can only be born into from your mother side) is an animal and has to be treated that way. (This is why they murder anybody including children so violently and without remorse). They also believe that the world population must not exceed 1 billion and they should cleanse the earth from non-Zionists which means murdering 7 out of every 8 human being on the planet and enslave the rest. What they call "Greater Israel" is eventually a global dominating power that rules the earth. This is the problem Iran and any other country in the world who knows what Zionism cult stands for has with Israel. Otherwise Iran as the oldest civilization on earth that has deep rooted cultural and ideological links in half the world has had "influence" for thousands of years and that influence doesn't need protection specially from something as insignificant as Israel that is a foreign and unwanted object injected into the world. Despite my supportive stance towards the resistance and my rejection of all Zionist practices, I cannot accept that Iran has hands clean. It is impossible to imagine that Iran defends the right and wants good for the people of the region. There is an Iranian expansionist project at the expense of the countries of the region, so we find it supporting any Shiite group and also providing them with weapons and money. Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq, or the Houthi group in Yemen, are all armed factions that obey Iran's orders and represent its arm extending across the entire region. The problem has become more complicated because these armed militias have evolved into parties and their projects have shifted from resistance only to winning power in their countries and they have become a basic element in the political scene and are partially responsible for the internal devastation in their countries. I believe that Iran has the right to aspire to expand like any other colonial power and to direct its policies to protect its interests, but I absolutely reject the logic that wants to portray it as an angel. Currently, Iran is the only power in the region that openly opposes Israel and the Arabs must unite with it in resisting the Zionist project. But this should not make us forget the Iranian project to extend Iran's influence over the region.
ما يدهشني في هذا الموقف هو ما ذكرته أنت أخي Kavelj22 أن الصراع تحول بين إسرائيل وإيران والعرب يقفون متفرجين وكأن الأمر لايعنيهم بل حتى أن الأردن يعلن أنه سيسقط أي طائرة أو صاروخ يمر من أراضيه تجاه الاحتلال الاسرائيلي فيما بقية العرب كلهم نائمون بدءا من سوريا التي لم تحرك ساكنا ولو بتصريح واحد وانتهاء بدول الخليج الذي يبدو وكأن هذا الصراع لا يعنيهم أبدا. المثير للسخرية والاشمئزاز في نفس الوقت أنه حين اغتالت اسرائيل السيد حسن بإلقاء مئات الأطنان من القنابل سارعت كل دول العالم وعلى رأسها الولايات المتحدة لتهنئة إسرائيل بإنجازها الكبير ودعمها المطلق بالدفاع المشروع عن نفسها وكذلك فعلت بقية الدول الأوربية، اليوم حين قامت إيران بإطلاق مئات الصواريخ انتقاما لمقتل اسماعيل هنية وحسن نصر الله هرعت كل دول العالم لمساندة إسرائيل والتعبير عن وقوفها إلى جانبها وإدانة إيران بسبب هجومها وكذلك ضمان حق إسرائيل المشروع في الرد على الاعتداء. هذا هو قانون الغابة بالرغم من موقفي الداعم للمقاومة و الرافض لكل ممارسات الصهيونية، فانني لا أستطيع تقبل نظافة يد ايران. يعني لا يمكن تخيل ان ايران تدافع عن الحق و تريد الخير لسكان المنطقة. هناك مشروع توسعي ايراني على حساب دول المنطقة لذلك نجدها تدعم أي جماعة شيعية و تزودها ايضا بالسلاح و الأموال. حزب الله في لبنان او قوات الحشد الشعبي في العراق او جماعة الحوثي في اليمن، جميعها فصائل مسلحة تأتمر بأمر ايران و تمثل ذراعها الممتدة على كامل المنطقة. المشكلة تعقدت أكثر لأن تلك الميليشيات المسلحة تطورت الى أحزاب و تحولت مشاريعها من المقاومة فقط الى الفوز بالسلطة في بلدانهم و اصبحوا عنصرا اساسيا في المشهد السياسي و مسؤولون جزئيا عن الخراب الداخلي في بلدانهم. أنا أرى أن لايران الحق أن تطمح للتمدد على حساب جيرانها كأي قوة استعمارية أخرى و ان توجه سياساتها لحماية مصالحها، لكن أرفض بالمطلق المنطق الذي يريد ان يصورها كملاك. حاليا، ايران هي القوة الوحيدة في المنطقة التي تعادي اسرائيل علنا و العرب عليهم ان يتحدوا معها في مقاومة المشروع الصهيوني. لكن هذا لا يجب ان ينسينا في المشروع الايراني لبسط نفوذ ايران على المنطقة.
~snip~ In fact, the values and culture of each society are different, and in the society you live in, there may be an opportunity to create a place for values naturally. The social culture of various European countries may be free sex in nature, which is why they have organized sex championships and are getting a lot of response. I believe the people of that country are more interested in this arrangement because it is different.
Having a sex champion in a country like Sweden, I think the organizers benefited a lot because there was something special about it. If you consider it from a religious point of view, no one will support it. So it can be really shameful for the responsible people of the society to participate in such competitions.
I think it is now pretty obvious that the whole thing was a joke... Someone probably thought that people are betting on anything, and they said maybe even a sex world cup would be lucrative because sex is so popular... And then place it in Sweden, which is where the stereotypical beautiful girls are portrayed... the perfect hook for most guys on the Internet. In any case, I think it would be popular if it was a thing... It may not be as popular as you expect because it is simply not likely that anyone will participate in this tournament, not even porn stars themselves. Imagine that every country trained prostitutes and then tested which of them is the most competent to send to the championship. This would undoubtedly be very shameful even in open countries that legalize prostitution. Although the subject is just a heavy joke, it raises a valid question about classifying sex as a sport. Sex is a physical activity no different from games. It is true that it is not reasonable to hold competitions, but is it permissible to classify it as a sport and why not?
Recently there was an alarming rumor that the US still wants to allow strikes on Russia, but only after the elections. And to be honest, I did not understand what this news means, because after the elections a new president will be elected with his own views and thoughts. And of course, no one can know who will be elected in the end. It is possible that if Trump is elected, he will put an end to this conflict altogether.
Perhaps the issue of relations with Russia is the biggest issue from which we can predict who will win the upcoming elections. Of course, Russia prefers Trump and there is no doubt that it will not hesitate to support him in all legitimate and illegitimate ways, but do American voters really want to end the war in Ukraine? Personally, I highly doubt that, and it has become clear to me since the beginning of the Ukrainian war that all American Democrats support their party in its hostility to Russia and its support for Ukraine, and that the Republicans agree with them on this. The only person who talks about peace with Ukraine is Trump. Trump, who no longer wants to talk much about relations with Russia and has begun to avoid delving into the subject deeply because he is perhaps aware of the sensitivity of the situation, especially with the increasing complexity of the conflict and the unwillingness of all parties to end it quickly.
Indeed, some casinos are successful and still exist today, as Op mentioned, but be aware that because of the many scammers and casinos that are arbitrary towards users, other people are hesitant if they find a casino without a license. I understand what OP means, but why should we go against the flow, right?
OP doesn't want to go against the flow as much as he tries to find an explanation for it. According to the comments on this thread, OP's question seems to be somewhat valid and many are wondering about the point of imposing licenses if the currency used is not recognized. The same logic can lead to the question of licensing authorities when you are in a country that does not legalize gambling activities and does not allow gambling service companies to operate locally. In general, the most logical answer seems to be that the authorities want to impose taxes on the activity and they will not be able to do so if the activity is not licensed. Licensing also provides a kind of legitimacy to the platform as users trust it in everything related to privacy and secure their deposits.
Do you mind sharing screenshots of the full conversation you had with the support team here, blurring out all sensitive information of course?
I can see that you already replied on their ANN thread here, so this should be taken as a scam accusation and should be made in that board with all relevant details.
In cases like this, users should not be allowed to register or deposit on the site if their region is restricted, if they are allowed to do this, then they should be able to withdraw from their account before it is locked.
- Jay -
Users shouldn't be allowed to register or deposit on any online casinos that restrict the users location, but the truth is some users always want to force their way in, can we blame the casino for that? Some users believe that they can't be caught, they have forget that they once use their device to visit the casino and that's why they get the non supported location message? The next thing they will do is find a VPN and use that to register. I am not saying that this is exactly what happened but majority of gambling are guilty of this habit, maybe OP don't even bother to read the terms of service who knows? OP I will wait for your proof first, drop screenshots just like others asked for and let's start from there. Assuming op's story is true, you are trying to defend chips.gg in the worst possible way. He was invited by a vip host, no one asked him to complete kyc, no mention of being from a banned country. There is no need for op to use a vpn or any other way to manipulate the system because he can simply change the platform without a headache. There is no justification for the rude way he was treated while contacting support because a compromise formula should have been found that would satisfy all parties, including at least allowing him to withdraw his deposit. The intentions cannot be ignored from the beginning because there is no justification for inviting users to other platforms without having the ability to provide support. You are lucky op that you did not lose a larger amount and that you came here to warn about the risks of dealing with chips.gg. I hope you reach a solution with the platform because it has not been involved in any suspicious activity before and seeks to establish a good reputation.
It is a smart idea from the developers of these projects to take advantage of the huge Telegram user base and require each participant to pay a few dollars to get the airdrop. But this is only on the assumption that the project is honest and will use the money it will get from the transfers in development and token support. But what we notice in most of these projects is that there are no ways to communicate with the developer team and they only publish updates on their official channels without interacting with the community group.
Also, this method should be clear in the roadmap, which should also be available with complete transparency. It can be said that the only guarantee on the basis of which we trust some projects a little is that they are supported by established trading platforms, which I have begun to doubt the feasibility of after I noticed that certain platforms always support many of these projects, such as the bitget and okx platforms. Some of the platforms were listed even before the official date of the airdrop. I am not saying that all these projects are useless, especially since some of them are supported by major platforms, but I am sure that most of them are fraudulent projects or attempts to succeed without sufficient experience. I follow the discussions in the Altcoins section and I notice how not everyone has a clear vision for these projects and no one is able to remove the ambiguity about them.
It is clear from all this that the Ton network provides a comfortable and easy development space to launch token projects in an easier and more effective way than other networks. It seems that we will witness a wave similar to the wave of ICO campaigns in the year
مما يعني غالبا ان الاشخاص الذين لم يقوموا بإجراء المعاملة التي تقدر ب 0.5 TON فلن يتحصلوا على أي عملات وهذا الامر غريب نوعا ما لاني لا اجد تفسيرا اكثر من استغلال فريق المشروع للاعبين وهل سوف نتحصل على عملات جيدة وسعر جيد؟ ام ان المشاريع الوحيدة الناجحة هي فقط Dogs و NOT ربما هكذا يتساءل البعض الاخر نفسي ودائما اريد ان اكون صريحة حول الامر رغم استفادتي من معظم هذه المشاريع والالعاب الجديدة، صرنا نلاحظ نمط جديد تعتمده المشاريع لكي تجمع اموال اكبر من اللاعبين دون اي شيء جديد او مفيد يذكر. اتمنى ان يشارك الاخرين وجهة نظرهم ،وهل ستقوم بدفع رسوم المعاملة للحصول على الايردروب مثلما فعلت انا؟
والله للأسف يا أخي يبدو أننا دخلنا في عصر ICO جديد بدل الطريقة القديمة التي كانت تعتمد على الشراء في مرحلة البيع الأولي أصبح هنا الآن طريقة بديلة للنصب والاحتيال وهي دفع رسوم 0.5 تون للحصول على الإيردروب، طبعا معظم المشاركين لن يمانعوا في دفع هذا المبلغ الذي يعتبر زهيد نوعا ما في مقابل الحصول على الإيردروب وأيضا في مقابل عدم ضياع جهدهم ووقتهم لمدة شهرين أو ثلاثة من خلال العمل على البوت. بالنسبة لي إذا كانت هناك أخبار موثوقة عن البوت وإدراجه على المنصات الموثوقة فلن امانع بدفع الرسوم لأنه على الغالب سيتم استعادتها من خلال الإيردروب أما إذا كنت غير متأكد فلن أدفع أي شيء، مع أن هناك تجربة سيئة بهذا الخصوص وهو بوت روكي رابيت الذي دفعنا له رسوم بقيمة 3$ وأعطانا عملات بقيمة 1.5$ بل حتى أن قيمتها الآن أقل من ذلك مع استمرار انخفاض سعر العملة. انها فكرة ذكية من مطوري هذه المشاريع أت يستفيدوا من قاعدة مستخدمي التلغرام العملاقة و ان يكون مطلوب من كل مشارك ان يدفع قيمة دولارات قليلة ليحصل على الايردروب. لكن هذا فقط على افتراض ان المشروع نزيه و سيستخدم الأموال التي سيحصل عليها من التحويلات في التطوير و دعم التوكن. لكن ما نلاحظه في أغلب هذه المشاريع أن ليس هناك طرق للتواصل مع فريق المطورين و هم فقط ينشرون التحديثات على قنواتهم الرسمية دون التفاعل مع المجموعة community و كذلك فان هذه الطريقة يجب ان تكون واضحة في خطة الطريق التي ايضا يجب ان تكون متاحة بكل شفافية. يمكن القول أن الضامن الوحيد الذي على أساسه نثق قليلا في بعض المشاريع هو أن تكون مدعومة من منصات تداول عريقة و هو ما أصبحت أشك في جدواه بعد أن لاحظت أن منصات معينة تكون دائما داعمة للعديد من هذه المشاريع مثل منصتي bitget و okx. البعض من المنصات قامت بالادراج حتى قبل موعد الرسمي للايردروب. أنا لا أقول أن كل هذه المشاريع لا فائدة منها خصوصا أن بعضها تدعمه منصات عظمى، لكني متأكد أن أغلبها مشاريع تحيل أو محاولات للنجاح دون خبرة كافية. أنا أتابع النقاشات في قسم Altcoins و ألاحظ كيف أن الجميع لا يملكون رؤية واضحة لهذه المشاريع و ليس هناك من هو قادر على ازاحة الغموض عنها. الواضح من كل هذا هو ان شبكة Ton توفر فضاء تطوير مريح و سهل لاطلاق مشاريع التوكن بطريقة أسهل و أنجع من الشبكات الأخرى. و يبدو أننا سنشهد موجة مثيلة بموجة حملات ICO سنة 2017-2018.