I am sure there is a demand for this but, this is not legal in any way! And bitcointalk.org does not support illegal sale/trade of such documents.
Please refrain from doing so.
It is not gambling but because of the privacy feature many people have decided to make profit from it by either gambling or even starting your own gambling site. Sadly we now see many bitcoins going into gambling which gives it a bad name by the legal authorities
Not only the world but us. Bitcoin helped a lot of people to have their basic needs even though they are jobless/unemployed, student, housewives etc. We are on a modern world; we are full of brand new technologies and gadgets and we found the helpful side job on the internet. Bitcoin is changing the world because it helps small people to be a big one. It helps people that wants to put up a business.
If a member leaves the sig campaign for another coin bounty .. will we still be paid for our contributions for the past severall weeks that we were using wepower sig?
We have to face some difficulties when we try to use crypto currencies instead of regular currency widely.We could find still more people being illiterate in most countries who are still unaware of digital transactions and they don't have a credit or debit card.The only thing they know is fiat currency.More over,internet has to be widely available to use crypto currencies.But the best feature about bitcoin is is decentralized nature due to which still governments struggle to gain control over it.People holding crypto currencies are their own banks and they are not in need of banks for transactions.
This will be a continuation of you official post. Choose bitcoin because it can change you from poor to rich person. Bitcoin has a big advantages on our local currency because we cannot earn profit on holding cause its price is not increase its value quickly unlike bitcoin it is increase its price so quickly.
You can invest into some other coins too, the altcoins, but you need to make some a bit study regarding the coin you gonna invest on. And also try to have a real investment outside, for sure you gonna make good money to that.
List updated. If I have missed your links, its probably because I overlooked them or they aren't authoritative enough yet. PM or comment if you think I should re-consider.
Lets make a comprehensive list of all the only LEGIT & USEFUL crypto-related websites. Everything from Exchanges to news and research related sites.
Updated List (includes suggestions from members below) ::
Favorite Exchanges :
Coinbase.com Binance.com Bittrex.com Localbitcoins.com Preev.com Hitbtc.com Poloniex.com Blockchain.info Coinbase.com Spectrocoin.com BitFinex.com Kraken.com coinexchange.io Livecoin.net Cryptopia.co.nz Etherdelta.com
Favorite News Sites:
Coindesk.com Cryptopanic.com Cointelegraph.com TheMerkle.com BTC-echo.de (For german users) en.bitcoin.it news.8btc.com
Favorite Discussion Sites:
Bitcointalk.org Reddit.com/r/bitcoin Reddit.com/r/cryptocurrency
Favorite Telegram Channels :
Favorite Research sites:
Coinmarketcap.com Coinwarz.com TokenMarket.net IcoCountdown.com CryptoCompare.com
Favorite Trading tools sites :
TradingView.com Coinigy.com
Favorite Youtube Channels:
SupoMan Ameer Rosic
Favorite E-commerce site: Purse.io
Corporate sites: Microsoft.com (to buy a software and product keys using btc)
Favorite Bounty Websites :
Favorite Airdrop Websites :
Favorite Gambling Websites :
Favorite Faucet Websites : (Pls leave a comment if they work for you)
Yannik.biz Freebitco.in bitfun.co/games bitlucky.io/ moonbit.co.in bonusbitcoin.co/faucet ethereum-faucet.org/ forumcoin.win/eth/ eth-faucet.net/ orumcoin.win/speedy-eth/ aalyafaucet.com/eth/ hotcoins.cf/eth/ freesatoshisfh.us/ether/ freebitcoin.win/eth/
You can post as many as you like.
Updated on 16-Oct-2017
I think bitcoin will lead the world of currencies forever, may be up the end of the world. Because the coming era is of digital currency and for me bitcoin is the number one choice. One other thing about bitcoin survival is that the price of one bitcoin was just a few hundred US dollars in 2009 and now in 2017 its price is round about 5000 US dollars. Why because of the trust of the people.
I am more interested in knowing why you (and some others like you) are always surprised about bitcoin price! i mean have you even looked at bitcoin supply, ever? there are about 16.5 million coins mined. they speculate about 1-1.5 million belongs to Satoshi. and there are lost coins for many different reasons. that is about 2.5 million gone. that leaves us with 14 million coins only. with all the recent media attention and the performance of bitcoin there is a lot more than 14 million people investing in bitcoin, even if every one buys 1 bitcoin, price goes to the moon. much more than $8000!
Simple economic rules can change the price of bitcoin.Mainly we know 2 economic tool that has been base of price change: Supply and demand. Supply icnreases and sellers are looking for higher prices to sell expensive bitcoin. It is not rocket science Smiley
No. I Don't Think Cryptocurrency Will Make Real Money Disappear. Maybe In The Future , In Next 100 Years But It Is Not Going To Happen Very Soon. Just Think That Real Money Are Used Since Year 500. Every Single Person Use Money Every Second/minute/hours Etc. It Is Going To Be Impossible To Make Real Money Disappear In A Few Years. Also A Lot Of People Don't Even Know What Is That GOOGLE. How Do You Expect Them To Use Something That They Never Heard About. I Do Think Real Money Can Be Replaced But Not Very Soon.
I don't think banks will ever disappear because a lot of people don't trust themselves, so they like to put their money into someone's hands under a contract, so they manage their money for them so if they screw up they can have someone to blame to but them, of course then when the government take their money and they can't do nothing about it they will complain.
Bitcoin holders are those people who set the price for Bitcoin and everybody know that. "Whales" are paying the biggest role here, cause of every their move affect price a lot. And if to talk about the price changing - I don't know how to predict it. Before I thought news and things that happening around crypto-currencies are making the price. But see, news from China dumped the price from 5000$ to 3000$ in September, but when South Korea followed this theme - the price become to grow! So there is no any stable way for prediction.
It's true I am saving bitcoin for my future children. I don't mind if there is risk in bitcoin for as long as I secure the future of my children soon. I need to save money because I like saving because I can't predict what would future bring. In order for me to feel better saving is the best way to complete the sense of satisfaction in life. My future children are important for me because they are my treasure same goes with bitcoin. As much as possible,I save bitcoin while opportunity is present and to use it for my future children.
Could it be, or not. One of the reasons that bitcoin exists is that in the future, humans need a secure, secure, self-governing economic security system, and what matters most is valuable. For that reason, I think bitcoin will still exist in the future.
However, the problem is bitcoin is still difficult to be accepted by the world. Many countries that have not yet legalized bitcoin, there are even countries that ban bitcoin. That's the reason why bitcoin ends one day.
I agree. What really drives me into Bitcoin is the freedom over your finances (your bitcoins). Like they say, the only one that you can truly trust is yourself and by Bitcoin we do not need anyone who holds our bitcoins like bank since we can be a bank of ourself as long as you control and store you keys safely then that's it.
Bitcoin wallets are very secure in different wallets onlines because we all that every wallet has it's own security seed and address that only knew about it's owner. Many wallets are very secured in a way that it has own authentications. But of course the dangerness of one's wallets is defend on the owner on how he handle his wallet.
I believe the Chinese government is trying to find a way to stop their citizens on money laundering from trading of bitcoins, I believe there might be a small group of wealthy Chinese citizens who are trying to evade paying taxes to the Chinese government and they are using bitcoins to send money overseas, that is one of the main reason for China to enforce tighter laws and regulations on bitcoin.